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Top Ten Reasons Why Adam Lambert Should be a Judge on American Idol

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 25, 2012

List by Madam Lorelei (@Madaminbedlam):

10. He’s Diva-proof

9. Because you need at least 1 judge to be coherent and witty

8. Justice (for questionable voting practices and him not making a stink about it)

7. To piss off haters

6. The OMG, what-is-he-wearing, self-justifying, never dull outfits

5. The novel ability to give constructive criticism that could actually benefit contestants

4. An investment in the Idol franchise (His success is Idol’s success. Conversely, his failure is Idol’s failure.)

3. Because disgruntled Glamberts are scary

2. Because his last album debuted at #1 to RAVE reviews (unlike Mariah’s)

1. His sassy retorts to Ryan’s veiled come-ons

Just for fun, list your reasons in the comment section below!


Anonymous said...

JAK here...well, if it weren't heading toward l:00 A.M. and I'm beat I'd come up with 10, but as it is I'll skip to MY #1.

Because I'm not getting any younger and I would really appreciate seeing Adam weekly, it might prolong my life!

Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake. Without my glasses I thought #1 said "for his sassy shorts"! Kath

Anonymous said...

Loved all the reasons given, but especially #3 --

3. Because disgruntled Glamberts are scary


Anonymous said...

The Ryan #1 reason is hilarious ... Not saying Ryan is gay, don't think he is ... But he does dig ADAM on some level ... Always thought so ... And I mean really, who could blame him

Anonymous said...

#7 will happen big time !! I can hear the whinning and crying now. Just like I'll be doing if I hear he didn't get it. lol

Anonymous said...

The #2 (unlike Mariah's) is not correct. She has had several #1's, sold more than 175 million albums. I like at least 10 of her songs myself. She has a 5 octave vocal range. I'm not her fan, but let's not understate.

Anonymous said...

I always felt Adam made Ryan nervous for some reason. He seemed sort of falsely or awkwardly friendly to him. ??

Anonymous said...

Yep, Mariah would surely have #1 albums. I'll have to look her up. She isn't regarded as a massive diva for nothing. I think/hope she and Adam would communicate well on AI - can't see why not. The light is still on amber; hopefullly it will turn green this week.

Anonymous said...

10:08 I think that #2 reason is too snarky myself.

Anonymous said...

I'm already very sleepy but will try to add these:
1. Simply because he is so telegenic and so eye candy.
2. He is articulate and a master communicator.
3. Witty, with sense of humor plus dazzling laughter to go.
4. As the #2 Best technically-skilled singer of all time Jackie Wilson is No.1)
5. Can sing any genre.
6. Voice in a 100 million (Roger Taylor of Queen)
7. Lights up the screen.
8. Most exciting persona on any live show.
9. Dazzling eyes, dazzling smile, dazzling voice, dazzling eyes
10. Fashion plate on that Idol stage.
11. Will electrify Idol and its ratings.
12. Best charismatic personality should be seen on TV.
13. ADAM has to be experienced and millions will benefit positively from that experience.

Can keep on going but have to sleep now.


Adamluv said...

To piss off haters - is my favorite reason. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Because Adam scare people with he's tounge out and act like clown with he's face move and tounge.

Anonymous said...

very good xyz !!

Anonymous said...

OT .... Adam singing this afternoon in Federation Square Melbourne ....

Anonymous said...

Another photo of Adam singing at Federation Square Melbourne NOW ....

Anonymous said...

And ANOTHER photo of Adam at Federation Square Melbourne this afternoon ....

daydreamin said...


Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous, gorgeous photo of our man ....

daydreamin said...

Another up close:

Anonymous said...

Here's another of today's pics ....

Anonymous said...

The Federation Square pics keep coming:

Anonymous said...

WOAH! Another fabulous pic ....

Anonymous said...

I don't like Oz promo. Only handful of people. Makes Adam look like a busker.

Anonymous said...

@August 25, 2012 11:22 PM

Hello! Stop your whinging!!!

Oz promo has been just fine. It wasn't even advertised that Adam would be performing in Federation Square in Melbourne so how the hell are most people going to know about it????!!!! People would only find out on Twitter if they followed Channel V who were running this afternoon's gig or by following people who follow Channel V or happened to be in Federation Square at the time of the gig. It aint rocket science.

Adam signing his autograph at JB Hi-Fi this afternoon was only advertsied instore. It's not Australia's fault so look to blame elsewhere.

daydreamin said...

Adam signing his CD now:

Anonymous said...

Not blaming Australia. There are super nice and loyal fans, but also Tommyberts who ignore because there's Brian and not Tommy. One said at the airport when Adam arrived to OZ that she almost didn't recognize Adam. He was not close enough Tommy. They recognize Adam only when he's next to Tommy.

Anonymous said...

@11:22 PM .... Yep, people are quick to criticise something about which they know nothing. As I understand it, the performers at the Federation Square guerilla gigs aren't advertised beforehand which is a shame because I'm sure a lot more people would've been there had they known about Adam being there in advance. I, for one, would be in Melbourne seeing Adam right now had I known about it sooner. Anyway, I hope it has been a successful promo for Adam. Perhaps more could've been done but what would I know about such matters. However, I am so pleased I attended his Take 40 Live Lounge concert - it was MAGNIFICENT and everyone there LOVED HIM to the max and beyond. His concert here in October can't come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

What a loada hoo haa! I don't believe a word of it!

Anonymous said...

Another pic from this afternoon. Adam is such a handsome man.

Anonymous said...

A very young fan at Federation Square:

Anonymous said...

@11:54 Tommybert is a fan of Tommy, not Adam. Believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links to all the great pictures. Enjoying alot.

Anonymous said...

56 photos from Adam's Guerilla Gig & JB Hi-Fi signing this p.m. in Melbourne, Australia ...................

Anonymous said...

that's quite a crowd that showed up for a few songs...I DO wish some people on this site would stop complaining about everything little thing. It's sad that the negativity of current fans can affect future fans (esp the ones that post on media articles that Adam is not doing well, should be selling more, etc. Do you actually think this is helping get new fans? WTF).

Anonymous said...

Ditto to 2:09 It was a guerilla gig - for the people who are passing by, the vast majority of who may never have heard of him and who might like him after hearing a few songs. Remember Arcade Fire did one on an NYC street corner a few years back.

I thought the Sydney promo was wonderful. Major radio and TV media.

Adam looked great.

Anonymous said...

He ruined American Idol for me,so he needs to come back and make it exciting again!:)

Anonymous said...

August 26, 2012 6:29 AM

Hahaha, I like your comment!

Yes Adam, you broke American Idol, now go back it fix it! LOL


Anonymous said...

Looked like a successful spontaneous gig to me. Made lots of people happy. That's what counts.

10:08, I agree. I think RS either is jealous of Adam or is hot for him. One or the other. Either way, he always seems a little forced and slightly uncomfortable, kind of like he feels like he's not the one in charge when he's around Adam. Adam usually dominates wherever he is, but in a totally good way.


peacenikimiki said...


peacenikimiki said...


Anonymous said...

2:09 thank you I have been meaning to write your exact comment for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a positive person and a damn huge pop star, he will over come what obstacles in his path. The man works and works and works and never complains. He just a lovely guy and he doing fine. I agree the negativity is nonsense and does not help anything, please stop reeling Adam how to run his career, he does not need your advise and it looks bad. Just enjoy him, he is fabulous. I hope he get's Idol but if he doesn't there are better things on horizon, I am sure. He was certainly the only contestant they seriously considered, do that in it's self is something, so please start being positive the negativity is ruining the site!

Anonymous said...

That was please stop telling Adam how to run his career, he knows best. It was a type mistake from above comment! Thank's

Anonymous said...

He's the only reason why I would spend the time watching American Idol!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree - only if Adam is a judge would I watch American Idol. He is the real deal - a consummate performer as well as a genuine person !!!

Anonymous said...

Reason is because I want everyone else to see what I see!
#1 a caring person
#2 A magnet to the human spirit
#3 A beacon of light to the world!
#4 A sense of humor!
#5 The voice of an angel!
#6 What talent really looks
#7 Sexy on all levels!
#8 A smile that gives you
goose bumps!
#9 A great judge of talent!
#10 Loyal and true to
his family,friend,and

Anonymous said...

Oh 3:08 pm Exactly. I want everyone to see what we see. And he is all those things.

Anonymous said...

The hope that he will revisit the "Ring of Fire " look (PLEASE) just for a little Idol nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

He is drop dead gorgeous. Would love to see him on TV each week. A Dream come true!!!!

HK fan said...

I don't think the poster of this list meant that Mariah hadn't had a number one, but that her last album hadn't had rave reviews.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:53 pm I don't think we will ever see the rocker hair style or emo again. That was an early twenties look and Adam is now thirty. I loved it too, but it's dated and Adam is alway up to or beyond current fashion. Sauli probably sees that style when
Adam is fresh out of the shower.
Excuse me, I'm feeling faint. lol

Anonymous said...

@6:29 & @6:56 on 8/26:

Ha ... hadn't thought about it that way - but that's sooooo well said and positively true, true for me, and I'd venture to guess true for MANY. LOL.


Anonymous said...

Adam would be the voice of reason if he had to sit between Mariah and NM. He is articulate and smart and knows the music business. And he is certainly a lot better looking than the two women who are all big hair and boobs.