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Glamily Tweets: Adam Lambert and the crew are in Hong Kong

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 28, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 28, 2012

Adam Lambert's trip to Bali is taking a 5 hour stop. They are in Hong Kong right now and will continue their way to Bali soon.


Anonymous said...

poor babies, a 5 hour layover, not enough time to do anything but get bored into a coma

Anonymous said...

Well, not in the humongous HK airport which I remember has a train inside to move passengers around and it's like a high end mall with lots of eateries and shopping to do and spa and massage places to go.

Anonymous said...

what's a layover? i have never been on a plane.

Anonymous said...

OT: Didn't know that Adam lost in the Best Jingle performer at Q102 to The Wanted who is now pitted against Archuleta. Hwaa!

Anonymous said...

@5:24 - It's the waiting time you spend at the airport arriving from a flight and for your next flight.
They have 5 hours of waiting time.

Anonymous said...

Request Cuckoo!

Star 101.3FM (San Francisco HAC station) has played Cuckoo. It is now on their Mediabase request form

Anonymous said...

5:24, a layover is the amount of time on the ground between flights. So the band flew to Hong Kong and now has a five hour wait until their flight to Bali.

Adamluv said...

@5:24 - thanks for info. - sounds like a great place for a layover. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

A layover if a few hours can be a welcome relief after many hours on an airplane. A chance to stretch your legs, shake out the cramped muscles..and maybe shop!! Been there, done that..

Anonymous said...

5:26 didn't even know they had a poll going on there. Can't win em all.

Anonymous said...

VOTE repeatedly for QUEEN and ADAM:

VOTE for ROCK in RIO 2013:

Anonymous said...

OT Don't orget to vote for Adam on World Music Awards poll!!worlds-best-entertainer-of-the-year/clqm

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is #1 on Unistar-Minsk radiostation. And they play it for 14 weeks!

Mia said...

Trespassing won the fan poll at

I truly hope also young fans will start commenting on these polls. Now all I see are angry comments from older women. It's is not the ideal image for Adam.

Come on girls and boys, let's show the radio that Adam has plenty of energetic young fans, that's what the radio is interested in seeing!

Anonymous said...


Isn't that World Music Awards supposedly over by now and already had their show?

Anonymous said...

7:13 wow love your post, good news.

Anonymous said...

Honey I dearly love Adam and I not angry, sometimes you do it angry at rude and thoughtless remarks. Most here are quite supportive. I do want young fans for Adam and he has young fans, especially abroad. Also in USA, I hope he gets more of them, but his older fans are very supportive of him! The only madness when people make rude and mean remarks, and really not fans just want to cause friction! Most of us are nice and loving to Adam. Trust me sometimes young ones get a bit angry too! But want him to have all ages! Sue

Anonymous said...

also vote for Rock in Rio 2014 @

I don't know how often you can vote but it seems like every ten minutes.

Adam and Queen way ahead. For now.

Anonymous said...

7.13 where is that out of, what country? Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, Belarus. Russian and Belarussian language spoken there.

Anonymous said...

8.08 thank you, that great alway's happy for trespassing sucess any country! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ Mia Let's appoint you to get young people in huge numbers to be fans of Adams and comment frequently. We old worthless fans are getting tired carrying the load alone, buying numerous albums and voting on endless mindless polls in an attempt to further Adam's career. So you go right ahead give us a break and herd numerous young people to sites all over the webworld and get them to buy albums instead of just downloading or stealing Adam's music. Get them to fly to foreign cities to stand in line and attend his concerts. My Social Security check could be used in a more sensible pursuit.
I wonder why we never thought of the idea of getting Adam's popularity to grow among a younger crowd? Oh well, we're just old and forgetful!

Anonymous said...

9:02 hey, be nice my sister and I are 23 and 28 and we do all that and we also get snarky on some blog sites.We do it ALL!!lol

Anonymous said...

31 and love and support Adam to the hilt

Anonymous said...

what I wouldn't give to have a five hour layover in Hong Kong.

HK fan said...

I'm sure they will find something to do in the airport, even if its just have a leisurely breakfast together. But Adam will probably be in the first class lounge....can think of worse places to spend 5 hours!!!

You can tell he must be in HK today...its pissing down....yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, we spent the afternoon on the beach, the kids were in the water, today its grey, miserable and raining...just like it was everyday he was here the other week!!!

I've read the comments on Ryan seacrests sites, and whilst it would be nice to see some younger people commenting, the comments on there are all pretty well stated.

Adamluv said...

OT - Just read that VH1 Divas is on tomorrow nite on Logo at 10:00 PM. Hope it's true! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

I've heard its also going to be on the Palladia (concert music) channel. Lots of good exposure for Adam and his hosting debut! Not to mention his performances...

Anonymous said...

TWEET from Shoshanna:

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
Quiz on tv. 'Adam Levine is the lead singer of which band'. Guy answers 'Queen'. Give me strength.


Anonymous said...

There was a repeat of In Sixty here in Toronto at 11pm.

Anonymous said...

@danstruter (Daniel Albuquerque): Adam Lambert’s “Trespassing” is voted the 8th best album of 2012 by the famous brazilian blog “Qual a Grande Ideia”.

We Brazilian Glamberts are very happy with this news!!!!

Anonymous said...

AOStarlighterCarter ‏@_AOStarlighter_ the Best of the Year 2012 -
Winner of the International Artist of the year:
@adamlambert \o/
EQ Music ‏EQMusicBlog

@adamlambert, you made the only song this year to make me cry.

Anonymous said...

OT: I'm envious: Philip Phillips' Home is now triple platinum! Lucky guy!

Anonymous said...

Manila Concert Scene ‏@Manilaconcerts

New Venue: ADAM LAMBERT Live In Manila concert will now be held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on March 1, 2013!!!

Mall of Asia Arena has 13 thousand seating capacity for concerts and 20 thousand for sports events.
Smart Araneta is about 16 thousand capacity.

Anonymous said...

Most of those comments at Ryan's site for Adam winning Album of the Year rant on radio for not playing Adam and slam other artists and the writers go on to say they don't listen to radio anymore. This can't help Adam's cause. Why would they play Adam for a bunch of people who don't listen to radio and hate everything else on it. Instead of being a congratulations to Adam, what a great album, it's a bunch of complaining fans that reflects poorly on Adam's fans. Nothing that would make somebody else want to go buy Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

He lucked put with that song he had Litlke to do with, it done so well because it says home all this stuff, played Olympus played, football games. Sure on his album, but only because , Of popularity! Adam and kris got a stupid awful song about hurricanes and both got same song. The few years they benn given each there own alb from the show, there songs every week put on show. ad year got no opportunities like this! I have feeling this is crown and glory song! Sure he will have other sucess because of this, but think this is the big one is album, even with this big song did not hit one! He just off idol sure saling well,, but four years from now is he going to be an international star, are thousands going to line up to hear him sit on a stool all night and play and guitar, the Olympics and tall the playing football games and plenty radio play because of that! I just think the will do well not gonna top this song, those girls come now concerts, he will get married eventually. I just do not see him being a huge concert draw like Adam. He be sucessful, but as a huge world starvi doubt it. Adam has what so few from idol have concert draw skills! This song will die down eventually, and he got to get on that stage and knock back 18 songs are so and really entertain to maintain are get world stardom, I just do not see that happening for years. David Cooke did well couple years WGWG, kris did fair for awhile no real concert skills did them in! ad had problems here he got the whole world loving him, playing his songs but main thing his they want to see him in concert! You do not need to be jealous go follow PP!

daydreamin said...

I heard on twitter that Adam and Sauli arrived in Bali before the band. Here is a pic of the band there:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

From twitter:

The security is pretty damn tight. Even just the path to the place he's staying at is blocked by officers.

Anonymous said...

Ok please people go on Ryan's site and just complement Adam, and say live album, please! We do not want to ruin Adam's life , as we ate being told we are doing! It is best to just brag on Adam . And say Album is amaizing ! That is say we lOve Adam and his album! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam's in Bali. Beautiful island
at an awesome new 5 star laviously pampering resort. A super classy gig no less. Good to see Tommy, Brian and Ashley getting some 5 star treatment too. How many of us Aussie's are there?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli didn't have to wait 5 hours in HK. They fly 1st class!

Anonymous said...

What 9:02 PM said. like

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

loved your posts 11:45 and 11:47 thanks the tibbits.

HK fan said...

I'm sure Adam and Sauli were in HK at some point, I think most Bali flights would come through here.

Anonymous said...

11:47 what was the only song this year that made you cry? I can't get in that link. I am going to guess OOL or Underneath?

Anonymous said...

good to hear about the tight security in Bali. They will be doing much rehersal today and tomorrow. Lucky people going to that resort and going to the concert.

Anonymous said...

So anxious to see how the NYE concert goes! Hope they're all there safe and sound. P2 did a patriotic-type song that became a good hit for him. It could well become one of those "anthem" type songs that gets played whenever there's an "event" of some kind. Kind of like Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." Good for P2 that the song worked for him. It's a song that suits him. We'll see if he's still on the rise in four years. Kinda cool to hear that there's tight security for Adam! Now, THAT'S a star! Glad that Adam won Seacrest's poll. Whatever the comments are, Adam won it. Even if the polls seem dumb, it IS important to keep Adam's name and face out there by doing well on these polls. Even if he doesn't win every time, it's important that he is considered relevant enough to include him in the polls to begin with. THAT'S why we should always vote no matter what.
Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Stop-The-Press! Some of you have forgotten that Adam is a solo artist not a band member! It's great that he didn't have a 5 hours layover in Hong Kong. After all, he has press, interviews, and meet & greet,etc. Adam is the STAR!! So if the band had to fly economy and wait 5 hours, so be it.

Anonymous said...

OT - For those of you who like to vote... This poll is open until Jan 15. Adam is in 2 categories... Best Album and Best Live Performer. He is currently losing to JB and OD in both. PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

6:54, Agreed! Adam probably has interviews, etc. to do. He is the star. Adam HAS a band. He ISN'T the band. Hope they're all there safe and sound. Hope we get some video. This is a private party, so it might be hard.


Anonymous said...

Whew!! Hormones ladies/gentlemen!!!!

Take a deep breath before you ruin your New Year!!!!

True fans don't argue with these none sense topic...:)

Enjoy your family and let it be for a while:))))

We all gonna have a blast in 2013!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli made a very clever move to fly in earlier flight to Bali! They had privacy and together great! Smart boys...gotta say:)