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Another Picture of Adam Lambert with a fan in Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 20, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 20, 2012


Anonymous said...

Wow, prettier than most women.

HK fan said...

adam with 2 fans:)

Anonymous said...

What? Good for her she got Adam to show those eyes!!!

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
LOL!!! : ))

Adamluv said...

@HK - I agree, good one! Does anyone else think Adam has the.most.beautiful.nose.evar? . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Adamluv I think he has the best nose eyes hair lips brain clothes ears brain did I say brain? Etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

I want to see Adam do fan dance. You know like back in old days. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Thank god sweet fans over on this one, I am really tired of non Adam fans are other peoples jealous of Adam fans, ruining every bodies joy of Adam! Do not care if he gets Idol I LOve him and thank goodness for nice fans on this one! Why do mean people have to try to bring people down! he did great in Japan and Jspan is a big deal in the music biz. Sonic festival was big time for Adam, bIg deal Rhianna was there! Anyway thank for being nice fans! All the mean ones stay on your fan site! I feel big things for Adam probably not idol but something good! Sue

Anonymous said...

Just this minute heard abc news NM sure to be signed how hugely popular and talented she is! Do not agree talented! They also said they still have to get third judge! Because Randy Jackson will be in different capacity! They named different people they have talked about Pharell Williams, Miley C., Adsm Lambert have been talked about mentioned so at least they still mentioned Adam Lambert! Seems she is being signed but still need one more! randy will be in different capacity! That was abc news! Just reporting what I heard abc news early morning! Bad back hard time sleeping! Obviously! Least I caught this! Sue again!

Anonymous said...

I think Japan promo tour is always a highlight. Also UK promo tour and Queen + Adam were my fave.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to mention Idol again it is getting very old, but bet hey need 2 more cause if randy not judge do not think two women and one man! Oh who knows but sure next be a man! Whoever that is!

SG said...

I love the face of "the other fan" laughing (...) ass off!!LOL!

As always Adam is kind and funny with his fans.

@daydreamin How could YOU forget the LONG LONGS!!LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Adam can fan me any day/night!!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

That black/white picture of Adam along the corridor is Adam alright. Today's picture with a fan just below the nose is the answer. Yea you all got it right, lol! The nostrils and the flesh between them are identical in both pictures. The flesh separating the nostrils and the nostrils themselves are very different in different persons. Like I've said before, the nose tells me the most; got side-tracked by the toes! Incidental! :)

Anonymous said...

So Adam had a talked with AI Bosses:))

He just waiting for the green light:)

Whatever happens Adam will shake up America!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Oh! Lam-my,

Don't worry about it:)

When u have a chance to meet and touch him like what I have experienced, you won't think twice anymore!!!!:)

He is delicious ha!ha! REAL ROCK GOD INDEED!!!


Anonymous said...

Yea you were absolutely sure, without having to examine the toes nor the!
Whoa! Round 2 Ting Ting! Hmm my crystal-ball has changed colour...whoa a luminous glow! And stars shooting across the AI round table back and forth, lots of! :)

Anonymous said...

could be misquoted tho

HK fan said...

Was just about to post that aus article at least we now know tht Idol has talked to him.

maybe Nicki Minaj isn't quite a done deal yet

Anonymous said...

Adam is waiting for a green light; hmm let me check my crystal-ball for any green light...but the whole ball is green, lol! Let's shake it a bit... Whoa! A dark green streak just whizzed past! My! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG Guys Adam revealer he is being considered for Idol in an Australian magazine. Shoshanna tweeted the link and then said that G;amberts haven't trended anything lately. #AdamOnIdol


glitzylady said...

***For any who might not be able to open links to that new Australian article, here's the text in full..The Idol reference is intriguing..and I love what he says about tattoos.. He is a very wise man...I still think there is a chance he may end up on many little hints point to that possibility. But we'll have to just keep holding our breath until everything is fully revealed. The fact that he has an open schedule in Sept and Oct is very interesting..may mean something..or nothing..***

"Adam Lambert talks Idol, Olympics and tattoos during Australian trip"

by: Kathy McCabe
From: News Limited Network
August 21, 2012 6:37PM

"Adam Lambert in Sydney to promote his new album Trespassing. Picture: Justin Lloyd
IT has only been three years since pop star Adam Lambert was launched on the world stage by American Idol but he is firming as a favourite to return to the show as a judge.
Lambert said he was confident he could juggle the demands of his own career and help steer aspiring pop stars through the show.

The Trespassing star who is in Australia to promote that album would join Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj on the revamped judges panel for the next season.

''I am still waiting on the green light; I am still being considered as far as I know and it was really lovely to talk with them,'' he said.

[Adam Lambert sported a fresh blonde look in Sydney. Picture: Justin Lloyd]
The 30-year-old entertainer has landed some highly sought-after gigs in the past year including stepping into the considerable shoes of Freddie Mercury on the latest Queen shows in Europe.

The newly platinum blond singer blames his nationality for British pop princess Jessie J stealing the spot when the band performed We Will Rock You at the London Olympics closing ceremony.

''I love Jessie J but I did think that would have been fun. The word was I couldn't do it because I'm not a British citizen,'' he said.

Lambert is sporting another new addition to his over-the-top persona - a tattoo on his left forearm which reads Musica Delenit Bestiam Feram which translates as music soothes the savage beast.

[Adam Lambert shows off his new tattoo. Picture: Justin Lloyd]
He regards body art as a ''grown-up scrapbook'' but believes younger people should wait until they go under the needle.

''I think it's a really cool way to mark times and events when you are older and know that putting something on your body is something you will have to live with,'' he said.

''It's like a stamp in your passport.''

Lambert plays a sold out show at The Standard in Sydney on Thursday and will be in Melbourne on Friday."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Adam in Austria said:

''I am still waiting on the green light; I am still being considered as far as I know and it was really lovely to talk with them,'' he said.

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the link to that article. Wow, I love those pictures in the article, very sexy! My gosh, he is such a gorgeous man!

I guess now all we can do is wait. Sounds like he has been in talks with AI, and if he doesn't get the gig now, I am truly going to be pissed off, since we know now, he is in the running for it. Please let it happen for our " Prince of Rock & Pop", please..

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 6:38 is me..NKlovesAdam forgot to sign it..

Anonymous said...

I know I keep saying it, but I LOVE his freckles. It's the one thing about himself he cannot alter. There will always be the freckles.

Anonymous said...

12:11, All you said PLUS, legs, butt, feet, shoulders, chest, tummy, legs, legs, legs, (did I say leg?).

So, Randy is a mentor again? That has certainly gone back and forth. So, it's Mariah confirmed, Nicki kind of confirmed, and then an empty seat yet to be filled. I amazed and thrilled that Adam's name is still out there! I smell hope in the air. Mariah, Nicki, Adam. What a trio.

BTW, the pic is great. But then, how could it not be?


Anonymous said...

Mariah, Nickie (don't care about her at all cause she can't sing), Pharrell, Adam equals best talent show on earth.

Anonymous said...

Pharrell needs to be Idol's full time mentor. Randy, Adam and Mariah can be judges.

SG said...


Keep your eyes on your cristal ball and let us know the good news as soon as you see it!! FOCUS!!:)))

Anonymous said... … just in case you didnt believe @adamlambert was in Sydney. view from his hotel room #adamlambert

Anonymous said...

This might just happen for adam but I read so many articles saying people won't watch if that talentless nicki minaji is a judge. Now they need adam to pull in the ones that were going to leave (like me) if NM is judge. Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I seriously think it's a done deal because Adam is very careful about his choice of words when it comes to official issues. Words like...waiting for the green light tells me he has signed on the dotted line; otherwise there won't be any light to wait, lol! :)

glitzylady said...

#Adam4IdolJudge has been trending World Wide on Twitter for more than an hour..This is what started it: Shoshanna's tweets...

‏@shoshannastone …

@shoshannastone Gorgeous new @adamlambert pics! So did he really say that stuff about AI possibility?????? Can I be excited

@BorneoBert there hasn't been a trending topic for some time. Glamberts musnt want anything I guess

She was KIDDING of we started to trend..and it went to #1 Twitter Trend WW more than once..and is still going.

At several points today:Means most mentioned phrase on twitter...(the first one here doesn't really count..someone paid to have that "promoted" Adam was on top....

#milliondollarphoto Promoted
Vai e Volta
Planeta Terra
Diana Nyad
Feliz Martes

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:10AM..Thank you for this beautiful photo of Adam, I found this myself and was about to post it but you beat me to it. He looks lovely and a great shot of the Sydney Harbour Bridge from his hotel window. My sister is flying up from Melbourne tomorrow to attend Adam's performance at the Standard Take 40, she's very excited, sadly I couldn't make it but as I understand Adam will be in Melbourne on Friday for a radio interview so I'm hoping to catch him on his way out as I'd love his autograph. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and really hope he gets the green light as AI Judge, he'd be perfect for this position. Hope we get some more photos and videos of Adam's time here in the country, I'm so looking forward to meeting him again.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks a bit tired from travelling on that photo in Sidney, poor thing. But he is still shining!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adamonidol trending #1 then twitter crashed lol! Adam waiting for the green light. I was losing hope but it is rekindled again. I feel like I am riding on a roller coaster,but this is the most he has said about idol. Now I believe in more than I can see!!!!

Anonymous said...

Idol is a fool not to have Adam as a judge. With one sentence the whole twitter went nuts. #Adam4IdolJudge trended no. 1. Adam creates tons of buzz for that show. Remember season 8 when all the media outlets were going nuts. During the show EW put his picture on cover of their magazine.

Idol please have him as a judge otherwise you show will go down the tube.

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to open the Japanese tudou/American Idol video and it just doesn't work...does anyone know anything about this???

Anonymous said...

omg! niki Minaj can't sing.she has too many personalities,and a very big ego.What was idol thinking,i will not be watching next year.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:09 A.M.........JAK here

I must have tried 25 times yesterday to get that link to "move" and show me Adam on Idol.
No success at all. I gave it one last try this morning and Voila!
there it was! I immediately added it to my favorites list. So don't give up......try it from time to time and it may show up for you.

Anonymous said...

To All....from JAK

You can find Adam's performances pre-idol and on idol on the following link (which I had lost and a friend called and gave me the info again yesterday....after she saw my plea here on 24/7).

I asked her how she knew it was me and she said "Really now, you talk about your family and your 'past'
I imagine everyone who has known you since 8th grade who may be on this site recognized you as JAK !"

I hope I never have to go into the witness protection program...the bad guys could trace me in minutes!

Here's the link....

SG said...


I really like what you are saying.That make sense, he usually is very cautious when it comes to this kind of things and he wouldn't had said a word if the reporter had not asked.Let's stay tune and wait for the best, cause we know if he gets that job he would be able to make a bigger tour.

Anonymous said...

@9:09- I have a dell and posted that awesome idol link (brownie) it works with google. I don't know about other stuff where I am somewhat stupid with the internet. i know there are other complete idol videos,

but this is the MOVIE lol They cut right to the chase all adam songs, comments by judges, mentors everything- done very well. @Jak- Yeah I'm glad you got it- did you watch yet?

Anonymous said...

again, for anyone that has google I guess!

Anonymous said...

HK Fan:
Excellent play on words!
I adore his playfulness.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:50 A.M....JAK here.....Yes I did, at 4 a.m. this morning! Now I have two sites where I can re-live Adam's Season 8. Discovering Adam that year was a life changer for me. For one thing I bought my first computer and for another I cut down on my reading. I was up to about 10 books a week! Which is not a good idea when you have frequent I now read 2 or 3 a week and have fewer headaches and a happy heart following my new hobby....Adam!

Magiclady said...


Love his entire face! Beautiful

Anonymous said...

I finally got the Japanese video about Adam's American Idol journey...I couldn't open I saved to "Favorites" went back in and it played....I said I won't watch the end because it "breaks my heart" what they did to him...but guess what..the video never showed the final winner...that's OK because we know who really won!

Leilani Aloha said...

OMG!!! Amazing VOCALS/ movie of Adam's Journey to be an INTERNATIONAL ROCK STAR TODAY!!!!
Love love love the beautiful memories!!!
Yes will be great to see him on AI as a fantastic judge:)

Many thanks to AdamFan who put this video together!