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More HD Videos of Adam Lambert Performing with QUEEN in Moscow

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Who Wants To Live Forever

A Kind Of Magic

Under Pressure,

Somebody To Love

Dragon Attack

I Want To Break Free

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

The Show Must Go On

Another One Bites The Dust


Anonymous said...

God knows...God knows I Want To Break Free...I've fallen in love...This songs fits Adam the most; you can feel his love, the most here, than the other songs. But he did Bohemian Rhapsody very well, transiting smoothly from Freddie's singing on screen to himself continuing the song. At the last verse of the song, I even thought Freddie was singing but it was Adam...very good job there! Mastery/skill and a tender moment too. Sauli must be high on...This time is for reeaal... lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Should be... song; very strange, it always happens when Adam gets me! :)

Anonymous said...

HD Yay!

Newfie Duck said...

First I would like to say a HUGE thank you to whomever is in charge of this site because you are doing one terrific job - the best "go-to" site for anything and everything Adam-related, and with such speed and efficiency. You must know that, as fans and/or non-fans, we greatly appreciate and applaud your dedication and hard work. A shout out, also, to all who are able to contribute and share in any way for those of us who are unable to attend these concerts, etc. You certainly afford us the opportunity to be excited and feel that in some small way we too are participating from a distance and get caught up in the moments. BRAVO must go on!

Anonymous said...

Newfie Duck, I agree with you. I occasionally visit other Adam sites but this one is the best.

Another one bites the dust!! Adam is really enjoying it, wow. Is he bare foot here? Somehow he seems to move and dance sexier and more freely without the high heels on. I love his high heel boots, but I think they prevent him from dancing and making great moves, which he can for sure. I love to dance my self, but not in high heels, my knees scream for mercy.

Anonymous said...

Loving "Dragon Attack" more and more...

Anonymous said...

Just Brilliant!!!!

No more words!!!

Just tears of happiness for this amazing man indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

'Show Must Go On' and it bloody has with the genius of ADAM! Breathtaking, heart bursting, deep right into the soul! Total and utter brilliance! This is stuff of legends! Incredible concert!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to the person who took these great video's. Australia loves you.

Anonymous said...

Adam indicates in this video that he is going to get a sleeve tattoo ....

Anonymous said...

Adam talks about getting a sleeve tattoo in this Moscow interview:

Anonymous said...

I've tried to post twice but the posts are appearing. :-(

Anonymous said...

^P.S. I meant the posts AREN'T appearing.

Anonymous said...

Adam talks about getting a sleeve tattoo in this Moscow interview:

Anonymous said...

P.S. I mean he INDICATES he's going to get a sleeve tattoo.

Anonymous said...

It looks as though posts aren't being accepted at the moment if they have links in them.

Anonymous said...

How can I download some of these vids before they pull them....had no problem with Kiev downloasding

Anonymous said...

Click on the You Tube to download to your email or where ever.

Anonymous said...

warning to my family: daugther and grandkids,when I start obsessing over Adam today there are no apologies feels so good and Adam is so amazing on every performance..loving it

Anonymous said...

When Adam sings "Who Wants to Live Forever", I just get chills. It is such a passionate performance; just look at his face. This is definitely one of the high points of the concert. I was not a Queen fan back in the day, but after seeing Adam perform these songs, and watching some old vids of Freddie Mercury, I have become a convert. Most of these songs as ones we know, but there are several I had never heard and Adam is just mesmerizing to watch along with Brian and Roger. If it weren't for this blogsite, we would not be able to experience these special moments in music history.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great vids. I Want To Break Free was my fave this time.

Anonymous said...

I think JadellEJ has the best videos .. Thanks so much for sharing these with us.. fantastic show

Adam = Rock god

Anonymous said...

Another "fish mouth" photo (Moscow):

Anonymous said...

@ 5:39, May I quote you to my family? They think it is just me. I try to tell them there are many others like me. It's exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sooo sexy and happy when he sings...I Want To Break Free...God knows... What love does to a person, he sure feels free as a bird and Brian's guitar vibrato is superb. The Queen band plays in complete harmony; watched this almost 10 times today. That singlet of his, the chain and everything else so bouncy! :)

Anonymous said...

ANON 7:44-Adam spends valuable exhausting time to help bring Queen back to life, and YOU comment on his "fish mouth". He is a performer-LEAVE HIM ALONE! Or, better yet, send us a freakin' picture of your mouth thru the years and see how it feels to be under scrutiny from millions of people. He is brilliant and who cares about a freakin' "fish mouth" expression. Go watch Justin Bieber concerts!

Anonymous said...

Save these best videos at stoned192 youtube channel

Anonymous said...

8:01 AM
Chill! You protesteth too much.

Anonymous said...

What a difference from Kiev. Its like someone told him GO FOR IT ADAM!!! and he put all his past training and experience into every song. Your to theatrical my ass!

Anonymous said...

As far as all of these was made the person who concentred only on Adam this is a reason why we're saying that it was Adam show. Broadcast from Kiev was professionally done by few camera men

Anonymous said...

I'm back on my own computer in my own house with my electricity back on!!!! Yay! Adam was phenomenal in Moscow! Yes, he emoted and pranced all over the stage, but THAT'S ADAM!!!!! That's the Adam I love. If he is doing something Roger and Brian don't like, they'll let him know for sure. They are good friends now. It's Brian and Roger's show and Adam is their guest. He wants to please THEM as well as the audience. I thought he was spectacular and I think lots of people in the audience are now Adam fans, just like in Kiev. Now, on with the show in Poland!!!!


Anonymous said...

The difference between the Kiev and the Moscow concert is that the Kiev concert was a "Televised AIDS Benefit Concert" put on by Elton John.... I think that Queen has been in the music business long enough to know that a "Televised Benefit Concert" and one of their own concerts at their own venue, is going to be performed a bit differently.... I have no doubt in my mind that Queen new exactly how Adam was going to perform before he went on stage at the Moscow concert and the Kiev concert... No one will ever replace Freddie for them, but I know that Queen wants Adam to do what he does best and that is Singing and Entertaining us..No one can do that like Adam Lambert..


Anonymous said...

Anon 7:44-BTW, if you insist on talking mouth contortions, Roger Tayor has a pocket full of them. I have watched him for many years as he performs, and, boy, can he do some good ones. But, truthfully, this is the first time in all of the years I have watched Roger perform that I have ever ever commented on the subject. I just look at him as a brilliant musician and WHO CARES about his mouth contortions. These guys are "UNDER PRESSURE" each time they go on the stage to give us their best, and sometimes the best brings out strange facial and mouth contortions! Just relax and enjoy. For some reason, it seems to bother you. I would never want our Adam to lie in bed at night and think to himself, "God, please help me not to make my "fishy mouth" in London as I perform to thousands of people and make them very happy". Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Some people take themselves far too seriously.

Anonymous said...

I'm so addicted to all the Queen + Adam concert videos since Saturday. Can't get enough of watching them. HELP!!!!!!!

Queen please please please please have few shows in US. My heart is aching to go watch a live show. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!


Anonymous said...

This entire concert is worthy of soooo many awards!! Who Wants To Live Forever was a masterpiece! You can see the magic now between Adam and Queen - they are having sooo much fun up there !! Brian's guitar and Adam's voice goes right into the heavens!!

Adam's sheer presence explodes LOVE and JOY. The WORLD is marveling at Adam in all his glory.

This is Adam's time, his year!! He is catapulting to super stardom!!

Adam - your incredible tenacity for hard work and keeping your "eye on the prize" is so admirable.

Always be true to yourself and remain the humble, honest, incredible talent that you are.

We as your diehard "glambert" fans will ALWAYS have your back and be there for you forever and ever.


Anonymous said...

Adam performs with his entire body, face contortions and all and I love it.

Relax and enjoy!

And Happy July 4th to the USA!

Anonymous said...

I think a world Adam+Queen tour would be the go! It would be BEYOND EPIC!!!

Anonymous said...

I Want to Break Free melted me into a pool of tears. Good Lord, what an emotional trip I am now on as an Adam fan. His smile when he sang I've fallen in love -- that was it that was the line -- here comes the tears.

Then, "this time is for real". Yep. I just went down for the count.

Adam reaches into your heart and soul. EVERYTIME.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a world tour would be INCREDIBLE but Adam may want a Trespassing tour first. Both would be MIND-BLOWING!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Two concerts and about 350,000 people. That's pretty awesome. I'm sure Brian and Roger are very happy with this. Adam is not Freddie, but no one is expecting that. Adam too is a charismatic person and entertainer and this tour will make many fans happy.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....GEEZ some people are SO TOUCHY!
An amusing and accurate observation by a 3 year old child that Adam was making a fishy mouth like her goldfish has stirred up a fuss. He does look like a goldfish gulping air when he does that. So what? Maybe he is gulping air....I'd certainly be breathless if I were him. Or more probably it is a somewhat strange mannerism....again So What? He has a dozen strange mannerisms....So What?

We seem to find the oddest things to stir up fusses....and I've been so good not to mention his hair stylist is using the sheep shears on the sides and back of his head again!.....There...a new topic!

Anonymous said...

Yes, JAK, and I've been good not to mention this as well. I'm just enjoying the total package that is our Adam and he must do it his way. (But, sometimes I do wonder about his handlers.)

I'm still recovering from these two concerts and now bracing myself for the next.

Anonymous said...

I hope somebody recorded We Are The Champions full vrsion

Anonymous said...

like adam lambert fish mouth brilliant aso his elvis lips moves; and everything about him like his hair also a bet longer hair much better.rock n roll.

Anonymous said...

Tons of great videos are being uploaded by Russian fans. Check out the following link for updates:

Anne Marie said...

As great as these shows have been, Brian did say it was an experiment. Both to see Adam sing with them, would the diehard Freddy fans accept him, also can Brian and Roger hold up. remember they are both over sixty. Since Adam has his own music to promote, with a tour next year, it would be hard to fit Queen in also. I bet if RCA records has any say in this, he will do both, with fewer but larger tours of his own music.
I agree with you JAK that hair stylist better watch out, we not only have his back, but we also have his hair :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Sauli will meet up with Adam now. He is only less than a 2 hour flight away, and looks like Adam has a couple of days off, then off to UK, where he will also have some time off before the concert.

Anonymous said...

I also noticed ADAM's too short hair on the sides and back as soon as he got back to UK after SF. Could be that it was decided because he will not be back to his hairdresser for 2 weeks, after all his Queen concerts.
I prefer it longer a bit on the sides and back but with the same cut. I remember when he guested on The TALK, that was the best look I like for his hair, longer for more like a rocker look.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic but GREAT article: LOVE IT!!


WEDNESDAY, JUL 4, 2012 06:55 AM PDT
2012 mid-year musts: Yes, really
We're halfway through the year. If you're not up to date with the must-know movies, music, books and TV, we'll help


YES, REALLY (Because culture should be fun, take these things seriously)

LISTEN: Adam Lambert, “Trespassing.” Adam Lambert is one of the few pop stars with the chops to craft cohesive albums, not just indelible singles. “Trespassing” is a sleek collection encompassing retro-minded funk, slinky disco, hi-NRG techno, robo-pop and soulful ballads. More impressive is Lambert’s versatility: He’s such a talented vocalist, he can handle sensitive tunes and dance-floor jams without missing a beat. On the kaleidoscopic synth-pop surge “Broken English,” he channels a young Simon LeBon; on “Shady,” he pants, vamps and seduces over an inimitable liquid groove from Nile Rodgers. And the album’s glammy title track, which sounds like “Another One Bites the Dust” at Studio 54, more than validates his side gig as Queen’s lead singer. – Annie Zaleski

Anonymous said...


Thank you for putting some sanity back into these comments. People... I know it is hard to stay rational in Adamland but not EVERY comment, observation or opinion that differs from your own is meant to be derogatory. Lighten up people and stop attacking each other. JEEZ! These are EPIC performances and that all that really matters IMO. Everyone will have their own preferences and favorites... that's the way it's supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzy Lady. Nice article. Sounds just about right on point to me! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so overwhelmed with all these collaborations with QUEEN. I am so overjoyed for ADAM because it is a DREAM COME TRUE for him.

I remember during an interview of Amy Whallen, his father's partner now, she said that she had lunch with ADAM in LA (this was before Idol) and they were discussing about life and his plans.

She then went home to San Diego and told Eber that ADAM's career plan is to be a ROCK STAR. His father then blurted out, "What rock star? How will he be a rock star?" I guess Eber was just thinking he will still have to shell out money for his son's rent because he is not serious about a normal job. Hehe.

So for ADAM fronting the legendary QUEEN now is an answered prayer. He is living his dream. And for that it's why I am overwhelmed with joy for I know ADAM has been so blessed.

Anonymous said...

FYI, in Europe guys have shorter hair unless they are into heavy metal. Then they have really long hair. The hair that Adam had at the Talk is not in fashion at the moment. I like Adam's current hair style.

Adamluv said...

BTW - Adam to perform in San Antonio, Texas on July 26. I think at a fair??

Anonymous said...

JAK here....way past naptime...It's Adam's fault! I can't stop hunting up reviews in 3 different countries. Nuts! I know!
Before I toddle off to slumber I wanted to share this with you. Can't remember where I read it, I've been traveling a lot.

Anyway....A young man leaving the Moscow concert said "He is magical, he has magic around him and he shared that magic with me. I felt his magic!"

Awwwwwwww, that guys a Glambert and doesn't even know it! :))))))

Anonymous said...

@12:18 It is at Six Flags.

Anonymous said...

10:25.......HIs HANDERS? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

I've just watched the Moscow concert which I stopped myself last night from doing so after I read negative comments saying Queen might break contract with Adam. I went to bed worried. Well, I just know there's no reason to be. ADAM was fantastic and just being himself and enjoying to the utmost on that Olympic stage let loose.
The Crazy Little Thing was much better than Kiev as well as The Show Must Go On. He was channeling Elvis in Crazy. He is really having so much fun singing I Want To Break Free and a joy to watch. I want to see what he was doing during Dragon Attack! That song has such a sexy beat. And we all can see his chemistry with both Roger and Brian. I am happy now. Thank GOD!

SG said...

I can't stop watching the Moscow vids.The chemistry between the 3 of them is amazing.Roger&Brian are having a second youth!!and Adam is having a great experience living a dream!I'm sure they gonna do more than thouse 6 concert,someday.It's a win/win Queen situation!!;)

Anonymous said...

I like Adam any way he looks any way he holds his mouth I think he is amazing I focus on his talent I don't think any one can beat it his looks & him as a warm hearted person. He has it all the way he works the stage & we set here watch him sweat to make us happy & still find some fault with him. unbelievable Love Adam fan for ever

Anonymous said...

okay..gotta comment..I too think that Adam's hair is a bit too short on the sides and back...but, it is only hair and it will grow (if he will let it)...the facial expressions are just Adam getting into the music..he is gorgeous..and, I just got back from seeing "Magic Mike" and I thought of Adam and how he will love this movie with all the beefcake and crotch grabing and muscular young men..that is something that I have in common with to look at hot sexy men...and that is why I love to look at Adam..the hottest of them all...

Anonymous said...

I'm still recovering from watching the videos. I'm not getting NEAR any negative comments or reviews because they just want to make it sound like Brian and Roger are not happy with Adam, which obviously is not true. I just want to revel in everything ADAM always. I think he's gaining a whole new world of fans with these concerts. Even many of the doubters are coming around. I guess it's that crazy little thing called love.


Anonymous said...

He's the Adam we all love and know in Moscow. Dancing and jumping around. That's the Adam from his concert tour. This Moscow show was much better than Kiev. Now we are all wondering about Poland. I want to break free is my fav. He is happy with his love and it shows especially in this song when he smiles so much. We all love ya boy You go!!!

Anonymous said...

I have become Adam Lambert and Queen. These vids from both concerts in Kiev and Moscow are mesmerizing. Every chance I get, I am here at the computer watching them over again and finding a new favorite each time. Number one is still"Who Wants to Live Forever" but "Radio Gaga" and "I Want to be Free" rank right up there also along with the ones we are most familiar with hearing from Queen. There is such joy and happiness on Adam's face on that stage and I loved watching him move, dance around during the Moscow songs with his boots and jacket off. These concerts have to be iconic moments in music history and I hope we get them on a DVD in the future. Adam Lambert a few years back" made me want to listen to music again" and has added to that with an interest in Queen and Freddie Mercury that I really did not have before. These concerts were amazing and if anyone still thinks negatively and is critical of Adam Lambert, they should have their eyes and ears examined. Can't wait to see the vids from the concerts in London coming up soon.

Anonymous said...

And off to the next one - ADAM & Queen are already in Poland!

CHECK these happy pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see I am not the only Queenbert :) I went totally nuts after Saturday. I can't get enough of those videos, I have watched Kiev I don't even know how many times before Moscow came.. Have no words, it's just so wonderful :)


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do Brian and Roger look YOUNGER than a week ago????,grupa-queen-i-adam-lambert-sa-juz-we-wroclawiu,fot5-7-1368.html

Thank You, Adam Effin Lambert - YOU MAKE MY HEART SING!!!

Jadam NZ said...

Wow, that is the Adam we love isnt it? Bare feet to move freely, he is a little hippy, flower child at heart. I feel that he really enjoyed the Moscow gig, more relaxed tho I realize it was a different type of concert.
Surely there willbe a DVD released.
Now cant wait for the next show.

Magiclady said...

I cannot get enuff of these concerts! I love the fact that there are so many more people that
are getting to see what we have always seen and appreciated in our boy! As they should!

I'm with you,I want a DVD!

Anonymous said...

TY Godfathers

Anonymous said...

My husband ALWAYS has what I call a "kissy face". I never see him with that expression except when we fast dance and we've been dancing since we were teens some thirty years ago.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Adam's back! Oh, and I forgot to mention his front!!!

I love the rocker Adam, who I went crazy for on Idol. Loved the GNT too! And I just get silly over Trespassing. I guess I just love Adam Lambert, no matter what he is singing at the moment.

Looks to me like Roger and Brian are pretty happy with their decision as well. He ain't Freddie, but he's definitely my choice for a stand in any time, any place.

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of watching his stair move on Another One Bites The Dust video at 3:20 mark and his voice is out of this world.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam, you nailed it real tight on...Who Wants To Live Forever...sooo powerful; it happens when I'm touched or excited. No, this time is deliberate, lol! I've actually heard someone use...powderful; and had to control my internal laughter, lol! Okay, really really powerful there, Adam! Very beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

I am just still on a high from watching all the videos from Kiev and Moscow. Love all the interaction in Moscow and Adam was truly on fire! I can not even imagine how he must feel while performing with Queen. It gives me such joy to see Adam doing this. Of course I love watching him perform his own music but what an honor to sing with Queen. I hope so much they will do a show in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

On the video for Fat Bottom Girl, it seems Adam gets upset about seeing something in the crowd at 3:02 mark. Probably fans arguing or something. He says something but I can't figure out what he says. Has anyone noticed it?

BTW I saw a fan video of FBG in KYIV and Adam grabs his crutch but the T.V. camera didn't show it. The lyrics of this song is very sexual and I don't think Brian May was bothered by what Adam did cause he wrote this dirty song. Also, if you watch some of Freddie's live videos he did it too in a different way of using his half mic and his hand gesture. No big deal it is Rock 'N' Roll. Freedom of expression.

lorraine said...

Hey-I'm not the only one who feels I WANT TO BREAK FREE Is the best-my very favorite-especially from Kiev where Adam broke into that radiant smile "I've fallen in love.....
Also, I love it when Adam wears a dress jacket -his body seems even sexier to me! I'm no fashionista-I love everything Adam chooses to wear, but I must say those leather pants struttin down the catwalk in Moscow are way too big for his tushie----somebody get him some pants that fit. The whole world is watching him now!!!!Oh my goodness I love this man!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon July 4, 2012 3:38 PM

Thanks so much for posting the link to those amazing photos. <3

Anonymous said...

As much as I ADORE Adam and always will, I think I have a slight crush on Dr Brian - and he's more my vintage! :-D

Anonymous said...

I am a Queenbert! These lyrics and music combined with that amazing voice and performance ability. Now that's magic!! I feel so grateful to all of them; my heart is full. Now at least I have 2 days off before the next concert so I can catch up on laundry, etc.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:14 A.M........JAK here may have to fight me for Brian. I called "dibs" on him about 2 decades ago! Though he is a younger man in my case, whats 10 years or so? I love tall lanky Englishmen with oodles of brains and magic hands! <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Translation by Sroczka79:


Anonymous said...


I LOVE Adam in his jacket and flared leather pants too!! (Just like he wore at the Jimmey Kimmel show.) To me he looks irresistably deliscious like that. YUM!

Not that it matters at all what Adam wears (its all about the music and perfomance) I keep flashing back to interviews where Adam was talking about performing with Queen and he would often mention how he was "excited" to see what new cool outfit he would have to wear. Everything he has worn in the first 2 concerts have been old pieces. I wonder if we will see him in some new threads in London or if they decided to be practical about the whole thing. (Trivial topic I know but always curious.)

Anonymous said...

Lorreen, I've been thinking the same... (the clothes) Maybe there is something else to wear in London, because it's inside - these first three ones were outdoors => could be cold. Well, it didn't look like that when Adam was with his sleeveless shirt :))

I was told that there's no AC in Hammersmith Apollo. Jeez it's going to be hot up there :O


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Lorraine, not Lorreen :)


Anonymous said...

@ LN

That's Ok! I am anon 8:02. I was actually responding to lorraine's early post and forgot to put the @ in front of her name. Oops! It's all good though... just one big happy conversation. :)

Anonymous said...

One reason there is such resplendent dynamism to Adam's performance vs. other Queen frontmen's is how Adam engages Brian and Roger as they do their thing. Rather than treating them as instrumental backdrops, Adam, the consummate and generous performer that he is, shares with his stagemates the joy, exhiliration, poignancy of the songs, such that they too become exuberant souls, coming alive like we see them do, in the process, rejuvenating the songs for a new generation and making us new fans of rock gods who from here on may always be irrepressible.
When a young man came out of the concert, he was glowing about the magic he caught that was swirling about Adam. The same magic that transformed him was what Brian and Roger must have experienced with Adam on this world stage. They finally found a worthy performer with the magic to front their Queen songs. They now need search no more. atm