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RumorFix: Adam Lambert Wants "American Idol" Judging Gig

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adam Lambert says he hasn't been contacted about the American Idol judging gig, but would love it.


Anonymous said...

omg I think Nigel was just kidding when he said Charlie Sheen and Jerry Lewis. That's how rumors get started. I wonder how the Adam/Idol rumor got started? That I would love to be true.

daydreamin said...

Anon 11:04 I think he was just kidding too LOL.

A picture of a tired Neil and then a tweet from Eber:

15h Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux
Todays important UK lesson: those fat nickles are actually worth a buck sixty

daydreamin said...

And this tweet from Neil on his flight:

Neil ‏@negativeneil
Buttressed by 3 screaming babies. Wanting to channel full-throated Daniel Plainview right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam will make a spectacular AI judge; his out-the-box strategies and selections of contestants at auditions to the actual stage presentations etc. will lift AI out of its doldrums. Let's face it...the most memorable videos existing to this very day belong mostly to Adam. To name a few...the green-cone-laser WWFM, Aftermath, NCOE, I am still watching, Beth, We Are The Champions, Whole Lotta Love, Born To Be Wild, Mad World etc. So AI people, for the sake of saving AI from a, too little too late collapse, rope in Adam to breathe some new life, inject some urgently needed new blood into it. Forget about the negativity floating around; if AI does meet with its demise, you are on your own, these negative soothsayers won't be there to console you. :)

Jadam NZ said...

I have just had an exciting 30 mins reading all of Catzmadams twitters. She is from NZ I met her at Sydney GNT in Australia. She has been to Moscow and is now in UK.
She went to all the Australian GNT concerts and also to a couple in US. She must have unlimited funds and time.Anyway she is hopefully livestreaming from the Apollo if she can if you go to her twitter account (Google) Cherie Catzmadam. its quite interesting to read, you feel like you are there.

Anonymous said...

Must be some real fantastic benefits from ADAM wanting to do AI.

Anonymous said...

Benefits...yes....would like him rewarded for all his hard work.

Is it just me ...I notice since Adam was in Rolling Stone and has been upfront with himself ...a lot of people are not afraid to be "out'

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:55 it is not just you I have noticed the same thing..there have been several instances just this week ..I believe Adam has somehow made a diffence by being so upfront..just one of the many colors of the paintbox..

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:23 I don't know why but this makes me cry...such an outstanding and talented person and
because he has such a positive outlook on life he fills my heart and want everyone to know he's such a good person

glitzylady said...

This tweet from @GlamTravler who is in line for the Queen/Adam Lambert show today!!

Trish ‏@GlamTravler
Venue in London is filming for a DVD!

Trish ‏@GlamTravler
Security outside the Apollo just told us they are set to film for a DVD. Major recording Saturday, but they are set to film all the shows.


Anonymous said...

So excited there will be a DVD!!!I was hoping for one and will buy multiples as gifts. Everyone must see and hear Adam singing with Queen!!!

HK fan said...

Hi all,
just sitting here catching up, feeling all excited and a little bit nervous, due to leave for Hammersmith in just over an hour.

Met some lovely Adam fans at dinner last night, and brought my UK trespassing cd.

Anonymous said...

Wow a DVD, o.k., jumping up and down , jumping up and down...yes, yes, yes, so excited....Oh my gosh i can't wait..thank you, thank you , thank you..


tess4ADAM said...

Getting ready to go to the doctor for some recent test results & needed to be uplifted so here I am at dear old 24/7 and VOILA!! The news here is Wonderful ... a DVD of the QUEENBERT concerts ... can't wait to OWN one or more (if GOD wants) ... tears of Joy!! THANX 24/7 ... I knew I could count on you yet again for GOOD news!! ttyl fellow Glamberts .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

What a way to start the day! So hoping it's true about the DVD! Hope they make it available for sale all over the world! The Queenbert concerts are truly EPIC.......bringing such outstanding Queen music alive again with a performer as magnificent as Adam is almost overwhelming! Cannot wait for the vids to be posted tonite and perhaps if we're extremely lucky, Catzmadam will try live stream again.......please let it work!!!


Anonymous said...


DVD DVD DVD DVD!!!!!!!!!!!


Let's ROCK!!!!!


Anonymous said...

People keep saying that he will be replacing JLo, but a woman will get that spot. On the other hand, he has a very good chance of replacing Randy. Idol must know that Randy has become a liability to them now and are undoubtedly looking for a good replacement I would think. They could get no one better than Adam.

Anonymous said...

a DVD, I can't believe it!!!

Anne Marie said...

Someone from the Ukraine said that Queen with Adam was the best thing that has happened there, since the Germans left. LOL

Anonymous said...

Go to:
"On the meaning of Adam Lambert" website, they are showing a world clock converter and a possible live stream link..
Also live-blogging..


Anonymous said...

Crying like a baby right now! Just saw pics and some tweets of people who are attending the first QUEEN + Adam Lambert show at the Hammersmith Apollo. Bob Geldof is there! Eber, Leila and Sauli are there! Journalists are there! Fans old and new are there! They are filming for a DVD of all 3 shows there! I'm crying real, real tears...I am choked right now...I have been waiting for this for 3 years! I fucking LOVE Adam Lambert because he just made me cry like a baby and I LOVE it :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm wagging my empty DVD rack too! It needs a fill.
I'm also crying from... my old music. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would really really really be very very very happy seeing him on TV every week.

Anonymous said...

Live Stream not working for me, shit!!


Magiclady said...

I am at work right now and should not be here, but I am so excited about this concert! The news of his family being there makes me well up and a DVD!!! I was so hoping for one of Kiev, but this show may be even better!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I had to quit watching the live stream, the small blurry picture and constant stopping and starting was making my already aching head even worse.
He seems to be getting a nice welcome from the crowd.

Hope that DVD is a reality, these shows have really been a fantastic treat. What a perfect combination, Adam and Queen. I'm sure Eber, Leila, Neil and Sauli are grinning ear to ear.

Oh happy day!

Anonymous said...

It's over! Can't wait for vids.
Four down two to go, then will we get him back in USA? What an adventure he's had. Good show Adam!

Jadam NZ said...

Wow, that was great I only caught the last half hour of the livestream, it is a bit frustrating to watch but amazing to think it was happening right there on the other side of the world.
Read all the tweets from fans in the audience on "The Meaning of Adam Lambert" site that was entertaining.
So stoked about the DVD it does look like it is reality.

Anonymous said...

I' so grateful for the live stream even tho it kept stopping & starting so much of the time but it was better than nothing.

Adam was on fire! His vocals were spot on! He really connect s with the crowd and they seemed to enjoy him so much. I hope some of the die hard Freddie fans can appreciate Adam now and realize he's not trying to replace Freddie but honor him which was done beautifully IMO.


Anonymous said...

Wow... thanks to those for mentioning the live stream on "The Meaning of..." didn't know about that!

I did catch from 'Tie Your Mother Down'. Exciting to see live just to experience it and SEE an actual image... but shifty, not clear, and the sound wasn't great. I actually got scared for a second--- =0... the first time EVER I was horrified that I thought Adam Lambert the magnificent--- sounded gulp, omg... average!!!??? Be still my heart - it can't be!!! Looking forward to the videos to calm my frayed nerves!!

OMG a DVD, really ... holy ----, sign me up!!! That's awesome. I wish they had made one of the Kiev show, that was amazing, and so well shot, and crystal clear.

12:30 p,m, I got choked up just reading your post. =).. I feel your joy and pride and want SO much for Adam to bust through and get the recognition, fame and glory he deserves, in THIS country. Bob Geldoff was there??? GREAT!!! Does he still have the clout he used to when his name on anything was gold??

Back to the title thread. I would freakin' love it if Adam became an Idol judge... He'd be great, helpful and honest as a judge with encoruaging, constructive criticism, not syrupy foolishness.
Adam ruined that show for me... =) The last time it was great was when HE was on it... maybe he can save it.
*If I was Adam I'd take 2 million le$$ than whatever they offer but with the stipulation that HE performs once, and most of all... they FREAKIN
his awesome album!!

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of videos up now.

Anonymous said...

Where are the vidoes? I'm going NUTS! I can't seem to find them anywhere. This was the most frustrating work day ever not being able to livestream but did sneak in a look or three at some of the tweets.

Magiclady said...


Anonymous said...

@5:00PM if you are on twitter you can find some video right there. Just watch perfect quality Who Wants To Live Forever. Unfortunately I don't know how to copy the link on my IPad yet:(

donnaw said...

The 'tweet's are ALLLLLLLL amazing!!! Not ONE bad review......

Unless you want to pay any attention to that #1 dick:
Perez Hilton........

I'm soooooo proud of Adam!! I knew he'd knock everyone's socks off!!!!!!!

daydreamin said...

Here is one that may drive you crazy with all the flailing arms and hands, but they get some great glimpses of Adam "Don't Stop Me Now"

daydreamin said...

Dragon Attack

daydreamin said...

I Want To Break Free:

daydreamin said...

Another One Bites the Dust:

daydreamin said...

Bohemian Rhapsody:

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

Suz's video's coming through


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the videos all freeze for me about every five seconds. I wonder if this is happening to other people? I even tried watching them from other sites. I know it's not the fault of the poster. Hope we get some that don't freeze. I appreciate SO MUCH the people who have posted the videos. From what I could manage to see, Adam was amazing!! Love how Brian said, "If it wasn't for the amazing Adam Lambert, we wouldn't be here." WOW! I want to see that ending where Brian and Roger push him forward on the stage. Heard they'll be a DVD!! Hope so!


daydreamin said...

@DRG just pause the video you are watching and let it buffer for awhile then watch it. It should be much better the longer you let it buffer.

Who Wants to Live Forever:

daydreamin said...

Suz's "Somebody to Love"

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone for the links..just awesome, they freeze up on me too..but still able to see and hear Adam... He is rocking the house down..Can't wait for the DVD...My hopes are up now, please let there be a DVD of these concerts...AND a U.S. tour because if they tour, I am going to one of them..come hell or high water..


daydreamin said...

NKLovesAdam, come hell or high water I will find a way to see them too if they come here.

Suz's "Encore We Will Rock You We Are the Champions"

daydreamin said...

@HK Fan I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!! Hurry back and post please!

@Tess4ADAM, I hope things will be ok with your test results. I will "say a little prayer for you".

daydreamin said...

Priceless pic of Adam, Brian and Roger:

Anonymous said...


Daydreamin posted SUZ's video of it @7:02. Brian and Roger are so sweet to Adam at the end and he looks so happy! Brings tears to your eyes... really.

Anonymous said...

Adam just owns, "Who Wants to Live Forever"'s almost like it was written for just him to sing..

The cosmos were surely aligned when Queen and Adam came together..Freddie is just smiling down from above watching them..


Anonymous said...

@7:17..just watched the end, and yes I have tears in my eyes..our boy looks so was all meant to be..

Thank you Queen, we love you!!!


daydreamin said...

For anyone having problems with video's constantly stopping and starting all the time, and you don't want to wait all the time for them to load, I upgraded to a better internet connection (more $ of course) and am having much better results. I don't have to wait for the video's to load anymore unless you click on the higher video resolution (as high as 1080P) or there is a problem with high volume at peak times etc.

daydreamin said...

Don't Stop Me Now:

Anonymous said...

Wow the ending/encore is super emotional. I think I saw Brian wipe tears with both his hands at We Will Rock You and yea Brian pushed Adam to the front and Adam squatted in front, his show of respect to Brian and Roger. Very touching moment. Adam has become truly a part of Queen, a kind of baptism. Adam feels genuinely accepted by the audience; I feel that in his reactions to them and in his smile.

daydreamin said...

Under Pressure:

Fat Bottomed Girls:

Anonymous said...

Did you guys also notice the little "dance" back and forth Roger was doing with Adam at the end of the song? Too cute! :) I love these guys... they are really perfect together!

daydreamin said...

I Want it All:

daydreamin said...

Sweet pic of Adam at the beginning of the London show:

Anonymous said...

Just watched Suz526's vid of "Who wants to live forever" in London tonight. In awe once was everyone in the audience. At the end of the song, Brian pointed to Adam and said "THE INCREDIBLE ADAM LAMBERT"! And that he is. No one, no hater, no jealous person (hello Perez), nobody can now deny Adam's popularity worldwide!!! Comments I have read on twitter are ALL talking about "superb, amazing, incredible performance". And people in the UK are only now discovering what Adam Lambert can truly do on a stage and on a great album, his TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

Watched some videos that are up on Adamtopia and they are wonderful. Adam was amazing and thank the universe,Brian and Roger for letting these concerts happen!There is mention of a DVD of the concert. That would be perfect being able to watch the entire concert and feel how epic Adam is with Queen!I think he won over a lot of fans today!

Anonymous said...

Is this page stuck?

Anonymous said...

Just watched some of Suz526 vids from London. OMG! Adam is mesmering esp. when singing Who Wants to Live Forever which has become my favorite song from these concerts. He was borm to perform on a stage whether it is with Queen or as a solo artist. There is no one like him in the music business today...he is spectacular. And these vids are the next best thing to being there. I will watch them over and over and can't wait for a DVD to be released eventually of these concerts. This is certainly an iconic moment in music history and Adam should be so proud of his performances with Queen and kudos to Brian and Roger for making all this happen. I love Adam Lambert for all the happiness,excitement and satisfaction he has brought to every one of us who believed in him from day one of his appearance on Idol. Just look at the joy,the smile on Adam's face and you know he is exactly where he wants to be and shoud front of an audience that truly loves and accepts him unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

Hoping there will be some publicity here at home about the Queen and Adam concerts in London. They have to show at least part of one of the songs to let the tv audience hear what he is doing on stage. Maybe, just maybe, they will be able to do several concerts here before Adam gets back into promoting Trespassing. He is amaaaaaazing to watch and the joy on his face as he is singing just makes me smile and feel so good about being able to see these concert videos. Brian and Roger said that working with Adam has made them feel younger and I think I feel the same way too. I was not really a fan of Queen in the past, but certainly have become one now of their music and it is all because of Adam Lambert, the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched the videos because I need to read first public's reactions from different sites. And I have been crying because of happiness for all the positive tweets and posts I've been reading.

@7:30 and @8:28 reading your posts made me really cry! I'm so happy right now because it was a success and knowing Brian and Roger truly love ADAM.

Thank GOD for making it happen!
Thank You from the bottom of my heart.