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Picture: Adam Lambert posing with Shanghai fan!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 1, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 01, 2012


HK fan said...

Cool jacket.

This is a video of Adam singing Trespassing on the 80's talkshow in China. Not sure if its been posted. The audience really loved him

Anonymous said...

The Chinese collar, buttons and crystal spikes and jacket fit Adam to a T; topped up with antique-silver hair. Adam simply steps into the Chinese world with such ease; the people, fashions etc. Can you have a meal with chopsticks, Adam? By the way, chopsticks can be used as lethal weapons by a kungfu master. On these reality shows, people and the contestants address the judges as Lau-Tze / Master. So officially, I pronounce you, Lau-Tze Adam! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Tried to find radiostations who play Trespassing recenlty. Found just two of them. Goody news that they play BTIKM also!

Anonymous said...

Zhang Wei said some think he is crazy because besides eating and sleeping, he simply sings, anything. Doesn't this sound a little familiar, expressed in other words. So Adam nails it when he says...we are the same. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice pic! Lucky fan.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan Thank you for posting the video of Adam singing Trespassing on the 80's show! I hadn't seen that one...boy he was on fire and the audience was too! Wow! lots of screaming and excitement!


b said...

I ♥ Adam Lambert 24/7 News

Anonymous said...

did Glamberts do any twitter trending when Adam was in China? That was a big deal someday I will learn how to do it. Lam-my I loved Adam's jacket from the get-go and now you say it has crystal spikes I love it even more. They sure know how to give the best gifts.

Anonymous said...

May not be crystal, sometimes my imagination runs wild when it comes to Adam, lol! I got the crystal idea from the crystal mic stand they made especially for Adam. Thanks for the unwavering trust! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Two inhabitants of planet Earth, only one of whom has hair that defies gravity!......JAK

P.S. Lam-my it does not surprise me that chopsticks can be used as lethal weapons....whenever I try to use them I am in danger of blinding myself! My manual dexterity is nil.

Anonymous said...

Hi Timeslot
I see...929 is 2, so 919 is 1 and 939 is 3, 949 is 4...So 999 is 9. 999 is our police call no. lol! Hey I see this double 9 series shows the actual numerology number in the middle. Not bad, at least I don't have to add, Thanks! Numerology pal! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey not bad, you may have some hidden kungfu talents. That is exactly the point of attack and throat or neck and possibly brain...this is getting too violent! Especially from two peace-loving people like us. lol! The story goes...that the silent assassins use the everyday utility tools so that they can kill their targets even as they are having a chat, drinking benign herbal tea or having a grand dinner! lol! That is not exactly where or how they kill them. lol! But the only difference between your kungfu and the assassin's is they don't poke themselves! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my....JAK here

I am sure I will die by violent means (not by assassin I hope) I have been assaulting my poor body by a series of accidents since I was 6 years old! As of today my 'body' count is 7 impressive scars ranging from scalp to ankle and I have broken bones in every limb of my body and had a concussion! The term 'accident prone' describes me perfectly!
My 'boo-boos' are sort of a family joke.

Right now I'm putting my weary self to bed it's after 2:00 A.M.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, JAK, so sorry to hear about all the broken things. Sleep tight. Good night. :)

Anonymous said...

Regarding translation of master/teacher/mentor, the more usual term is laoshi, meaning teacher. So I hear everyone addressing the judges on the show as Laoshi. Master, will be shifu. So Adam is Laoshi, friendlier term than Shifu. Usually the name is not addressed after laoshi or shifu...not so respectful because students do not address their teachers by name. But being more attuned to Cantonese, we often refer to a very highly-skilled or intellectual, respectable person as sifu (si-foo), Cantonese. Example, Bruce Lee is addressed as sifu; he is Cantonese and a martial arts master. But sometimes in informal situations, say, at a mahjong table, we call the really expert experienced players, sifu. Even an outstanding chef can be addressed as sifu. So Adam to me is a music/singing sifu/master. In one of the Voice of China interviews, a polite lady translator said Adam is a master. And then Adam was quite surprised and sort of gave a cute short bow. But the funniest part of the interview was, they asked Adam to tell everyone how to go about being so successful like a master; but never gave him a chance to talk. lol! The funny guy used the mic from beginning to end and relieved Adam of having to give a lecture on how to become a master. lol! But humble Adam simply smiled and smiled and just said one sentence; that most of the time he doesn't know what he is doing! lol! Sooo cute and humble. That's my kind of sifu. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is great with his fans. I am SERIOUSLY waiting for a hair color change. I know people like this but it's not flattering even with that beautiful face. next please.....

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.....JAK here....question

Can a woman be addressed as shifu?
I'm considering suggesting to my husband that he address me so! lol

Anonymous said...

Yes a female master/expert is also addressed as Shifu...shi means teacher and fu means father, translating to teacher-father. So, may not be gender agreeable to you. Probably due to male dominance in Chinese culture. So bottom-line, you can train your classy husband who writes you love letters to address you as Shifu. In my opinion you are Shifu...I remember addressing you as master once. lol! But I don't know if your husband will approve of you being Shifu. Maybe he thinks he is the real Shifu, male chauvinism. lol! But I think he will gladly address you as Shifu! Suggestion, don't tell him the exact meaning...hmm not honest! And unbecoming of an imminent, aspiring shifu. lol! You asked a shifu question! :)

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.....JAK here

It will be no problem...he has considered me shifu for years...just didn't know the word!
A U.S. comedian Bill Cosby made the comment years ago about his marriage......"I'm not the boss in my house...I've seen the boss's job and I don't want it! My husband agreed with that sentiment.

There is not a chauvinistic bone in his body, he has always thought women were smarter...we've had women doctors, financial advisors and a woman lawyer. Suits him fine. And then of course we have 2
daughters so he has great respect for 'the weaker sex' HAH!!! He is overrun and over powered so just sits back and enjoys it. I like that quality in a big strong man.

Anonymous said...

In that case, your husband from your description...such a wise man is indeed a Shifu! So by order of hierarchy, you might like to consider yourself as Shimu meaning wife of the Shifu, slightly lower in status than! You just did yourself in! lol! Now you know why men always hold the reins; women practically hand them over! lol! Okay, not to worry, he is Shifu and you can also be Shifu...Equal rights! Different fields of expertise. lol! :)