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Liam McEwan's ADAM LAMBERT HOUR on The Flea FM (New Zealand 12-30-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

As I listen to Adam sing so many songs on Liam's show, it once again reminds me of a simple fact: Adam is actually a singer. I know this sounds silly to say, but so many "singers" are not really singers at all. They are people to happen to sing along with some music. Their voices don't matter that much. But Adam's VOICE is the core of Adam's songs. The actual quality of his voice is what it's all about. He's not just any guy singing along with some music. He's an actual singer. Don't know if anyone knows what I mean. I can't really explain it. Maybe someone else can explain it better.

(I wish some U.S. radio stations would have the guts to create an Adam Lambert Hour of their own. Talk about opening a treasure chest of priceless jewels.)

Anonymous said...

now there's a fantastic idea for 2013! Wish we could make that happen :))))


Anonymous said...

great program I will be listening again later.

glitzylady said...

I get exactly what you mean. Adam's voice needs no embellishment, no gimmicks, no elaborate Music Videos (although those are always a bonus...because we can visually enjoy him as well!), nothing needed but the VOICE. Because the voice is enough. Not all popular singers out there today can say that. I'm not dissing any of them because I like many other performers/singers as well. Adam is first and foremost a singer. His voice stands alone. And he can sing anything and make it sound exactly right. The mark of a true singer.....

glitzylady said...

I love Liam McEwan's program and his unwavering dedication to Adam. He's been doing this every week for a long time.. Thanks Liam!!!!

Anonymous said...

DRG, I know what you mean!!


Anonymous said...

He hooked me for life with that WWL in Fantasy Springs. God help me, for I cannot escape that... feathered Fantasy!
I don't really care who's the best singer in the music industry (or outside of it). I don't care for CD sales and billboards. I only care for those who can reach me deep inside and make love with my soul without ever knowing me.
Yeah, good program. It started and ended with two of my favorites. Some others are in-between. I'm such a proud ..Bert. But don't tell, you'll ruin my reputation! :-) GLb

Anonymous said...

@ GLb......JAK here.....don't worry your confession is safe with us, we Glamberts know how to keep a secret and gossip, rumor and speculation are kept to a minimum.
.....on second thought.....maybe not! ^o^

lorraine said...

@DRG Don't worry-millions of us all over the world know EXACTLY what you mean when you say that Adam is actually a singer. It's what makes him stand apart from all others---he actually sings from the bottom of his soul-and reaches into ours. What more is there to say????/

Anonymous said...


LOL! I know exactly what you mean!
ADAM is not only singing along but feeling and emoting the songs to the listeners touching them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Wish others would have the chance to get to know him and appreciate who he really is and see what makes Glamberts crazy about him.
