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New line of Opel cars called 'Adam'! There's a Glam version of Adam too!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Anonymous said...

So cool! Adam Glam car! What's that Lililink box. Looks kinda like Adam.


Anonymous said...

Meant Intelilink.

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous!! I'd love an Adam Glam - vrooom vrooom!! :-D

Anonymous said...

'Adam is expecting you' - Great! I won't keep him waiting! ;)

'Adam Glam', Adam Slam', 'Adam Jam' etc - this is a real hoot!! I hope Adam knows about this!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! This is big time! Very smart business strategy...hmm I like Adam Slam and Adam Jam. Adam is a very good driver, he weaves in and out when chased by the paps; might make an effective ad to display the versatility of the car. lol!


Anonymous said...

I'll take the Adam Jam. What country is this?

Anonymous said...

@6:47 PM
Germany. That's where Opel cars are made.

Anonymous said...

Opel has been manufactured in Germany for many years but due to European economy downturn you'd better buy one present the date set to stop production is 2016! We are not the only country having financial difficulties...JAK

Anonymous said...

It'll be a real downturn if Opel stops production; Opel is a household car label from time immemorial. Perhaps the Adam cars might turn things round, hopefully. :)


Anonymous said...

That's cool!!!

Way to go Glam:)


Anonymous said...

Certainly hope Adam finds out if he does not know, he should love it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh my, to have a motor vehicle named after you and available in different styles. That really is something. :-)

Anonymous said...

in the tv serie glee, the future love interest of the gay character kurt, is called Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah come on Florida of my first purchases either Adam Slam or Adam Glam

Anonymous said...

These Adam Glam/Slam cars are very cool! If I could I would buy one right now and get on the road and keep on going if you know what I mean. Post Christmas/Back to work/Desk full of stuff I can never possibly get to gloomies!Help!Yikes!

Anonymous said...

The Adam Opel looks a lot like my new Fiat so I will pretend it is the Opel and I will re-name it ......."My Adam Car" it is also the glamorized version and I love it especially the heated seats!


Anonymous said...

Adam Levine

Adam Noah Levine is an American singer-songwriter, musician and actor

Anonymous said...

Sorry Levine is NOT Glam. It is The Glambert!

Anonymous said...

If there's a way, Opel should get The ADAM LAMBERT to model for their cars. PLUZZZZ!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine...never heard of him!

Anonymous said...

Sure, lots of Adams but if the company wants maximum sales to lift it out of its doldrums, then just get our Adam. Effortlessly, he'll zoom in to the rescue; proven by the sure-fire winner who rescues himself all the time! All his cylinders fire, rruuumm rruuumm eeeeek...sounds like a robust engine. lol! Suggestion: Do an Adam car chase by paps to show the crisp pick-up, acceleration and turning round of bends, screeching to an instant halt. lol! This was what he actually did in real life. lol!
