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Adam Lambert talks 'Trespassing', self image, and Queen on MTV Australia

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 27, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, September 27, 2012

Via MTV Australia:

We chat to Adam Lambert about his latest album 'Trespassing', his own opinion of self image and touring with Queen!


tess4ADAM said...

OK! I'll be the first to comment. I LOVE that ADAM is so supportive of his fellow artists but I don't understand why he thinks Rihanna's(sp.?) video is deserving of an award & not his own BTIKM or NCOE ... I think they are both Brilliant not just in concept but also ADAM's vocals are far more impressive. I can't even sit through either one of the songs ADAM mentioned. Sorry ... if ADAM isn't singing/performing ... I'm not listening/watching!! And that goes for AI too!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a nice guy, I think it is just second nature for him to compliment his peers. But I agree, no one holds a candle to Adam, no one comes close to this man.

BTW I can't stop watching the Chicago Fire promo with Adam singing ROF. Its addicting and its only 32 seconds long. Only Adam can make a commercial promo hotter than hell!


Anonymous said...

Regarding Adam singing ROF for the promo, I hope this is only the beginning for Adam. Eventually, the suits will learn when Adam sings - people listen and they might even watch their programs on TV. Adam is a superstar and even the bigots have to know that will translate to big bucks for them.

The important part is it's a win, win for Adam and that's all I really care about. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I thnk it's pretty obvious that Adam's taste in music is not the same as that of many of us. He likes what he likes and says so. If we buy that he's an honest person then we have to feel he is sincere. He's a couple of generations away from many on this site, just be grateful that you like some of the music he's choosing to perform or it's the case of the "Adam can do no wrong" people who like everything he does no matter what. I believe that's called blind devotion. Or obsession.

Anonymous said...

the rof is one of my fav

Anonymous said...

good interview, I got my Adam fix for the day. YAY

glitzylady said...

Loved this review of Adam's concert at the 9:30 Club for Maryland Marriage Equality...

From Cafe Risque blog: Relevant excerpts from the review:

"LIVE!!! (music, that is...) And Marriage Equality! (T.C. Blue's week in review)"

"Tuesday night I was at the 9:30 Club… again. This time it was to see Adam Lambert perform a charity show for Marylanders for Marriage Equality, which is an organization I volunteer with, so it was just that much more special to me. How amazing was it to see so many people there to show their support? Pretty fucking awesome! People actually came from all over the country. (I spoke with one guy who'd driven down from New York, and a gal from… I want to say Arizona, but I could be wrong, though it was definitely somewhere in that part of the country.) All of them there to see La Lambert, and all of them seemingly happy to spend a fairly large chunk of change to support a good cause.

After this meet and greet, it was out into the club proper from the back bar, and a short while later, Lambikins and the band took the stage. When I say they took it, they really TOOK IT. They owned that damned stage for the rest of the night, and the stage seemed to love it, so… no harm. *hee*

So the band is there, the lights are good to go, and then… it started.

We also got to hear La Lambert's thoughts on marriage equality, and as always, he was extremely well-spoken and presented his thoughts on the matter in a very clear fashion. Not surprisingly, he received loads of applause, not just for his words, but for the entire show.

The whole band was awesome and I couldn't be happier to have seen them.
After the show ended, there was an enormous queue outside the club, by the alley. It seemed Lambikins was going to be coming outside to sign things and allow for brief photo ops with those who had attended. I have to say that the club handled that whole scenario very well. They're clearly quite used to that sort of thing, which was a relief. That sort of situation always has the possibility of becoming a clusterf*** of immense proportions, and that didn't happen here. It was surprisingly civil and even polite, with very little pushing and shoving. To the best of my knowledge, everyone who waited left with whatever they'd been there for, whether that was a photo or an autograph, and Adam Lambert was unfailing nice, as far as I know. Meaning I wasn't there for long, but while I was, he was very personable and kind and went out of his way to give each person a smile or a hug or a laugh.

***I have no idea what he's like in his real life, but he's a shining example of how to have a great public persona.*** [so true...]

His performance raised a lot of money and awareness for Marylanders for Marriage Equality, and on that basis alone I'd have to adore him, even if I didn't think he was a lovely, talented and smart man. As I DO think those things about him, I have to say he's definitely in the running as Tis's Favorite Entertainer 2012. (This is a highly coveted title, or should be, and is never awarded lightly. Just sayin'.)

So that's been my week. Gossip (f***ing incredible show), and La Lambert (also wicked-great).

Now if I could just get a Gossip/Lambikins/Scissor Sisters/Blood On The Dance Floor show, I could die happy. *hee*"

Anonymous said...

I honestly do like everything Adam performs especially, his own music, it is all very good. It's not blide devotion but I am sure have that. Do not worry Adam she will get an award for her stuff, whether we think she deserves it are not. But, I hope someday very soon you finally get some awards and real notice for your great songs. I love the new single, wish it will finally get really released. They were saying on insider last nIght Elvis Duran premiered her new song Rhianna, was trending world wide, her song. Hope after the china thing and the huge following the show had on line Trespassing will trend world wide, do think that may happen. Anyway Adam just a good guy and that will pay off in the end. Sue

Anonymous said...

11:05 thanks for your AWESOME encounter w adorable Adam & lovely article of Adam's performance!!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Just read 11.05 so great, love they love my Lamy Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the article, as always Adam is a class act.


Anonymous said...

I just read that the radio stations don't want to have Adams music on, because they might lose some of their listeners. Which is a possibilty, and if e-mails are sent to the stations stating that if they play Adam music, then their jobs are on the line.
I am waiting for Adams tour, because that's where his true followers will be.Not sure what the holdup is for his tour to start, unless it might have something to do with his life with Sauli. He may not want to do a 4 or 6 month tour away from each other, unless Sauli can work it out with his Finland job. He is going to Finland next week to be on the BB show as a guest, and also to do some more Tutkas.

Anonymous said...

Once again, this interview showed Adam as the articulate and honest man that he is. His comments about investing his heart, soul and time to the TP album are touching. Just hope he gets the recognition he sooo deserves for his effort ... but that may not happen due to US radio continuing to NOT play his wonderful music. Since I know the music industry is all about $$$, I very much worry about Adam being able to put on a tour next year. If the sales aren't there, this may not happen, but I continue to be hopeful. Adam so deserves more recognition and we can only hope that the US will embrace his next single and FINALLY play it. Fingers crossed ...

Anonymous said...

I heard pink is going on tour in november,and her aldum just came out.How is that possible?

Anonymous said...

After a concert Adam was signing things handed over a chain link fence. My daughter got within one person of the fence and when she handed my album to Adam he looked her straight in the eyes and she about passed out. Her opinion of him now is that he is perfect and probably a perfectionist in all things. That would account for his nailing all music, his ability to speak so well, his personal interactions with fans, his looks, and on and on............. :)

Anonymous said...

I also think it is all about $$$ and therefore worry about a tour if his albums sales don't increase. So China and Africa are very important upcoming dates.

He also needs more exposure on TV in the comng months so hopefully that will happen.

On the other hand, Adam is doing so much better than many of the Idols who have even been dropped by their labels.


Anonymous said...

Pink has money. She has written for lots of people. She apparently can afford it. I wonder how big of a tour it is? How many dates? U.S. or other coutnries, too?

How embarrassing for the radio industry that some PDs and DJs won'e play Adam's music because their listeners don't like that he's gay. How sad and out of touch with reality. How humiliating for our country that people still feel this way. These people would probably accept the music of a gay singer who was in the closet, but would reject them if they came out??? Makes no sense. This has to be SO frustrating for Adam. I'm happy that he's doing as well as he is despite these obstacle. He has integrity and honesty on his side. It will pay off in the end.


Anonymous said...

this is just crazy that radio will play some songs and not others; there must be people who will complain about other people all the time. so why would anyone assume normal radio listeners would complain if adam's music is not played. These are excuses to hide what is really going on. I am sure that there is some of the 'formulaic' approach as Adam states, and that Adele and Gotye break that formula so there is hope. TP is very different, so hope it catches on. I amsure Adam can tour, but the tour could be in larger venues this time if US radio played the songs. sigh. Saw him at the 930 club- it was great and it seemed like he stared directly into my eyes several times. I was second row from stage and there was alot of direct interaction between adam and the crowd.

Anonymous said...

oops,I meant "why would anyone assume normal radio listeners would complain if adam's music is played." typing too fast when I get wound up!

Anonymous said...

@10:16- I honestly have tried to keep myself updated with hits 1 (sirus) all the billboard radio played songs. I am educated only because of adam and he needs to be on that stasis. I honestly can say, the crap they play today is mind-boggling what gets to the top!! I have decided not to dwell on this anymore because it it is a losing cause. This is what sells today, this is what the kids listen to, this is so sad because to me it is NOT music . I am not that old, but know good music when I hear it, I feel sory for this generation of music- they have no clue and adam is just in a different leaque from most of them. Time will tell, but I think he will be global first and then maybe america will take notice.

Anonymous said...

I think as fans we should call out clearwater channel bann of adam. It's so wrong whereas he went to half of those radio stations promopting his album and THEY won't play his music!!!! This is wrong on so many levels and I think they need to be called out on it! Don't know how- but they are trying to stop adam's career and this must be stopped. Would a petition help, how to we let these assholes know we are not happy about them blackballing adam? We ae so creative in all different ways, this to me is the most important! Any thoughts, requests- don't work!

Anonymous said...

@11:57- I would like the link to these radio stations that are afraid to play adam's music. How about turning it around and say I'm never listening again unless you play adam's music. If they can e-mail- so can we?

Anonymous said...

it is nothing short of disgusting that US radio refuses to play Adam's music...not that I'm hoping for this..but I honestly would not blame him if he relocated to Australia..or somewhere where he is loved and accepted...the ignorant, bigoted mindset of some people that diss him make me physically ill...

Anonymous said...

Adam is definitely in a league of his own as we've all said before. I actually think Adam's voice is just way too good for Top 40 Pop music (based on what the current top 40 sounds like to me)but I understand that is where Adam wants to be right now.

I cannot believe that certain PD's and DJ's will not play Adam's music because he's gay, or they'll lose listeners or they fear the loss of their jobs but if is true (do we have actual evidence this is going on?) I fear if we start campaigning on Adam's behalf with emails etc. to PD's is there a possibility it will backfire on Adam even more? Will the Glamberts be regarded as "crazy" as has happened before? Opinions anyone? I just don't want to do anything that might hurt Adam in any way but at the same time I see requesting from the stations does no good. I'm really confused.


Anonymous said...

1:44pm- I tend to agree, this is similar to the JCPenney ad campaign where the minority got shut down pretty quickly. But I don't really think people are writing in to say that, I think it is an 'easy excuse'.

I will say that it was great to see teens with parents at the 930 show- there are teens/20s who love Adam's music and are very aware of him. Media knows this, do you see how often his name leads an article title -he is a draw, even if you do not like pop/dance music. I know lots of people who think Adam is very talented and would go see him in concert; they just do not love pop or dance music. and then there are those who just do free downloads. Then again when you see Pink selling, you know that people still do buy so who knows. I hope Adam makes a ton of money outside the US. He has to spread his talent around the world.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm just in a bad mood, but though T.C. Blue's review was basically a good one, I didn't appreciate the LA LAMBERT references and Lambikins. LA is French feminine and used for a male less than male. Adam wasn't swishing around the stage so I took it as a disparaging remark and also Lambikins. As I stated maybe I'm just looking for a reason why I find this a bit insulting.

Anonymous said...

The last thing we should do is flail at the radio station like a bunch of crazed banshees. That only makes us look worse. It woul backfire on Adam, I think. Glamberts already have an over-the-top reputation, and not everyone likes it. Adam does have younger fans, but the impression is that he only has older fans. That's not true. The person who was quoted said he thought Adam was shallow, but discovered otherwise. He likes and respects Adam now that he "gets" him and knows him better. There is hope to change more of these radio goons, but it takes tact and patience and an approach that won't put them off. We can't come off like obnoxious bullies. That won't help at all. No one is more aware of this problem than Adam and his management. They know what the problem is, and they have most likely discussed it at length. Adam has to go about marketing himsekf in new creative ways beyond the radio alone. Being on shows that display his personality and humor is one way to get people to like him as a person first, then as a singer later. Almost anything is worth a try, but not assaulting radio stations in a negative way, please! It will only put them off more. Contact them if you must, but keep it mind how your approach might affect Adam.


glitzylady said...

This conversation re Adam's low radio play for Trespassing album songs has been discussed and rehashed here in this blog many many times. Different theories have been put forth. The Top 40 stations have been by and large giving him very little radio play, as we know. Clear Channel is a huge corporation and I (unfortunately..) seriously doubt a petition by Glamberts to play his music will do much, if any at all, good, in and of itself. The cold hard fact is that unless music is listed on a station's play list/request form...they will not play it. And even if it is, it has to get a lot of requests to be played/stay on there, so I hear.

On many stations, the DJ's have zero control over what they play. They can't play it even if they personally love the song. I suppose some independent stations will play whatever they wish, but most are highly formatted..and as we well know, play the same songs over and over again. They tend to be pretty similar in nature as far as the "sound" of the song. I personally don't listen to Top 40 much. Not because I don't like the music so much (I don't think its all crap personally..) as I get SOOO tired of the repetition. I think there is a fair amount of good music out there, but I want to hear Adam too. And I want his album to sell well as the singles from we can have a TOUR!!! And so Adam will be encouraged to continue to sing for us...I know he's doing well in some other countries (yay!) but like all of us fans, I want him to be heard and appreciated here in the US too. I really don't think this country is nearly as backward as some say..The US just doesn't get to HEAR the music..They aren't being given the chance.

I was really surprised that Never Close Our Eyes wasn't a hit. The radio people that Adam talked to on his US Promo tour earlier this year apparently thought it was a great choice as a single. I was at the Bing Lounge when he sang it publicly (beautifully..) for the first time..We were all sure it was going to be successful and would get radio play. Why wouldn't it?? Its a dance-able and uplifting song..A friend of mine used to call her local station to request it but it was eventually dropped from the request form..The reason given to her for that "Not enough requests.." To which I would respond "Not enough PLAY"..Ridiculous logic, in my mind. Sheesh. My top 40 station in Seattle (very liberal city..) said "Not in our demographic" (WTF?) when asked why they didn't play BTIKM at all, even when Adam was there promo'ing at the time it was the single. I've also heard radio play is also very much "encouraged" by money from the label.

I don't know what the answer is..but I suppose we just need to keep requesting where we can..and hope Trespassing, the single, is sometime soon officially released, with a lot of publicity and promo from the label. AND the stations play it.

I think we all know there's a problem..but to what extent, why, etc..good question...

Jadam NZ said...

Yes, it is absolutely mistifying. We have talked and talked this to death. I still dont understand as I said in a thread earlier, do they not play any music by gay musicians, Elton, Queen, Ricky Martin, KD Lang, Melisa Etheridge etc? Or are they still stuck in the past of the (Dare I say it) AMA fiasco and Adams past flamboyancy.
Who the hell knows, I dont, and like Glamberts everywhere I am frustrated to hell about it.

If only he got the chance to show his true character he would win everyone over as we have seen before.
Also while I am on my soap box, do these Radio Station owners/directors or whatever they are called, not realize being Gay is predetermined in the womb just like other genetic things, they need to educate themselves
At the moment in NZ we are fighting for same sex Marriage, we have had Civil Unions for years but now we have a bill which has passed its first reading in parliament, so thats all good.

Anonymous said...

ugh, why are Adam Lambert's interviews so interesting and why does he look so good ??

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Ring of Fire link... so great...

Anonymous said...

I actually was sending clearwater channel an e-mail ( very easy to do BTW to bob pittman the bigwig executive) asking him why he doesn't allow adam's music. It was a nice letter but also very direct and to the point. I did'nt end up sending it because it was asking all kinds of info and had to join wizard? ( I backed out because I'm not computer savvy and didn't know what I was getting into. It felt great writing it though and it's easy to contact them for whom- ever is better at this lol. i just googled clearwater channel (the ones blocking adam) and everything came up. I think they need to be told, it's so wrong what they are doing!

Anonymous said...

Clear Channel Communications has 239 million monthly listeners in the US. Clear (not Clearwater) HAS THE LARGEST REACH OF ANY RADIO & TV OUTLET IN AMERICA. And their owners will be voting for Romney.
Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that only two corporations own the radio stations and that Clearwater Channel alone owns about 850 radio stations.
Maybe if Mitt Romney knows he will get votes if his radio stations play Trespassing, a miracle shall happen.

Anonymous said...

Clear Channel Communications owns 850 stations, where are you getting the name Clearwater? Clear has no division called Clearwater.