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Another picture from last night ~ Adam Lambert with a fan at Rasputin Club, West Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 23, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 23, 2012

hawktheworld: Finally met @adamlambert at rasputin ! Love his music love his voice! Mom be jealous!


Anonymous said...

Scruff was fun, but I love clean-shaven Adam!

glitzylady said...

...and another picture from last night....from alwayssmile89 on Instagram....

Anonymous said...

Why can't Adam go shirtless for once? lol

Anonymous said...

I love the clean shaved face also. He is simply so gorgeous and his smile lights up the room.

Anonymous said...

yuup if I was his mom I would be jealous.

Anonymous said...

OMG!Adam looks SO MUCH better clean shaven!!I wish he had it that way for the VH-1 Diva show.Sauli must agree also-lol!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for shaving. Wish it had been like that in China and VH1.

Anonymous said...

What is the fuzz over his facial hair?? He looks gorgeous with or without it....IMO:)

Anonymous said...

I like him with the short facial hair.

Anonymous said...

He looks good with or without the beard--just a dreamboat either way.

Anonymous said...

How come the other guy is not wearing a shirt? He looks pretty awkward in comparison with Adam.

The truth is that Adam is a zillion times more sexy with his clothes on than any other guy with practically no clothes at all.

And I hope Adam will keep his clothes on in the future, too.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous with or without!!!! My gosh!:)

He is it!!! Even blind people will agree:)

No offence, just humour:)))


Adamluv said...

It actually wasnt that cold here in LA last nite so therefore maybe no shirt necessary? LOL.

Anonymous said...

YES!! YES!! YES!! The facial hair has finally gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam looks so much more handsome without scruff covering up part of his gorgeous face.

Anonymous said...

Notice this picture Adam has his hand around the guy.

Anonymous said...

And your point is?