Latest From the Glamily in Bali
Filed Under (Glamtroupe,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012
"Yea, I'm pretty jealous of me too, right now!"

"Yea, I'm pretty jealous of me too, right now!"

Aaaaw meet @keisharenee at Mulia Resort cc@galechester@indoglam…
— Titi Adam Lambert (@TitiSiregar) December 30, 2012
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Hey Admin, what happened to the Adam train speedometer...going too fast; we're getting dizzy; got to grab more ginseng at this rate! Tooot-tooot-chuga-chuga...phew! lol! Wow! beautiful view. Bali Hai may call you...from the land...from the am I, your special island...come to me, come to me...Bali Hai, Bali Hai, Bali Hai... 'South Pacific'.
Have anyone seen Sauli and Adam over there? Why would they go out at the airport so secretly.. Do we even know Sauli is there? I`m a little clueless about that. I have only see that people are saying that he is there. The band is obviously very excited about Bali. And it sure does look nice and beautiful place!
omg what a place!! I am going to google it now and find out all about it, just in case.
WOW! That resort looks amazing and the weather's looking pretty amazing too.
@Anon 11:08 PM
Adam and Sauli arrived on an earlier flight. before the band et al arrived in Bali and are under strict security so that they are not it should be. Sauli said in his blog that he was going to Bali with Adam. Someone in the band told some fans that A & S flew in before the band on a separate flight. Thats what we know and why :)))
@Anon 11:08 PM
I have wondered the same.. Adam is in the bar, band members are jet skiing and where is Sauli. If he is there you should assume he would do something.. not just be in hotelroom or villa or where ever they are staying! It`s strange to me. Nobody have seen him. I don`t know why they are saying he is there if he is not tho. So mayby he is or if he`s not I have to start to believe those who say the relationship is over or even a fakeone. And thats how I feel. You don`t have to be pissed to me. You all have your one opinions about everything so have I. Peace!
Security will be tight in Bali.
Big moment here for Adam. Glad to see Tommy, Terrance and the band having a ball. Adam surely takes care of his friends.
How many other Aussie Glamberts are there right now? Bali is a #1 inexpensive very close holiday location visited by oodles of Australians all year round.
Ah, I see, the trolls are out in full force again. No surprise.
Happy, that Adam & Sauli are getting a VIP treatment and some privacy.
Enjoying the wonderful island, a bit sightseeing and then work for one hour - where can I apply for the job?
12:56, I know you will feel so much better to know Sauli has been sighted! No more worrying!
Mum said, "I saw this guy. He's blonde and tanned and is smaller than Adam.. Who is he?" ".....Mum.... That's....his boyfriend..."
I think last time Adam was in Bali, Tommy was not there because he had problems with his passport and had to go to the US instead to fix it.
@12:56 AM
YOU don't have to SEE Sauli to know he's there. He's been sighted in Bali. Furthermore, it's none of YOUR business whether Sauli is there or not.
Love to see Tommy lovin life!
Way to go.
Sauli's there. Trust the guys will have a fantastic new year.
Anon Dec 29 11:08PM and Anon Dec 12:56 AM:
Trust me: Sauli is in Bali. Tommy has said that he and Adam took earlier flight than the band and as some have stated he has also been seen there.
And specially 12:56 AM: Don't start this "relationship is over of fake -thing". They just spent Xmas together in San Diego with Adam's dad and visited also Sauli's friends in Anaheim (icehockeyplayer Tony Lidman and his wife Heta). There are some pics of them where both are smiling beautifully; so they must have been in same places, lol; they are not photoshopped; two photos are in Adam's Instagram (the other is of Sauli's new "footstool" = Adam) and at least three in Sauli's blogs. They look quite happy and content.
If you are so interested and want to know where Sauli is and what he's been doing, read his blogs (they are translated at least in Adamtopia's Sauli Central). In his latest blog he says: "And now I'm going to Bali!" So, either he took wrong plane and is lost somewhere, or we must believe those who say he is in Bali, lol. They surely enjoy there and maybe, just maybe, we will see some pics or him from NYE-concert to convince you that he really is there. Or what kind of proof you need?
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Who the heck is "Macklemore"?
Anon 11:08 PM and 12:56 AM - Don't you worry guys! Sauli has been seen in Bali (LOL). A guy that is just going to the same hotel and who's mum already is there (and seems to stalk Adam) tweeted that "Mum has told me she saw Sauli and the band going around..." Maybe Adam was at the moment in press conference 'cause there is an other tweet that says: "Adam was on a baggy after the press con. I think he went back to his villa." And I'm quite sure Sauli was waiting for him in that villa, ;) . I believe everything is fine in paradise! (just imagining things) I'm also sure that Sauli will tell something about this trip to Bali in his blogs when he is (in their new) home (with Finnish sauna; I've seen rumors) in front of laptop in LA.
What a gorgeous place to welcome in the New Year!! Dont understand why some get so upset about who is or isn't there . These folks know how to work and play and I just bet a great time will be had by all !!!! And whoever is there is there because Adam wants them there and its HIS show .
JB, remember the youtube of "Same Love" Adam tweeted around the time of the marriage equality benefit? That's Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. I love them. Macklemore is a Seattle based rapper. He has such a positive message in his songs. If I don't have an Adam song in my head, it's a Macklemore song. Macklemore and Ryan seem to be like Adam, very positive and hard working and appreciative of their fans. Their independent album recently debuted at number two, way above all expectations. Their single "Thrift Shop" is hilarious and is where the fur coat comes in.
Same Love
Thrift Shop
4:42 am...You and I think alike:) Adam and Sauli are in paradise and despite of all Adam´s work, they manage to have some privacy as well. Thank goodness for that!:)It´s so fuuuunny when people jump to conclusions when Adam is seen somewhere alone and Sauli isn´t attached to his side!:DD Smart move to fly beforehand to Bali. People can get kinda creepy! Let´s just leave our boys to have their happy privacy:)
Because if it isnt on Twitter it isnt true right??
Fucks sake!
Some people will not be happy until they see an A&S porn...shot in there home...POV...with Adams voice. Just sayin....
@Urethra Franklin
Exactly!!!! and A´s and S´s signatures on the pics to prove authenticity!:DDD or voice proof test in the beginning of the video:!:DD FREAKY!!! Talk about going overboard!!!
yeah, leave the boys alone... let them prepare themselves in privat for a wonderful New Years Eve !!
5:26 AM: Well said! I would be in seventh heaven if I was able to spend my NYE in a place like Bali with my love and some friends (band).
@11:08 P.M. and 12:56 A.M., Just maybe Adam is WORKING!!! What's it to you if Sauli is there or not there?! Whether they're together or not together! The buzz should be about the concert because the gig in Bali is a job, not a leisure luxurious vacation. Seems like the two of you don't have a clue about the meaning of the word 'Privacy'.
Some dedicated fans should stop trying to defend Adam and Sauli's relationship because it sounds juvenile when you do because you're dealing with delusional people/trouble makers. And one more thing, this fixation that some of you have on Tommy is Bizarre. Adam is the Focus and the Star. Tommy is a regular band member just like the other members.
A picture of the Ballroom for the NYE concert
pic of Adam at the hotel, apparently getting ready to do an interview
Dinda yunie@DindaYuniee
Yeyyyyy “@wibinugraha: Crew phoenix + pinguin with adam lambert ”
This is a nice article
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp
Adam Lambert The Winner of @creativedisc Favourite Award – Fave Male Via @INDOGLAM – @adamlambert Congrats Adam!
I do not get it, how could any body think that Adam Nd Sauli are not together! Picture after picture Of them together, smiling and happy! They love and trust each other, they do not have to be joined at the hip every where to prove it! From all accounts Sauli is there, so after the work they can enjoy New Year's eve. But, if he was not would not mean they were apart, think the one thing Adam had with Sauli, along with much other, is trust. They been together over 2 years, never seen one thing that proved anything but they are completely true to each other! Sure there temptation out there, especially as a musician a star in Adam's case, but when you really love somebody it's not all they hard to stay true, to them! Adam and Sauli make sure they see each other enough! So could we please put to rest all this nonsense they are together and strong weather together are apart! Sue
This is hilarious. I guess we all are very passionate people. One or two commments about Sauli`s whereabout and BANG it`s basically all people write over here. I have no doubth that Sauli isn`t there but I have to admit that he has been hiding very well! But I guess that is what he wants. Most of the pictures and info we have is from band members tweets and instagram pictures. And he don`t use twitter or instagram very often. I believe everything is OK and they all enjoy themselfs. But lets try not to quarrel with each other.. It`s no good. After all I still believe we all here want good things to Adam, Sauli and band.. Sometimes emotions can misslead us to write things that (sometimes) don`t sound good. Happy New Year to all!!!
I love me some Tommy Joe. I know he is a band member but he is very nice to his fans. He does not try to hog the show like some in the past did. Tommy is very thankful to be a member of Adam's band. He tells us he is lucky and I do beleive he is loyal to Adam. If this is fixative, so be it.
24/7 can you post this video too:
Lyndsey Parker of Yahoo Music talked about her top albums of 2012 with FOX LA and she talked about Trespassing with footage of Adam singing Trespassing at 1:36 mark.
People!!!! Listening and supporting Adam Lambert. Those are the only two things we need to worry about!! Private lives are PRIVATE, period.
@7:31 A.M., Don't get me wrong, I like Tommy too, but not excessively. Not to the point that he's placed on the same Star level as Adam.
Adam should replace Tommy too. His fans aren't Adam's fans and they don't even buy or promote Adam's music. They are like poison of this fandom. Tommy loves the attention that he is getting and won't do anything about it. If you say he has done things to quiet things down but he hasn't he only said things to Adam fans trying to tell him to control the situation and not to this own fans that send him presents and things.
It's time for Adam to get another guitarist. I don't even hear Tommy's guitar skills that well. He ain't Jimmy Page or Nile Rodgers or Dr. Brian May. There are tons better ones out there that Adam can replace.
Yay, these crazy fans until they don't see Adam and Sauli sex video they won't let go.
@8:01 A.M, I agree
oh boy cray crays in full force here. lol making a comment, agreeing with self. What the real pity is us letting them run the show here.
wow lovely picture Tommy and I am jeolous for real.I never knew such places existed.
They're ALL there and there ALL havin a great time and it's ALL good ! Damn .Now , on with the show .
HK fan thanks for those links.
I am a Tommy Joe fan and I do support Adam. Bought both alblums and attended concert. Will go again if he comes my way. Some people want be satisfied until Adam replaces him. This is not fair. I think Adam knows who he can trust and who is loyal and sticks with him. Tommy Joe gets the job done on guitar.I enjoy his playing and seeing him on stage.
I think I'm going to put lady Gaga band above her!yes over her.and go on her site and her shows just to see the band!
and this site should be about Adamlambert music and talent not TJ. doesn't say much about you if you like someone that looks 12!and exactly what is his talent.most of his fans don't support adam.!!!FACT!
One final question. Where this rumors starts? Now I saw in twitter that Adam and Sauli had fight on plane... Do people cook up these things or where the news begins? I am new on twitter world and I have to confess that I don`t really ged it.. :(
People most certainly cook up these things...don´t believe everything on twitter. This goes into the same category where people are assuming that Sauli isn´t even in Bali....makes me wonder how the hell there´s a fight if he´s not even on the same flight as Adam:DDDDD
Love Tommy! Sauli is there. Adam is there. This is a working "vacation" so am assuming Adam is preparing for his concert and cant just be hanging out with the boys. . . . Adamluv
I have seen pap pictures of Adam and Sauli at LAX when they were leaving for Bali. They were happy and smiling. Did not seem at all upset that paps were taking their picture.
So tired of the Adam/Sauli breakup "rumors"..such BS. Also wish people would quit with the Tommy bashing. He's a nice guy and a decent guitarist. A few of his fans are a little wacko..(so are a few of Adam's fan, truth be told...) and most appreciate both Adam and Tommy. One doesn't need to pick one only or the other in order to be a quote unquote "true fan".... I'm an Adam fan completely, but appreciate Tommy as well.
It's so tiresome to keep reading focusing on people other than Adam whether they're members of the band or not. Don't mind a mention of Sauli but to focus solely on him, I don't mind as long as not being fanatic about him.
I come here for Adam alone, all others are trimmings and not to be focused on. When I see a thread with early mention of other names, I scroll down or skip the whole thread. Simply not interested except Adam.
well, just keep on doing that.
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