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Adam Lambert on THE VOICE OF CHINA!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 30, 2012

Adam performs "TRESPASSING"

Adam performs "WWFM" with the contestants

And CLICK HERE for another clip of Adam on stage with a Chinese celebrity! (The video couldn't embed)


Anonymous said...

Who can beat this INCREDIBLE VOICE????









Anonymous said...

I got up early to watch the live stream,then had to go back to bed for a nap. Was too tired to watch past the duet. All I can say is that I was blown away by Adam. Trespassing was amazing. Good job to the contestant who sang WWFM with Adam,he was very excited. Adam has the best voice in the world and thank you to China for recognizing his talent!!!

Anonymous said...

Another clip of Adam from The Voice, China:

Anonymous said...

He is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, a GREAT performer. He adjusts to any kind of circumstance, audience and staging and comes out with a fantastic performance. Love the guy. Beverly

Anonymous said...

watched on livestream - Adam was super impressive. Hope this leads to gigantic concerts in the future so he can tour.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is one amazing singer,performaer and person and he gets better and better how can this be?

Anonymous said...


Leilani Aloha said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Great great Energy between the 2!!!
Adam's AMZING VOICE & the contestant is able to keep up with his Idol!!!
Simply an AWESOME DUET!!!
What a Beautiful Sunday to wake up to !!!

" We Want You Adam"!!!
U r a beautiful being & light to all glamberts!!! across the World!

Anonymous said...

China Rocks with ADAM!!!
Adam Is The VOICE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert - the World's Rock Star!!!

Anonymous said...

Watched it on livestream too (at 4:30 L.A.) and Adam was sooooo worth losing sleep over LOL! First of all, he is breathtakingly beautiful, graceful, charming, articulate and his mega-watt smile could blow you away....but his vocals were fantastic! The duet was really great and the contestant seemed in awe of Adam. After the song was over he kept hugging Adam. It was so cute.


Anonymous said...

Adam is just breathtaking in every way.
What an unbelievable ambassador of goodwill and love.
I'm so proud to be a glambert!!!

Anonymous said...

the show was soooo long. he was so good can adjust to anything. his theatrical background has prepared him for anything. it's very hard when there is another language involved. he did beautifully tho. such a showman. he looked fantastic. he is so thin now hope he doesn't get too thin. it's too bad sauli couldn't be there with him but he said he would be in finland for two weeks. maybe he will take him to south africa with him. hope so,

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to get all choked up at the sight of this beautiful and mesmerizing ambassador of goodwill and music. The WWFM contestant was so taken aback with joy it was written all over his face. What can I say about Adam? Made me so proud with his cultural contribution to the world. I'm sure he made points for the good ole USA with his grace and incredible voice. Mission Accomplished. atm

Anonymous said...

What an amazing performance. Adam didn't have his band with him or the backup singers and he did a terrific job on both songs. He does get better every time you see him. And didn't he look gorgeous in that outfit, always the latest in fashion. Adam is just the best performer on stage and he connects with the audience no matter what country he is in, whoever is in the band or what the stage setting is. I guess all these global trips are in preparation for a Trespassing tour in 2013. Won't that be fabulous?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is wow! Trespassing was not words to explain how good. Same way with the duet, the boy was really good. Then comes Adam with that spectacular voice. I said before. The tone to Adam voice is unmatched. Adam sounded wonderful the boy was so , so good. Trespassing was hot, hot, hot.. Overall just plain fabulous. So glad he loved and appreciated world wide. America are you brain dead! As Paul Newman once said why go out for hamburger when u got steak at home. we got steak in Adam Lambert and you keep promoting hamburger over him. Wake up, it's growing by leaps and bounds great love for our boy!, world over. Anyone know when this plays in china? Sue

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Adam will be on the Voice US next season?.maybe one of the celebrity mentors (just like Kelly clarkson last year)... well i don't mind coz' he can really help any contestant.He is the BEST!..
Too bad for idol..

Adamluv said...

So far only watched the Trespassing video and like all of you thought it was great. Had to laugh when he got close to one of the guitar players and he had a "Tommy" hair cut (except for color). Adam always gets a hugh response when he does dance moves, and for me that's one of my favorite parts of his shows. And that sassy attitude at the very end is! What a total doll he is!!!! . . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Forgot to mention his substitution for the word "ass" being "a". That cracked me up!!!!!

Adamluv said...

Me again. Just saw the WWFM video and was very moved by it. Thought it was beautiful and Adam showed such graciousness while singing with this young man. If peeps on this site have a problem with Adam or Tommy or Ashleys hair what must they think of this singers "do"? I personally loved it - shaved sides, dreads, and purpleish/pinkish hightlights. Maybe it will give Adam some ideas! LOL. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Sue I like your analogy of hamburger vs steak. Adam is prime rib or whatever the top cut of steak is! His performance was amazing. Really who can sound like him. He has spoiled me to the point where it is hard to listen to a lot of music. I may like the song but the voice unless it is Adam just leaves me flat. I know he is technically trained and had theater background but he is the whole beautiful package!

Anonymous said...

I'm so hoping america took notice of adam's outstanding performance!!! So much better than bieber's praised performance on dwts. Adam Does not need gimmicks, auto-tuned, and never lip-syncs- ever! He really is an amazing performer but most of all I hope is sales on trespassing skyrocket. That's what america (shallow) goes on not talent!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I left my husband a note last night..."Please wake me at 6:00 am if I'm not up...I have to watch a livestream from China".

He is so paranoid about computer info I'm "forbidden "(hah!) to give out email address or credit card numbers, etc.....My family is a huge enclave of police, lawyers, investigators, they are always telling me internet horror stories...they know my tendency to 'tell all'.

When I came out at 5:00 to make my cup of morning tea, there was my usual note by my chair (I've gotten one every morning for 55+ years) this was not a love note or indecent proposal (as they usually are) this one said .....

"China?....Our government is watching you and monitoring your computer. Please don't struggle or cry out when they take you away,
I'm going back to bed!"

He's such a smart a**!

Anonymous said...

JAK again...I would really love to see Adam's must be huge! Did you notice that his jacket with the 'wings' was the same one he wore in 2010 when he performed with Allison and Kris in New York....the Rock My Town concert?

Anonymous said...

JAK, you are one lucky woman to be married to someone with such a wicked sense of humor! That's one of the things that keeps couples going strong. As well as the indecent proposals!
I too have dreamed of having a tour of Adam's closet. Lots of black, leather and then there are the stage clothes from his last tour.
Would LOVE to have him take us all on a closet tour. Maybe someday!

Anonymous said...

Is there footage of the winners? Saw footage up to the last few minutes where they each receive a trophy but who won?
I bet the dude won!
Footage anyone?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam perform on DWTS to Trespassing. He would be fabulous. And forget seeing him on The Voice. I think there is some kind of dislike between Adam Levine and our Adam. Remember when Levine said he never heard WWFM that one of the contestants sang on a previous season? I just don't see him on that show esp. since he came from Idol. Any show that would take Bieber(lip synching) over Adam Lambert performing live with his powerhouse voice is losing out on one great talent in music today. It seems that so many countries globallly are recognizing and loving Adam's talent while here at home we to fight and request to get one of his songs played on the radio. Very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

JAK, loved the story of the notes your husband leaves you. And yes, he must have been fits that you were watching something streaming from China. LOL!

Anonymous said...

@1:58 PM I think that whole Levine/Lambert situation was overblown. I don't believe Levine has any legitimate reason to be disdainful of Lambert. If Adam doesn't appear on the Voice(US) it will be for reasons other than the fact that Adam Levine didn't know who he was once upon a time. Nor should being from Idol be an issue since Kelly Clarkson was Blake's assistant adviser last season.
If they want him on the show for whatever reason, they'll book him no problem.

Anonymous said...

Who is the Chinese celebrity Adam is with in the third video?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the good ole USA just has to acknowledge Adam's incomparable talent and all the beautiful things that go along with it..he really has gotten 'thin'...wish I had his dedication to eating healthy so I could lose some weight too..and I know it has to be hard for him cause he loves to eat..God, he just makes my world with his voice, his beauty, his charm, his charisma, his wit, his intelligence..and the list goes on...I think with all the love we send to him that he will attain success in this, his own, country..

Anonymous said...

Would be very surprised (and happy) if our ADAM joins The Voice as mentor or guest judge but don't think it will happen.
Not so much as the controversy as Levine being not familiar with Lambert as the original singer of WWFM and saying that for sure the contestant did it better than the original, but it's more of Blake's dislike of Lambert.
ADAM was once asked to do the red carpet on one of the award shows (forgot which).
And he was giving comments on the fashion on the red carpet until it came to who was the worst dressed celebrity that night.
ADAM was asked and agreed with someone that the worst dressed was Miranda Lambert, the wife of Blake.
After which supposedly Blake let out some homophobic slurs meant for ADAM but I actually didn't hear or read them or if he mentioned his name at all.
Kelly's BF is the son of her manager (husband of Reba) and manages Blake as well why she got to be a mentor for Blake on The Voice though she's from Idol.
Next season, Aguilera and Ceelo are out as judges temporarily and Usher and Shakira will take their place.
Who knows, Mark Burnett might get the crazy idea of switching Lambert with Levine when it's Levine and Blake's turn to vacate their seats.
That will be the day!


Leilani Aloha said...

Adam's looking Great , Healthy & Fit!

My husband just watched "The Voice of China " clip & he commented what a good looking kid Adam is with an Amazing voice!!!

He's maturing to a lovely adorable gentleman & eating healthy, he's lost his " puppy" fat:):):)

Adam's conquering the WORLD with his Amazing Voice & Charisma! Yay! for Adam!

Magiclady said...

IT WAS GREAT!!thats when I climbed that optimistic vine!

I have such high hopes for our country to start appreciating Adam's many talents. This performance was especially fine and god he looked soooo good! Love the Angel wing jacket. Recognized it from before too.

Anonymous said...


You are such a lucky lady married to a thoughtful and loving husband all these 55 years.
Bless you two and all your family.

About The Voice of China, is this boy the winner?
It has been discussed here before that ADAM would make it big in China if he can record a duet with a famous Chinese singer.
I guess this is a chance for ADAM to really conquer China by recording with this boy or getting that visibility by being on their TV and radio with a duet song and charting if this boy is admired and loved in China.
I hope something really big is in the horizon.


Anonymous said...

That girl's name is Zhang, Liangying (or Jane Zhang), Chinese pop star.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:28 P.M.....JAK here...yes
I was born under a lucky star. I married my guy a month after he turned 20 because he was funny, sweet and we could spend endless hours in each others company without ever getting bored or cranky...the fact that he was an expert at kissing and hugging helped. He didn't have a dime, literally...was in air force and drove a $200 car with holes in the floorboards! I forgave the fact that he wasn't 'my type'...he was 6'4",incredibly handsome and I had never 'crushed' on good looking guys. But I knew he was "it" and he still is. He's gotten funnier, sweeter, shorter and financially solvent as the years have passed.
I hit the jackpot!

V Camilleri said...

Adam is just so amazing. I am always blown away by his talent. WOW. Excellent Show. He just shines.

Anonymous said...

I gotta find the live stream somewhere. JAK, I've been married to a guy with a wicked sense of humor, too. Keeps me on my toes, and I love it. We give each other the business all the time. My brain will never go dead!

Adam is acquiring stardom in big, populous adoring countries. Frankly, I don't know if the U.S. TV people really know or care. I hope like hell they see Adam in all his international glory and realize what the the U.S. TV reviewers are missing. American TV is clueless, unfortunately. WE MUST KEEP ADAM IN THE FOREFRONT IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. ON POLLS, VOTING, REQUESTING! Are non-Adam fans in the U.S. aware of this China show? Most likely not. WE have to talk about it online everywhere we can. Make it known to people besides us. Non-fans are probably aware of the Queen gigs, either.

Support and spread the word.

DRG (Adam is amazing.)

Anonymous said...

I commented previously on this site that if you don't follow Adam and his career on this blogsite, the average person doesn't really read or hear much about him on any entertainment shows or in news print. Most non-Adam fans don't know about his concerts with Queen or know that he is in China and then later on to South Africa. He is becoming a global superstar and yet can't seem to get his songs played on the radio here at home. Every time you turn on a show, there is Justin Bieber lip synching away and lately seen on DWTS. Who wants to see him there? In fact, I switched channels when he came on. Put Adam on the show which is geared to an older audience and not teenagers. He'd blow them away performing Trespassing with the pros dancing there in front of the stage. Adam did an amazing job in China on The Voice and looked absolutely fabulous. Watching these vids today was the best way to enjoy my birthday along with going out to dinner with family later in the evening.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam do a duet collaboration with one of today's pop singers. Who would I suggest...well, Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Christina A or someone else with a powerhouse voice. There seem to be so many collabos out recently that have become hits so maybe Adam will become part of a duet with his amazing vocal talent. I still want him to have a smash hit single on his own, but a duet in the future might be a possibility. The Chinese singer who did the duet with Adam for WWFM did a great job on that song and I'm sure they didn't have much time to rehearse it either. Also, the band was very good and that one guitarist reminded me of Tommy with a similar hair style.

Anonymous said...

He was blessed with an amazing voice however there is so much more to this human being. He is an Ambassador of hope,love, and acceptance. So proud to be his fan!

Unknown said...


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