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The Adam Lambert 2013 Non-Tour Tour in table-format

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Via @mmadamimadamm


Anonymous said...

Very happy that Adam has so many bookings and many of them being large venues. But ..... what about the good ol' USA? I know they don't show him any love, but there are many of us who WILL, right?!! Maybe after the VH1 Divas appearance, he will finally be recognized for the amazing talent that he is. Fingers crossed -

Anonymous said...

A dozen show and hopefully Lots more to come. Got a laugh out of the non tour tour. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

I love it---the non-tour lol! It seems to have made more sense to have put the Japan tour together into one large arena.Although they may have not realized the demand at the time.I think Adam will do a tour in the U.S. Starting off internationally does make sense though.

Anonymous said...

And then if you add the recent gigs he just did in Australia and SA and now Hong Kong....(did I forget some?) just WOW! Our boy is definitely a Global Superstar!!! So proud of Adam :)))


Anonymous said...

Oops, and I did forget Bali for New Years Eve.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Talk about a non-tour TOUR! He's certainly going where the money is. And the love. But there is plenty of U.S. love, too. I'll bet anything there will be a U.S. tour next year. The more $$ he makes on these big overseas gigs, the more likely he'll tour here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HMMM- I like how Grammy night is open??? Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake. Those venue sizes really jump around. If he fills those 20 thousand arena's the US cannot ignore him anymore. I'm so happy for Adam- one country at a time.

tess4ADAM said...

Here's another bit of news I picked up on the internet ...

2012 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) to be aired Nov. 30th in 85 countries Worlwide .. more than 2.3 BILLION viewers ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

This is 12:21 again- grammy night is feb 10th!

tess4ADAM said...

Please VOTE often @ ...

QUEEN + ADAM are leading but not by much ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

tess4ADAM said...

Sorry for the typo in my 12:22 PM post ... should be ...

Darned hand ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

we helped get you where you are today IMO is sort of condescending. I am pretty sure Adam has no say so where he is going to perform or very little. Let him enjoy things as they are falling into place.

Anonymous said...

@12:43 I agree. Adam will tour in the U.S. The timing will all fall together.

Anonymous said...

Stream some music and do a little local requesting :)

Streaming counts for Billboard charting.

Spotify playlist of Trespassing 200 times. Free and easy to open an account.

VEVO Adam Lambert Video Playlist

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried, I'm sure a North American tour is coming in due time.

Anonymous said...

Adam will do the W. Williams show 12/10.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of W. Williams but have no idea if she's on network or cable and when. Info PULEEZE!

SLM said...

oh, i`m praying Adam to come closer to my country, here in Europe!!

Anonymous said...

Find the Wendy show in your city here:

Anonymous said...

Do guest just talk on the W.Williams show or do you think Adam will sing too. Never saw it. I will when Adam's on that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Never saw The Wendy Show but I'll be watching for sure! Any chance to see Adam on TV is great!


Anonymous said...

I do believe Wendy's show is on fox and in Texas that channel 26! I have not watch that show in a good while but use to watch it a lot. I pretty sure it is fox just look up fox channel listing in your area. If I am wrong feel free to correct me! I cannot wait for that and Diva's! I have seen them perform once or twice but it pretty rare on that show, I bet he will be on the buzz too, think both shot in New York city. Sue

Anonymous said...

This is Sue I am not home, if I was I would look it up on my guide I am at my daughter's, her system different, pretty sure it is fox! sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sue Anything that gets Adam on T.V. and promo is great. He will sing on the VH1 show and outshine everyone else!

Anonymous said...

3.27 I am with you he a remarkable talent, and I know he will blow them away! All the Internet trolls and former idol people who idol did do as well as they should, can say all the bolognie they want and have. But there efforts are of no avail because no one will keep this man and this man and his unbelievable talent down. He won the world and eventually wake up America, I do believe the Diva gig will give them a big jolt! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wendy Williams is on FOX and she mentions Adam on her show when they met on one occasion where Adam attended an LGBT affair.

Anonymous said...

@ Sue....way off topic.....JAK here

I know you have trouble with your hands (fingers?). Have you tried wearing thermal compression fingerless gloves? They have them that leave just tips of fingers typing is easier. I have the ones that look like Adam's gloves (<3) I wear them
for the pain in my wrists from breaking the bones when I was a I have arthritis at the first hint of cool weather. Just wondered if they might help you too. They are cosy! Mine are black, all the better to look like a RockStar!!!!
Though my husband says I look like The Boston Strangler!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"We helped get you to where you are" shows entitlement. Not a good idea IMHO.

glamitup said...

Had a feeling this would happen!!! Some countries just "get it". Of course ours doesn't!! Sick of it!!!!!!! How can the industry and people keep on ignoring such a great talent? Makes me sad!! And to watch these award shows and see the non talent lip syncers just makes my stomach turn! I have been patiently waiting for them to get a clue but years of this ignorance is getting to me!! I thought for sure by now, Adam would be a household name!! Frustrating!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr. Well anyway, i will keep hoping for a wake up call and look forward to a usa tour!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have two degrees in business and way before Adam's album came out I was thinking in my head that Adam should start his second album overseas and then bring it home. His label and management know what they are doing. For goodness sake he tattoo in HK and he got tons of buzz at home. Just imagine once he starts his world tour how much buzz he is going get here in US. We might get Queenbert, too! I know the Queen people are watching him cause they want to bunch of North America concert. Guys please be patient!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that the 3 Tokyo concerts can't be moved to one large venue, to save his voice...

Anonymous said...

8:53 - It's not all in Tokyo but Japan and do you know how big Japan is?

Anonymous said...

The Japanese are huge fans of Adam and they're being rewarded with lots of concerts. :)

Anonymous said...

The US did not help Adam get to where he is today, because he didn't win American Idol, remember! Adam's management are doing the right thing by him, taking him to countries where he is loved and appreciated for his talent. Bravo Adam the world loves you!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I do know how big Japan is....regardless of how big it is, 3 of those concerts are in Tokyo (in the same venue), I'm sure there is a larger venue in the city that could hold at least 6,000 people so that 3 concerts could be combined into 1.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:02 AM
I have to disagree with you when you say "The US did not help Adam get to where he is today, because he didn't win American Idol"..

Adam WAS supported extremely well on American Idol and it was always assumed (by many) that he was the BEST contestant that season by far and it was also assumed that he WOULD win. He was the one with the incredible media buzz from the get-go, the positive press, and the accolades from the Idol viewers and beyond. It is still unclear WHY he didn't win but one does NOT have to "win" the title to WIN big anyway. America did support him on Idol in a very big way. I can tell you that each and every one of the people who attended the Idol Tour shows after Idol will attest to the fact that ADAM was the one people were there to see and hear. In every city..(except in Arkansas, so I hear..for perhaps obvious reasons..). I was at the Tacoma Dome show and the excitement and anticipation while waiting for Adam to come out was almost too much to endure... waiting through the other Idols, waiting for ADAM...The utter pandemonium that erupted when Adam's intro began..the deafening screams and applause and cheers when he appeared...during his performance, and as he left the stage. Huge crowds in every city..Adam WAS the clear winner. I can also assure you that a goodly percentage of Americans are not homophobic or tone deaf or even dislike him. The problem is really, that they don't get many chances to hear him these days..

We Americans also supported Adam in his solo concerts beginning in Winter 2010, through Glam Nation and beyond. His fans sometimes followed him to as many concerts as their lives (and wallets..) would allow...And helped him to have successful and almost always sold out concerts, at a time when other artists were canceling concerts due to the bad economy/poor ticket sales.. And in spite of what you might have heard, the audiences were always quite diverse. Men, women, young, old, gay and straight. Many Americans DO get him.. I do feel that his American fans helped him to keep the momentum going for a time after the stressful time for him in late 2009 and into early 2010, and they did this by simply showing up to wherever he was singing.. His success is certainly due to his amazing voice and performance skills, along with his sheer determination to go forward, tune out any negativity, and keep up his positive attitude.But, I also know that he has repeatedly thanked his fans, certainly including his American fans, for helping him out a bit too: By believing in him and giving him back the energy and love and light that he gives us. He has so many amazing non-American fans as well, and I am so happy for him for his steadily increasing world-wide success, which is rapidly approaching Superstar status in some countries.

So please don't dismiss Americans as a country. There are many who love Adam too, and I suspect many more for whom its just a matter of time before they discover and learn to appreciate him too. So what if Adam didn't win the title on Idol! (Although it certainly would have made sense..) He won the hearts and souls (and ears.. and eyes..) of millions of people, many of whom are Americans, and he continues to do so. Idol was a fortuitous and handy vehicle for him to be seen and appreciated. He always expresses his gratitude to Idol for giving him the visibility that he needed to take that next step.

If it wasn't for Idol, for Adam's immense talent (and wonderful personality), and yes, for the Americans who did see him as worthy of voting for every week on Idol, we would most likely have missed out on this amazing man..who happens to be quite the singer as well.

And you are CERTAINLY correct when you say this:

"Adam's management are doing the right thing by him, taking him to countries where he is loved and appreciated for his talent. Bravo Adam the world loves you!!"


The only thing I have to add is this: Please do some concerts soon in the US Adam.... \0/

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a 2 dates for the Philippines though. However, Im very sure he can sold those 20,000 seats for sure! :) Glam Nation Manila has around 16k+ attendees, imagine how BIG he is ryt now.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a 2 dates for the Philippines though. However, Im very sure he can sold those 20,000 seats for sure! :) Glam Nation Manila has around 16k+ attendees, imagine how BIG he is ryt now.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a 2 dates for the Philippines though. However, Im very sure he can sold those 20,000 seats for sure! :) Glam Nation Manila has around 16k+ attendees, imagine how BIG he is ryt now.