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LONGER VERSION: Queen and Adam Lambert Wroclaw Press Conference

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 5, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, July 05, 2012


Brian May, Roger Taylor and Adam Lambert held a Press Conference at the airport on landing at Wroclaw, Poland 4 July 2012, ahead of their Saturday concert on 7 July.


Anonymous said...

Yay, Adam, listen to the iconic legend Roger Taylor. Shaving your head is a bad idea.

Adam you are so smart and articulate you deserve a Honorary Doctorate. Can't get enough of Adam speaking and singing voice. His speaking voice is so soothing and his singing voice is heavenly.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE for NCOE here. Let’s push it, Glambert!

VOTE once every hour:

Can VOTE repeatedly here

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the few who can sound intelligent while looking hot. On top of which he has the respect of rock "royalty" who must be so delighted this boy can not only sing out of this world, but speak so precisely, concisely, and with a rare air of confidence and humility. Can these legends look any prouder of their protege? The love and respect they have for Adam as he speaks is so palpable, if they could they'd just hug the heck out of him for being so bright and awesome.

Anonymous said...

Ditto ditto ditto!

Anonymous said...

In any comments I have made about Adam on this site, I have always noted how articulate, intelligent, confident, and humble he is. He is one of the few individuals in the music business today who can put together more than one sentence without fumbling and mumbling through an interview. Brian and Roger are so proud of him and he speaks of them with such respect and honor. These concerts with Queen have brought me to their music which I really wasn't into before, but with Adam's performances and watching old vids of Freddie Mercury, I have become a fan. Can't wait to see any of the vids from the Poland concert when they are posted and the London concerts should be monumental. "Who Wants to Live Forever" has become my favorite song because Adam's peformance of it is just so amaaaazing, gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I still have not read anything or heard any entertainment story about Adam with Queen and the concerts he has done. All I see are stories about the Cruise/Holmes divorce and the next celeb who is having a baby. Do we have to wait until after the London concerts to get any publicity about the spectacular performances Adam is giving with Queen? Nothing being heard about Trespassing and NCOE either. I guess when Adam returns to the states he will continue with those mini concerts to promote the album, but will the performances with Queen help him in any way? It doesn't matter to me what he sings. He is just so brilliant vocally and I wish the listening audience out there could appreciate how truly talented he is.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about the Americans who ignore Adams talent. He is a global Superstar and no one can take that away from him anymore he!he!

End of discussion indeed!!!

Let's wait for the next appearance please:)))


Anonymous said...

6:39, I posted on another site something similar to your post. How ironic that Adam will return to the U.S. after these six epic performances and find the same sparse media coverage, the same relatively low radio play, the same fiercely loyal but relatively small fan base. Hopefully, the London shows WILL bring more visibility, but as you say, the Kiev and Moscow shows have been given little coverage in the U.S. Let's hope Adam will perform with Queen here in American sometime. Adam is creating an impressive resume by being able to perform with a legendary band and showing off his talent to the world. Sadly, America tends to put its fingers in its ears. I am an eternal optimist, though. God knows, he has some exciting stuff to talk about when he gets back. Hope the UK fans do some heavy Trespasing buying when he does those three London shows. He HAS made a bigger dent in the UK market than last time around.


Anonymous said...

chicken skin listening to the praise for Adam....such a proud and historic interview.
Brian & Roger are definitely down to earth and very talented...similar traits of Adam.
So proud and happy for all of them.

daydreamin said...

OT here are some sweet baby photos of I think someone we know?

I am secretly hoping Adam will perform with Queen on one of the award shows:) That would be EPIC!

Anonymous said...

For those of you on Facebook, click on to the "share" on this press conference pic and get it posted on your Facebook page for your friends to "experience" these men speaking. More exposure! Yay!

Anonymous said...

@DRG Glad you are an optimist as I am too. I think Adam will get the recognition he deserves. It won't be easy in the U.S.,but Adam never will give up and neither will his loving fans. In the end he will be iconic and I truly believe that. Watching these Queen videos,my mouth drops open in awe and respect!

Anonymous said...

@DRG Glad you are an optimist as I am too. I think Adam will get the recognition he deserves. It won't be easy in the U.S.,but Adam never will give up and neither will his loving fans. In the end he will be iconic and I truly believe that. Watching these Queen videos,my mouth drops open in awe and respect!

Anonymous said...

oops, how did that post twice,sorry.

Anonymous said...


from our gal, Lyndsey Parker
(found as a sub-headline on main yahoo page under an article on Carrie Underwood)


Adamluv said...

To continue with the lack of reporting here in the USA of these epic performances, even afterelton has failed to mention either the Kiev or the Moscow concerts. WTF??? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

whats wrong with elton john;forgot?to mention kieve and moscow concert? omg

funbunn40 said...

Adam has a gift for saying the right things at the right time. Seeing him between Brian and Roger more than holding his own was a proud moment. These men are such legends and accomplished musicians. It had to be more than a little intimidating and surreal for Adam. I think this collaboration with Queen will give him much needed credibility to those that haven't seen his diverse, natural talent. Adam is really making an impact in Europe. We just have to keep on supporting him in the US, keep his name out there and not get discouraged at lack of airplay and acceptance by the masses. He is steadily moving forward in spite of the obstacles before him. Like in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, "steady wins the race!" Adam is doing what he needs to do and doing it right.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a few posts on the Queenbert shows. The interview with Brian and Roger was stellar as we expected. Not saying any names but some of this Country's biggest pop stars come across as illiterate! Seriously, some make a real statement about ther lack of education or ability to put two coherent words together. Some even come across as stupid! Guess its alright to be dumb as mud but not gay!!!

Anonymous said...

We have to find a way to make his album no. 1 in UK. Does anyone know for sure if fans outside of UK purchase Trespassing from Amazon UK store will the sales of the album account for UK sales or not? If you heard anything from RCA could please let us all know. I am on board to help Adam make another no. 1 on UK charts. Please post if you know anything. Adam deserves all the best.

Anonymous said...

I ordered 3 Trespassing from Amazon UK. Also in a previous thread here, there was a post there from Glambrits asking donations to help push Trespassing to No.1 by gifting. It's just like what was done here.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam needs more support in the US. I felt the international Glam Nations out did all the US one's I travelled too. He has some incredible fans in the US but until the country gets over it's homophobic trama, will is deep rooted, he will be more successful. accepted and greatly loved worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Read all the news for the past few days here covered by most major publications:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=dbe2c21a0a39028f&biw=1024&bih=672

Anonymous said...

Read all the news for the past few days here covered by most major publications:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=dbe2c21a0a39028f&biw=1024&bih=672

Anonymous said...

ADAM is royaly himself now! He is SO commanding in everything he undertakes. After the Queen concerts life for Adam will change, and all for the positive, because there's no way he can go through these experiences and remain the same. AND so is the life of an iconic entertainer!

Anonymous said...

@10:38pm. So we donate to UK fans and the gift the album to us. Right? Do have any link for more info. Cause I want to help TSP make it to no. 1 in UK.

Anonymous said...

More HD vides of Moscow concert:

Anonymous said...

More HD vides of Moscow concert:

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:12 PM has nothing to do with Elton John.... Just thought I'd let you know...

daydreamin said...

OT, but FYI when Adam sang Donna Sommer's "Hot Stuff" at Summerthing in San Francisco, it apparently caught the attention of MTV! Also there are some backstage pics of Adam here as well:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Dunno if anyone's posted about this yet, but I'm popping real quick before I do anything else to show you guys this:

There may be a possibility of Queen setting up an HQ live stream and selling virtual tickets!

A fan contacted Queen with the idea through their website and they replied, forwarding it to Queen's handlers. They're currently looking into it and in the mean time they're asking us to show our interest.

This is a wonderful opportunity for those who can't make the London shows! It would be a fully supported, high quality, interactive livestream. They're collecting support at the link over there, so take a look & spread the word! It's a really great idea, and I'm sure we'd all love to see this. :) I know I'm all in for this--already left a comment.

Anyway, of to bed! It's 2:30 am where I am. Gotta catch up on videos tomorrow! Hope the link helps!

Anonymous said...

@9:12 PM
There's nothing wrong with Elton John. He's fabulous! As glitzylady said, has nothing to do with Elton John. It's just the name of the website.

daydreamin said...

It is so frustrating that Adam's performances with Queen aren't mentioned in the media. Maybe we need to start tweeting people.

OT but here is Gavin Degraw's mention of Adam's tweet and how excited he was to get it:

Gavin DeGraw Wants to "Link Up" with Adam Lambert, Will Judge Online Talent Search

Comments Off Share Article

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images via ABC
Back in May, Adam Lambert tweeted that he loved Gavin DeGraw's latest single, writing, "'Sweeter' is a jam! So good!" Gavin responded, "hey bro, thanks for the shout about 'SWEETER' love your singing!" Now, Gavin has invited Adam to collaborate with him.

In a tweet to Adam on Tuesday, Gavin wrote, "Love your song bro. Let's link up." Fans seemed to like the idea of the two working together; dozens retweeted Gavin's invitation, and one wrote, "This is a collab that must happen." So far no response from Adam, but he was in Moscow on Tuesday performing with Queen. On paper, it would probably be easy for Gavin and Adam to work together, considering they're both on the same record label.

Not long ago, Gavin told ABC News Radio that Adam's initial tweet to him was a thrill. "When I read that, I was like, 'Hey man, how cool are you, to actually reach out and give me a high five like that via Twitter?'" he said. "I thought it was just really big of him, you know, and it's really great when artists take that first step forward and share some compliments like that. It really means a lot."

Meanwhile in other Gavin news, he's been tapped to be a judge and mentor for an online talent show for kids under 15, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Kidz Star USA 2012 Talent Search gives kids the chance to win a recording contract with RCA. Aspiring contestants can upload 90-second audition videos to the KidzBop website, and ten finalists will be selected to appear on the talent show, which will run for 10 episodes starting in October. Gavin will help coach the contestants as they compete in various "musical challenges," and he'll also help select the winner.

Copyright 2012 ABC News Radio

Thursday, July 5, 2012 at 12:00PM Andrea Dresdale Permalink
in Adult Contemporary, CHR, Hot AC, Lite AC

Read On ABC News Radio:

glitzylady said...

Adam tweeted today:

Adam Lambert
“@lulushouts: @adamlambert new album Tresspasing got great review in the Daily Mail today😊” thanks Lulu!

Review of Trespassing in The Daily Mail UK via @66Shevph (picture)

Print Review:

"Next week he'll be screaming "Scaramouche" when he fronts Queen in London> But former American Idol Finalist Adam Lambert also has his own career. With help from Bruno Mars and Chic's Nile Rogers, he serves up a bracing blend of Pop and R&B."

Rating: 4 STARS: 4 ****


Anonymous said...

Just heard a longer snippet of Adam's Map! It's unbelievable!

I really like the effect Sauli has on Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going to see You dear Adam in my beautful native country of Poland in the great city of Wroclaw! I have been to 3 Adam Lambert concerts, two in England and one in Germany but it's so great to finally have in MY country! I'm sure Queen and Adam will kick ass tommorow!
Poland LOves Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing Adam needs to hookup with is "Trespassing Tour"
can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

American here outside London (yes, lucky enough to be going to shows in London). While the situation w/ radio is not what we would like, Adam is a global superstar w. far-reaching appeal across the globe. this is no small feat and we forget that if we focus on the USA> If you follow the UK news, adam was just in top 10 fan base along with ALL big names here in UK. On my UK TV you can purchase music to listen to -- and FYE is on the UK TV!! he has spread his music across the globe. TP looks to be going to do well in UK- will pick up a few CDs in London and do my part! plus want the bonus songs.

Anonymous said...

American here outside London (yes, lucky enough to be going to shows in London). While the situation w/ radio is not what we would like, Adam is a global superstar w. far-reaching appeal across the globe. this is no small feat and we forget that if we focus on the USA> If you follow the UK news, adam was just in top 10 fan base along with ALL big names here in UK. On my UK TV you can purchase music to listen to -- and FYE is on the UK TV!! he has spread his music across the globe. TP looks to be going to do well in UK- will pick up a few CDs in London and do my part! plus want the bonus songs.

Anonymous said...

American here outside London (yes, lucky enough to be going to shows in London). While the situation w/ radio is not what we would like, Adam is a global superstar w. far-reaching appeal across the globe. this is no small feat and we forget that if we focus on the USA> If you follow the UK news, adam was just in top 10 fan base along with ALL big names here in UK. On my UK TV you can purchase music to listen to -- and FYE is on the UK TV!! he has spread his music across the globe. TP looks to be going to do well in UK- will pick up a few CDs in London and do my part! plus want the bonus songs.

glitzylady said...

Listen to the longer snippet of Map here via Sound Cloud and @Eri9NZ

SOOO Beautiful!!

glitzylady said...

I posted a comment earlier about Adam's tweet today thanking Lulu (the UK singer) for congratulating him on his great review in the UK Daily Mirror. Unfortunately, my comment most likely went to the Spam File here (it happens sometimes!!) so it will eventually show up again here..In the meantime, here's a link to a picture of the review..short but sweet..

A quote from the review" He serves up a bracing blend of Pop and R&B"

4 out of 5 STARS!!! YAY!!!

Adam Lambert
“@lulushouts: @adamlambert new album Tresspasing got great review in the Daily Mail today😊” thanks Lulu!

Short review of TSP in Daily Mail .4/5 \0/ @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

The reason media isn't following Adam overseas is his low Q score (look up the wiki for definition).

Celebrities,etc. who have high Q scores are reported on ad nauseam like Tom Cruise (yuck). Adam does get mentioned a few times during the year but unless his Q score goes up, he'll never be followed by the media as attentively as celebrities who have wider recognition like Brad Pitt, Jolie, Cruise, etc. unless his score is raised higher to warrant media paying closer attention.

This is not new, it's always been that way.

The higher the Q, the more you get mentioned in the news and you get followed by entertainment media.

That's why they report on Justin Bieber (yuck)..because he has a high Q score.

There are tons of bands on tour and Queen+ Adam are just one of many to the US media and not earth shattering at the moment unless something out of the ordinary would happen to get their attention.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that Adam's public relations/publicity staff has not heavily promoted his Queen tours. They should be spreading the word and sending videos to all the gossip shows as well as lining up appearances on all the talk shows to discuss the amazing collaboration with Queen. WTK is going on with his PR people???

glitzylady said...

Tweets from Spike Edney of Queen today and previously re the Kiev, Moscow, and upcoming Wroclaw shows, and @AdamLambert:

Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
On Sunday, we're back to the UK to prepare for the Hammersmith shows and we're hoping to see many of you there!

Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Memorable moment: Moscow when fans with white gloves clapped their hands above their heads to Radio Gaga. Looked AMAZING from the stage!

Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Hundreds of thousands packed the square and streets of Kiev to watch the show and it was an incredible site to behold

Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
The Kiev and Moscow shows were phenomenal & the Russians were fanatical in their support. @adamlambert is doing a fantastic job.

Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Lunch with the mayor & heard the Polish press said Queen performing in Wroclaw is the most important cultural event since the Germans left!

16m Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Well, we're in Poland now having a well deserved couple of days off.

2 Jul Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Who Wants To Live Forever / A Kind Of Magic / These Are The Days Of Our Lives - Kiev, 30/06/2012
View video

2 Jul Spike Edney SAS Band ‏@SpikesSASBand
Don't Stop Me Now / Under Pressure / I Want It All - Kiev, 30/06/2012
View video!/SpikesSASBand

Anonymous said...

Gavin McGraw is an example of how more singers will eventually realize Adam is someone they want to connect with and perform with. Adam is slowly being recognized as the real thing. His cred is growing. His music is getting good reviews. He's getting international attention. Other singers will see that he is not just a nobody who is not worthy of their attention. It's happening slowly, people. As we all know, some of the most iconic singers and bands had a slow climb to the top, but are now revered at the best of the best. Adam's got a spot with them. Some people are a little wary of jumping on the Adam train too early. We, on the other hand, are on this ride for the long haul. I'm so happy for everything that happening now. I'm not angsting about sales or every little negative review comment. Following Adam is an enriching, enlightening experience. I've learned a lot!

And, y'know? The more he does (Queen, etc.) the more the Idol stigma will fade away. His resume will be full and rich.


glitzylady said...

I agree completely. As much as I feel frustrated that Adam isn't getting the airplay in the US that I'd (we'd) like to see, etc...YET..., this Queen association is fabulous for him. I have no doubt that he will eventually be one of the greats..and will have massive success and respect. Everything takes time. He is building a solid foundation on which to base his long-term career. Not a flash in the pan for sure...

Anonymous said...

Idols is a part of Adam's career. It was the start of his international career and that's why it is brought up so often in the interviews. I agree the media should stop talking about it so much, because it is no longer relevant. Also, the Glam Nation Tour is no longer relevant. It was just one tour and it has ended.

Anonymous said...

Adam having a tour with Brian and Roger is something special. It doesn't take anything away from Adam's own career.

Anonymous said...

OT I heard the longer version of Map snippet. Wow it is a beautiful song,could see this as a great single but won't be cause it's a U.K. bonus track.

Anonymous said...


I agree as well. I don't worry what's going on in US when it comes to ADAM's success which I am sure will happen because he is some talent that simply cannot be ignored! I know in my heart ADAM will reach the stratosphere of success, slowly but surely. His is of a different route from those at the top now. No one can take away from ADAM this QUEEN collaboration. Right now, he is already living his dream of being a ROCK STAR with the legends themselves! And for that dream to come true for him, I am overwhelmed for him as I am sure he is.

And yes, following ADAM gives me JOY in my heart everyday of my life which one cannot buy with money. ADAM has made me a better person and when one has something to look forward to every morning, that is a better life. I thank GOD for ADAM!

Anonymous said...


BRIAN MAY is asking to VOTE for Bohemian Rhapsody as Favorite Number One Single:

"ITV is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first ever UK singles chart with a new 3-part TV series The Nation's Favourite Number One Single.

From The Beatles and Beyonce to Blondie, Kylie and Queen… these are songs that cross class, race and age divides – songs that have united Britain from 1952-2012.

Episode 1, in which Fearne Cotton presents the first part counting down the results of the viewers' poll to find Britain's best-loved number one single is Sunday 8th July on ITV1 from 9:00pm to 10:30pm.

In the third programme to be shown next week ITV will reveal which song can truly be called our greatest number one ever.

It is no surprise to learn that among the songs contending for the No. 1 is Bohemian Rhapsody.

The last round of voting for the top ten begins this Friday 6th of July from 9am in which you can vote for your favourite Number One from the final Top Ten!

There can be little doubt Bohemian Rhapsody will be there among the last 10 finalists.

So, time to vote - and rally the troops.

Please encourage everyone you know to take part."

Click on:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not the best review but the reviewer has probably only heard the album once....

Anonymous said...

Absolutely no one can deny Adam has a great album out. Trespassing has only got good reviews. I think this will boost the record sales for Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

Adam would be interested in doing a movie. I'll be lining up to see it if he does!

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to really love some of the songs I didn't like at first listening in Trespassing. I'm also getting a bit bored to Kickin In, that was one of the songs I liked most at first listening. This is completely normal and happens with the other artists I like too. I usually end up preferring the songs that take more time to understand them.

Anonymous said...

Queen Official ‏@QueenWillRock
The 20% off 4th of July sale starts today in the US Queen webstore! Running through until Friday July 6th.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is important that new fans know that Adam was an Idol contesdant. They can go back and look at the history of adam from the begining. They can watch him preform on Idol. They can go back in time and watch him do the David Bowey medily. I love his singing and dancing on that tour. They can Know where he came from and his stuggles to get where he is today. NEW FAN

Anonymous said...

No matter how damp the atmosphere might be with American cultural scene's Q rating, that will soon pass, the heat of the Adam fire will catch. Remember, this is Adam's breakthrough milestone year, as some astute one noted numerologically that 1-29-1982 (Adam's birthday)adds up to 2012. The stars are aligned for his Destiny, and as Julius Caesar once declared, "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered), so has Adam spoken.

Anonymous said...

I quess what I meant by my Idol comment was this: Even though Idol is where Adam got his break (and he is forever grateful and says so often!), it also carries a stigma with many non-fans. They think any "talent show" is somehow a way to cheat or short-cut your career without "paying your dues." That's not true in Adam's case, of course, but some people believe it and belittle him for it. I would encourage anyone to watch the Idol performances to get a perspective on Adam's talent and his rise to prominence. BUT BUT BUT, I want the Idol thing to fade naturally into the background, always there but not a "label" of who he is. He's so much more. Idol does carry a stigma, whether we love the show or not. As Adam's list of accomplishments grows, the Idol thing will be an important but less talked-about detail. He's got so much more ahead of him. Kelly and Carrie aren't always referred to as Idol contestants, are they? I don't know. I don't really follow them. It's part of them, but no longer in the forefront.

Hey, found a link on Adam Lambert Fan Club site that has a GIF of Sauli waking up in bed. Whoa!!!!! Don't know who took the pic, but it's hot! Also has a still pic of him standing on a street, don't know where. Got some cute facial hair going. Can't wait for our two guys to get together again!


Anonymous said...

@9:08 A.M....New Fan? Welcome aboard all that is Adam...Beware, Adam is like a won't be able to get enough of him, he is addicting..but it's a high you won't want to come down from...( - :


Anonymous said...

Adam was the missing piece of the puzzle as far as QUEEN is concerned. He is bringing his own flare and putting a twist on the QUEEN classics for a new generation. I think the British audience will have a new respect for his talent after the London shows. He has been rubbing elbows with British Royalty along the way. QUEEN extravaganza should come to the states.

Anonymous said...

This Show Must Go On performance is utterly out of this world. Watch it here:

glitzylady said...

Yes, being on Idol carries a ridiculous stigma with it that for some reason leads some people to believe that those artists who come from Idol, The Voice, America's Got Talent, etc., etc., are not actually worthy of fame or success, because they took a "shortcut" to the top and didn't pay their dues, which as we know is CERTAINLY not true with Adam..How is that any different really, than for any other pop star. Some get discovered online, for heavens sake!! Most just get lucky. And some, well, I have absolutely no clue why they are successful. I think its fine that Adam is associated with Idol. The problem comes when people really don't know what he's done beyond what happened 3 years ago. So much, obviously..And what's worse, Idol contestants are sometimes dismissed as lazy. I know: how utterly stupid. But it's out there. There are those who put down anyone who has been on a reality show..because its a reality show. Adam says he owes so much to Idol, which is true. Its highly unlikely we would know him at all if it weren't for Idol.

I ran across this..." a poll that I vote in. I'm choosey about what polls I vote in. Some very homophobic remarks re Adam, along with some inane comments about "anyone in a reality show shouldn't be included in the poll" BS. I don't often get into those sort of conversations, but that was just a little too much to let go. So I had to make a few comments in the comment section. Its a Facebook related comment section so not signed on there as "glitzylady" but I didn't mind using my real name to combat the idiotic and hateful remarks made by some there. The Adam fans definitely took those ignorant few to task about their snide and homophobic remarks about Adam. This is the poll I'm referring to in case anyone wants to go there and vote for Adam, since its down to Adam and one other Idol contestant with a pretty big fanbase. Adam has won every pairing so far..And he's winning this one so far too.. Because he IS the winner!!!

Its the "HOT OR NOT" Poll here:

Anonymous said...

The biggest stars who were NOT on a competition show also had their "lucky break" from somewhere. They, too, were in the right place at the right time or met the right person. It happened to Bieber, Perry, Adele, Gaga, you make it. They all had that lucky break somewhere. Many talented people are never discovered at all. Idol and similar shows are nothing different than any other "break." Many "undeserved" performers also get that lucky break. That's why some really successful singers don't sing very well, don't have great personalities and aren't very smart. But they got LUCKY somehow, despite their inadequacies.

Idol isn't really a reality show like Big Brother or Survivor, etc. It's a mix of a talent/popularity contest. Talent gets its chance, but ultimately, the voters choose and sometimes, the most talented don't win. That's true in other ways that singers "make it." Many successful singers who were NOT on competition shows aren't very good either, but they sell big-time anyway. It's just luck and those unexplained factors of fate. Adam got his big break on Idol and has run with it hard and fast. Others from that show either wouldn't or couldn't take full advantage of that platform. I think Idol's popularity is waning a bit. Maybe the singing competition show as a genre is on its way out.

All this being said, there is simply no way that being on a competition show diminishes someone's worth as a potential star. Many have worked harder and longer than those who were never on such a show. Heck, Bieber posted videos from his basement for cryin' out loud. Got lucky. Good for him.

I don't know why the haters of competition shows think that the contestants are any less talented or worthy than those who are not on those shows. There is no logic to this thinking, but it's impossible to changed their minds.

I love that old saying, "Facts are weak things when faced with human sensibilities." In other words, people believe what they want to believe, regardless of the truth.


Anonymous said...

JB was discovered by Usher on YouTube. Gomez was discovered by Disney. Same with Aguilara and Cyrus. Rihanna was discovered by Jayz Ex. Producer. Elvis was on Ed Sullivan. Clarkson and Underwood and Adam were discovered on Idol. All great ones got their break by being discovered. There is nothing wrong with that. As Brian May said in the interview, you see the opportunity you grab it and you make a best of it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great examples of others who had their "lucky breaks." It makes no difference where the luck comes from: a TV show, a accidental meeting with the right person, etc. One is no less valid than another. Adam is NOT alone in being lucky enough to find a platform for his talent.


Anonymous said...

If it weren't for American Idol, we may never have heard of Adam Lambert. It was the platform that opened the door for him and his amazing vocal talent creating a very loyal and devoted fanbase. He might still have been singing minor roles in off Broadway productions of musicals or performing in small clubs in Hollywood for his friends. I also would have thought that his new management team would have publicized these concerts with Queen, but maybe they are waiting for the three from London. I believe that because Adam Lambert is articulate, intelligent, honest, confident and so very talented that he will have longevity in the music business years after so many of the performers you see today will be long gone. Doors and opportunities will open for him in other areas too because he is so creative and smart. Appearing with Queen just adds to his already impressive resume and takes nothing away from his solo career and the new album Trespassing. It's all good and getting better.

The Dark Side said...

I think the world isn't sure where Adam fits. He's heads above most singers, his style is throw back, yet his image is now. As all his fans know his place should and hopefully, will be at the head of the line when everything is counted. Adam is a superstar, whose light cannot be dimmed. Everything he does is press worthy, yet the US press makes an effort to shut him out. I was around when they did the same to Elvis...and we all know how that turned out.

Anonymous said...

@ Dark Side,

So we don't have to worry anymore dear right:)?

We just have to continue the love for him and it will be done anytime soon:)) indeed....


Anonymous said...

This is what I believe: Things happen for a reason.
The reason ADAM was not picked up by a record label before Idol is because of his sexuality. He himself said that: "No record label would sign a white theater dude who is gay."
There are reasons why someone else won the title on AI8. You can think of your own.
But I guess one of the reasons why ADAM has a dedicated intense passionate fan base is because of him not winning it, the injustice and unfairness of it all. It's why Glamberts run to the rescue every time something unfair is said about ADAM. We give all out support and we have his back. For this alone, ADAM is already a winner because we are known as fierce as fans can be and will always be there for him.
I for one am very grateful for Idol's platform? Why? Because it is that fateful finale that QUEEN was introduced to ADAM and saw his potential as a future frontman. I thank SIMON or the producers for that fateful collaboration.
I read that Dr. BRIAN and ROGER were pointed out to watch for this kid on Idol during the competition and why they agreed to be there for the finale. Just like how SLASH was also watching this kid and was blown away and so asked an Idol friend producer if he can watch live but instead was invited to mentor.
I just know everything is falling into it's place even this US airwaves not playing him now.
ADAM's time shall come.

Anonymous said...

As Adam's loyal fansbase, we are all hoping that Adam's time will come...sooner rather than later. He is the best vocal talent in music today and yet the recognition, appreciation and acceptance for him is just not there. He and Queen are receiving such accolades for those concerts in Europe, and yet not one word about them here in the states. All the entertainment news cares about is the Kardashians(ad nauseum), the Cruise/Holmes divorce and now Bieber's speeding incident. But when Adam was put in jail for that drinking non incident with Sauli in Finland, that was all over the news. Any bit of negativity will always win out over his vocal talent it seems. Even though Trespassing received such positive reviews, you don't even hear NCOE or any other song on the radio. For whatever reasons, the industry just seems to have it in for Adam and will not acknowledge what an amaaaaazing performer he is. This is frustrating and makes me angry, so I could image how Adam must feel. At least he is getting the praise, respect and love he deserves from these concerts with Queen.Thank you Brian and Roger for recognizing him and that spectacular voice.

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