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Preview of Adam Lambert's Interview on Special Musique FC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 8, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 08, 2012


HK fan said...

wow thats really tiny!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anything with him is good even how brief.

Anonymous said...

A TIP: Press Refresh "F5" for faster repeat voting. This allows unlimited voting. Best to place keyboard on lap for left hand, index (pointer) finger pressing F5 and right hand manipulating the mouse. This is most efficient for me. Good Luck to Adam and us.

Anonymous said...

Drat! I don't have twitter so can't vote on the VH1 poll. BUT, I am voting constantly on the Grammy nomination poll!

Anonymous said...

Regarding Grammys, it's time, high time; at least 2 nominations, one win...for Best New Artist or Best Vocal Performance; also plausible...Album of the Year or Song/Video of the Year and Adam should get to perform at the nominations or actual Grammy show. This is not asking too much; it's the least the Academy can do for an outstanding achiever, singer, Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my That is so my wish too.

daydreamin said...

Here is a clear picture of Adam in costume from PLL:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Modern, handsome Glampire with fangs...really nice. Hey Count Dracula, what do you think...he looks a lot younger and more vibrant than you; you sure need some new blood to keep up with our Glampire. lol! Thanks daydreamin...:)

SG said...


Praying to the Universe for that!I really hope he wins a Grammy or two...his music is way much better than the rest.

About Count Dracula,he's retired in Florida,Transilvania was getting cold,he needed hot blood,so he had decided to go for a sunny place with hot young blood. He has change the black/red cape for a flowered bathing suit!!

Anonymous said...

Hey SG!! So you are back from your underground movement. lol! Yea I really really want to see Adam get his first Grammy. The last time he was nominated for Best Vocal Performance and lost...what the heck was that? And he had to sit through the blessed ceremony and wasn't even mentioned on the actual show. I hope he doesn't get treated so shabbily this time. Artists must be treated with great respect especially one so brilliant, Adam.

Anonymous said...

I feel your angst too... :)

SG said...


Well I was walking for some time when I came across this sign"Shady underground"! So I Trespass to talk to you! LOL!
You're so right, he deserve respect and in the music industry you get that if you win Grammys, doesn't matter if it's deserve or not...and he REALLY deserve it!! I want to believe in the music industry again.I'm sure there's still hope!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is going to be at the Grammys...because when I said: I hope he won't be treated so shabbily this time...I was not aware of what it implied. So he will be there at least for nominations. This is my unknown fly-in psychic field at work. lol! Shady! Pass by this way more often... :)

Anonymous said...

BTIKM Pop up video.

Anonymous said...

The Grammy simply have to reward Adam's voice with a nomination of some kind. A Grammy nom really MEANS something. It's not just a popularity contest. It's not just based on sales. His voice is SO incredible that the Grammys will not be able to ignore it for long. He's had such strong positive reviews for Trespassing. I pray he gets a nom (or two!).


HK fan said...

a small article in an Oz magazine

HK fan said...

Here is Aidan and Liam McEwans Trespassing entry for Adams contest. They are the lads that do the Adam Lambert hour on The Flea from NZ each week. Its the best video out of the ones I've seen so far, I especially love the penguin!!

Anonymous said... watch video ..trespassing contest video from the flea

Anonymous said...

Let me warn you guys about something. The Grammy poll does not mean that Adam is nominated for a grammy, nor will your vote get him nominated. Websites like these use these polls to get hits for advertisement money. They always add Adam's name because they know his fans vote on EVERYTHING with his name on it. They also know that his fans spread the word like wildfire about these polls,so they know it will get them lots of hits on their site. They are using you.

Anonymous said...

Liam and Aidan are the best fans ever.

They really appreciates everything about Adams creation and hope they win and finally meet our Rock God:))))

As far as I know they they haven't met him in person.

More power!!!


Anonymous said...

What is Sauli doing in Denmark? He said he will tell us tomorrow

Anonymous said...

@ 8:26 A.M. You might as well save your breath, they are not going to believe you. I've tried
unsuccessfully again and again.
Delusional optimists, bless 'em.

Anonymous said...

@9:19, I know. I also thought that it was kinda crappy for that radio station to have a poll to vote for Adam 1000 times before they would play his new song. They don't do that to other artists. Once again - taking advantage of Adam's fans.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 8:26 - unfortunately, you are probably right. @Anon 10:28 - I cant imagene them doing this to other artists. So very unfair. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I know it's not an assurance for Grammy nomination and sure taking advantage of fans but I still vote. Why?
For ADAM's sake since they put his name there and to show how much fans love him.
I also believe that good intentions are rewarded and evil ones shall be put in their place by the Just One.
It may not be immediate but surely it will come.
So I just do what I have to do because ADAM deserves it.
And I know he will get there because he can't be ignored for long and it will happen because there are fans like me.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.26 am
yes we all know that winning this poll doesn't mean that Adam will automatically be nominated for a Grammy. But if winning it helps the Grammy people know that Adam has a lot of fans out there, how can that not help. Knowing its no guarantee doesn't seem to stop the Madonna fans voting...

@anon 10.28
while I agree with you that its wrong to get us to vote to play his single, we actually don't know that they don't do that for other artists, they very well could do but as we don't follow them we'll never know. Certainly when its a radio poll pitting 2 artists against each other then there are always other singers involved, and I'm sure their fans are saying why should we have to vote, just play the song.....but voting anyways!