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New Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 4, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 04, 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No other comments yet??Wow!nice pix..Adam is showing lots of chest,too!!That last pic...Adam has on different shirt..His eyes are so BEAUTIFUL!!I sure do hope VH-1 shows the Trespassing video on their top 20 next week.

Anonymous said...

haha!! @ anom.1:15pm..we must have been typing at the same his hair color much better now,too!

Adamluv said...

Totally agree about the chest - dont remember seeing it soooo exposed before. I like!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

We just finished the X-mas decorations and my daughter said, ok mom go to the computer and check Adam!!!!

Geez!!! getting jealous already:)

How can we just ignore the chest and the belly button?????

I'm melting like an ice cream!!!!

What a gorgeous talented man indeed!!


Anonymous said...

Love the chest freckles!!

Anonymous said...

Finally Adam realized he has conservative homophobes as fans, lol. I think it's funny how Americans don't get it that even conservatives in Europe dislike Romney.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam is showing some tight pecs. He is looking mighty fine. Love the darker hair with the highlights, too. Hope he sticks with it for a while. Adam doesn't generally show much skin, but every now and then, we get a liitle chest peek. YUM!


Anonymous said...

oh my..Adam is going all political on Twitter..I respect him and his opinions..I just hope this doesn't affect his career in a negative way..

Anonymous said...

but, you know doesn't seem to hurt other celebs that are very outspoken about tell me not to

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Adam is a very smart, informed, and wise individual. He doesn't always play it safe but is well aware of possible consequences. This is one reason i love him so much. He has the right to voice his political opinion. Can you imagine how scary it is to be gay and think Romni could be president. Romni is really an asshole!! (My opinion).

Anonymous said...

Adam the political pop star! You go Baby!! Civil rights for everyone should not even be an issue. So sad for LGBT community to be treated so undignified and unequal. Doesnt make sense at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Adam looks great. So hot! Hope people get off his back for having the balls to express his political opinion. Don't we all have that right? I thought so.

Anonymous said...

Adam is BEYOND!!!!

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with Adam's liberal politics, but I love him anyway.

Anonymous said...

Once they realize what they have done, the liberals who elected Obama to a second 4 year term will be down on their knees praying to a God they profess not to believe in. I wish them good luck.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:50, he is sooooo BEYOND. Agree!
Anon4:06, right on. Can disagree with political view, but still show intelligence as you know how to separate.
Anon 4:13, spent eight years down on my knees with George Bush. Don't EVEN get me started.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is WOW for the chest!

Anonymous said...

Before I even type this, I KNOW, but they make a gorgeous couple!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:13 pm HEY who said liberals don't believe in God? Conservatives don't have a lock on faith. I'm a liberal, and 42 years as a Sunday School teacher, 27 years as a teacher in a church affiliated elementary school.
Supervisor of interfaith summer camps and volunteer at
at Judeo-Christian Free Clinic.

Let's see, what else, does it count that my husband mows the church lawn all summer?

We've both voted for Barack Obama because we admire and trust his genuine concern for the people who are hurting in this country, he does not consider them a drain on society but people in need of a helping hand up so they can contribute to our society and once again strengthen our middle class.
You know kind of like Jesus would do.

My name is Lois and I approve this message!

Anonymous said...


Now, for a brief moment I thought that last picture was of Elizabeth Hasselbeck snuggling up to Adam!
Almost choked on my bedtime yogurt!

Perhaps I should wear my reading glasses....I also could swear that I saw that Adam had a fuzzy chest!

Where are my glasses? I need a closer look! ^o^ ......JAK

Anonymous said...

Damn Sam lovin that shirt.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a freak! NO ONE can be that gorgeous, that talented, that super talented, that intelligent, that funny and have that big a heart! How I love this man. Let me count the ways!!!

Anonymous said...

How do I love him, let me count the ways.....
I love that he brings me sunshine on gloomy days.....
I love his silky voice that eases my mind.....
I love that his antics on stage brighten a daily grind.....
I love his strength of will and stubborn drive.....
I love his career path and determination to survive.....
I love his zebra pants and
leopard boots.....
I love his thick mop of hair
whatever color the roots!
I love his eyes, chin, lips
and nose.....
I just love Adam from top
to toes!...................JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK Your are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful man who speaks his mind full on. Awesome trait! Adam is one heck of a guy and he has every right to express his views. OMG, if Ronmney gets in office expect dealings in the US and the world to go back to the Dark Ages!
His not poplar internationally and just watch the gay community suffer under this man. His a Morman, with underlying Mormon ideals. This is NOT the way to equality let alone all the other major issues he will deal with! And yes, I am from the US and clearly can see how foiled and deceptive Romneys race is!
Love Adam! I support Obama to the max. Just on Human Rights issues itself I couldn't vote for a man who will rule with a church iron rod.

daydreamin said...

Double RIGHT ON Lois! I approve of your message too!

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Please, when will you all learn that your own personal opinion is just that when it comes to politics? None of us is better than the other and it is wrong for celebs to push their own personal agenda. That is also being a bully. This is just as condescending as the opposite belief. There is no assurance in the world that another 4 years with Obama will assure gays their rights. It is wrong for liberals to feel that they are "right" and the other half of the United States is "wrong". Change will come, but it will have to come from both sides-not just one side. Who in the s**t cares what the rest of the world thinks about our presidential candidates! I would love to see the charts that would show what Americans think about other world leaders. What a ridiculous freakin' chart that Adam tweated. Anybody could make up a stupid chart like that. Should I look at that chart and say to myself, "Oh, boy, I am so wrong to want to vote for Romney"? Please, all of you, get smart! We all have a right to our own personal vote, whether it is Obama or Romney. Let us not bully each other and try to make our fellow Glamberts badly feel toward each other. And, by the way, JESUS approves this message. I still love you, Adam, but please calm down and let us all vote for the person of our OWN CHOICE!!

Anonymous said...

To all of you-please learn an important lesson! It is absolutely wrong for any of you, celebrities or fans, to push your own personal agenda in the political arena. You are trying to make half of the people of the United States of America look like they are wrong! This is a most condecending attitude. You are being bigots to pursue your own personal agenda just as much on your level as the opposite believe. Why can not all of you understand that as Americans we all have the right to our own political opinions? None of us are wrong-it is just that we may be out voted by a higher number. Please stop trying to make liberals the "right" ones and the conservatives the "wrong" ones. We are all right with the fact that we are expressing our liberty and freedom. Not one of us is better than the other. Stop being bullies to make people badly feel that to be a conservative is the wrong choice. Not one of you is better than the next guy! I still love me some ADAM! Proud human being!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:11 PM
Yikes! Let me cut right to the chase. What??!! Adam is a BULLY?? You seem to imply that the rest of us confused and muddle headed Adam Lambert fans are sheep who can't think for ourselves and as a result could be easily persuaded to blindly follow our devious "leader's" every command, to promote his "agenda". Adam as Pied Piper. Is that so. Seems to me that everyone here has their own equally strong opinions and speak their own minds. We may not all agree on things, but yes, we certainly have a right to our own personal convictions (as do you) regarding the election of the American President and in other election issues being voted upon on November 6th. And, as a matter of fact, I AM interested in what other countries think of the Presidential candidates. It won't affect my vote one iota however. On the plus side tho, I do feel that I'm in very good company, being that Adam is a bully and all, and is another one of those darn liberals. Because while you say everyone should make up their own minds, something I certainly agree with, you dismiss as unrealistic anyone who would dare to have hope that perhaps in the next four years we might make at least some progress toward Marriage Equality for all, for instance. The term "baby steps" seems appropriate here. How dare Adam wish for that to happen even in his lifetime. What is he thinking. I doubt that Adam or anyone else expects that to happen on a federal level in the next few years, but to at least have a sitting President of this country openly support Marriage Equality is encouraging to him, and it makes complete sense that he would vote for that person. My state of Washington is voting on that measure this week. One state at a time... I suspect that one single issue is not the only reason Adam is throwing his vote Obama's way. And by the way, Adam DID NOT tell anyone who they should personally vote for. He told us who HE was voting for. No big surprise there. He has his personal reasons. I have mine. You have yours. Vote your conscience. I do. Always. Thats all any of us can do. This is what Adam DID say re politics and his opinions:

"if you don't agree with my political opinions that is totally ok. You can still be a fan of my music. I'm not looking to convert, just share"

Anonymous said...

Oh, but Anon 3:07, our Adam made also another twitter statement a few days ago, which stated something like this: "I do not understand how anyone could vote for a President or Administration that does not support human rights or equality". Sorry, but that is definitely a condesending statement for anyone to make. Not good for Adam to put down many of his consertative fans. But, he is young and will learn many things the hard way, as he has in his past.

Anonymous said...

Sorry-I spelled condescending wrongly in my above statement. I am an English teacher and must correct any spelling of my words.

Anonymous said...

OMG-again, it is me. Conservative, NOT consertative. I better now quit while I have left a little dignity!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:40 AM
Again, that was Adam's opinion. . Indeed, who COULD disagree with him really? After all, who DOESN'T support Human Rights and/or Equality, in its truest form. I realize that NOT everyone supports Marriage Equality, which is only one form of Equality, and which is indeed a law in 6 states and counting, or a woman's right to chose, which is also legal, if I'm not mistaken, in most states, and has been for many years. Adam is not THAT young. He's 30 yrs. old, certainly old enough to have formed his own opinions and ideas to live his own life by...This is exactly what he said, since you brought it up, on Oct. 26th:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
"Hot issues 4 me in election r Marriage Equality and a Woman's right to choose. I wish these social issues were nonpartisan, but they aren't."

"I just don't understand how folks would vote for a candidate and administration who's stance on Human rights is so twisted and dated."

"And by ignoring these issues, we are indirectly promoting ignorance and discrimination."

Adam has a right to his opinion, just like all United States citizens. He has a right to voice it. That is also one of our Constitutional rights in the United States. Freedom of Speech. Why is it okay for you and I to exercise that right, but not Adam. He has been involved in speaking up for Marriage Equality this fall. Its no surprise to his fans that he is choosing to speak out about it now. You don't have to agree with him. Its interesting how people who might perhaps disagree with his opinions would wish to have him remain silent and also then say he shouldn't use his influence as a celebrity to state his opinions, because it might influence others. But its okay for other celebs, for instance Clint Eastwood, to appear at the Republican Convention in support of Mitt Romney. I guess its all in who that particular celeb supports. I suspect most of us already have pretty firmly established opinions of our own on those subjects.

Just some musings on my part. I hope we can agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for a picture of Adam's gorgeous chest! Just what we all need about now to soothe the
savage beast (breast?). You know what I mean.
Love you my brave Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Adam sounded so good as always at live in the vineyard..just perfect..but I must say his outfit was outstanding from the shirt to the jacket to the beads and those awesome pants...I especially loved them...

Anonymous said...


I love you statement about Adam @9:25 pm as much as I love Adam!!!

Anonymous said...


But Clint Eastwood IS a politician and Adam is NOT!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:15 PM

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady.....JAK here

I felt that ***sigh*** all the way from Washington State to Florida!

I'm tempted to share that Clint Eastwood considers himself a Libertarian and has stated that he does not believe in God......but that would not be nice! True, but not nice!

Adamluv said...

@JAK - if that's true, why is it not nice? Dont understand. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv......JAK here

I'm attempting to take the high road and not be does not come naturally to me. I was born sassy.

daydreamin said...

It's VERY important how the rest of the world see's us. We were seen as bullies beginning in George Bush's term. Obama has managed to reverse much of that. We can't go backwards. It matters how American's are treated in and out of our own country. It does matter to me how you all around the world see us for what I see as obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Just because you state your opinion on something doesn't necessarily mean you're being a bully. Opinions can be expressed respectfully. I think that's what Adam did.


Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - in total agreement with you! . . . Adamluv

funbunn40 said...

Kudos @Lois,JAK, Glitzylady and daydreamin! Adam isn't political, just humane and caring of ALL people with respect for their right to live equally among all citizens with no bias or prejudice. Adam is a tax paying citizen that excercised his right to vote as he should, encouraging all to vote. he left the choice to all, only sharing his preference, not recruiting. God loves him too!

funbunn40 said...

That chest was meant to nuzzle and embrace. So inviting! Lucky Sauli!