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Adam Lambert to appear at the Korean Mnet Asian Music Awards show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 19, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 19, 2012

Adam Lambert is set to appear on a Korean music award show! Apparently, the show has VERY high ratings in which the biggest Korean singers perform on the show annually. No word on whether Adam will perform on that show but most likely, he is performing.

Information from @glam_alidol:


Anonymous said...

I don't see Adam's name on this poster. Was it last minute addition? I hope this is the truth and Adam will perform on MAMA.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's true:)

Adam is invading the world indeed!!!

He deserves everything on his hands right now and more to come......

Unbelievable talent that his country trying to ignore but the world wants him badly........:)

The world has spoken!!!!

Adam is the chosen one he!he!


Anonymous said...

I bet it is true, I said and felt all alone he be involved in one Of the Asian music award's. Bet he is nominated for something, hope so, Asia loves Adam and he is quite big there, and well appreciated! About time, bet he performs and blows them all away. The promo's for the VH1 Diva show, are brilliant what an amaizing job he done on that, looks like that show going to be incredable! Lot's of fabulous things starting to happen for Adam, could not happen to a sweeter man! I am Over the moon happy for Adam, he so deserves all this and more! What so incredable is he was actually holding and making that unbelievable note in tha VH1 Ad, amaizing ! Correction I felt all along, Adam be nominated, for some kind of Asian awards!

Anonymous said...

Well well well, many Eastern countries are jumping on board the Adam Train ! Ding Ding,! Mmm, perhaps meet PSY Gangnam Style for a Korean showdown, lol! Wow! Adam is stamping his territorial footprints all over the East. Go Adam Go...I get this feeling, Adam in reality has started his world tour already; and this is even better, in my opinion, less problems on logistics and finance outputs for Adam; freeing him to concentrate on his magnifique performances. The venues seem even larger than the previous tour, so less effort, more / almost equal income. Good business strategy. Winner takes all !

Anonymous said...

This is awesome for Adam! I'm sure he will be performing and hope he is getting a nomination. He is getting some wonderful and big gigs. We get the news the last minute,but that's O.K. I do see that January looks pretty open,but could be lots we don't know.Maybe some U.S. T.V. might be SNL.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted this article:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert

Anonymous said...

During his shows in new venues, Adam needs to showcase his incredible voice by not only singing fast dance songs but also maybe Underneath or Runnin (latter is such a great rock/pop tune).

Anonymous said...

This is all great news for Adam and us! I just hope that the awareness of all these huge Asian shows spills over into Europe and America so that LOTS of people know how popular Adam is world-wide. I guess we just spread the word and the videos everywhere we can. And request. And vote. This is a full-time job!

Am I right is thinking that Adam is performing tomorrow (Tues.) in China?


Anonymous said...

So many countries are clamoring for Adam to appear there. They love him and recognize his amazing talent and stage presence. He is becoming a global superstar one country at a time. It's too bad that his own country doesn't show him the support and acceptance he so deserves. Maybe the VH1 diva show will open the eyes and ears of many who will be watching for whatever reason. The end of this year and then into 2013 seem to be bringing all fabulous shows and concerts with Adam. He gets to travel to interesting places(usually first class), is undoubtedly being well paid, meets all kinds of fans, and is having a great time performing on stage. This seems to be a good point in his life and his career.

Anonymous said...

What with all the jet setting around the globe to huge venues for sold out concerts, Adam's not getting the Idol gig now seems a blessing in disguise, and given the "Slumdog Millionaire" arc of Adam's life, even providential.
Whatever perks could have come from the tv exposure, the shape Adam's life is now taking seems somehow more in keeping with what we picture for a gifted Adam's world class stature and artistic sensibilities-- a career turn more personally fulfilling, and even lucrative.
The AI gig would have complicated the logistics of Adam's cross continental tours, curtailed the concerts that now keep "mysteriously" popping up on Adam's schedule, and worse, interfered with his creative flow of a burgeoning artist.
The Idol judging at this point in Adam's life would have been so much detritus on a clear path to world domination. "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need." (A Rolling Stone song) atm

Anonymous said...

Hi partner-in-crime, lol! This nickname somehow got lodged in my vocabulary bank, rather badly depleted lately by Adam, lol! As everything else, there are always the pros and cons. The pros will be mostly what you've said. As for the flip-side, ie. if Adam got the AI judge stint, he'd probably be able to amass more home fans; which in turn may boost his radio airplay; consequently higher sales for Trespassing; and then a snowballing for further home gigs and plausibly a Grammy award. Also, more home time with Sauli who spends quite a bit of his life in LA. One rather personal reason to Adam is he wants to belong to a core group where he can express his art / artistic flair to guide / mentor the up-and-coming young potential future stars. In my opinion this is a good strategy for building a base of artists where he can later draw talents from, for his future projects / shows etc. So AI stands to benefit Adam, long as well as short term. With this turn of events, however, things can play out to his advantage too, like what you've pointed out; but he doesn't have a base for close collaborations etc. With Adam, strange unpredictable things happen though; for example if he had landed a lead role on Wicked, he might not have embarked on the present once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fulfill his rockstar dream. The future AI episodes may consider him, I think, especially if the ratings keep falling and they have no one else to turn to. lol!

Anonymous said...

This is a huge event. Just as big as the AMAs with oodles more talent! Kpop and Adam will be amazing! Just keeping fingers crossed he will be performing, which am certain he will. Korea will adore him...and already do!
The night will be full of a mass of talent! Go Adam, Go GDragon!

Anonymous said...

OMG ADAM, heart goes out to you appearing at the Mnet Awards. How bloody awesome is this. One bit party will be going on for sure. Makes the US mainstream music industry seem so dull and boring.

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME for Adam . He is so amazing and he LOVES to Entertain. I hope that he will go to South America soon. the Czech Republic , Ukraine and Foxwoods(for me) lol

Anonymous said...

Adam just keeps a conquering all over the globe. Hopefully the Divas
show in the US will take off with a bang. It's obvious he will rule the entire show and if people in the US aren't stunned by him by then, pigs will fly baby!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully South America will get to see Adam before too long. They have waited for a long time now and deserve to be on that schedule.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally confused about the locations of the shows Adam will be doing in the next two weeks. Is there a show tonight or tomorrow in China? The show on Nov. 30 is in Hong Kong? The Korean Mnet Awards Show is in Korea or somewhere else??? Please help my confused brain. I know his schedule got changed a bit in the last few days. I usually keep pretty good track of all this, but my AFL calendar is a mess of cross-outs!


Anonymous said...

It is soo hard to fathom that the AMA's once again did not invite Adam to perform, much less nominate him for an award this year. Such a travesty! Justin Bieber "ville" still going on there!

Thank God that the international world really cherishes his talent, INVITES him to AWARD shows (and to perform).

I pray some day that the AMA's will be begging ADAM to perform and he would just refuse the offer. (although Adam being Adam and the class act he always is would of course accept).

VH1 - kudo's to you! Adam will blow up the stage and soo many of the "diva" singers appearing that night already ADORE Adam soo much!

Love you Adam sooo very much!!

Anonymous said...

But the official adam lambert twitter isnt that profile picture. Nor does his official twitter timeline states about. (certified account). This could be a hoax.