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Pretty Little Liars Cast on MTV's Top Ten (Including Adam Lambert!)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 20, 2012


daydreamin said...

One word: AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Pretty Little Liars, but I will for sure be watching this episode. Adam is a natural in front of the camera. Hopefully this is the first of many times he gets to "play" on different shows.

Anonymous said...

He is so gorgeous and I can't wait to see his guest performance on PLL. I've never seen the show but I'll definitely not be missing this episode!


Anonymous said...

OT On Q102 Philly's home page they have a video exclusive scroll on the left,it's small. Give it a hit,it's when Adam went to visit the station.Yes,can not wait for PLL!!!

Anonymous said...

My DVR is all set for PLL Tues. night show. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Makes me mad, I had this taped. Unless Adam on it I don't care about it. I did not check it which I should have. Erased it before checking it, like idiot. At least it on here! I usually go through fast, of corse this time I didn't. Cannot wait either! sue

Rebecca said...

so can't wait to see this

Anonymous said...

give official Trespassing Lyric video hits on VEVO!!