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Official Pictures of Adam Lambert from Rasputin (West Hollywood)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rasputin has released a few more pictures of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen when they were at the club last week. (Saturday December 22, 2012)


Anonymous said...

haha I see Adam using his diva look that NeNe taught him in some of the pictures.

Anonymous said...

What happened to his hair and why sunken cheeks?

Anonymous said...

That's how I look when I'm sucking in to look thinner....a lot of my Christmas pictures look like that.
Alas, it doesn't work for me!!!
OMG! I've been asleep at the keyboard's 3:39 A.M.!

Anonymous said...

The guys looking beautiful.

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... HAHA sucking in your cheeks to make your face look thinner!! My cheeks are already sunken in .... it's called "old age"!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's lips are doing a little puckering up in pics #1 and #2. :)

Anonymous said...

Are Adam and Sauli recently more open about their relationship or am I just dreaming.. My friend told me that Adams friends don`t mention Sauli when they tweet. Is that true? I noticed that Terrance said in his tweet that he has fun time with Adam and Sutan but didn`t say anything about Sauli who was there too. Well that`s the only thing I have noticed but is my friend (not wery close tho) wrong or have I missed something..

Anonymous said...

Don't know what your "friend" is thinking, but pictures speak very loudly. There's no reason to believe that Adam and Sauli are not a couple. Just LOOK! Whoever Adam's friends mention in a tweet is up to them. Looks to me like Adam's friends like Sauli just fine. Why wouldn't they?


Anonymous said...

adam's friends seem to love sauli (when asked) but I suspect they RESPECT the relationship enough to NOT tweet about it.

Anonymous said...

DRG I agree with you. I was suprised when she said that. She don`t say that they are not a couple tho she just said that mayby Adams friend don`t like Sauli. I personally have always thought that he is very much liked among Adams friends. But I don`t know them obviously so I can`t know. Sauli is very private person in my mind s mayby he don`t want to be everyones tweets.. I Hope happiness to them!

Anonymous said...

Privacy has been important for Sauli, but it looks like he's giving up on it.;)

Anonymous said...

ANON 9:24 AM If you believe what you just wrote I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you ! Privacy and Sauli... NOT

Anonymous said...

In that last pic , the candid one, What's going on ? They seem like they might be in a "serious" disagreement bout somthin .

Anonymous said...

8:29AM, this looks like Adam's friends like Sauli just fine.

Anonymous said...

9:52, It's funny how some of us always assume the negative about a photo when we know nothing about the context. A split second photo doesn't say much. It's just a split second. Please don't read so much into it.


Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli look just fine...I think Adam is telling Sauli he has to do a publicity photo and he will be right back..I love seeing them together

Anonymous said...

drinks, loud music, dancing, my type of party. woots!

Anonymous said...

In the last picture there is that third dude who wants a picture. I have seen a foto where they are. And it also seems to me that they both have something in their mouth. And I also agree that people should just relax and stop speculating every picture.. We don`t know anything. People have also some disagreements all the time and it doesn`t mean nothing.. Life is also hard sometimes but it seems to me that they are just having fun with friends and each other.

glitzylady said...

Just a couple of brief comments:

I cannot imagine why anyone would think Adam's friends don't like Sauli. Ridiculous. Sounds like someone trying to stir up trouble..again. We see pictures all the time with his friends and Sauli in them. I also saw them together at the Divas show and after party. All hugs and smiles. Twitter and tweets are not the "be all" and "end all" for knowledge. Sheesh.

The one little "brief moment in time" picture of Adam and Sauli having a conversation: The club is undoubtedly loud and when the music is blasting away, you have to shout to be heard. And we don't always have to see Adam smiling to know these two men love each other. Again: Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Wise words, Glitzylady!
Some people are SO keen on interpretting these boy's bodylanguage and face expressions to show that there are problems in this relationship.
I just wonder why? Let's enjoy of Adam's music and be happy for his and Sauli's love.
There's negativety and true misery enough in this world!

Anonymous said...

is Adam being a diva here? hehe that look on his face

Jadam NZ said...

Looks to me like they are dancing.

Anonymous said...

Jadam that you brought it up...dancing it is!! :)

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glitzy you beat me to it. And Im sure you were a bit more graceful than I would have been.

Carry on...

Anonymous said...

The first two pics -

is it Sutan on the left?

Adamluv said...

Now that you mention it, it does look like Sutan.

Anonymous said...

You guys can jump all over me, beat me to a pulp and try to get me to confess to JFK's assassination, it's not going to work. The reason Adam doesn't make it in the US is because everyone owns a computer and everyone who likes his music but needs a reason to dislike him can go online and prove to themselves that he has shirtless guys hanging on him all the time. Do you see Anderson Cooper, the guy from Glee, Dugie Howser or any other out gay men doing this? He's sooooooooo talented, but far, far too in your face for many people. We love him for who he is, but would we if he wasn't nerdy at times, funny, charming and beautiful? People don't look at him the way we do. He's changed us, but he can't change someone who doesn't want to be changed, fabulous voice or not.

Sorry, but this new dancer has even me gritting my teeth with his over the top flamboyance. I wish Adam would take a step back and see that he needs to be a tad tamer.

I'm ready for the trouncing...

coloforadam said...

Adam makes everyone else, in every picture, look ordinary, plain, washed out. Why pick it apart - just look at HIM and you will be happy (guaranteed)