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Lancer Dancers Dance to Adam Lambert's 'Never Close Our Eyes'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 20, 2012

Via EnchantedMystery1:

This is a dance routine from the Lancer Dancers at my high school. They did a really good job, and I wanted to post it. I hope that you guys enjoy this as much as I did.


Anonymous said...

Such a great song .... Adam's voice gives me the goosies. :)

Adamluv said...

Always good to hear Adams music being used.

HK fan said...

wow, great job girls, your timing was amazing.

Anonymous said...

Woah, that many good dancers at one high school is phenomenal !! Who has such good taste in music?

Anonymous said...

just think of what NCOE could have done with decent airplay like other songs. I think RCA made the right decision not making a MV for TP. The lyric video only has 170,000 views and so far airplay for TP is not breaking down any doors.

Anonymous said...

Nice synchronized moves:) And great taste in music!:)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh........ high school memories
So sweet and silly. I was on the dance team, only as I recall we moved our arms more than our feet.
Our big numbers were Sh-Boom and Shake, Rattle and Roll! I'm so old!!!!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. The Lancers did a great job!

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand how this song did not do better on the radio? Keep requesting Trespassing people and I do hope there will be a MV soon. Adam's videos are all so creative.


Anonymous said...

I'm not going to rattle myself anymore why Adams music is not for radio play. As long as he's gaining more adoring fans around the world which is the proof that he is the voice in this generation.

He is beyond amazing folks:)

No more worries.....


Anonymous said...

i agree, radio play is so frustrating. bruno comes out w/ a 'different' sounding single and if flies right up on itunes and radio. the international recognition is fantastic and as adam once says- he wants longevity and opportunities and he realizes how much competition there is here in US. y the say, I saw an absolutely ridiculous more than full size poster of Nicki Minaj and her perfume at Macy's. so ridic looking. how she got so big, basically copying gaga's costuming is beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

it's very early for TP on the radio- other artists songs picked up only after TV appearances. don't give up. it's hard to know what RCA is doing or not doing, it does not appear that they are doing a stellar job marketing TP. I think it is his mgmt company that gets the PLL-type gigs. The timing of TP single with lots of other big names new singles now does not help; think what would have happened if they pushed TP 6 mos ago instead of NCOE. sigh, who knows, I just know that it makes me crazy. that aside it's looking like marriage equality may pass in MD, so SO glad I went to the 930 club fundraiser that Adam took time to do.

Anonymous said...

Adam will make it big regardless of radio exposure. WTH listens to terrestrial radio anymore anyway? Ha! Just a different avenue for Adam to become the biggest star in the world. His music is getting heard anyway. People want the visual with the audio. He is just so electrifying gorgeous and exciting. America has very little good taste unlike other countries and I live in America. Anyway, Adam is IT!

Anonymous said...

If fans had requested BTIKM (great song) and NCOE, there would be a TP music video. Glamberts are so stupid sometimes. That's why I never call myself a Glambert.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like Adam's music, you are not a fan. This is not a fan fiction writing community. If your only excuse not to request BTIKM and NCOE was that Trespassing should have been released first and now that it has been released, you are saying it's too late, you are not a fan but a parasite and the sooner you get out of this fandom the better!

Anonymous said...

I remain optimistic. I honestly believe Adam will make enough money generally, if even more internationally, to keep be kept on the record label, so I'm optimistic.

Having said that, BTIKM and NCOE were VERY radio/top 40 friendly, it makes me very angry "suits" prevented it from reaping more radio play. I think PD's, MD's and DJ's really like Adam and more importantly, I think they've liked those two singles a lot... just out of their hands.

Anonymous said...

Give the "Trespassing Official Lyric Video" HITS on Vevo, please. Thx.

Anonymous said...

@8:40 RCA records is dropping singers like fly's.What makes you think adam is invincible? I wish adam would get sign to Island/Def Jam records, great staff/image department. oh and did i forget MONEY!!

Anonymous said...

@8:12 AM,

Honey!!!! So why are you still visiting here????



Anonymous said...

those girls were so gooood. Much hard work when you are that well trained.

Anonymous said...

Terrific to see this song being used by a stellar group of cheerleaders. Wish it would get a bit more of this treatment.

Fingers crossed. It looks as though Trespassing is getting play in other countries, at any rate.

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody out there who wishes or thinks that "Naked Love" should've been one of the singles released?

Anonymous said...

12:17 Lmao

Anonymous said...

'map' should be the next single such an underrated song

Anonymous said...

I definitely think Naked Love could be a hit single. I must say, that Move Like Jagger isn't my favorite or maybe I just don't like Levine, but it is the same writers as Naked Love. Naked Love is definitely a worthy radio song as well as Shady. When I first heard the TP CD, I counted at least 7 songs that people would love and could be hits. By the way, we requested the first two singles like crazy so that is not a good argument. The fact is in America, people are close minded and judgmental. I thought this album would make a huge impact. Nothing better out there. Frankly, I know Adele had a huge year, but I can't listen to any of her songs. Adam's talent and music is over and beyond anyone else's in quality but America is frankly, ridiculously conservative and stupid.
That s why Adam has international appeal. So smart.

Anonymous said...

I loved Naked Love from the start and thought it could be a single. If Levine recorded and released it, it would probably be a hit. If Adam does, well, you know the story. Adam's songs sung by someone else would ALL be hits. We have requested BTIKM and NCOE and TP till our fingers fall off. We true fans will keep on trying. I'm not leaving Adam, that's for sure. Why would I? He's the best, regardless of sales. I think he will succeed regardless of U.S. sales. RCA knows what they have in Adam, a real start, but so hard to market.


Anonymous said...

Karma is a bitch radio and I hope every radio station that is boycotting Adam's music gets a great big dose of Karma real soon. He gets plenty of requests and no one can dispute how good he is or the caliber of his songs so it is a personal attack on Adam as far as I am concerned. It makes me as ill as thinking that there is a chance a republican might get into the White House. We will all fall down the rabbithole then...Alice In Wonderland where everything is backwards.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, I really feel America is backwards and I am American. When you have a man that puts out an album of songs of this caliber and he doesn't get his music on radio stations or vids on MTV, there is something really wrong. He has the BEST singing voice, songs, personality and stage presence. He is and should be the next Elvis, Michael Jackson...Anyone that has seen him knows this. Plus, not a nicer guy in the biz. I am ashamed to be American right now because of the snubbing of the best album this year. And hmmm, wonder why he is getting snubbed. Can't imagine.

Anonymous said...

@12:24, I guess that's a no to my question.

Anonymous said...

I am not an across the board Democrat by any means, but in this election, if y'all are as upset about Adam's radio situation as you purport, please think about voting the Democratic ticket on Nov. 6th... I realize fiscally speaking it may make some of you anxious, I understand, but socially speaking, it will be disastrous on many levels for THIS particular Republican ticket to win the Presidency in November. I would never vote soley on Adam related issues, but LGBT issues, an just plain old civil rights, are definitely part of the equation for me this November.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the loss of Planned Parenthood centers and repeal of Obamacare and reinstating the gag order at home and abroad-no contraceptive aid to 3rd world countries-more hungry mouths worldwide and our tax dollars going to pay emergency room visits because people are not insured if new healthplan is repealed and the stay order on DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) will be dropped killing all hope of legalizing same sex marriage. On and On if you need a reason to vote Democratic. And that goes for Congress candidates too, the President can't act if we have another do nothing but obstruct House and Senate. VOTE

Anonymous said...

It is hard to see such a talented young man not get the recognition/credit he deserves because of some perceived prejudice in his own country. But Adam is loved by many worldwide and we should be happy about his success abroad. Along with Paula, I still think he will be iconic.


Anonymous said...

I love Adam but I'm not voting for Obama.

Catharine Sloper said...

Can we please have a nationwide tour. I am sick of hearing that Adam is in Bali and China and goodness knows where and not here!

Magiclady said...

I don't agree with everything the democrats want this time around, but if you are not voting for the democratic ticket,then you are voting to go backwards in regards to human rights issues.
The republican ticket does not give a damn about gay rights or womens rights. It will be a big step backwards.

Adamluv said...

@8:06 - you say you love Adam but will be voting for a political party that thinks Adams sexual orientation is vile, disgusting, unnatural and A CHOICE? Very strange "love" IMO since you will be voting the same as all those homophobes that "hate" him.

Anonymous said...

I won't listen to anyone that says they support or enjoy Adam but are Republican. How ridiculous. If you are a Republican, you deny equal rights to people that aren't white and straight. A vote for Romney is a backward thinking, closed minded, hateful vote. Get off this sight now.

Anonymous said...

I won't listen to anyone that says they support or enjoy Adam but are Republican. How ridiculous. If you are a Republican, you deny equal rights to people that aren't white and straight. A vote for Romney is a backward thinking, closed minded, hateful vote. Get off this sight now.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam Lambert and glad his music is getting played for people to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

What about this one?

You go, girls!

HK fan said...

@catherine sloper,
I hope your comment was said tongue in cheek. Adams fans in the US have had many chances to see him perform in concert. He has thousands of fans around the world, that should also be able to get the chance to see him perform. He has never been to Bali, China or SA to do a concert, just be pleased for fans in those places that are finally getting a chance to see him.

Anonymous said...

@8:06, I have to agree with everybody. You may like Adam, but you don't care a wit about equality and fairness or the right s of everyday people what-so-ever if you vote for a republican ticket. The republicans are very clever. They say they cater to American middle class values to get people to vote for them. Then, once they get into office, they show how little they care by voting for deregulation(look at the mess that got us into) of banks and corporations. They want to cut spending on the benefits of Americans, but turn around and vote for spending in the billions for wars(ex: IRAQ)!! Everyone needs to wake up and take issue with these politicians. They are looking out for themselves, not us!
I'm not across the board democrat either. They are just as guilty.

Sorry for the rant.

Anonymous said...

Not quite as guilty. They actually believe in separation of church and state. I'll vote Dem.

Anonymous said...

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