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Adam Lambert Nominated For World Music Awards 2012 - VOTE FOR HIM!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 7, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 07, 2012

Adam Lambert has been nominated for prestigious World Music Awards 2012. He is nominated for "WORLD’S BEST MALE ARTIST".

Congrats to Adam!!

The award ceremony will be held on Thursday December 20, 2012 in Miami, Florida. Winners will be announced there.

HEAD OVER TO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE HERE TO VOTE FOR ADAM LAMBERT! (Adam's picture is first so you won't miss him!)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I voted a few times. I assume we can just keep on voting repeatedly? Adam up against lots of big names. Let's give him a really good showing!!!


Anonymous said...

I just voted! I hope adam wins.

Anonymous said...

How do you vote! Just see picture's on that page! Sue

Adamluv said...

Interesting seeing all the faces of artists from all over the world. Of course would love to see Adam win but a performance of his at this show would be awesome. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don' know how to vote.

Anonymous said...

When I tried to vote for doesn't say "thanks for your vote" or anything,so how do you know your vote,or votes are counting?I saw the pulldown where all the categories are.but I THINK Adam is only in the male artist one,right?He should be nom for best album,but I guess he's not...Comgrats,for being in the world Awards nomination!!

Anonymous said...

how do you vote . . .I see pic and a very nice pic it is TOO!

Anonymous said...

dang I keep checking back to see if anyone figured it out yet.I clicked the picture but it only enlarges it.

Anonymous said...


Adam should be in all the catergories except female of course....

Anonymous said...

You can't vote right now because the website's server is down.

Make sure to check back the website when it is up running.

Anonymous said...

OT I am on FB but know nothing. On the MTV share Adam's picture can you share more than once and they will all count?

Anonymous said...

Is the World Music Award site working? I've tried many times but Adam's picture enlarges but no message about vote being counted. It's 11:15am here in L.A. Now. Anyone else with thi s problem?


Anonymous said...

I'm in LA too and only get a large picture of Adam when I click on it. Help!

Anonymous said...

I voted this morning from the link on AO. When I clicked on the link, it took me to the "home" page where I saw a "vote" pull-down at the top. I pulled it down and clicked on "best male artist" and THEN I got the screen with all the faces with Adam at the top left. I just clicked on his face and then his face appeared large on the screen. I'm going to assume that that means I voted. It doesn' really tell you. Then I backed out of the screen and started over at the "vote" pull-down again. I don't know how else to do it.

I hope the site keeps working because I want us to vote A LOT and give Adam a great showing on this poll. It's international and really shows he has a lot of fans. Let's keep trying. Win or lose, we need to show he has lots of support!


Anonymous said...

I think the enlarged picture means you voted. Wish it said so for sure.

Anonymous said...

That is what I did DRG Ithat all I knew to do,going to do again while I know how that it still here! Sue

Anonymous said...

I just supposedly voted as you all did. When it got to the enlarged pic of Adam you will see two arrows underneath the pic. If you click them it just moves you on to an enlarged pic of Akon. I seriously don't think this means that you voted.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Well, then. How do we vote?

Anonymous said...

The question is - why vote? The winners of awards are not decided by the number of votes they get, it is decided by number of sales.
Says so right on the site info.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was some kind of prestigious until I saw the name so Philip Phillips and PSY! Sigh. . .

Anonymous said...

Read somewhere that Chris Brown used to perform to sell out stadium of 20,000 fans until the Rihanna incident and now he can only sell 1,500 tickets!
Why am I so happy to know????

Anonymous said...

apparently the site was not working properly for voting, don't know if its ok now, and the awards are fan voted.

daydreamin said...

Here is an amazing auction for Charity with Adam singing "I Just Love You" in the background...just go ahead and get the kleenex ready!
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

don t know if I m voting but like clicking on that gorgeous face....