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Adam Lambert Live in Bali Billboard!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 28, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 28, 2012


Anonymous said...

cool sign glad your friend shared it with you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Off topic: I don't know if it was reported here already but Adam Lambert's Charity Buzz specially made rock doll that was expected to be auctioned off at a max of $2,000. went for OVER $4,200. (more than double the expected price!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

11:45 that is wonderful the last time I checked the bid was $3000. Adam will be happy to hear about the amount going to charity. Matel did a good job on the doll too.

Anonymous said...

Let me know when they make a life size one!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I wish I could see that here!


Anonymous said...

It must be so nice to celebrate the new year in a warm and romantic place such as Bali. I would guess the members of the audience are paying "big bucks" to see him perform. I hope that they appreciate him and don't just sit back politely while he's on stage performing. Oh, by the way, put me on the list for a life size doll of Adam. Wouldn't that be something. They should have a figure of him in Madame Tussaud's here in NYC. I would love to see it and have my picture taken next to it.

Anonymous said...

Dear poster on 28 Dec 2:40...
You made an interesting point about the audience sitting politely... I think that might happen if the audience are all polite indonesians and average or non-fans fans of Adam Lambert....

Anonymous said...

omg please let the audience enjoy the show in their own way. Some of the best concerts I have been to I was just watching and listening to the show.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we fans should be able to differentiate people, places and venues.
Not everything should be expected to be the same or that is insanity.

HK fan said...

Great billboard, its huge....

I think the audience in Bali will be very different to what he's used to...not because they will be 'polite Indonesians' but because it will be full of rich tourists staying at the hotel, dressed up and enjoying a Gala dinner, many of them probably not fans as such. Its not a 'concert, get up and dance, scream and sing along' venue.

Anonymous said...

I think adam took gig for money and LOCATION ... And if so, GOOD FOR HIM (ans sauli), smart man

Anonymous said...

Yep, big classy resort which will have the upper crust there and less crazy Glamberts. Incredible location, fantastic gig and even more exposure. (Not forgetting an incredible vacation at the same time). Jakarta is also an upcoming
concert and that too is a real eye opener when it comes to performing.
Adam just keeps circulating the world and stunning everyone and breaking barriers!

Anonymous said...

Adam has been to Bali before and is used to world customs. His a pretty smart cookie for sure and a bloody classy one too.

Anonymous said...

The island of orchids and now Adam.
Great billboard. Not many people perform like this in Bali (it's not a place of concerts) so it's a super special all out event.