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@JonManuel is interviewing Adam Lambert tomorrow and wants your questions!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 13, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 13, 2012

If you are on Twitter, tweet a question to @JonManuel and he may pick your question to ask Adam tomorrow in San Francisco!


Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv...JAK here....OT

I just hunted up the Adam standing in window over NYC thread. It disappeared so fast, I wondered if anyone had the time to play the game.

I'm glad you did. Answers to 2 - 3 - follows

"you're gonna need a bigger boat"
Roy Scheider in Jaws.....
"she rescues him right back"
Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.....
"and cancel Christmas!"
Alan Rickman as evil Sheriff of Nottingham in Kevin Costner's Robin Hood.....

Six was a pretty good score!

HK fan said...

I'd have got 'cancel christmas'.
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is one of my all time favourite movies...

Isn't jon Manuel the dj thats been giving Cuckoo some spins?

Adamluv said...

@JAK - at least I'd heard the line from Jaws but the other 2 were completely new quotes to me. Thanks. . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

HK Fan yes he is!