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Another Gorgeous Photo Shoot! (From Chinese Newspaper)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Anonymous said...

So simple and yet so stunning.

Anonymous said...

So Adam is home and what does he do.. He tweets and put pictures to instagram. You people were thinking that he is happy to be home with Sauli. They haven`t seen each other for a month you would thing that he would be busy doing something else.. I really don`t see them as a happy couple anymore. Mayby a couple at least now but not very happy. I am not a troll and I want everything good to both of them but sadly thats how I see everything now.

Anonymous said...

@8:38 It takes a second to tweet something out. I am sure Adam and Sauli are spending lots of time together and very happy to be back together. Adam always wants to stay connected with his fans,don't know why you are thinking this is affecting their relationship.

Anonymous said...

You are being silly, you don't know if Adam was home or not when he sent the instagram. The picture was taken while he was still over seas. I am quite sure he got a loving and warm reception from Sauli when he got home.

Anonymous said...

8:38 AM
If you are not a troll, I feel sorry for you because you must be so untrusting and pessimistic by nature, seeing everything in a negative way, and therefore will never be happy in your own life. A person can be celebrating with a BF or spouse, but it does not mean that he/she has to stop having any connection with other friends and family. One does not excludes the other, and we are so lucky to have Adam take a minute or two of his own time to stay connected with his fans!

Anonymous said...

8:38am...oh we go again!!! Of course A and S spend time together after not seeing each other for a while!! So you think that Adam can´t for example talk on the phone with anyone because he hasn`t seen Sauli in a month. Childish thinking!! can´t believe what I´m reading here...!

Anonymous said...

I see the chronically sad troll is on here again obsessing over A&S. I love the pictures, thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Mayby I am a pessimistic person but I thing it is a bit odd to spend time on twitter after a mouth seperation.. But thats just me.. After all no home sweet home or happy to be home tweets.

Anonymous said...

10:09am...why so negative? Adam tweeting fans is a part of his work...He never said he`s on holiday now! Tweeting only takes a second and do you really think that A and S want to tell you what they`re doing meantime??? It`s their private matter...and it`s good that it is...makes it real!

Anonymous said...

@8:38 & 10:09

See a doctor, better a psychiatrist . . .

Anonymous said...

Tweeting just continues... Happy happy joy joy.. I don`t see the world trought pink classes like most of you.

Anonymous said...

11:44am...craying just continues...feel sorry for you! Hope you find love in your life:)

tess4ADAM said...

@8:38/ll:44 ...

I've been married almost 50 yrs. to a fabulous guy but do you really think that we've been joined-at-the-hip for that long? Just b/cuz you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to exclude everyone else. You learn to allot time for each other & other things in your life that are important as well. That's not considered 'losing interest' ... it's called being comfortable enough to allow for other things ... I'm sure ADAM & Sauli have reached that point in their relationship after 2 yrs. & all is well in it. Relax!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I see Sauli in the kitchen running the juicer or cooking up a special meal for his siippa, while Adam is in the living room laying on the couch and resting and browsing thru his tweets and posting a few instagrams. They are a happy loving family.

Anonymous said...

@3:20 They are not "a family," they are a couple, a pair, a duo, a partnership, but not a family, at least until they have a child living with them on a permanent and legal basis.

Anonymous said...

I also don't see the world in a rose colored glass but see and feel all the miseries of the world.
But you know what, as I always tell youngsters, you always have two choices in every situation or condition you are in, whether to be happy or not.
Always choose to be happy.


Leilani Aloha said...

Glamberts , Pls ignore 8:38AM
this person need the attention from this site!

Save your good energy for Adam & Sauli!!!
2 lovely individuals & like all of us in our Awesome relationships understands & supports one other:)

Anonymous said...

It's going to come as a surprise to a lot of couples that if they don't have children they aren't a family.

Please go be sad somewhere else.
Adam and Sauli will be a couple as long as they wish and if the time comes they seperate they will have memories of happy days and good times.

Adamluv said...

@7:07 - thank you for your "family" comment and your comment in general about A & S. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:20 PM Love your funny imaginative soap series of loving couple Adam & Sauli, makes me laugh:):):)
Who knows, they may be just doing that! Sauli nursing Adam with lots of TLC! :):):) Obssesed!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:20 PM Love your funny imaginative soap series of loving couple Adam & Sauli, makes me laugh:):):)
Who knows, they may be just doing that! Sauli nursing Adam with lots of TLC! :):):) Obssesed!!!

HK fan said...

Family doesn't just mean having children, it means parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunties, uncles etc, and they have those in spades.

Leilani Aloha said...

HK Fan - u r Right On!!!:)

We all have FAMILY!!!
Dah! We all did not come to life on our own:)