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Beau Lamarre with Adam Lambert and Tommy Ratliff

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 23, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 23, 2012



Anonymous said...

ha ha Tommy is just like me, when someone snaps my picture my eyes close. They have to retake.

Anonymous said...

Why I have never seen Tommy smile?
ADAM's smile is always sweet and it's magic!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tommy's not a smiler, so we might as well get used to it and quit complaining. He's a good guy. Adam smiles enough for ten people.


Anonymous said...

Poor Tommy. He's lost his personality and always seems so bored even while strumming his guitar.

Anonymous said...

Stop the negativity please!!

Anonymous said...

It was in the month of August that Tommy lost his dad. Let's send him some LOVE !!!

Anonymous said...

who is Beau Lamarre?

Anonymous said...

I personally had my picure taken with tommy and he's a sweetheart. I'm here for adam and tommy is part of adam's band, that's good enough for me.


Anonymous said...

The nasty-mindedness of some Tommyberts have stopped me from liking pics of Adam and Tommy. They started the negativity.

Anonymous said...

Block, block, block..

Anonymous said...

If I was on twitter I would block Adam too.

Anonymous said...

@3:30 PM,


Anonymous said...

@3:37 control your anger, hothead.

Anonymous said...

@3:42 PM,

You better watch out I'm not only a hothead when it comes to people like you:) Dickhead!:))

Anonymous said...

Do we have a body language expert who could give a lecture?

Anonymous said...

What we need here is a bar of soap to wash out some mouths!

Anonymous said...

Have to admit Tommy has been looking sad lately. He was more upbeat on GNT. Hope all is well with his girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

What we need here is to cut those nasty fingers so that no one will send negativity in this site right?

That's the best solution!!!!

Anonymous said...

Check it out - he is wearing his Black & Yellow Bracelet from Fan in Texas. I got one too! Found at:

Anonymous said...

Because of Adommy Adam has not been at his best on Twitter. Sometimes he annoys me and now I only read his twitter occasionally. I don't believe being a fan requires following him on twitter. Not all artists are on twitter. They speak in the interviews.

Anonymous said...

What is this kindergarten for dirty mouth's children! We do not want your negativity and nasty mouth's I know I don't!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the most easy-going personality in the world. It's not his fault that he gets jerks on his Twitter. I don't blame him for getting pissed and taking charge of it.

I have a few friends who may look like they're sad or not having a good time, but they are. You just have to know them. They're not smilers, just like Tommy. He's fine, for Pete's sake. He's having the experience of a lifetime by being able to travel and perform with Adam. He's good to his own fans. No need for negative commments when you're not actually there.


Anonymous said...

Not sure who the jerks are, but if they are those who are not liking Adommy, that would make me definitely a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Well, Saint Thomas can make anyone else look a bad person.

Adamluv said...

@brownie - agree with what you said. Have talked with/seen Tommy at several events here in LA where he was performing without Adam. He comes across as a really nice sweet guy so it always bothers me with the negative comments about him. Lay off!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Never met Tommy but he seems like a n up beat guy who is on the quiet side. I think his personality is sweet and natural. He expresses himself well enough with his hair color(s) and make up. Adam and Tommy seem to be BFs.

Anonymous said...

I've been here for two years and I've seen negative comments about Tommy, a lot before Sauli became Adam's bf, so what's the problem with it now? Anyway, the reason I don't like twitter is because it often gets too personal. I would not tell Adam what to do. He can do whatever he likes.

Anonymous said...

I am totally fed up with negative comments about Sauli and Tommy. I is ridiculous for people to have strong negative opinions about either of them when we don't even know them (or Adam for that matter).

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember Monte and what a great guy he was? BS

Anonymous said...

Without Sauli, do you think Tommy would have become such an important cult figure in this fandom, like a saviour who makes Adam happy? OT, but my ideal artist to follow on twitter would be someone like theohurts.

Anonymous said...

The poor kid was probably just tired. Who knows how early or late it was when this picture was taken. could be jet lagged also.

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks kinda sad in OZ photos:(
Maybe he 'snot feeling gooD?
Too much drinking/ partying in Japan summer concerts:) Ha! Ha!

Anonymous said...

It's also winter time down under in OZ:(
Tommy looks "cold", freezing that is:)

It's freezing cold in Melbourne:(:(:(

Magiclady said...

Where is the admin on this site, when the above posts happen?

I don't care who Adam is with, as long as that person makes him happy!

Anonymous said...

is TJR missing Ms.Liz?! she will be his wife eventually

Anonymous said...

Okay!@2:03PM Fuck you!Never was crazy about Tommy. But he has personality, he's becoming nice musciain. I never saw him smile a lot. About Monte. Don't care about him at all. I think Adam has very good music director and it seems that he is great musician. Monte is gone and I feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

Monte is doing fine, last I heard touring with Madonna.

Anonymous said...

There's only one foul-mouthed poster here who has no shame.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Joe is a sweetheart. He takes up alot of time with his fans. He's a very geniune acting guy. Wish him the best of everything in his musical and private life.

tess4ADAM said...

I don't think Monte gets the 'spotlight' with Madonna like he did when he was with ADAM. ADAM sang his praises at every concert ... MY MUSICAL DIRECTOR ... don't think Madonna acknowledges Monte that much if at all .. JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Is Monte Madonna's music director or just one of the musicians?