New Pictures: Adam Lambert CD Signing in New Zealand
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Posted at : Tuesday, October 09, 2012

And below are some pictures of when Adam arrived at the airport:

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Adam Lambert Fan club shared FOUR Live's photo.
FB Post by @FOUR_Live (NZ): Tomorrow on FOUR Live we are very, VERY excited to have Adam Lambert co-hosting the show with the suave Tumehe Rongonui! If you could live the life of a celebrity for a day, who would you chose and why? Comment for today's show.
About FOUR Live: FOUR Live is a topical entertainment show, airing weekday afternoons on FOUR 4.30-6pm. Find us on Freeview Channel 4. Sky Channel 012 or watch on demand
I want to get my CD signed!
So the McEwan brothers finally got to meet Adam today!! So happy for them! They must be over the moon with happiness!
Liam McEwan @LiamMcEwan
@msckradam thank you SO much! That means a lot, great feedback like that is wonderful! Thank you!!!! :)
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8 Oct Liam McEwan @LiamMcEwan
I think it's just sinking in that in just over 24 hours, we will be meeting @AdamLambert! :) #NZGlitterTribe
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8 Oct Liam McEwan @LiamMcEwan
Here is a video of my MJ performance yesterday on NZ's "Good Morning" TV show... Hope you like it! :) …
Adam's wearing his 'blue suede shoes' at the CD signing! lol Gotta love his fearless fashion style. :-)
Thanks for all the great pics!
Looking forward to a pic of Adam with the McEwan brothers.
Here are the McEwan brothers there though not with Adam in this pic:
this site
I think the 8th pic down might be one of the McEwan brothers and here might be another of them having their CD signed with Adam but not certain (from facebook):
this site
I'll bet the tall guy in the back middle of the picture is proud of himself. There is photographic proof that he is indeed an A$%HOLE.
My sis & I went along to get our CD's signed at the Queen St store in Auckland & just had the best time ever! Stood in the queue for an hour & sang & danced along to Adam's music while having a giggle with some of the others in line ... the atmosphere was so exciting, saw TV people & various radio celebs there as well (love you Polly from ZM!!)
We saw young girls SOBBING as they left the store clutching their signed CD's.
When we finally did get to see Adam it was a magical moment.
It IS true what they say about him being even more beautiful in the flesh - he shines like the sun & his beautiful eyes & smile just draw you in.
I nervously shoved my CD in front of him & said "hello". He smiled & looked straight at me & asked me how I was. Well, for the first time ever I was dumbstruck! I was just sooo happy to be bathing in his light! Anyway, those few seconds were precious & no doubt I'll replay them over & over in my head.
The only let down for the afternoon were the stupid security guards - honestly they were so RUDE to everyone. We had already been told several times not to stop for photos, Adam would only be signing CD's not body parts etcetera, but I saw the bewildered looks on the young kids faces as they were pushed along & told several times "keep moving, keep moving, keep moving". I realise that those big oafs are there to keep Adam & everyone safe, but JEEZ LOUISE - some guys think that wearing a security uniform gives them God-like powers. Um, no. As it was, we were near the end of the queue & we were in the store for less than half an hour.
Anyway, apart from the dickhead security people it was an awesome day & one that we will treasure forever!
@anon 12.19am
wow, lucky you, what an amazing experience. I can't imagine how I would feel in the same situation. Thanks for the recap.
......and security guards....they are the same the world over, give a little man a uniform and the power goes to his head!!!!!
Hey Adam, You have fans in the U.S., too. How about a CD signing here? I would stand in the line!
adam please stop those shoes!
adam I love those shoes! Do your thing boy. Some of us get it. those shoes are classics, will never go out... some of us get it
@Anon 5:32 AM:I also love the shoes. There's something about wearing your favorite shoes that makes you happy! It's Adam's choice and why wouldn't he wear what he wants to wear! He looks fabulous! Shine Adam! Shine on! Great taste!
(PS..I especially love his dancing shoes!!!yes!!!)
The shoes are not the Blue Suede Shoes of Elvis memory, too light too bright. But, hey, Adam looks great when he looks dorky!
Absolutely love seeing these pictures of Adam. And,yes, why doesn't he do a cd signing here? I think,however, that if he signs in one city, there would be an outcry for him to come to all other cities across the country and that would be virtually impossible. I just read somewhere that there will be a Trespassing tour in 2013, but no definite schedule or details announced. That is going to be one spectacular tour for all the loyal fans and new fans who have been waiting for this to happen. This made a rainy, gloomy day here in NJ just a lot better now.
That closeup of Adam is gorgeous. It seems as if he has very little makeup on and his smile just lights up the room. Adam is so well respected and love all over the world. It's only here at home that there seems to be some backlash, criticism and non acceptance by a select group of individuals. He is the best vocal talent in music today and that cannot be denied. Adam is in a league of his own and there is no competition from anyone else performing today. And yet, for whatever the reasons, he has to fight his way to have his songs played on the radio or even to be recognized by the music industry. I have been a fan since day one and will continue to be far into the future.
Love to see all those fans in NZ wanting BB TO sign his CD..He looks happy.
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