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Adam Lambert on the cover of Chinese magazine "Fashion Colour"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam in deep thought. cool this is the cover. I can never go to bed tonight the threads just keep coming and coming.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Adam portrayed in a deep, wise-sage persona, gazing into the far-off future...what do you envisage Adam; how about jumping over the Great Wall, lol! Hey Adam, have you tried this dish called Buddha Jumps Over The Wall...very nice vegetable dish. I guess the message is, if it's good enough for Buddha, to jump so high, it's good enough for everyone else. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lyndsey Parker from Yahoo Music mentioned Trespassing as one of her best album of 2012 on FOX LA. Check out the video below:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the dish / soup, Buddha Jumps Over The Wall...apart from the prolific vegetable mix, there's quite a bit of meat in it too, like scallop, abalone, chicken etc. Cantonese cuisine.


Anonymous said...

Well, that does it! I've been away less than 2 full days and ALL these threads are new.....I'll be reading and digging up older posts to catch up. I just can't go out of town anymore...addicts need to be close to a 'fix' at all times.
It's already into the early hours of tomorrow...which means while I'm sleeping I'll be getting further behind!.......JAK
Wait for me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam train seems to have gone a bit berserk today, or perhaps Admin is trying to meet its quota before heading off for their New Year...the threads are zooming in fast and furious. Sure need some Buddha ginseng soup to replenish. lol!


Anonymous said...

Had the same problem don't go out of town too often... but my inconsiderate boss expects me to work at least five days a week... and she expects me to be nice to others ...since I'm one of the managers I guess it's not too much to ask.., but I couldn't do it with an Adsm fix every so often...thus an iPhone ....never leave the house without it...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Oops that should have been... Without an Adam fix ....this is my first one today see what happens without petal

Adamluv said...

@rose petal - I know - dont ya just hate it when your boss expects you to actually work and then on top of that, wants you to be nice as well? LOL. thanks for the laugh! . . . Adamluv