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Adam Lambert Starts Following Mariah Carey on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 20, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 20, 2012

Is this a hint of something? Or is it just random? We'll find out soon! Apparently, American Idol will be revealing the next judge very soon.


Anonymous said...

this is rally too much stress for me, see you guys in a few days.

The Dark Side said...

Agree with Anon 7:53 it's getting too stressful for me also. WTH can't they just say yea or nay!

Anonymous said...

does or did Adam follow JLo or ST or Randy or Paula or any other judges on Idol? Maybe this is sort of a tradition him following AI judges since he was on it at one time.

Anonymous said...

This is really stressful,but why would he follow her except if he had the idol job. Why would he tease us like this and let us down. Adam knows our speculations from twitter. He is not mean in any way, so maybe giving us a good clue. Just can not wait till we truly hear something official. Seems like so many people are frustrated!

Anonymous said...

@8:10 I know for sure Adam followed Paula but that was because she would tweet him with great comments,maybe he followed Randy too, don't think JLO or Tyler.

Anonymous said...

if he was going to be a judge why would he follow her on twitter since he would be seeing her almost everyday?

Anonymous said...

Yea this sure is a very broad strong hint...Adam on the Twitter track with Mariah. No wonder my crystal-ball has not given up sparking about it and thinking it was out-of-order, sent it to the workshop...better get it back. I've always thought these two make a fine pair of judges; both high profile music personalities...and you do need Adam because so far, none of the judges has gone through the whole process from AI contestant to mentor. Yes AI, that's the right combination to pop that lock on ratings. :)

Anonymous said...

8:14 he wouldn't be with her every waking moment and alot happens on twitter and it happens fast so it would be a good idea to follow her.

Anonymous said...

Good golly...that job/stuff he was referring to is It! Okay, quite sure now, my crystal-ball is sending out a flare! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Well one thing is for sure. There is never a dull moment being an Adam fan!We really are on a crazy train and I for one am enjoying the ride wherever it takes us!

Anonymous said...

Well one thing is for sure. There is never a dull moment being an Adam fan!We really are on a crazy train and I for one am enjoying the ride wherever it takes us!

Anonymous said...

Sorry posted twice guess that's how the crazy train rolls lol!

Anonymous said...

Look...oh my goodness! Both my comments are showing the same time slot! Bingo! First time here. Adam is going to be an AI judge. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

There are two lady judges now.
That means there will be 4 judges because it has always been only one lady plus two male if there are three panel of judges.
Since we now have Mariah and Nicki, then two more male judges need to be named.
And Randy is not one of them, could be one is a country (Keith Urban) or a producer (Pharrell).
I leave out the other one male judge to all of you.

Anonymous said...

I might have misread it but I checked it several times, could have been a simultaneous printing of another comment. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Not a word on E!News about NM OR anything to do with Idol,period!

Anonymous said...

8:42 I don't think NM has actually been confimed yet. Kieth Urban is doing Australia's The Voice and the new rumor is Randy is still going to be a judge. Pharrell is still a strong possibility.

Anonymous said...

adam likes to keep us on our toes. stirring the pot.

Anonymous said...

Adam never ever is gonna be AI judge! He is best performer, singer, golden heart. However, he is gay and every person in this homophobic country knows about it! Adam put himself in this sh.... and seems that he happy about it. Everybody say "Oh, Adam Lambert, is this gay who kissed his boyfriend on the stage on AMA in during his tour's pervormances"? Oh. yeh, he rouned Lday GaGa birthday!he was arrested in Finland with one of his boyfriends! This kind of person never ever will appear in big shows! We don't want him! We have to protect our babies and teenagels from this terrible person!" Hello, this is HOMOPHOBIC country! you have to remember about it forever! Even Russia the most homophobic country on the wourld, loves Adam and put his songs and videos on charts!
Adam never will perfrom on big shows. He will present but never perform!

Anonymous said...

Polly Gillespie Talking to ADAM LAMBERT on Thursday.

"I know this is so weird and stalky...but I feel like he's my BFFL. Do you feel that way about any celeb? [Don't leave me alone here in my crazy fan girl state!!]"

Anonymous said...

Since Idol is for 2 hours, they should have Adam and Pharrell as next added judges. I'll watch the show if they have Adam on the show. Otherwise, I'll check out Michael Slezak's blog for Idol update. That's what I did after AIS8 when Adam was on it. Read about it in few minutes.

Anonymous said...

Do Something Awards were taped yesterday.

Broadcast on VH1 at 9 EST on 21/08/2012

Anonymous said...

@ 9+18


Anonymous said...

Oh!"I'm so happy about this! Adam follows Mariah on twitter!" So, what? What is going on with you, ladies?
Adam bleached his hear! Adam Got new tattoo! Adam perform in Japan! So, what? Does anybody care?
However,when did we hear or read these comments last time: "Adam got award(finally, doesn't, matter wich one)! Adam performes on AMA, GRAMMY,GLAADS, whatever! Adam's single, album, or Adam by himself was nominated for any big awards!" I don't think you will read or hear about these stuff. Adam dead for US. And he never will get any support from US fans. Okay, he wil get support from 10,000 or 15,000 US fans!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch E News. But I saw the news about Nicki confirmed as one of the judges on Idol in one of those news shows. It was the topic of live news with two anchors talking about it here in Toronto. It is confirmed.

Anonymous said...

@9:34 Please SHUT UP!

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaje is next AI judge!Why they didn't invited GaGa or troll JB? Just because, they can't afford them! Or, I forgot, GaGa is smart and can talk on public! We don't need smart and fun on AI!Also, Kardashians would be very good judges!

Anonymous said...

I guess 9;18 wants a reply so here it is.Where have you been the last couple years Adam has performed on Kimmel live,Leno,american idol more than once Ellen more than once plus others so where do you get your information.

Anonymous said...

The @9:40 comment was meant for the 1st @9:34 comment posted

Anonymous said...


Don't bring us down with you.
Give it time and don't give a verdict of a death sentence.
A life sentence has such a thing as pardon or parole.
ADAM has been on the scene only for 3 years.
And in that time, inspite of the all the "scandals" you mentioned, he has his share of success and triumphs.
ADAM is phenomenal and he can't be ignored especially he is humble and with a good heart.
You simply cannot put a good thing down, more so someone who is iNCREDIBLE in all ways as ADAM!

donnaw said...

9.18 and i assume 9.24......(since your VERY poor English is so similar) WTF is your problem?

Go AWAY.......why are you reading this site? You obviously don't like Adam.......this site is for those of us who LOVE him and enjoy following his blazing career.....

Anonymous said...

Another QUEEN + ADAM Review

Anonymous said...

Adam sure is getting all of us going "COOKUUUUUUUUUU " :):):)

donnaw said...

This is driving me CRAZYYYYYYYY!

Anonymous said...

Nick Jonas’ Possible ‘American Idol’ Gig May Display His ‘Dry Humor’

“Well rumors are true; he’s being considered for a judge and if he was to be a judge on that show, he would an incredible job,” the eldest JoBro, Kevin, shared with MTV News about his baby brother. “And I really hope he gets the job. And I hope they choose Nick.” “I think he would bring insight to it, unlike a lot of people. At his age, he’s been able to accomplish so much and be able to do so many kinds of things, whether it was Broadway, whether it was like pop music, whether it was producing for other artists. Like he’s done it mostly all, so I think he can have his feet planted on the ground to be a good judge.”

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Yes probably right...a couple of people saying it won't happen, regarding Adam as AI judge; let's not forget the world is the market for this AI programme and the amount of spin-off businesses it generates from countries buying these AI shows is enormous and very lucrative money-making for the producers/entrepreneurs, who know the world loves Adam. That might be an overriding factor to the biases against Adam. It's all about how much money can be made from these shows; prejudices may have to take a backseat in this particular case; which exactly plays into Adam's hands. Adam will go far, very far even if he eventually doesn't land this AI job. No worries, simply because very few realistically can compete with him in the music/fashion arena. And then people's minds will open slowly but surely. :)

Anonymous said...

kiss95fm played WDWFM today on springfield illinois station.That is really cool because I have requested Adam before & I was told that they only play the top artist & he was not/ well now he is.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this is a dead issue now, but thought I'd attach this link just in case. The video is of Madonna's "Justify My Love", which appears to be filmed in the exact same hallway as Adam tweeted his pic. So, THAT'S the point he was trying to make!

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj Curses Out Fans, THR (Best Idol Judge EVER)
From another site (see how cray cray Nicki is):

“In a flurry of tweets this morning, Nicki called out the fans who criticized her for cancelling her weekend gigs in the UK.

“I am so thankful to my true fans who understand WHY I couldn’t play #VFestival & WHY I can’t play Dublin. Absolutely gutted. However, if u have anything negative to say to me, please #EatShitAndDie – I am human.”

“I was in jeopardy of losing my voice entirely and needing surgery on my vocal chord. If u can’t understand that, your mother’s a WHORE!!!! I will NOT let you people make me feel horrible for a f*cking HEALTH issue! That’s what got me in this mess! I shldve listened 2 the doctor!”

“Like people are hitting me telling me I shldve mimed. No! Then you woulda made a fucking STORY out of that too! #killyafuckingself”

“All you do is rip people apart and when they’re dead & gone u won’t lose a wink of sleep. #goF*ckYourselves“

Really, you need to read Nicki’s entire feed. She’s still tweeting! She be CRAY CRAY.”

Anonymous said...

I wish this site started having people to login cause too many weird so called fans write craps that they don't know any about.

24/7 please it's about time to get rid of Anonymous and have people to login. BTW the Admin. of this site is Anonymous as well. Has anyone met this site's admin.?

Anonymous said...

10;23 maybe that is NM humor and the fans get it. Now she sounds like she would be a hoot on Idol, Adam first though.

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj Set to Join American Idol as Judge (Report)

US Weekly is reporting that Nicki Minaj is definitely joining the American Idol judges panel:

Nicki Minaj — and her multiple personas — will be joining Mariah Carey at the judges’ table on American Idol, two sources confirm to Us Weekly exclusively.

“I’m not sure the deal is completely done yet, but yes, she is definitely doing it,” one insider reveals. “A few more slight things to sign off on but it is happening.”

A second source says the “Super Bass” rapper, 29, is “100% confirmed to judge American Idol.” Reps for FOX and Minaj had no comment when contacted by Us.

Anonymous said...

I heard the Nicki m. Thing on entertainment tonight that it was Supose to be from some other source, not sure what NM 100 confirmed not sure what sourse talking about, just heard it! Adam Lambwrt is a world wide sear! KIling u the above nasty person about Afam that he doing so well! He performed in Japan, he was on tv in Japan! He no. 1 last week both single and album in Japan! He will be on tv shows when he gets back! And he on a major young people show pretty little liars! Just a few of what he done so get lost! Go follow one of your idols who had done nothing. He obviously is doing better than someone u like or u would not bother to trash him! Sue smith ist name my actual real name!!

Anonymous said...

That was Adam is a world wife star and he will get bigger here! There are plenty of judges that are not great exsamples, like Britney, jlo, Steven Tyler, just about every body on c factor! Adam got better stuff in store for him! Screw idol! That everybody on x factor not c! Sue

HK fan said...

@anon 8.10pm
Yes he follows other judges,
Paula for a long time, then Kara, then steven T, Simon, and fairly recently Jlo.
You can see who he follows by looking on his twitter page, click on follows and it brings up the full list, in the order he started following them, bewest at the top.
Lots of famous names on ther.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! Folks,



and ROLL!!!!!



Anonymous said...

thanks HK fan this is just his normal to follow Idol people and we are spazzing out. lol

Anonymous said...

there is an article this a.m. in which Adam says that he has talked to AI people, is being considered, and is just waiting for the "green light"..have you guys seen it?? If I didn't have arthritis in fingers and toes, I'd have everything crossed right now...(mild arthritis thankfully)

Anonymous said...

Adam is not going to be a judge on AI, what part of that can't you guys understand. I would love to eat crow too.

Anonymous said...

I just wish they would announce who it's going to be-so the dust can settle and we would not be wondering any more. Could it possibly be any more anticipatory?

Anonymous said...

OMG Guys Adam revealed he is being considered for Idol in an Australian interview. Shoshanna tweeted the link and then said that Glamberts haven't trended anything lately. #AdamOnIdol


Anonymous said...


If there is an article that has Adam saying that, what is the link? Where did it come from?

Anonymous said...

Gee, judging from Nicki's lengthy tweet, she sure is a class act. NOT!

Adam seems to be back in the running for AI. Who'd of thought? He's probably known a lot more about this then he's let out. There's always hope!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add: Nicki has vocal chord problems and needs surgery. Notice how Adam virtually never has vocal chord issues, and his vocal strain problems are vary rare. He has a professionally trained voice andhe knows HOW to sing to take care of that voice. Many other rock and pop singers don't have a clue about using their voices properly. Adam knows how to do this.


Anonymous said...

Nicki has to strain her voice when she sings, well that's because she can't sing. She can only sing when its with that auto tuned crap..

Anonymous said...


There ya go.

Anonymous said...

For those whose teeth are set on edge by 'you know' being thrown in constantly in conversation...Justin Beiber was on The View this a.m. I counted 23 'You Knows' in a 7 minute interview!

Just so you know! lol

Anonymous said...

God, they've got to get sick of having to talk to the Biebs.

Adam's photos are stunning.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:00 am

Wrong link.

Anonymous said...

No it isnt. I copied and pasted it and it took me right to the interview. Which was great by the way. I wondered why Jesse J did the Olympic closing instead of Adam. It didnt make sense to shut him out. Now I know why.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that Mariah would stand for another female judge. I won't believe this new rumor till I see Seacrest announce it. I know nothing about Nicki M. only saw her once for about 2 minutes that was enough. Is Idol trying to sink the ship?

Anonymous said...

@ 4:54 pm NOW you know why! It was stated over and over on this blog that Jessie J had been booked long ago because she was BRITISH!