Wetpaint Reports Adam Lambert Could Be Fourth Judge
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Sunday, September 9, 2012
Posted at : Sunday, September 09, 2012

Wetpaint has received new reports that says if Enrique Iglesias Passes on American Idol, Adam Lambert Could Be Fourth Judge.
Via Wetpaint:
"The new report also left the door open for Idol alumnus Adam Lambert to be the fourth judge, if Enrique should pass. Enrique’s been on tour this summer with ex-judge Jennifer Lopez, so it's possible she either sold or soured him on the whole thing."
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I can't think why Enrique would turn down millions of dollars to sit around for less than a year.
he's checkin' ass out in that picture. I just don't know who?
Adam Lambert should get away from the Idol stigma. He is a superstar now and don't need their connection. MOVE ON
Trust a bitch.
Good news! Adam AI judge! Hmmm...my unrelenting fly-in psychic field is right on target...Whoa, means we can see Adam regularly twice or thrice a week on tv. Never mind if the contestants are not as good as Adam; because that is a huge stone's throw away, not foreseeable. lol! Very happy news! lol! :)
I tried to leave a comment at the site but my Facebook wouldn't let me in. I don't think it is necessary to say anything against Enrique though. I would love for Adam to be Idol judge, just think of all the fighting fun and freaking out we will all do.I plan on behaving.
Hey all the 24/7 enthusiasts...get ready your boxing gloves or even more effective...polish up your latest karate chops to kill...lol! :)
more speculation
Still waiting for the official announcement.I know Adam wants this so I would be so happy for him if he got it. Not to say anything against Enrique but we all know Adam would make a fantastic judge. After all he knows the show better than any other judge could.
Off subject, but Lee Cherry tweeted this video:
leecherry: Guaranteed laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWPLftOse2c
I'm pretty sure it's Adam's pool, since we've all seen pics of it before. Yes, a 'guaranteed laugh'!
Why would Enrique pass up 10-12 million $ for a few months work? His tour just ended I heard. Wonder what Jlo told him about Idol.....keeping fingers crossed for Adam just because he wants it.
Very funny video...this reminds me of the Adam walking on water and Riff floating on water photos. Effective in the way the background/trees is brought so close to the wall/edge of pool; making it seem like one can fall beyond it...Good try! But this time I know there is the other half of the pool that the guy is falling into. lol! :)
I haven't noticed being a judge on Idol hurt anyones career yet, so bring it on.
is that guy wearing Adam's famous swimming trunks in the video?
In this case, there is no "other side" of the pool : )) The side of the pool that faces the view of LA in the distance is indeed ...the far edge of the pool. The raised..but just under the surface of the pool water.. separating ledge of the pool separates the shallow hot tub side of the pool from the main part. Apparently the guy really fell off the edge: Ooops!!....I only know this because I've seen (and saved..) some pictures of the house and pool that were taken when the house was available for lease, before Adam took it over. The house is also on the cover of a coffee table book of "mid-century modern" LA homes...rather famous apparently. Beautiful and very privately located home for Adam and Sauli.
Wow! glitzylady - you should have scored 100% on that Adam quiz! I would NEVER have known those details about Adam's house - how did you find out about this house before Adam leased it? Special inside info, perhaps?? Ha! I think it was in a Rolling Stone interview that Adam commented that the rent on this place was in the 'low 5 figures' ... that would be at least $10,000/mo. by my calculations. :-) So I would say Adam is doing just fine - and good for him!
Are we not suppose to request Trespassing yet?
@Louisestelle: @shoshannastone Do u know if OK to request Trespassing on radio here in US or do we wait for official word?? Confused!!
@shoshannastone: @Louisestelle wait please! Adam hasnt announced radio date yet
Okay...thanks, I did imagine it could be a grass patch of sorts or the surrounding land but thought it could be the other half of the pool. In that case, the guy who is tall simply landed on his two feet on the grass or perhaps a raised platform...lol! :)
: )) Nope, no inside info..( I wish..) but just happened to see it on twitter last year. Didn't see it before Adam leased it..it was after the fact. Yes, I think the rent figure you mentioned is correct...The house and grounds are lovely but not ostentatious or grand at all by "Hollywood" standards. Just a nice 3 bedroom home in a good area with a beautiful view and ...good security, a necessity for sure. Definitely a step up from his roach infested apt early-on-in-Hollywood and then the studio apt. he was living in when he auditioned for Idol. So thrilled for him to be living his dream now. He so deserves it.
@Anon 10:30 PM
I think they suggested too that IF a radio station has ADDED Trespassing to their playlist/request form it is more than fine to request it. (The station in Texas for instance...) However, it hasn't OFFICIALLY been "added" for radio play yet. Adam said at the time he announced Trespassing as a new single that he would let us know about radio adds, etc.. Takes time I guess. : )) More waiting (sigh..)...so hoping it's "soon-ish"...
Adams tweets at the time of announcement:
5 Sep Adam Lambert @adamlambert
More details to come... Cover art and radio add date... All in good time.
5 Sep Adam Lambert @adamlambert
My next radio single is TRESPASSING written by @Pharrell and myself. "make their faces crack, there's no turning back"
LL here - in the same interview, Adam mentioned the very high and difficult driveway to approach his home. He said it's a pain but worth it because it keeps the paps away! I live in LA and wish I knew where this home is -- I wouldn't stalk him, of course, but would like to see the neighborhood and surrounding area. I have a couple friends who live in Hollywood and I'm sure they could help me find it. Got any additional info, glitzylady????? :-)
Nope..just Hollywood Hills somewhere......
The video was fun:) Thanks for the post...
About the AI rumours, perhaps we just wait and see.
Adam is a superstar and I wish all the best for him:)
LOL on the requesting. Radio is only interested in what it's regular listeners request. If we start asking before it's on - that's a big indicator that we aren't listeners.
Happy to wait - it's a lot of work. Saving my fingers for my radio station and the official shotgun from Adam.
In the meantime, plenty of things to vote for.
I think Wetpaint is a bit behind on it's reporting. It is probably referencing the NYC Post interview instead of Deadline. Trolling for hits and a fan fight, maybe?
We won't know until they announcement but it seems clear that Idol wants Enrique pretty bad.
Not inot a fan fight with his fans. If Enrique leaves after a year, Adam may be seen as a turn-off to the fans he's drawn to the show.
Adam plays nice for a reason. We should, too.
Glamberts, please keep requesting “Never Close Our Eyes” too, on the iHeartRadio playlist Top 5 @Five.
It's included!
Someone posted the above, could you provide the link? I did a search to find it, but can't find it. Please provide link, so I can request..thanks
Adam seems to want the IDOL job, so please all Glamberts, send our positive thoughts to the Universe! Unexplainable, unexpected things can happen to those who believe!
I want the AI job to happen FOR ADAM.
I want the exposure and success it could bring FOR ADAM.
I want the new opportunities it would give TO ADAM.
Frankly, I'm not interested in any of the singing shows, including Idol,
But I want it because it will be good FOR ADAM, and every week I would watch Idol FOR ADAM.
DRG (cute video)
And, Enriquez would be crazy to pas it up, but you never know. I LOVE how Adam is back in the mix right there with other big names.
Adam absolutely positively knows if he is going to be a judge by now but unable to say either way. IMO
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it fi Adam was on TV each week. Whatever happens, I will support him and love him forever. His new CD makes for a fun entertaining out of this world Christmas gift.
The Idol judge job is an important milestone and stepping stone for Adam in his quest for rock stardom. He needs a big network...to form influential connections like Queen, and we can see how beneficial it has been for Adam as well as Queen. So Idol is an excellent platform for this to develope further. Also Adam wants to share what he learnt from Idol and he loves to share; as I've always described him...magnanimous.
Please vote for these poles,Adam needs lots of votes! http://popcrush.com/best-pop-song-of-2012-readers-poll/
Trespassing is on 102.9 Dallas mediabase request form so you can request it or they said to text or tweet them that you want to hear it, That's how it made #1 on Friday's top 5 at 5. It is not on their front page top 5 list of songs to chose yet so there must have been lots of texts and tweets! Let's get it on the top five everyday!
Another important reason I left out, is since Adam isn't getting enough radio play, well, AI will be his best way to promote his album as the judges get to perform; not forgetting AI is a world showcase, where he has very strong territorial claims. lol! Reminds me a little of animals here. lol! Trespassing album sales will soar if Adam works on Idol.
Well I dusted off my boxing gloves and sharpened my tongue as well...let the debate begin....wanted to post earlier but my boss kept giving me the fork of the evil eye... must have something to do that ridicules memo about no cell phones at work...rose petal
I keep wondering why Adam's calendar doesn't seem to have a lot of commitments on it. Keep hoping we get to see him every week for a while. I'm thinking if he's not a judge on Idol this year I don't think I'll watch. I think they need a little life on the panel. Just my little opinion.
Does any radio station play Trspassing except 102.9?
Just saw Randy Jackson on (don't know if I have spelling correct here :)) "Hoda & Kathy Lee" - NBC's sort of extended "Today" show (I think, I don't really know :)) - anyway, it's Mon 9/10 11:30ish EST and Randy just hinted at absolutely NOTHING regarding Idol. He said Maria is confirmed 100%. I believe he said he is definitely involved in show but unless I didn't understand him correctly (which is possible, doing several things at once :)), he gave no indication that he is a judge vs. a mentor vs. anything... The ladies asked him specifically about only one person - NM... and Randy said he didn't know, nothing confirmed.
So, just FYI. I've stayed out of this AI speculation business... but I just happened to catch that NBC show segment just now, so thought I'd pass it along. I think Randy was there promotion something to do with Diabetes, not Idol...
I dont think boxing gloves are neccessary. Play nice is the correct way to act.
Boxing gloves could be the reason Adam is treated like he is by some.
People get tired of the fighting Glamberts and all the huff. Cool it.
@anon 8:57
Ok settle down it was a joke ....we all know no matter the out come of this idol thing someone folks here will disagree with others...thats the beautyllee speech and a difference of opinion .
Nooo the boxing gloves are stated specifically for use by 24/7 enthusiasts only, here among ourselves not for fighting Adam foes...unless they stumble into our territory, and some hyper enthusiasts accidentally whack them. lol! An...Enter at your own risk...sign has been placed at the entrance. lol! :)
Sorry getting the evil eye again I meant the bueaty of free speech and a difference of. opinion ...peace light and love....rose petal
Adam - DON'T DO IT!
The show is on its way down. Your career is on the way up. The show was good to you in 2009, but it's 2012 now. Time to get away from AI. It's not worth all the money in the world...
Randy Jackson,on the View today...also absolutey NO news on the judges!!I just KNEW he wouldn't tell anything,If he knows...I bet he does know more than he's telling,tho.Since he's Miarah's manager,I KNOW he's happy about her!doesn't seem fair to me..):,but what else is new??
all I know is if Adam is judge I am going to sit back and relax and enjoy the show. I have always enjoyed Idol and what a bonus this will be.
omg! why are u guys still talking about idol
10:38 why not? they haven't announced the judges yet. It's just fun.
Even if AI is on the wane a bit, there is still strong life left in that show, and it is still a great gig to be a judge on it. That's why BIG names have been in the running for it. I have not watched it since Adam's year (just a sporadic glance here and there). but it is still THE singing competition show. I know The Voice, etc. are popular, too, but AI is still the big dog.
Even if Adam could be on it for only a year
Even if the show begins to really falter in the next few years
The benefits to Adam could be immense. WE WOULD see him on the big talk shows. WE WOULD see him on the awards shows and big media events. AI is STILL a big deal. Those who left Adam behind after AI and have forgotten about him, those who wrote him off after the AMAs,
COULD GET ANOTHER CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW HIM ALL OVER AGAIN, WITH A NEW PERSPECTIVE. AI stigma or no AI stigma, Adam's presence and personality are a real force to be reckoned with. This would be his chance to show the world that he is so worthy of their attention. He would no longer be "that gay guy we don't like," for whatever reason they invent in their heads. His real self would shine through.
DRG (hoping to watch "The Adam Lambert Judging Show" also known as American Idol.)
Totally sick of this entire Idol judging crap!!! Sure they are just using Adams fans for publicity. If they can use us like this I will never watch this show again! The dark side
Agree with DRG 11:19AM
Well said!
We want Adam to SUCCEED & HE WILL!!!
@DRG- right on!- exactly how I think also! Went away for 2 days and thought for sure there would be news by now? When are they going to announce? This is beyond crazy now, oh well the voice starts tonight.
my opinion only:
you people who don't think AI judges spot wouldn't help Adam in terms of sales and the like... very foolish, you can't see the forest for the trees. JMO
it's 12:29 again:
I didn't say that correctly... but you get my point I'm sure. Such a gig would help Adam in itunes downloads alone. Sure something like that not be sustained, but there would no doubt be an advantage career wise if he were on AI
Happy! Happy! H-A-P-P-Y!!!!
And the Plot thickens......
Randy Jackson on American Idol exit rumor: Don't believe what you read
it will definitely be the fab four..Mariah, Nicki, Keith and Enrique..they want to bring in viewers.I guess people will tune in just to check out what that clown Nicki is wearing...honestly, entertainment just ain't what it used to be..Adam tweeted that he is jealous of Rihanna cause she can get away with being sexual, etc. and he really can't (even tho he does get sexy on stage..and let's face it..he wouldn't be the hot sexy Adam that we have all come to love and adore if he didn't)..my heart is broken over him not scoring the AI gig...I truly hope that the future holds exciting things for him..while the boring quartet of "judges" works on Idol..I know, I'm being really snarky right now..but I just so hoped that I would get to see him on TV for 5 months, twice a week...and I wanted this for him so much as it would have definitely boosted his career and sales of TP...sometimes life just doesn't seem to be fair..and I also know that there are a quadrillon more things in this world to be concerned about...so I guess I'm being a little selfish
Last time AI had quartet judges when Simon was judge. Did you call Simon or Paula boring?
@anon September 10, 2012 1:37 PM
Can you please post the link where you have found this information written in stone!!! I'd be very appreciative. :\
Now, having snarkily said that. I actually DO believe the Judges table will look exactly as you outline... HOWEVER, I am not going to come on some blog, even a silly blog, and state it as fact, especially without leaving a credible link to back me up.
The speculation is a PR game; whatevs. I let it swirl around me and go about my day. But don't post info as fact if you don't have credible links to back up, thanks in advance.
@1:37, 2:29 here
I just reread your post... and you seem like a nice person (as much as one can tell from a blog posting :)), and you are obviously a big Adam fan, and want the best for him. I feel very similarly to many things you wrote. I'm sorry I bit your head off a bit; I do let all the speculation swirl above my head mostly, but perhaps it got to me in that moment where you started off with a "definitely"... you used that word, but after another reading of your post, I think you're vibe/meaning was "to you" if was definitely. Sorry again.
I think it's pathetic that Adam can only be an Idol Judge if everyone else in LA turns it down. He should be first choice - not last choice.
Love what you said DRG and I totally agree!
1:37 PM here - sorry guys, I meant no harm in my post...it's just all the blogs are posting that the four people mentioned are 'probably' going to be the judges..no one else's name has been mentioned..so I admit it is an assumption..and I also admit that I am just a little mad that it looks like Adam won't get the gig...I was just thinking out loud..and yes, I adore Adam..to the point of being ridiculous about it..but, please forgive and go easy on me..I am 70 yrs. old and I don't want to cause any bad feelings either way (you or me)..thanks..
and no..Paul was NEVER boring..I loved her..I also like Mariah, Keith and Enrique..(Nicki, not so much since learning of her sex tape on internet..oh well)...I just think that Keith and Enrique are so laid back that they might not make the best judges..however, I believe that Mariah will be great..just wish Adam could be on the panel with her and the others..
Dont let people get you down ....we are suppose to be a glamily...I was teasing in my post about the boxing gloves ...I like a good debate but not if upsets people... I didn't post anything in response to your comment .... as bad as I hate to admit it I think your right...we all love Adam and get really passionate about what hapPens to him...peace love and light to you ...rose petal
thanks Rose Petal..I really appreciate that..light and love to all of Adam's fans..he deserves to have the best fans ever...
AI should be so darn lucky! Adam is the cream and icing to their cake and they should be so lucky to have him grace that show. Personally know Adam is far greater but if AI take him into homes throughout the world and gives him a huge paycheck then it's worth consideration. Adam is humble when it comes to AI especially as he put the whole show back on track when it was on it's way out.
I also think Adam would be a great judge and should have been thought of first. to me he made AI. I have watched it every season & if he is not picked as a judge. I won't watch it again. AG
@4;57- I feel the same way, I also have watched since day 1 and will not watch if adam's not there. Especially with nicki m YUK!
Randy Jackson kept the mentoring seat warm for Adam. It is where he fits best. He mentored on one show and lived the whole idol experience. Not to mention he is an extraordinary vocalist and entertainer. What better mentor? Perfect. If Adam is there...I am there.
I totally agree! Although I think he would be a great judge and it would help people see a different side of Adam that they maybe do not know about, I hate the idea that everyone else has been asked first and if they do not take it maybe they will consider him. BS!
My guess is ADAM is NOT the last resort but has been the chosen ONE.
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