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News Clips of Adam Lambert's Performances by MEZAMASHI TV

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Anonymous said...

Come on Glamberts lets get Adam on TV. He needs to be a guest host on Kelly Rippa's show. Let's tweet her and SNL. We cand do it ladies and gents!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I listened to the audio of the mini concert....sounds like he was having when they sing along with him....

Anonymous said...

audio only of performance -

Anonymous said...[150327260]&s=3

another link

Anonymous said...

How come JAPAN fans know all the right dance moves, the lyrics and the melodies to Adam's new songs? USA, where are you?

Anonymous said...

and Trespassing is breaking the charts in Japan. Yay, for Japan and Japanese Glamberts. Thanks for your support.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Japan but there is nothing wrong with the the audiences in the US.

While on the subject, I don't want the people around me singing along to the whole concert. I paid to hear Adam sing, not the people around me.

Anonymous said...

He is the real deal!!!!

Wow! how can anybody denied this amazing talent????

I love everything he does perioddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!:))



Anonymous said...

This was really cool to see- They love him there (we do to of course) but I bet they play his music alot more than here (that's a given) Wake up america! Adam looks great, I'm loving the hair more everyday!

Anonymous said...

All the sunflowers are so cute. Never thought of that. I have several grown in a planter on my patio. I have one sunflower so far. More to come. Very nice for fall. They attract lots of bees. Every time I look at them I will think of trespassing and Adam. I think of him anyway all the time. By the way I live in North Dakota, the midwest. There are also lots of them planted for crops around here.They grow them for sunflower oil, and sunseeds, and other products. They move there heads with the sun. So the heads do get twisted. Beautiful to see a whole crop.

HK fan said...

wow, the audience was very synchronised...

I had HK internet radio on yesterday (I don't normally listen to radio but this channel has no talking), was listening to 'todays hits' and heard NCOE, yay!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a great singer, and the americans don't appreciate him, I know the glamberts do. Too many people know him as that gay singer, and they won't buy his cd's because of it. He has the best supporters overseas.I hope he wakes up and smells the coffee, and realizes that he is not backed by the average american. They treat him as if he is some awful disease they might catch. I don't think he knows of the big companies that donate money , to make sure he is not heard on the radio. I love the man and his voice. I don't care what he does after a concert on his own private time, except one thing, do not over drink.
I have bought his music for myself and for a friend, only one friend because everyone else does not want his name mentioned. Even my entire family is the same. I wish he would move overseas and know he is accepted, for whom he is, one of the worlds best singers.

Anonymous said...

I have posted a number of times that Adam should be a guest host on the Kelly show from NYC. He is articulate, smart, and charming. Also, I would like to see him back as a guest on The View and The Talk where he can also perform. The Japanese really do love Adam and are so into dancing and moving along in the audience as he performs. And for anyone in the states who won't listen to Adam because he is gay, you don't know what you are missing with this new album. I guess they haven't seen his recent spectacular performaces with Queen either. I would take Adam Lambert any day over the crass, crude,abusive, foul language, booze crazed performers that you read about or see performing or giving an interview. They are great role models....right? I happened to see some of the vids on Fuse and every other word has to be bleeped out. This is music? Adam will have longevity in the music business and in other creative endeavors long after most of these other individuals are gone and forgotten.

Anonymous said...


Adam has said in the past that he wants and enjoys the audience dancing and singing while he performs. There is no greater compliment to an entertainer, especially a pop/rock entertainer then having their audience up on their feet, singing, dancing, having fun. He wants that interaction, and I just love seeing that, and how happy that makes him.


Anonymous said...

Now, THAT is a great audience! So happy to see them knowing the songs and being so into it. Adam was so happy. Can't wait for the big shows to come.

And YES, Adam would be perfect on Kelly Rippa, SNL, etc., etc. We need to push this1


Anonymous said...

Adam likes the girl with the Big what???

Anonymous said...

if Adam co-hosted with Kelly he wouldn't get a word in edge wise. Clay Aiken put his hand over her mouth once and was never on the show again. She said "IT was rude". Adam should pass on co-hosting duties with Ms. Ripa. if the offer presents itself. NO TY

Anonymous said...

what big hoohahs on that woman with the bunny looking ears. maybe that is what grabbed the attention.

Anonymous said...

Love how the Japanese fans clapped so perfectly to Trespassing. They really love him. Adam needs to get on not only the Kelly Ripa show but all the other talk shows to sing his new single! Fingers,toes and everything else crossed that he gets radio play this time.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:32

I understand what you are saying. When I go to a concert I am always up dancing and cheering but I don't sing because I want to here the person I came to see.

Anonymous said...

OOPS! That would be "hear" not "here". Duh! (maybe I should proofread BEFORE posting)

Anonymous said...

5:28 Trespassing is doing well in JP? The single or cd or iTunes. Not that it matters, just curious.

Anonymous said...

anybody hear anything about the last AI judge seat yet?

Anonymous said...

i don't understand why Adam has to work 100 times harder than most artist to get respect!

Anonymous said...

@7:58PM Last I read on twitter Trespassing album Deluxe was #4 on iTunes Pop in Japan. I don't know what it is now. If anyone got the latest nos. for Trespassing on Japanese charts please post.

Anonymous said...

@August 15, 2012 5:10 PM

Thanks so much for posting the link to the Wireimage photos. They're FANTASTIC!! I've seen one so far of Ashley and Isaac smiling.

Anonymous said...

@8:18PM Relax! Adam is getting all the respect he deserves in other countries. Japan after US has the biggest market in music. Then it's Germany and UK. He doing really good with his promo in Japan and I'm so happy he changed his hair color to not to blend in with all the black hairs in Japan. Adam is one smart and talented artist. So take chill pill! Will you?

Anonymous said...

Must be Mariah, as the diva, didn't approve.

No Judge Seat for Adam Lambert on 'American Idol'?

Despite rumors that Adam Lambert was in the running for a judging seat on American Idol next season, it seems that Nick Jonas will be joining the judging panel alongside Mariah Carey and Randy Jackson. Recent news reports are indicating that Nick has almost secured the open judge seat for next season. Hollywood Life reports that, "A production source tells exclusively that Nick is '99 percent' confirmed for the gig, but it's ultimately Mariah's decision."

Even if Nick Jonas does not ultimately become the judge, it does not look good for the possibility that it would be Adam. Just this morning, Adam confirmed that nothing was in the works for him to become a judge on the show. In a phone interview for Australia's The Kyle and Jackie O Show, Adam said that although he is interested, he has not been asked. He said, "I would love to do it if the opportunity was presented to me. If I was asked, I would be thrilled. But I haven't heard anything yet. So, you know. I think you guys will know when I know. If I know." He further stated, "I think it would be really cool. I think it would be a really interesting experience to be on the other side of the table and just try to do my best to help contestants go through the experience, having done it myself."

Listen to Adam's full interview on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on their website, where he also talks about karaoke, 50 Shades of Grey, and John Travolta.

Many of Adam's fans were hoping that he would be a judge on American Idol since rumors began months ago. Adam remained very tight-lipped about it, and this was the first he has commented in an interview that he has not been asked to be a judge. This is too bad, because having been the runner-up on the show, he certainly knows what it takes to succeed on American Idol. Nothing official has been announced about the final judging panel for the show, but it looks unlikely that Adam Lambert will be among them.

Anonymous said...

I want have to watch it now. I heard Nick is tied in with Ryan.Maybe Ryan needs to be replaced. Tired of him.

Anonymous said...

Adam said "But I haven't heard anything yet." YET! Seems to me that it's not finalized YET. That's why he doesn't know anything YET!

This YET word is very telling.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Adam is not on the AI judging what's that STUFF he is referring to and he also used the word, broad...hmm need to send my crystal-ball to the workshop for repairs, not working well lately, lol! It's something big since he used big block letters in his tweet for STUFF. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice for Adam to help with exposture for trespassing! Also for new single! But I have had a feeling for a good while something great like a movie, something of that mature is in Adsm's near future my feeling usually come true for Adam! In my opinion it is there loss! it wiil get good rating at first idol but after the new wears off! Boring, I will never and I mean it watch idol again, unless Adam is singing on it! That only time! I hope it sinks like a stone, that not nice but they used Adam, also the fact they are letting Carey and Jackson make all decisions and I have never been able to stand her! She was on Qvc a while Back a clip was showed on something how awful she treated everybody! Hope she gives them he'll they deserve it! Adam would have stole the show from her she was not having that! Get boring Jonas! Got feeling much better things are on the horizon for Adam, for the rest of the yr. then a great tour! Next year! That was I hope she gives them hell type o!

Anonymous said...

no big surprise. What happened to Pharell? He would have been excellent like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Jonas has a reality show married to Jonas on E Soon! Sure it's produced by Ryan S. probably would tank but they get him on idol! To make it another success for Ryan! it's all about what Ryan and Carry Nd Jackson! Want and what wiil fill there pockets and not what good for that now bore of a predictable show! Adam got some good stuff in near future! Just wait as good or better than Idol!

Anonymous said...

me and my sister and Dad won't be watching one drop of Idol next year.Why all those phony articles on the internet over Adasm being a judge? They knew there would be alot of controversy and hits on their sites if it was about Adam. Oh well life goes on.

Anonymous said...

He used a lot of IF and YET. So everything still in negotiation phase. Also this OZ interview was done couple of weeks ago when Adam tweeted about Chokehold as a great theme song for 50 Shades of Gray. Was this interview before that Oklahama casino concert? Cause he said to the fans that he will back to Oklahama soon!?

Anonymous said...

6:40, My family is like that too. They don't want anybody to hear his music coming out of our car. It's crazy.

Anonymous said...

From Pharrell's own mouth, he said he is in it and will be in the judging seat.
Randy is not going to be in the judging seat but as mentor.
So, it's Mariah, the diva, Pharrell and Nick Jonas.

I will post here again what I posted on another thread about what was being referred to "he's doing some STUFF in September" by ADAM.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention I'm from the US?

Anonymous said...

nick Jonas will be on Idol. I think Joe Jonas has the reality show on E!

Anonymous said...

That's very disappointing for Adam but it seems he wasn't even asked! They've just used his name over and over to garner interest in the show. Disappointing for Pharrell Williams too because he and Adam would've probably worked well together - Adam has the utmost respect for Pharrell and they co-wrote 2 songs together for Trespassing. Well, it's Idol's loss entirely. I won't watch the show unless Adam is performing on it.

Anonymous said...

@9:49 PM .... Oh, so Pharrell is going to be a judge. Maybe that'll improve the show. An unusual choice of judges though - Mariah, Pharrell & Jonas.

Anonymous said...

I posted this on a previous thread. It's from another site what ADAM could be referring about that STUFF he is doing in September but still nothing is sure.

Here it is:

"Ever since Adam tweeted about “stuff” happening in September, speculation has run like a wildfire through the fandom. A fan set off fresh rumors by tweeting a comment posted (and now deleted) from the Facebook page of Steven “Visage” Strange, a contemporary of Boy George. This comment was posted in May:"

"Is ADAM LAMBERT my young brother? That, you, will have to find out.

Yes, it is true, my autobiography blitz is being turned into a movie. The rumors that ADAM LAMBERT is playing me? At present, I cannot discuss all I can say is that if it happens? It is the script very exciting x, I will, as things unroll, I will keep all updated. Xx"

Who is Steve Strange?

"Steve Strange (born Steven John Harrington, 28 May 1959) is a Welsh pop singer, best known as the lead singer and frontman of the 1980s pop group Visage.

Since the late 1970s he has also been a prominent nightclub host and promoter…
In Strange’s 2002 autobiography Blitzed! he speaks about his heroin addiction, his nervous breakdown, his sexuality, and the ongoing attempts to get his life back together…

In 2005, Strange appeared in a Channel 4 documentary called Whatever Happened To The Gender Benders?, which reflected on the advent of the New Romantic movement of the early 1980s and the prominent roles that Strange, Boy George and Marilyn each played within it. In stark contrast to the relative glamour of the New Romantic era, interviews with all three stars in the present day highlighted the sheer devastation that fame, fortune and drug addiction had taken on each of them during the past 25 or so years, with Strange and Marilyn in particular being openly candid about the mental health problems they now try to cope with every day."

Anonymous said...

now I am worried Adam just doesn't have any gigs to speak of for Sept and only one in October. What was he suppose to say in an interview I don't have any work lined up for the rest of the year?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Adam won't be AI judge, or he'll be the perfect target for those haters to bash.

Anonymous said...

10:01 I went to that site days ago and someone posted that was a rumor from last year.

Anonymous said...

@10:02 PM
Let's wait and see. Adam may do a promo tour in Germany. He's said he loves it there plus there are many other countries hanging out for him to visit them.

Anonymous said...

Pharrell is already sure as Idol judge. Just watched Chelsea Lately tonight and Kevin Jonas was a guest because his reality show with his wife is about to begin on E produced by Seacrest, just like the Kardashians.

I'm sure Seacrest has the clout to pull for Nick as judge so as to push his brother's reality show and Ryan can laugh away all the way to the bank. I remember that Seacrest would have the Kardashians seated behind the Lambert family during ADAM's run on Idol. At that time, they were not household names yet. They're there at the back of the Lamberts as the camera swooped on Adam's family.

Seacrest is really the star maker now and on his way to becoming an entertainment mogul. He is on Fox for Idol, on E for his entertainment news show and all his produced reality shows and in NBC this past Olympics. There's no stopping him now really.

Anonymous said...

Yea yea yea, that kind of role fits Adam to a T! Will be able to use his acting skills to the fullest potential and this kind of movie usually is a blockbuster. A lot lot better than Idol judge...Adam best of luck! Yea broad STUFF!

Anonymous said...

10:12 plus maybe another run w/ Queen would be nice.

Anonymous said...


I actually would not like that movie role for ADAM because it would just perpetuate his orientation to always preceed his name, more so, it's the Boy George type of singer biography. It's the effeminate kind and ADAM is the masculine kind.

I'm hoping for the best for our BB. Let's just pray his 3rd single will be the magic one. If we do in unison, nothing is impossible.

Anonymous said...

Yea got your point but he's got to make a start somewhere and that kind of role, yea might give him another 'stigma' but at the same time will showcase his acting skills per se and producers and directors can see right through that. It's a sort of break-through, a starting point for Adam; and we know he wants to make a movie so badly. Someone also said he may be involved in an animation movie. So excited for Adam! Dawn of Aquarius. :)

Anonymous said...

If AI really wanted ratings, they would've asked Justin Beiber to be a judge. I'm definitely not a fan of his but he's certainly popular with the tweens and teens and they vote like crazy .... jmo

Anonymous said...

I hope that we can see videos of the whole songs soon.Those new jeans are cool,& yes,nice &!...or @ least see some video coverage @ the other show( or shows?) this weekend.I HOPE some fans can get some video( don't know how security could stop everybody with all the different stages & all those thousands of people who will be there.These HD short videos are great,but "I want it all"...all 5 videos from the mini concert would be nice since it's overwith now.Those Japanese fans are the best!( besides the US fans)Why the heck can't Idol just announce the other 2 judges( FOR SURE),even tho it looks like Nick Jonas & Pharrell..About the Kelly Rippa Sgow..Adam could handle her fine,I believe..Clay is a different personality.After BB gets back from Australia,maybe Kelly.the Talk,the View,etc won't be showing reruns OR repeat segments.On the Kelly show yesterday, my T W info said "new"..about 5 mins may have been new,but precorded,but all the rest were repeat segments..what a ripoff..Ellen is still on hiatis,too,but I did record the rerun w/BB this week.

Anonymous said...

OT .... if anyone is interested, there's a very clear HD YouTube clip of Queen with Jessie J performing at the Closing Ceremony of the London Olympics. Freddie is shown first, then a guitar solo by Brian and then Jessie J joins them - she doesn't sing for long. Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

the truth, as painful as it may be, is that Adam is too "Gay & Risque" for mainstream is really pathetic..I wouldn't blame him one bit if he moves to another country..I am the only person at my workplace, out of 50, who is a fan...I have tried, in vain, to make them appreciate him..but all my efforts just fall on deaf ears..Oh, and AI will be as dull as dish water..this will be its' swan song..Ryan Seacrest is such a pompous overrated a-hole..I would bet good money that he did nix Adam being a judge...this all sickens me..but, I will remain an Adam lover til the end..just hope that he is around for a long, long, long time...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This blog has turned into a rumour mill. First off, no judges announced yet (Check EM-JAYS for the latest. She will have it first.) Secondly, this movie gig was "announced" by a guy who's trying to promote a project that can't seem to get off the ground. It's been around as a rumour forever.

I am a film freak; I go to film festivals and I doubt this film, if it is every made, will get wide distribution. If Adam got to play Steve, he would have to spend quite a lot of time with minimal return in terms of exposure. Why anyone would want this for him, I'm not sure. A cameo or small role in a file guaranteed for distribution would be a much better bet.

Adam will probably be busy in September promoting his new single. New TV season, new chance for appearances on talk shows (once per season is the general rule.)New radio promos. Jingle Balls etc.

Where did the animation rumour come from?

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how fans think they can force people to like Adam, people have a right to enjoy what ever music or artist they like! Most of Adam's fans are so fanatical and this probably turns a lot of people off.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!!! I love Adam with all my heart and as a glamberts we have to focus only in positive things for him. Believe it or not our minds are powerful, so lets visualize the best for him to happen and it will be that way.

Anonymous said...

Lets don't wish a grunge film on Adam, he has enough problems with homophobics in this country.

Anonymous said...

OT: I guess miley Cyrus blonde hair has made prime time (3 nights in a row) on show-biz tonight. Did they forget about adam's new look? Don't know why I watch that show- same old people over and over.

Anonymous said...

Just cancelled my DVR setting for idol ...can't do Carey and Jonas...already forcing myself to watch cuz my daughter wants me to ...I love her but that combo is to much to ask.

Anonymous said...

I agree about that indie film thing. Adam does not need to be in a low-budget, kinda grungy type of alternative film. Just solidifies the stereotypes he has to fight. I'd rather see him in a small roll in a mainstream film.

To those who posted that their families don't want Adam music played in their cars, I can't believe it! What is it that they don't like so much? Adam himself or the songs? Wow! That's really hard-core hate. Unfortunately, that's the case with lots of people. They have made up their minds and that's it. And yet, these same people often like other gay performers just fine. Adam is so unique. He is not in a specific niche. People can't handle it, regardless of his obvious talent.

I hope Adam gets some new TV gigs this fall, esp. on network TV, Ellen, etc. Hopefully, the PLL show will produce some buzz that will spill over into the network TV side.

He's a gem of the highest value. We know it. The world outside of the U.S. knows it. America hasn't really discovered him yet. Not really.


Anonymous said...

New video of Adam Fuji TV show:

mmyy9 ‏@mmyy9
今日の番組の録画をアップしま{ 75;た Waratte Iitomo (Fuji TV) August 16, 2012

Anonymous said...

Short video of Adam:

Hoopla Magnet ‏@hooplamagnet
RT @AdamLambertJP A message to all the followers of @AdamLambertJP

Anonymous said...

Barbara ‏@barbls23
OMG - TAKE A LOOK: $40 tickets to see @adamlambert at Take 40 have sold on ebay for up to $2,325.00!! 100s of bids.

For Adam's show in OZ next week

Anonymous said...

blakkrrox ‏@blakkrrox
Yay!!!!!! AUSSIE DELUXE 17-Track TRESPASSING @adamlambert \O/

Anonymous said...

Speculating only causes unnecessary stress so let's all take a chill pill & wait for Adam to tell us what he's up to in September which isn't far away now.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Shows Off Blonde Locks And New Tattoo At Tokyo Appearance [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

Read and watch video here:

Anonymous said...

Adam's interview on The Kyle and Jackie O Show in OZ:

Anonymous said...

BTW Adam's interview on the above link is at 23:00 mins. mark.

Anonymous said...

@7:29 AM
Holy shivers!!!!!!! The same person bid on both lots of tickets, won one of the bids and just lost the bid on the second lot of tickets (4 tickets altogether) .... $2,325.00 & $2,025.00 ... what the?!?! The same person sold the 4 tickets .... no doubt laughing all the way to the bank!!! But I'd much rather see Adam than have that money.

Anonymous said...

mmyy9 ‏@mmyy9
Adam leaving the studio after Waratte Iitomo, photos by @poochlove2 TY!

Anonymous said...

Article re Adam in SYDNEY. Wish they'd used an up-to-date photo!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the people who paid through the nose for those Sydney tickets realise that the original person who bought the tickets has to be with them before they're allowed to enter the venue, to validate their entry with their Debit Mastercard. \O/

Anonymous said...

5:20 -- I agree with 7:20. Adam loves it when fans participate with him during shows. After all, that WHY we go to outside shows. It's not to stand still. If you want to only listen to Adam's incredible voice, then you put on your headphones and listen to his entire CD, which I do ofter. But, when attending one of his shows and seeing everyone dance and sing along is a great thing.

Anonymous said...

This is 8:31: My computer's acting up, auto-correcting (wrongly) everything I write.

Anonymous said...

Six months ago, I said that AI had lost its initial appeal. When Adam's name came up as a possible judge, I was secretly hoping that he be asked to do other projects instead of that show. There are too many other singing and dancing shows on at the moment, each having their celebrity judges. AI is not just 'one' of these shows.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM
Yeah, they mightn't be allowed in no matter how much they paid for the tickets. The bidding started at $150 so the seller made a profit right from the start. Officially, tickets were sold at $40 each.

Anonymous said...

..... AI is NOW just one of these shows.

Anonymous said...

It's great if people can dance at outdoor concerts but please, I don't want to hear anyone else singing except Adam. That's the reason I attend his concerts - to hear ADAM sing and if he asks the audience to sing along with him, fine but please, at no other time.

Anonymous said...

AI has produced very few real stars apart from ADAM and Kelly. I wonder if another WGWG will win again this year. Hopefully, there won't be a c&w judge.

Anonymous said...

And Carrie, Jennifer Hudson.

Anonymous said...

I also have spoke about Adam to others hoping to garner new fans for him, but I never push it. Adam is not mainstream enough for most people and that's the way it is. That's not to say it won't change. I know for a fact, years ago, Elton John was considered exotic. Now, everyone just considers him a great singer. I predict that will be Adam's future. For people who don't get Adam - it's their loss. Adam will do just fine most everywhere else but in the US unfortunately. Not to say he's not doing well here, but he should be considered a superstar like Adele, Katie Perry,
Mariah Carey, Usher (gag-sorry!)
Forever Fan,

Anonymous said...

talk to lots of folks,incl younger ones and they appreciate his voice (even if they are not lovers of 'pop' music per se). traveling in europe lots of people from other countries know of him even if they do not follow his daily movement! in fact some of the European folks said "he is a superstar in US, right?" It's a great chance to say yes, and have you heard TP. each person can do their part, and frankly I do not think spouting comments and boohooing about the US is helpful on media articles. in fact I think it is detrimental. who do 'fans' insist on posting negetive info. i view this as missed opportunities

Anonymous said...

No one can predict or really know what the future will be for Adam in the music business. He is working very hard with these mini concerts promoting Trespassing and covering the international audiences also. It seems the record buying/music listening public is very fickle, unpredictable and often doesn't appreciate a talented singer such as Adam. It is almost a quirk that Adele gained such success with "21", but then I think it's because a more adult listening audience bought into her music and not the tweens and teens who are into Bieber, Swift and the boy bands. It seems that Adam is almost in a category all of his own and some people just don't know what to make of him. I say just listen to Trespassing. Forget about any previous stories or actions you might have read about that portray him in a negative way. Take off the blinders and listen to that voice. Yes, the man can auto-tuning or lip synching for him.The fans in Japan love and appreciate him so much more than here in America. However, I think that Adam will have a long career in music and the arts when most of the others are gone. And the new hair color is something I am getting used to, so watch he'll up and change it and then the comments will begin all over again. All I know for certain is that Adam Lambert is never uninteresting or boring.

Anonymous said...

I would think there would be massive resentment among all Idol contestants if Adam were chosen as a judge.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine why. Can you explain?

Anonymous said...

Adam announced he wanted to be a POP singer, many, including myself don't see him in that genre.
Nor do I think of Adele as a POP star, what genre is she considered to be in?

Is there a genre called Damn Good Singers? There should be.

I think of POP as fluff, bright, bouncy and forgettable, entertaining for a few months but not filling, leaving you hungry for new single after new single because none are sustaining and memorable.

Anonymous said...

I'm a glambert for life so don't hate on me, but when I see karmin (from you-tube) perform on america's got talent- kind-of broke my heart. She's shooting up on the top 40 and she's no where as good as Adam, yet she gets the chance on prime tv to perform!! Also, they displayed biebers new video on there and he's coming on next week! We need, I'm sorry but adam to get these massive prime time opportunities, he's so much better than all this crap, but he gets no prime time spots. "Karmin- please! She'll skyrocket to success because she's getting coverage! Also- home by phillips phillip which I do love and downloaded - look at his success simply because it was PLAYED! Adam would be beyond succesful if he was only given the opportunity (radio), (t.v) whatever. Sorry for the rant! I'm just so frustrated with USA!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that there are so many of us who are Adam fans and just don't understand all the negativity against him and his music. If we feel frustrated for him, I could only imagine how he must feel. He goes to Japan where he is appreciated and loved. The fans in the audience know all the words to his songs and are so enjoying themselves. I agree that for those who don't get Adam and his superb vocal talent, it is their loss. Maybe someday in the future they will understand what we knew about Adam from the first time we saw him on Idol. Hopefullly with the fall tv season Adam will be making a number of appearances on several of the talk/entertainment shows to promote Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

I posted on another thread that my sister in the Bay Area of California called me to say that something BIG is happening for Adam in September. Her husband is a voice caster and dialog director and is currently working for Pixar.

She hasn't told me any more. Says she can't even though I've called her several times. (We're old fashioned...we like to hear each other's voices.) She says she will tell me before I hear it anywhere else.

Sorry, that's all I know.

Anonymous said...

You've gone from using 'indeed' incessantly to dropping the 'f-bomb' needlessly.
That may be a step up for you, but not necessary here.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not need to be in a b- movie about a gay drug user with mental probems. Lord a mighty!

Anonymous said...

You may be right but this kind of role is very very difficult to play and with a far-sighted producer and a brilliant director, this may well be Adam's ticket to movie stardom. In any case Adam has said he'll jump at the first offer for starring in a movie. He loves taking risks, but the best part is like a highly-skilled tight-rope walker, always manages to balance shakily to the other side to flash a 10-million-dollar smile. :)

Anonymous said...

Canadian, Big brother is watching and counting. lol

Anonymous said...

@ Anon August 16, 2012 5:55 PM

Surely your sister knows how to get information from her husband.

Anonymous said...

So officially/unofficially now, three rumours have sprung up namely: not so clean movie starring, squeaky clean animation film and questionable clean Idol! No wonder Adam said the STUFF was broad! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I don't even want to read some of the comments here because a lot of it esp. about Adam's career opportunities are rumors. We don't know any of his private business dealings unless Adam himself has posted something on twitter for his followers or there is an official announcement. Reading all these rumors makes me crazy because they are either so ridiculous and unbelievable or so promising and good for his career. Obviously if you are not on this site, the ordinary person would not know much of anything that Adam is doing or even where he is right now. The last story was about the change in his hair color, but I think Miley got more coverage out of her hair change than Adam. And I think he looks so much better than she does with the new blonde color. Maybe I'll just take a break from this for a few days and give my brain a rest from all that is Adam Lambert. And maybe in a few days there might be some vids of Adam performing at his two concerts in Japan which is what I really want to see. September isn't too far away and whatever Adam has to reveal might be happening then.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Movie Stardom? Do we even know if Adam can act? He wasn't in stage plays for his acting ability, it was the voice!

Anonymous said...

Yea we don't really know that for sure but from the glimpses from Time For Miracles, BTIKM and NCOE, I'd bet he'd probably be a movie star some day; and that's why I said it's only a ticket! to movie stardom. And also alluding him to a tight-rope walker performing his stance shakily! :)

tess4ADAM said...

@6:13PM ... I totally DISagree!!

My reason .... FRANK SINATRA starred in MAN WITH A GOLDEN ARM in which he portrayed a heroin addict & was BRILLIANT!! Second-rate B movie? ... only if it is not well received by the viewing audience ... it's all in the portrayal by the artist ... and if I read that article right ... ADAM was mentioned for the role of his Brother ... not Steve? (can't remember his last name) ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)