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Adam Lambert's Hair Styles From January 2011 to December 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 2, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 02, 2012

Via @cocooyau


Anonymous said...

I have been away for awhile and I have to tell those of you who come here daily... I never thought Adam could be any more gorgeous than he already was but WOW! I also didn't think I would like the arm tattoo...but WOW! Love his look, his style and his status as an international star. The rehearsal in China was fabulous!


Anonymous said...

I love them all except the 1st one, but it was still fun that he tried it for awhile. It is one of the reasons I enjoy following him.

Adamluv said...

@lmb - welcome back! Miss resding your comments. Love all the looks but #1.

daydreamin said...

I love the Dec 2011 look. The right side of the Jan 2012 pic I am right on the other side of that door with the window in it. That was the first time I met Adam and it was unbelievable:

I know some of you have already seen it, but here he is coming out of that room:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

@lmb it's good to hear from you! You've been missed! I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

He should make a calender 2013 for us! M

Anonymous said...

There's a saying that goes...your face is your fortune. Well, in these Adam hair-style photos...his hair is his fortune; his eyes, and literally in the case of his nose; will cost a lot for someone to get a nose like that. And sure as the sun rises, his voice. But above all these, it's his virtuosity coupled with a very sound mind and character. Better stop, don't want to deify him, lol! Rather let him be down-to-earth and still have that 'child' in him; like the 2 pictures he posted of himself, a 'fierce' adult and an angelic child, one and the same person inwardly; that's the message I got. :)

Anonymous said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS....... what a plethora of photos!!! I don't like the 1st photo at all, my faves from this lot being December 2011, May 2012 - right-hand photo and December 2012 - right-hand photo (drool!!!) but I don't like his current beard. Adam's face is too handsome to be partially covered by hair!

Anonymous said...

Love all of his looks. Part of the fun of being his fan is seeing what comes next.

Anonymous said...

I agree about #1. I don't like the look, and also remember the comments on the Fashion Police about this time... Hello Adamluv and daydreamin...and I notice JAK is on here, too~ I plan to be back more often. Can you believe it has been 4 years? Can't wait to see the Diva hosting. He will be fabulous, of course!


Anonymous said...

Photos #1&#3.Pirat, Don Juan, or musketeer?

Anonymous said...

We need more of down look. Wow so very hot looking.

daydreamin said...

@lmb, NOOOOO I can't believe it's been 4 years but my sleep patterns tell me it's so...Glad you'll be back posting regularly again!

Happiest of Holidays!

Anonymous said...

I envy his hairstylist!!!:)

I would love to run my hands up there!! He!He!:)

Always sensational!:)


Anonymous said...

Hair haiku

Thick, spiky, pompadour
Silver, blond, mahogany, black
Adam's crowning glory


Anonymous said...

@ lmb....YAY!....JAK here....OT

I thought about you and your son on election night and the days that followed (as I had misty eyes and stopped-up nose) I'm getting weepy in my old age. First time EVER same sex marriage legalized in some states by popular vote!
I was in on the black civil rights days and lived to see a black president. I wish I could be around to see complete nationwide civil rights for LGBT as well. But at least I've seen it begun and am hopeful.

Do post often we have missed you!.....

Anonymous said...

Now, for the hair...No to January 2011.....unless he's playing a drug dealer/hit man in a film.
No to March-April 2011.....unless he's playing hairdresser to The Real Housewives of New Jersey on TV. The rest are okay with me..JAK

Anonymous said...

First of all, welcome back, lmb! There is never a dull moment around here, so it's good you're back in the mix.

As for the hair, I can't believe how Adam can get his hair to do so many different things. Many of us know what it's like to have hair that really only does one thing. It only combs one way, or it can only be long or short or something. But Adam somehow makes his hair go to the left sometimes and to the right other times and sometimes straight up, etc. And somehow he makes it looks good. I know he uses lots of "product," but still. He does have a classic face, with well-balanced features that most of us would kill for. The nose is exquisite, straight and not too big. I could go on and on, of course, but I just can't believe how much he can do with his hair. Like he has said, "I'm a grower."

DRG (Vote on the Grammy site for Adam to perform on the Grammys. Won't hurt.)

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding immature (lol), I could eat him up if I ran into him the way he looks in that last pic.

Honestly, immature is a lot more fun than working.

Anonymous said...

Not too crazy about #1 ....last one omg !!! Best look ever .... but let's face it he could be wearing a smuggie and have a lamp shade on his head and I would find him attractive ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Love Jan to June 2012. Love his look now. He just keeps getting more and more handsome.

Anonymous said...

oh!!.... almost forgot could u please save a bite for me ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Every pic is simply gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

HaHaHa. But of course I like "Jan.2011"! El Caballero de Los Angeles!.. From the... his own league of extraordinary gentlemen. Despite the fact that there is a touch (a lot?) of pretending in that picture, I'm sure there is a sword there... somewhere. En guardia!
"Jan.2012" looks good too (Free time and chatting time) and I love the "hell with glam" attitude of Dec 2012. I also like the arctic/wolfish hair (a lot!), but all that pouting... you can keep it. I'd be happy with only the first one.

7:11 said...

@rose petal - Only because I like you, rose petal, will I save you a bite. But only one!

Anonymous said...

I adore every picture of Adam! Just like my kids (or grandkids! - can't pic a favorite!

Magiclady said...

My fav is #2 at the Grammy's. He looked hotter than any other male there! geez the guy is sexyyyy!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is like a chameleon...ever changing. He is never boring or uninteresting in his style of hair or clothes. I bet he is happy to be on his way home and looking forward to being with Sauli again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. He has a few days to rest up before the Beacon Theater show in NYC and then rehearsals for VH1 Divas. And hopefully he will have something to celebrate with the upcoming Grammy nominations. If he doesn't get one or two, it will be so sad9and unfair) because he worked very hard on putting together the songs for Trespassing which was released with critical acclaim. Even though he often doesn't receive the recognition and support here at home that he should, Adam is fast becoming a global superstar esp. in the Asian countries. Good for him. He seems to be booked for the first three months of 2013 and who knows what else will come along after his VH1 hosting appearance. It seems he is on an "unofficial" Trespassing tour around the world, but nothing here at home has been scheduled yet. Well, as long as I can follow Adam's journey here on this blogsite, I will be happy.


Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK here

I'm picturing Adam in a naturally. So cosy.

I have signature color...crimson! It gets chilly in Florida.

Anonymous said...

I don't have one ....for some reason I keep getting really hot lately .... even when I'm not looking at pics of
Thanks a bunch I'm not greedy one bite will do....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin 11:20PM,
thank you for that short SF vid and your recap, omg he came straight towards you, what a moment (somehow have managed to miss that vid), you LUCKY, LUCKY lady! I’m so jealous (in the best possible way, LOL)

GGD Gal, :):)

daydreamin said...

@GGD Gal I have managed to see Adam 4 more times and now Jingle Ball will be 5 just this year. I have met him 3 times and had a conversation with him twice (they wouldn't let us chat with him during one of the radio meet n greets). One time was just about 5 miles from my house at another radio station. I tried and tried and tried to win tix to no avail. There was another Glambert I had met through twitter that I had been conversing with quite a bit that also had been trying to win tix. It turns out only 10 sets of tickets had been given away. We didn't know that. We decided to see if they would let us in since other friends were telling me they were being let in to other radio station meet n greets. Well, they wouldn't, so me and this other Glambert as well as one other who didn't get in, just started chatting about our love for Adam. A few minutes passed after everyone was let in. We were sure that Adam was already inside but low and behold here he comes walking straight at us with Tommy and his rep. We spoke for a couple of minutes and he said he would try to get us in. As the door was closing he was asking his manager why she was being so mean and not letting us in! There were two other people trying to get in that had artwork that they wanted Adam to autograph but the manager came out later and told us she was sure they were going to try and sell the items on ebay and wanted no part of them. She apologized to us personally but said it was against Sony's policy to allow more than the winners into the meet and greet. We told her other stations were doing it. She was very sweet about it. Adam and Tommy came out and took pics and signed autographs and chatted with us for awhile afterwards! It was so awesome! I think I got more than those that got to go inside!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, thank you so much for the details, can’t even imagine how I would feel meeting and seeing him up close just ONCE…

And good luck on your 5th meeting with Adam! I’m so happy for you, you SOOO deserve it, all the hard info digging (yet pleasant, I assume, lol) you do for us all here!


Shiggles said...

Welcome back lmb, you've been missed.

C'mon rose petal, you could share just a taste with all of us, please.