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Adam Lambert will be on CNN's Soledad O Brien's show on Monday December 10, 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 7, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 07, 2012


glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

What time?

Anonymous said...

Soledad O'Brien's shows are usually investigative reporting, documentary, and hard news. Wondering what kind of show this will be, entertainment news featuring entertainers? atm

Anonymous said...

Yay! I've never seen this but now for sure! Any chance to see Adam on TV and I'm there. Now to find out what time and channel.

Isn't Adam on the Wendy Williams show same day? Yikes! Adam is a very busy boy!


Anonymous said...

Adam is keeping so busy.

Leilani Aloha said...

My guess is an interview with Adam how his music/fame has effected the youths of USA & the world regarding " Bullying & Equality" Adam being himself, down to earth & chasing his dreams no matter how many challenges he has to face & is still facing!!!

Adam is a lovely beautiful man inside & outside:)

Anonymous said...

NYC media is keeping Adam busy as a bee:):):)

Anonymous said...

Adam is taking NYC by storm! Yay! The more face-time for him, the better!


Anonymous said...

I believe that Soledad is on at 7A.M. I watch it every morning, but now I can't wait until Monday. Yeah Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Nice people will someone PLEASE tell me when he on the buzz live too, if you know, thank you!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam on Soledad........she usually does investigative pieces. This is serious news!


Anonymous said...

ok cool

Anonymous said...

I just saved the Soledad show on my DVR for 12/10, but it doesn't say anything in the info about Adam. Hope that's the one he's on!

Anonymous said...

Here,it just says CNN NEWS and that's all...for 2-4 hrs very I guess I COULD SET my DVR to record from 7am til???Please,if anybody finds out when the World Awards site starts working,post it again like a new post.Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell, Soledad is on from 7am to 9am on CNN here in the NYC viewing area. Adam is making the rounds while here for the Cyndi Lauper Beacon Theater Show and that's what he needs...more face time on tv and the opportunity to perform. People should know about Trespassing and the international shows that he has done recently. Of course, he may also talk about the LGBT issue facing young people here. Then he probably has to go back to Calif. to prepare for the VH1 Divas shows.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm on Central Time so this CNN Soledad show is on at 6:00am for me? Yawn. Well, there's the VCR.

Anonymous said...

Just reported today - Supreme Court's gonna hear two cases concerning gay marriage (Prop 8 & DOMA), wonder if that will come up with Adam?????
I'll def try to catch this regardless of subject matter, interesting.

Anonymous said...

@6:42PM Where did you get this strange idea?

Anonymous said...

6:50 - not sure what your asking?
Supreme Court business all over news, if that's what you mean??
If you mean me wondering out loud if that topic will come up with Adam - IDK, not suggesting anything at all ??? ... media just always does that, draws conclusions and/or what they think are obvious connections (it's a little insulting sometimes, I didn't mean to just do that myself).
I watch CNN tho, & like S.O., and I'll watch if my schedule allows. Always love to see Adam's ample brains on display! :)

Adamluv said...

@6:50 - if I might speak for @MGF I think she means will O"Brien bring up the subject with Adam about the Supreme Court considering hearing 2 cases about marriage equality - Prop 8 (that embarrassing bill from Cal. against marriage equality) and DOMA (defense of Marriage Act - marriage only between a man and a woman). A very legit question IMO. And @MGF - if I misrepresented you, please say so. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

You got it Adamluv :), thx
I just replied too but forgot my tag :).
diggin your posts tonight :), carry on ... Lol

Adamluv said...

@MGF - ya mean ya usually dont dig 'um????? Sorry, couldnt resist! And I will try and continue to make entertaining remarks! LOL! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm in LA and found (I think) her show on CNN called Starting Point. If I've got the right one, it comes on from 4:00AM-6:00AM ... so I will definitely be taping it!

12/10 is my b-day, so what a special day for me -- Adam will be on my TV twice!!! :-) LL

daydreamin said...

@LL Happy early birthday!!! What a nice birthday present!!

leilani Aloha said...

Anon.6:42PM, Just my thoughts too that Soledad may do the interview with Adam on " Prop 8 & DOMA" as it's going to be heard heading in Supreme court.

Totally agree:) either way, good start on monday morning to see Adam on our screen!!!