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Adam Lambert knowledge quiz! Take it to see how much you know about Adam!

Filed Under () by Admin on Sunday, September 9, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 09, 2012

Via AdamDailyNews and Adam Lambert Fan club:

"This Quiz is Not Easy And If you could answer correctly most of the Questions then Congrats Because you are one of the most Wonderful Glamberts in the world and one of the Glamberts who helped Adam To Be what he is Today !"

CLICK HERE to take the quiz!

What was your score?


Anonymous said...

I got it except for his shoe size. That's a huge size, gawd! O_O


Dizzy Bee said...

I did 65 out of 100. HA. Total fail. But I love and support Adam 100% anyway.

Anonymous said...

100!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah

Anonymous said...

76 out of 100.

Anonymous said...

VH1 BTIKM Pop up video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People do not realize that we are an active group of fans. We vote on all polls Adam! We support him in all things Adam. We are "real fans". Not fake! Not fake! Not fake!!!!!!!!!!!!

twyla said...

bummer, all the donating and voting I've been doing these past years and now I'm told I'm a failed fan!

Anonymous said...

Boo me! Can't believe I failed! Can't believe!

Anonymous said...

I failed the test too, but I'm one of his biggest fan. I spent a great deal of time promoting, buying, supporting, and voting for Adam that some of those little personal info went right over my head. lol If I had known that I was going to get a certificate with a failing grade I would have done better. I really knew all the answers! lol

Anonymous said...

Geez....and I thought I knew everything LOL! 76/100

Anonymous said...

I'm 2:09, just wanted to add that I just discovered this website and I really like it! It seems like a fun place to be and lots of Adam info.

Anonymous said...

I got a 94. Yay. Guess I know my guy pretty well.

Anonymous said...

I got an 88,so was very happy! I heard NCOE playing in the store today here just north of Dallas. Got very excited,but tried to act normal.

glitzylady said...

76 : )))
At least I passed...Proves I'm not COMPLETELY obsessed, something my family and friends will be happy to hear!

Anonymous said...

76 wow should I be happy or sad

Anonymous said...

Yikes that 94 person is REALLY obsessed,just kidding!Aren't we all down the rabbit hole never to come out!

Anonymous said...

No dumb test is going to convince me I am not his #1 fan. :) Just ask my family. They'll tell ya.

Anonymous said...


LOL! i can say the same thing. No one can tell me I'm not his No1 fan.

Anonymous said...

65%:( However, Adam never said that he hates cats! He just has an allergies on cats!

Anonymous said...

Not failed fan ! Just New Fan!!!

SG said...

82%!Yay!Im not100% obsessed!!There's still hope that someday I will!!Lol!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't very well, but I didn't remember how many octaves his voice was. I think I missed three. Gotta pay attention!


Anonymous said...

i mean I DID very well. Can't type today!

Anonymous said...

76 out of 100.

The Dark Side said...

Missed almost half, which means while I consider myself a very good fan, I am not OTT or obsessed. Good to know! I think?

Anonymous said...

I got 82% out of 100% Not bad!

Anonymous said...

That was kind of weird.

Anonymous said...

He's got big feet, but they're the cutest things. One time he was asked why he sang barefoot on stage, and he said he just felt comfortable unshod. Adam is an alien, as no other earth singer does this. Didn't know he was allergic to cats, though. Also, when did he say he didn't know his blood type? Selective memory, probably. As for how many octaves, I kept reading 5, from others' accounts, but Adam never said he knew, didn't he? So, who's right? Ironic that I just wrote that I knew him more than I'd care to admit, and now all I can say is that I know him so much I failed the Adam Knowledge Certificate.
After studying Adam for three years you'd think I'd be close to getting a B.A. (Bachelor of Adam) degree. Guess I'll have to take Remedial Courses in my major, Adamology. No problem, unless the class is full of failed classmates. atm

Anonymous said...

Well, I got 100% with 6 minutes 22 seconds remaining. I love Adam, but am not obsessed just have a good memory. No one will play Trivial Pursuit with me more than once.

This test was conceived by someone whose first language is not English.


Anonymous said...

Wham.....I didn't pick because it reminded of george michaels....I like trespassing better because he lets us trespass so much on his personal life..

tess4ADAM said...

Well ... I got a poor score IMO ... 76% ... shame on But there were a lot of things on there that are not too well known ... such as ADAM hates cats. That's not true .. he just prefers dogs ... did not know that ADAM was unaware of his blood type ... goofed up on a couple others that I should have known. Oh well ... back to the interview vids so I'll do better next time. But really .. I don't need a certificate to tell me that I think ADAM is the BEST singer I have ever SEEN in all of my 75 years ... EVER!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I did this quiz last night it was in one of my google alerts. I got a 71% and was so happy to show everyone today I am not obsessed about Adam.Yay!! lol

Anonymous said...

@atm & @5:49

Love both your posts.

Anonymous said...

Will wait until much later to tell everyone how I found out how to cheat on the test by mistake. Don't want to spoil it for too many people!

Anonymous said...

Fun thread

Anonymous said...

VOTE repeatedly for GRAMMY!

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

VOTE repeatedly for QUEEN and ADAM:


Anonymous said...

Out of subject. Just watched 3 minutes of Daughtry on TV. Be honest, hate him. The band is great, but he stinks as singer. I know so many people are crazy about him. I used to like his music videos but never saw his live performances. May be he was okay on AI but for now there are a lot musicians who are much better than this guy.

Anonymous said...

The only ones I got wrong were ones that I would question anyway ... I don't think he's ever said he "hates cats" and I've never heard him talk about knowing/not knowing his blood type. Ah well, it was a fun quiz and I enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

I got a 100 so yes I am obsessed.Adam told Bryon in his interview he didn't know his blood type Bryon said that is important you should find that out.

HK fan said...

i got 88%, but to be honest I had a couple of clues from reading here first. Agree about Adam not saying he hated cats, but that he was allergic to them and preferred dogs. I got the cologne right, I remember that from an interview. got the name of his movie wrong though....

Anonymous said...

just voted on the Popcrush poll. That site is pretty cool I stayed in there reading different things forever and some of it was about Adam. Fun things.

Anonymous said...

I got an 82%. Missed the blood type and the octaves

Anonymous said...

I am obsessed with adam and got a 71%, but answered in 3 minutes. The questions I got wrong were much more obvious than the ones I got right. Go figure lol


Anonymous said...

Wel I didn't do bad 88... i know I'm obsessed so I've decided I'll give myself 100 for obsession...and I'll take the 88 for memory....obviously the two are not connected...rosepetal

Anonymous said...

Odd way to measure fan-dom. Fun though!