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Adam Lambert Too Nice To Be A Diva?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 14, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 14, 2012

New rehearsal pictures from David Wild!


Anonymous said...

Give your love to David Wild, people


for making so many nice compliments about Adam!

Anonymous said...

I am, so very nice of him to keep commenting on Adam in such a positive light.


Anonymous said...

I tweeted him about the method acting picture. It was so funny.

Anonymous said...

Today is a sad day 27 dead inculing 18 children killed in connecticut my hometown.why children?

Its gonna be a emotional weekend, but Im gonna try and watch adam on sunday night.

Anonymous said...

10:15 that is terrible. what happened?

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this terrible news regarding the shooting in Connecticut, my condolences to the families involved.

Anonymous said...

Adam is too nice to be a diva. He doesn't seem needy or demanding with assistants and an entourage of people all around him. How many times have we seen him pushing his own luggage at the airport? He's even talked about styling himself. I hope he never turns into a diva because to me it has negative connotations and even the young performers listed for this show don't fit into the "diva" category at this stage of their careers. Now Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj...they seem like the definition of "diva" to me.

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear the terrible news in CT today and the loss of innocent lives. What is happening in our society? The other day it was the shooting at the mall and now this massacre at an elementary school.It just seems that we have become a callous, cold, cruel society with little regard for human life. We must learn to care more about each other and seek help for those who would put us in danger.

Anonymous said...

When a country put aside their God and put man the center of their existence, what do you expect? USA has been anti-God, doing everything to erase God in their everyday life. There's no more faith but apostasy abound. Mention of anything pertaining to the Supreme Being is looked down or not allowed, all because of political correctness. And now wonders why this is happening. All pain and suffering is allowed by God. That is His wake-up call to all that He exists. And maybe, turn to Him again.