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Adam Lambert's Interview on THE MORNING SHOW in Australia, Sydney (8/23/2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 23, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adam chats about his rise to fame, reinventing his look and meets his biggest Aussie fan.



daydreamin said...

Love this fun interview. And we LOVE it when Adam turns around and acknowledges us fans! Adam and another fan this morning:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful news all over, and hurry to read all of them : ) M

Fan stuff from Finland if you have time..

daydreamin said...

EXCELLENT fan video of Adam singing "Shady" at Take40 Live Lounge:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links!
But please don't forget to vote for the GREATEST ARTIST of Today since ADAM didn't win the Do Something Award.
Let's give it to him this time.

Anonymous said...

very good interview and exposure on that program. I just watched that boys video and it was great.Makes me love IIHY all over again.

Anonymous said...

Another good interview. We Aussie Glamberts LOVE LOVE LOVE Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Finnish tv-commercial tells how famous Adam and Sauli are in Finland and how big is their fandom, imo

daydreamin said...

A lucky fan getting a hug:

daydreamin said...

Adam on The Dirt:

daydreamin said...

Anonymous said...

Apparently Adam is signing autographs at a very well-known music store (Australia-wide) in Melbourne on Sunday. Lucky, lucky Melburnians!!

Anonymous said...

I hope he changes his hair back soon. I love his previous looks. Definitely not this one. It looks too old. His beautiful face allows him to pull it off somewhat successfully. Hoping....

Anonymous said...

Adam looking gorgeous and happy.

Anonymous said...

He just makes me smile! What a delightful person he is. And I love the way countries other than the U.S. pick some of the best excerpts from his performances.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited, just found out Adam is in Melbourne and I'll be lining up to see him on Sunday for the signing, I can't wait!! I first saw Adam perform live in LA on holiday at the Jimmy Kimmel show and was blown away, so this will be a full circle moment for me to have a chance to say hi and thank him.

Anonymous said...

Adam just oozes CLASS. Love how he interacted with the boy. Adam is so natural and comfortable. Are you listening, AI?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert sings and sings and sings and NEVER, ever seems to be tired or out of breath like other singers. He's really amazing all the way.

Anonymous said...

Adam you can definitely dance! Would love to see him dance more when he tours.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think Adam is extremely modest about his dancing ability. He is very well co-ordinated and nimble on his feet (boots!). :D

Anonymous said...

I agree Adam has some great dance moves especially when dancing with his mike stand lol!Great interview.

Anonymous said...

Yes, ADAM is very modest and I believe he has loads of talents. I watched his moves when he was on Zodiac shows on You Tube. I can't even believe it's him.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam is going to snap at Finnish media because of that commercial, perhaps somewhat indirectly and on twitter, of course.

Anonymous said...

OT, but the couple that went in between Adam and Sauli, when they were fighting, are getting married tomorrow in Finland.

Rebecca said...

another great interview

Anonymous said...

Nico is getting married tomorrow and Sauli is not going to be there?? That's strange. I thought they were best friends??

Anonymous said...

I kind of hope that Sauli was going, now that Adam is in OZ, but I suppose it is too much of a celeb wedding with media involved, and Sauli must now keep a low profile. I see nothing wrong with Sauli going to a celeb wedding, if they are his friends. Besides, they haven't said anything bad about Adam.

Anonymous said...

correction: tabloids involved


Anonymous said...

I guess Sauli has to be friends with Tommy now. :/

Anonymous said...

3:43 arent you the passive/aggressive one

Anonymous said...

Some years ago when Sauli was in Fear Factor he was locked in a box with big snakes in it and he had to get the locks open. I'd like to see Tommy do that.

Anonymous said...

@4:39PM I'm the one who hates Adommy. It isn't quite dead yet..

daydreamin said...

Anon 5:48 I am so happy for you! Make sure you come back and tell us all about it!

Anonymous said...

5:48 some people have all the luck. I would love to hear all the interesting things Adamluv has done too.

Anonymous said...

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