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New (Old) Photo of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen at Burning Man

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 20, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 20, 2012


Magiclady said...

Love,Love,Love this picture!!!
Adam looks so happy!

Just finished the Idol recap that was posted on the other thread.It was amazing seeing all of the Idol performances and special moments and how much Adam has changed.

Thank you so much to the person who posted this. Wish I could keep it, but it doesn't want to download.

glitzylady said...

Yay!!! this is the other half of the famous "Sauli at Burning Man picture"...You could see Adam's hand in the picture..but not Adam..So excited to finally see Adam here too!! They are just so darn cute! What a stunning couple!

Anonymous said...

Love to see how happy ADAM is, grinning from ear to ear. Lovely to see the lovey-dovey pair.

HK fan said...

seeing this photo made me go all mushy inside, so sweet....

Anonymous said...

This why Adam's fan get so mix up because Adam's face has so many new looks. Just love this Iron Man look on him in this photo and he can hold my hand any day. I'm man by the way. So ladies eat your hearts out. LOL

daydreamin said...

Anon 12:11 I am eating my heart out. Love hearing from you guy posters. Come back more often. Love hearing another perspective here.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a HANDSOME HUNK!!!!!

SG said...

I always love to see Adam like this, free,just living,a "little" dusty...ok, ok, I can't stand dust! When I saw the pic I thought, OMG! how could they've been there with all that dust!and it's like flour! It gets everywhere!! look at they boots!ALL of them need a good cleaning!I volunteer for anytime they need it!!LOL!!

@anon 12.11

Eating already!;)Always good to know a man's point of view.
If you leave a tag, it would be more fun,cause we all will know is you and as you know women always like to be "arguing"with men.It's just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

love this

Love this pic!

Anonymous said...

Good lord, I didn't realize how tiny Sauli is, Adam looks four times his size. Personally, I don't see anything amazing about living in a dust storm for a week, unless your so stoned you just don't feel it. Adam did mention he didn't get so much out of the visit this time as his first visit when he was with Brad. I guess he is maturing.

Anonymous said...

This time he wasn't eating the mushrooms, peyote, etc. Probably!

Anonymous said...

If Sauli is a woman, they will have babies every year!!!!!:)

Bloody Macaroni I want to eat them both alive!!!:)))



Anonymous said...

Adam is beyond sexy! He photographs like a model. This pic really speaks to me.

Anonymous said...

I guess no Burning Man for them this year. Australia a better venue I think.

SG said...


BLOODY MACARONI!!Never heard it before and sounds delicious!speaking of delicious, I know,I know..I had the same thought.....LOL!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Sauli looks like all the life drawing (nude) models we had in my art classes in college.
Compact and muscle definition. I have several drawing pads full of sketches of Adam, Sauli, Longineau, Terrence, the faces around Adam that I found interesting. I paint on occasion, but much prefer sculpting...if I can get my lazy self motivated I'll bring out my tools and do sculptures of Sauli and Terrence...
or is that Terrance? They both have remarkable bodies.

Anonymous said...

didn't ADAM say he finds short people attractive?

Anonymous said...

OMG Guys Adam revealer he is being considered for Idol in an Australian magazine. Shoshanna tweeted the link and then said that Glamberts haven't trended anything lately. #AdamOnIdol


Anonymous said...

He said he liked them younger and smaller or something to that effect . So glad they found each other bueatiful couple. Don't understand how some people could think thier love is wrong...Renee

Anonymous said...

Lovely guys in love.
So exciting to hear that Adam seems to be back in the running for AI. Isn't THAT a surprise. He's probably been involved with this a lot more than what he has let on. I wish they'd announce it, for Pete's sake!


SG said...


Do you have any Adam's full body,original size sculpture,by the pool, maybe? Just courious.:))

Anonymous said...

@10:31- this is brownie- I posted that idol recap. I just put the whole link into my favorites and comes up everytime. We are talking the same one right it's 110 minutes long and shows the whole journey start to finish- right?

Anonymous said...

For anyone that wants the link again, here it is. Hope it works

Anonymous said...

JFC ... just JFC ;)

Magiclady said...

Hi Brownie,

Yes that is the same one, I loved it!

I will try again tonight. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

@ SG........JAK here

Sorry no sculpture of Adam by my intention of sculpting Adam. If I say his body type doesn't interest me I would be stoned if y'all could reach me!!!
I know what Adam would look like nude, with one anatomical exception. ^o^

Anonymous said...

Omg, now that someone mentioned it, Adam does look like he's stoned in that picture and Sauli is walking him. I was worried about the BM trip, because I'm an anti-drugs person.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said on more than one occasion that he's attracted to guys who are shorter than he is, "pretty", and kind of elfish (small build). Sauli fits on all counts. Perfect fit for both of them.


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:18 AM So you have not seen them together on the red carpets or so? Sauli is about Tommy's and Brad's size (IMO his body form is far better/sexier than Brad's, lol) and does not like high heels, so he looks usually much smaller than Adam (but not four times) who wears those "medges" etc., but that's how Adam wants his darlings (as said tiny, pretty, younger). I think it's lovely that Adam wanted to show Burning Man to Sauli. I don't think he is stoned (maybe a bit drunk) but looks happy.

Hans Haveron who posted this pic (miss muh boyz) commented it: "The great thing about these boys...well... just everything...These people show us that we can ALL be we are...Two friends that beyond fame...are just real. I took this last year at burning man where i got to know you Sauli...I love you brother!! dinner soon."

SG said...


Hahaha!!We know you like Daniel Day Lewis!(which I would never understan) Don't worry I would never try to stone you.I know you always say that you look at Adam in a granma kind of way,which is OK by me,more Adam's body for my ....mind.LOL!!
About that anatomical exception, you're right! We really never had a clean shoot of his left foot little finger!:))

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is an AWESOME pic!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:18AM - Of course Adam has matured but I have heard that they had great time there. It was different. Sauli described BM in his blog 8th of September 2011. It's a long story but here some notes: " The whole week there in the desert was rough, for sure, but I wouldn't change one day of it!...this was really the best week of my life EVER!...This community is one big family...Everybody is taking it easy and you can go to massage, yoga or even looking at the art...The place is full of friendly people and everybody is happy. You can express yourself as much you like and do whatever you like. I've never danced as much as during this week..." etc. He tells also about sandstorms etc. and I recall Adam saying they had to be home in shower for two hours after BM because of the dust. But I'm quite sure they both enjoyed it.

Great pic! They sure have great memories.

Anonymous said...

@ SG.....JAK here....Believe me I would never want to sculpt D. Day-Lewis either! I've seen his entire body and it's not a pretty sight! :(

Anonymous said...

Burning Man sounds great, I'd like to go....if they would just move it to the N.Carolina mountains! I don't 'do' deserts!......JAK

SG said...


SEE!? Adam is always better!!;))

Anonymous said...

@ SG,

I always feed my daughter with bloody macaroni!!!! (When she was younger)

pasta with cheesshee and then lots of catsup ha!ha!ha!. Now she hates it!!!:))


Anonymous said...

I meant cheesy!!!


Anonymous said...

Ave, "just JFC"!

@JAK. Aug.21,9:46 Thank God. Now we're talking!
D.D. Lewis, huh? Hmm. Love me some Anglo-Irish..Jewish..Polish man. In his younger age though! However, my ideal of a manly man is (a taller) Yul Brynner. Damn! I fell for him in my teens and he was already long dead. :-)

PS: Yeah, I liked the piracy-glam on AFL face.

Anonymous said...

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