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Adam Lambert Wishes PINK a Happy Birthday

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 8, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 08, 2012

PINK is 33 years old today!


Anonymous said...

And he loves her hair . . .

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pink and many thanks for agreeing to let Adam record the song you wrote "Whataya Want From Me". It was perfect for him........JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't tweet, so I'll just say Happy Birthday to Pink here. She's a nice person.

Adamluv said...

Pink is my absolute favorite female artist.

Anonymous said...

I really like Pink and always will be so happy she gave Adam WWFM.

Anonymous said...


Totally uncalledfor attack on Glitzylady on
"Vote for Adam Lambert on GRAMMY's website!" thread ...
That kind of posting is not acceptable, just can't ignore.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Pink - you tiny but totally impressive bad ass powerhouse!

This performance makes me cry EVERY time:


SG said...

I would always be thankful to Pink for giving Adam such a wondelful song and he even make it better in all the many versions he make of it.I love the vid too,Adam looks amazing but it's always hard to see tears in his eyes...(even knowing they are fake)...I love to see LOVE in his eyes!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's hairdo is similar to hers. Cute!

Anonymous said...

How do u get to newest comments on Grammy voting site without scrolling 4ever?

Anonymous said...

sometimes i still hear wwfm at the store,it makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we're all grateful to Pink for WWFM.
And Happy Bday to you, Pink!

Anonymous said...

Pink is a classy artist and terrific performer, just like Adam Lambert is. Happy 33rd to you Pink!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Midge are tied on the Grammy site...VOTE

Adamluv said...

@GGD Gal - thanks for the link. Everyone should go watch it! You're right - Pink is a badass powerhouse!!!!! Never needs to dress skanky (rihanna) nor ridiculous (gagga) to get the attention she sooo deserves. . . . Adamluv