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Ryan Seacrest Finally Announces the 2012 Male Artist of the Year!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 31, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 31, 2012

and the winner is Adam Lambert!

Via Ryan Seacrest's website:

"2012 is the year of Adam Lambert – at least according to the fans! Not only did he just win our album of the year poll, but he has claimed the title of male artist of 2012 for! Racking up over 75% of the votes, Adam beat out Justin Bieber, One Direction, and many more!

Adam Lambert is one of the most successful contestants who came from “American Idol“, especially considering his loyal fan base of “Glamberts”. Adam released a new album this year, Trespassing, which debuted number one on the Billboard charts."

Source: Ryan Seacrest


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Adam Lambert you won Male Artist of the Year! I knew you would with that amazing talent and out of this world vocals. And what an entertainer you are!

Anonymous said...

Adam is racking up award after award...........I'm so happy for all his success and recognition for all his hard work.

I still feel the Grammy people made a huge mistake not recognizing Trespassing and the wonderful artist who created this amazing album!


Anonymous said...

I forgot about this poll, nice surprise.Keep up the PopCrush voting.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Adam!:) but was there ever any doubt he would win?Not on this site anyway:) What a talented, kind, sweet man!:)

Anonymous said...

IMO Ryan still has some kind of a crush on Adam. Remember the stories when Adam was on Idol and people were assuming Ryan's crush on Adam. I think it's still there. Check out his home page is plastered with Adam's pictures and stories:


Anonymous said...

According to fans . . .also alot of critics love this album . . . that is critics that know what a real singer is . . sorry had to say that

Anonymous said...

When you search the web today, you realize that Adam Lambert is definitely a major, major superstar. Every website (and I mean every single one of them) out there reporting on celebrities is commenting about Adam's tweets on Les Misérables movie. IF he was a nobody, NOBODY would report on this story. Also great to see a lot of people supporting Adam for his honesty in giving his opinion without ulterior motives.

Anonymous said...

Newyorker's not too positive critique about Les Miz:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about a crush, but I think Ryan sincerely likes Adam. He knows Adam is the real deal. Ryan knows that Adam "knows people" in show business circles that like him a lot. NOW, let's hope that Ryan plays some music from Adam's THIRD album. Adam's buzz about Les Miz does show that what he says is noticed in the media. I'm mot worried about the negative comments. There are many who agree with Adam. This too will die down in time. Meanwhile, I want vids from BALI!


Anonymous said...

December 31, 2012 11:27 AM Maybe there were 2 things going on: Adam Lambert and some members of the Glee TV series cast sitting behind Adam (Matt Morrison- Mr Schue_, Jane Lynch, Cory Monteith-Finn-,Jenny Uskowitz - Tina-, Kevin Mc Hale - Artie- and one of the dance extra's and the actor who plays the principal. I remember Ryan playing with someone's hair. That someone is a guest star on Glee

Just check it out

Anonymous said...

Wall Street Journal article about Les Mis.:

What's missing from the screen version as a whole is the kind of virtuoso singing that's still a part of first-rate stage musicals, and an indispensable part.

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

IMO the negative comments on blog about Adam's opinion on Les Mis. show his popularity. If you check out articles about other artists you notice nasty comments from trolls that they know nothing but get enjoyment of bashing these artists. Adam didn't say anything negative about Les Mis. He only tweeted his opinion not feeling the singing up par with the movie's acting. He didn't feel there was a balance between acting and singing.

Actually, this makes people to check out the movie. I'm anxious to go see this movie because of Adam's opinion. I believe a lot of people will do the same.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat what I say, they can say all the rude remarks they want about he not relavant not to me all that stuff, most of them are people that follow everything about Adam to knock him! If he was not a big relavant star you think they would bother to write about it all over the damn world, they knew they would get major hits, I am not trying to be mean, but if Kris A, or someone who is lesser star demo idol or anywhere else said it, probably get couple lines in there home town local paper, or a couple mentions in line, nobody would really bother but their fans saying they agee. Adam Lambert very relavant! What Hirt me was the exsamaner that used to be gather I think, from not Rene but some Jodi chichi that always snarky saying, he can have opinion but he ranted and he was probably just mad because he was not invited on the movie. I read everything he said he did not rant at all, I doubt it crossed his mine about being in picture, it did was not the reason for the comment! Another one said he hated the movie he really hated it, that was the title! He had an opinion he made a valid point, I have not seen movie, but if I go to musical I am going not only for the beauty of the performance but I want to hear good voices, why not use people than can sing, if not A lister's they could become them, after movie sucess! There are people agreeing with Adam, lots someone said they he and his wife walked out after 30 minutes, because singing was so distracting, and not good at all! Anyway the trolls and the H J, and Russell Crow fans mostly Jackman fans ate one can say what they want, many people said he sucked in it, at least singing not just Adam! Publicity is publicity as someone said, all publicity is food even bad for artist and ha really did nothing wrong here! Anyway Adam is a very large star world wide, are no one would give a crap what hesay's obviously they do! I am proud of Adam he was not ranting as they say and he was being honest and no matter what he has a right to Hos opinion! They did same thing when he had an opinion on what president we should have, again is right! All this over a movie, when politicians in Washington, can even get it together keep from this Clift thing happening, hopefully by midnight, tonight! If I made mistakes then I did, Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh Congradulation's Adam on your win darn right you are the best everything! Sue

Anonymous said...

Congratulation,Adam! You are the greatest singer and performer of our time!

Anonymous said...


People around the world reacted on his tweets about the movie!!!!

Now, who will tell me that Adam is nobody??????? Don't even think or blink!!!:) Yes! Yes! Adam is in control damn!!!! Love this guy!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam on the Ryan Seacrest polls! You are the best..vocalist,entertainer, best male ( be far) not to mention your honesty, intelligence and courageousness. I couldn't be prouder of you.

IMO, Adam was spot on about his critique of Les Mis. I saw it 2 days ago and have always been in love with the music. Also I've seen 2 stage productions. Without naming all actors, I have to say there were a couple that sounded awful at times and I remember thinking why did they put t hose actors in the role if they can't sing? It was painful at times to listen. So everyone is entitled to their opinion, Adam and all the media and all of us too. I guess it depends on what each person's preference you go to a musical film for the acting prowess or to appreciate the music and singing? I for one go for to appreciate the music...that's why it's called a musical. Adam is such a mega talented vocalist I always trust his opinion on such things. The media attention Adam is getting over this is amazing. Of course it will blow over soon.


Anonymous said...

Oops, that was meant to be (by far)


Anonymous said...

VH1 had a positive article on Adam's opinion on Les Mis too.

V Camilleri said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask a question without ruffling anyone's feathers. First, I voted and voted and voted on this Seacrest poll. Now, I ask, why? What good will come of it? Just the satisfaction of his winning? It won/t make big news nationwide, it probably won't sell extra albums, there won't be an award show on TV where he is presented with a statuette will there? What exactly did he win? A popularity contest? A contest for the most determined fans?

Will this in any way advance his career, be honest! Was it a way to draw attention to Ryan Seacrest's site? What of concrete advantage is there in Adam winning?
Can someone tell me, please. I want to think this means something, but someone tell me what.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam! You're the best! HH

tess4ADAM said...

@5:56 PM ... IMO it means that ADAM has a more loyal fanbase than the others so much so that they are willing to spend more time voting at these polls than all the millions of other fans who take their artists for granted. They think that just b/cuz there are more of them that they needn't vote as dilligently OR maybe they don't care if their artist of choice wins or not. Don't really know what these polls accomplish EXCEPT it gives ME a feeling of SATISFACTION to see ADAM at the TOP of ALL of them. That's why I vote ... AND ... maybe JUST maybe ... TPTB "notice" the results of these polls. JMO .........

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Other artists wish they have an older generation of women for fans if they want to win polls because they are the ones who stay at home and have time to keep voting why Adam always wins these polls on the net.

Anonymous said...

But what good comes of winning? Just the satisfaction of his fans?
That's an exercise in futility.

Anonymous said...

Why does photo at top of thread remind me of a dominatrix?