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More Videos From Summer Sonic!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 18, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 18, 2012

Celebrity Report





Anonymous said...

that Celebrity Report was so interesting I forgot I don't know any Japanese.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have mixed emotions about these videos...frustration because I don't speak Japanese and the view of Adam is obstructed by waving arms and bouncing heads...and extreme joy and elation because the audience is having such a good time they are waving their arms and bouncing to the music...AND...that Adam is featured on a Celebrity Report!

Anonymous said...

I was waiting to see Adam. Oh well better then nothing. I least I could hear that beautiful voice.

SG said...

One of the things that I like about Adam's japanese fans is "The Trespassing Banana hand move" All of them having fun shaking they Bananas.We should start practicing!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam sang Naked Love too. I heard it when the LiveStream was working briefly - then it went off channel.

Anonymous said...

Love the Celebrity Report..couldn't understand a word but it seem to cover every thing....they really like the FYE favorite....

Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

We need a translation of the Celebrity Report!

Kudos to those that really tried to get good video. They even had good camera's. Just too far or too many heads/hands. Not their fault. A step stool works wonders.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The backup vocalists are so out of tune in Naked Love. :( They don't do Adam any favors by singing off pitch.

Anonymous said...

Here's the SETLIST for the Summer Sonic concert .....

1. Kickin' In
2. Shady
3. Trespassing
4. Fever
5. Whataya Want From Me
6. Pop That Lock
7. Band Jam "I got the feeling"
8. Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)
9. Chokehold
10. Broken English
11. If I Had You
12. Naked Love
13. Never Close Our Eyes
14. Encore: Cuckoo

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's show is becoming more polished and becoming a cohesive performance. I am loving it! It's flowing better and has a good pace. The crowd LOVED IT! I think the VJJs did very well. I think the pitchiness or off-key sounds are more what happens through the video. People have sais that when you're there live, they sound great. I can't imagine Adam keeping them if he thought they sounded off-key. Adam certainly has perfect pitch. He would know if they didn't sound right. I think sometimes it's the sound mix, too, that's a little off, not their voices.

GREAT SHOW! I've watched all the videos on this site and a few others.

Loved Adam's comment about "vocal masturbation." LOL! And great to see him featured on the Celebrity Report. Now, he's on to Osaka, right?

DRG (love the Trespassing Bananas!)

Anonymous said...

@5:58 PM

Agree. Their voices really spoil Adam's live performances of this song.

daydreamin said...

Here are both pics of that touchy feely guy:

Anonymous said...

There is a single photo of Adam showing the interplay of Adam's silver hair with the special lighting to bring out the gleam and grooming. Looks like every hair has a silver lining! Updated version of every cloud has a silver! The silver hair-shine especially went well with his shimmering blue jacket/suit. This photo will serve a suave hair-salon well. The videos didn't bring out his performances and voice as much as I'd like to have it, compared with other videos that I've seen. But judging from the huge enlivened wonderful Japanese audience with their special boomaranas, it must have been an over-the-rainbow/moon show! :)

Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE!!! It's the LAST days for:

VOTE Do Something Music Artist on

Don't forget to VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

Let's make ADAM win!!! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

YOWCH!! The VJJs intro to Naked Love is way offkey. This isn’t just a one-off or a sound issue. They sing offkey every time they sing Naked Love, and those who can’t hear it need their hearing tested.

The rest of the concert was great.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Adam's job could be on "E"? Guiliana (excuse the spelling) said she was going on maternity leave.

Anonymous said...

Sharing here what posters on another site are saying how happy ADAM looks watching Summer Sonic:

One of these is not even a fan.

"Something is definitely going on with Adam. I've never seen him looking happier than he has been for the past few weeks. He looks as if he's about to burst! Whether it's an Idol judge's seat or something else, it appears he's brimming full of a secret that he considers huge and it's all he can do to hold it in."

"Your right, there is a secret and I can't wait to hear it. I'm hoping for an announcement about a big tour for next year, maybe five months with Queen and the rest with his own band."

"Maybe Adam is happy because he is happy. It's not always about the career, the next big job."

"Maybe he's just happy about life in general lol."

Anonymous said...

Diddy: "American Idol knows how much i'm asking for."

Anonymous said...

Request from Justin Brent:

“Please include this radio request link:

daydreamin said...

Adam and band riding the bullet train:

daydreamin said...

Oh I guess it's not Adam on the bullet train.

daydreamin said...

Adam on Yokohama Aja Aja Friday via Soundcloud:

Anonymous said...

yeah, the background girls do not sound good at all in NL..hopefully they can improve..but it is Adam's choice to keep them or not..their sound does mar his performance tho...shame..he tweeted that he is blocking all glambert's tweets that are not positive..I guess complaining about the singers is not I will now just shut up..cause I love Adam so much...

Anonymous said...

I think Adam seems extra happy during this Tokyo visit also. I don't know why, I just know I'm happy when he is. It could easily be he's have a great time at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Why focus on the V-J-J's when everyone in the ensemble manages to mis-step a few times during the live shows? It's LIVE - riskier and way more exciting! (BTW, I love their new outfits.)

Adam has built an amazing chemistry with his entire ensemble. Tommy headbanger - as always, LOL! Brian is the most animated key-boardist he has had so far. He and Adam constantly grin back and forth throughout concerts.

Adam has even penetrated Ashley's reserve and he is so connected to his "Little Monster" drummer Isaac.

His team is full of fun people and everything is gelling nicely.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam has seemed very happy ever since he got back from the UK. Would love to think that it is Idol or something big like Queenbert plans for next year. Or release of a single that he really loves or somthing like that. Of course, Sauli is with him as well.

I think whatever is in planning stages is making him happy and am dying to know what it is.

Anonymous said...

WOW! 3:15 - I just checked his twitter. You were right!!! I am glad in a way because the negativity and fighting often intrudes on a happy day. I like my twitter full of great thoughts. Wonder what happened to make him feel that way.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people who are close to Adam are receiving negative tweets and/or Adam is receiving negative tweets. Let's hope his tweet has sorted it out now although I guess tweeters can always open new twitter accounts.

Anonymous said...

Yes I seen bad tweet coming because of the crazy things that be said on here. Kind hard to jump over so many. I say take a walk come back in three days and do some back reading.

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the tweets he is getting. Prob like that ass clown lady on here writes, attaching everything about the girls, So unnecessary and immature.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for Adam that he is getting negative tweets. Is is mostly about the VJJs? I can't believe people who would do this, esp. in a rude way.


Anonymous said...

Of course the ugly tweets must have been about his beloved band members (although I've never seen any ugly tweets about his current band members, tbh) It can't be anything about him, his music, or Sauli, because Adam wouldn't react to that..

Anonymous said...

This is too bad. Adam has been so upbeat and happy lately. I guess he is allowed only small doses of that.

Anonymous said...

Besides, it's mostly just American and German fans who are obsessed with the band.

Anonymous said...

Life is like a battery:)

There is negative and positive:)

If u want to use only negative it won't work that easily... Same thing with positive:)

Balance is the appropriate thing to practice in life:) But hey!!! We are only humans right????

What ever suits you and make u happy so be it:) As long as you respect others life style!!!:)



Anonymous said...

I give Adam credit for taking charge of his Twitter and being the boss of it when he needs to be. He knows that some negativity will always be there, but he has shown the strength and foresight to take steps when people go too far and are mean and just plain wrong. I congratulate him to being strong about it.
Yay, Adam!


Anonymous said...

How many times must this be discussed. It does not make me a hater if I'm not obsessed with the background singers or the interaction between Adam and Tommy. Merely a setback..

Anonymous said...

10:07 I wondered how long it would take you to make this about you.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 I don't know what others are thinking, I know what I'm thinking, so I can only speak for myself..

Anonymous said...

I think the tweet from Adam about negativity was about a fan that said something to the effect that Sauli was lazy and just using Adam? But I don't know the exact wording of the tweet.

And what's so aweful about discussing the pros and cons of Tommy and the rest of the band. They're a part of Adam's band, and I think people who love or hate them should be able to discuss it on an Adam Lambert site.

Anonymous said...

How can you hate people you don't know? What does that say about you?

Anonymous said...

@ 3:35 pm I don't mean you in particular hate anyone, I'm speaking of haters in general. Hate is a lot stronger than dislike.

HK fan said...

I did see several tweets from the same person basically saying that Brian London was crap, and its making him look bad having such a bad musical director.....

Some things are better elft unsaid.