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Skit From Adam Lambert Live in Bali (12.31.2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 31, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 31, 2012


Anonymous said...


Magiclady said...

Love Adam, but that was awful!
Hope we get some more vids.
Happy New Year everyone!

Anonymous said...

cute and camp... even though I would love Adam to sing it... I guess we have to endure these to enjoy Adam's costume changes.

Anonymous said...

Look....I adore Adam Lambert but this was waaayy below his level of talent and class...... the wigs have to go and so does the dancer other than Terrance... in fact Adam doesn't even need dancers as you can't take your eyes off HIM... Happy New Year fellow Lambert Lovers :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, that was horrible. Hope Adam is in all the other clips of this concert and not restricted on stage by the backup singers and dancers.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

uuuuuhhhhhhhh no comment......JAK

Anonymous said...

Im w U JAK
Happy new Year 2 Every1! YAYAYA

Anonymous said...

love Adam but the show and choreography was waaaay more professional on Glamnation Tour. Bring back Brooke Wendle!

Anonymous said...

That was awful! As a long time dedicated fan, I'm feeling really sad and somewhat embarrassed for Adam. This Trespassing Era needs to end really soon before Adam destroy his career. I'm shaking my head....Why, Adam? Why? That was a bad idea. The people paid good money to see Adam perform and they get this. I'm just hurt and upset.

Anonymous said...

Now whose strange decision was this parade of clowning? Beverly

Rebecca said...

I guess I'm in the minority because I thought that was hilarious and fun. I think it's cute that they were just messing around while Adam changes. It's all in good fun and I for one would have been happy to see it but I have a dark and weirs sense of humor but still cute.

Anonymous said...

It would have been silly and fun at a local bar or frat party, but not a 4 or 5 star hotel with the audience they had. Adam's got to cut Johnny and the gay entertainment acts before they cut his throat careerwise. Leave it in West Hollywood Adam, it doesn't play everywhere. Your music can be a mix of dance and drama but your act has to have class.

Anonymous said...

ha ha I would have enjoyed that especially knowing Adam was doing a wardrobe change.

Anonymous said...

@7:15 PM,Yes, that's the word I was searching for.....Classless. It was classless.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Adam is changing his clothes often, especially for a short concert. During the Glam Nation Tour I could understand the need because he was telling a story.

Anonymous said...

Instead of class it was crass.
Adam what were you thinking? You have to rein in that I can do anything I want attitude. Adults don't do that. You need to develop a filter, only children say and do as they please without considering the consequences. Please don't self destruct!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone have to take things so seriously, this was meant to be FUN,a PARTY and I enjoyed it, just sorry I couldn't be there myself. Talk about a bunch of party poopers, for an Adam Lambert site why are you all so bloody negative? Seems Adam can never get it right with you people, thank god the rest of the world love this guy.

Anonymous said...

@7:39 PM, you know that was a train wreck. Stop Frontin!

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed for Adam also. The album is good, but the Trespassing show is so tacky and this is almost repulsive.

Anonymous said...

The one one dancer- not Terrance- is almost as hard to watch and to ignore as Iggy Pop. Why?

Anonymous said...

I don't think of it as being negative, I think of it as being concerned, make that terrified, that Adam is going to crash and burn a newly growing career.

I'm hoping reviews of this performance will skip reviewing the skit, or perhaps I will be completely wrong and that type of humor will not be found offensive.
I'm really hoping that, because I was also hoping additional jobs might have come from a good reception by this audience.

Now I'm worried to see the additional videos, was there more to this skit? God forbid.

Adam I love you but you are scaring the cr*p out of me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this one 7.39! It's a dang party they are having fun, just because it's a fancy hotel does not mean there are a bunch of old party boppers there it was New frickin Year's Eve. Time to be silly have fun, it was not brain surgery. Adam was off stage a few minutes, he changes his outfits he gives a show! I love the fact he does costume changes, I hope that alway's continue's! Trespassing erra does not need to hurry and be over with! He sold out in Africa, both shows, he did a great in china and the Mama shows with trespassing material! He used back up singers and wig and all that in Africa, they said he was in fire and people were talking about how great concert was for days, one man said he would remember it for a long time! But when people here got the video's liked Adam, but tore everything else apart, including the guitar thing, the straight jacket, back up singer's wigs! Every one there loved it! Adam puts on a fun happy show, yes even criticism Adam stuff, Adam sales of. Inverts ate great sales out quickly. He knows what he is doing so lighten up, he very popular abroad because he edgy and fun. He puts on a show! All this was, is they were keeping attention until Adam came back! Tresspassing has done quite well in many countries does not need to end soon! When new album comes out, sure fault will be found! You wonder why he goes abroad, when even his fans that profess to love him so much act like this, I know u love him. Adam does not have to be classy every minute, this was new years eve fun time, little corny, little campy is ok! I watch Diva again he was marvelous on that show couple all sound problems, got good reviews, but immediate negativity here. Adam just so good in that show! Know many love him here, but just to much negativity! It was new yesr's eve time for campy, fun happy party, that was Adam's concert's sales are wonderful abroad. Sold out instantly in tokyo , added extra one. So he certainly doing something right abroad! Sue

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM, I'm entitled to have an opinion, who are you to say I'm frontin, such BS. You and others may not have like this video but the show itself has been highly successful, everyone loved it, including a young girl who got up on stage to hug Adam, security had to help off stage, but the reviews I've been reading are all positive. Once again, this site claims to love Adam but insists on picking him to pieces, you just have to face up to it he is loved by the world and doesn't need the USA.

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with 5:03, 5:17, 5:27, 6:12, 7:15, 7:21, 7:33, 7:52, 7:55, 8:04 and especially... 5:15, 6:40, and 8:11...can't say I'm not sad about this direction....too much talent for third rate club crap!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the majority here. That skit was amateurish, embarrassing, and totally lacking in class. However, I have not been a fan of the backup singers in the first place. He didn't have them on Glamnation but had overlays in the background of his own voice. The dancers on Glamnation were polished and professional. These two are just annoying, and yes, I know one of them is Terrance. The other dude I do not know, but he's just plain disgusting. I realize this isn't really a tour, but there might be a reason why Trespassing hasn't done as well as Glamnation and FYE. And yes, it's my opinion, which I should be allowed to have without being berated by those who can't stand to hear a truthful critique of the show. Just because he is mega talented doesn't mean Adam makes all the right decisions. This one was horrific.

Anonymous said...

You can tell it was third rate club crap off one video! That was a pinch of the concert certainly not the entire concert! As long as they love it, does not really matter what this site thinks does, it. Got good reviews! It was a new years celabeation, and between a costume change.this site is getting really to critical! Abroad loves the and him, remember Africa saying how good back up singers were all, everyone said was how fat they were! There heavy they still have talent!

Anonymous said...

8:37 The "skit" was 3rd rate club crap...not Adam's performance, was probably his incredible self!

Anonymous said...

They can be heavy and have talent, but watching them change their clothes is not enjoyable, and don't kid yourself that the rest of the world enjoys watching that dancer either.

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate video's and love them, but hope no more come in for you to tear apart! Again it was a few minute skit, not the entire show! As long as he has those heavy back up dancers you will never be happy, and dancers! GNT, Over! New erra he footmen nothing but great revies for his abroad shows! They apreiate it, and there paying for it. His career is doing wonderful abroad, the alb done well abroad! He gone where he is loved,unconditionally loved. Also he has a right to His opinion he did not a thing wrong, I agree with him!

Anonymous said...

That funny in Africa, said they were very good, did not know they alway's change clothes on stage!

Pasha said...

I mean... It's always heart warming to know so many people so interested and invested in Adam's career and well-being! But this hooplaaa??? WHY SHOULD WE TAKE EVERYTHING SOOO SERIOUSLY?! And to be honest I found nothing "awful" "horrifying" or "un-classy" about it! It was supposed to be light, funny and distracting! IT WAS A BREAK! Can't agree more with SUE and some others here.
I think WE ARE ALL ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS and if I'm expressing it in such way, it isn't to bash anyone; i just don't want to see anyone's feeling hurt (esp. Adam's) because of sth that they were not supposed to even take so seriously.
As I recently said on my feed:
- One of Adam's greatest reasons to his success > Glamberts
- One of the greatest reasons holding Adam back > Glamberts
It's a 2 way sword.
You are free to do/think what you wish, it is your right. But I will love, see and criticize Adam in a "Glambert" manner. With everything that its associated with. I will want to see him be the best he can be, but won't put too much pressure on some things that aren't just worth it.
I am actually taking this thread a bit too seriously myself but that's only because i saw some comments on how "ADAM WILL END HIS CAREER LIKE THIS" ! Come on people, loosen up...
@Glitzylady... see? This is what i was talking about. :D It is nice from time to time, but overall too negative.

Happy new year everyone. Don't worry, be happy. ;)

Anonymous said...

9:08 you hit the nail on the head. ty

Anonymous said...

I'm not at all worried about Adam's career, I've been viewing various other sites and they all have positive comments about Adam and his show. This site is always finding fault and nit picking, just a small bunch of wingers Adam can well do without, the majority of Adam's fans love him dearly and unconditionally. It amazes me how a single video can cause so much resentment, as if you are all just waiting for Adam to slip up so you can pounce on him. I also suspect some people hear don't mind Adam being gay as long as he is not too gay, why else does everyone keep putting Johnny down, because he appears to be slightly more gay than Terrance, plus picking on the girls because of their weight. Adam doesn't care about these things he respects people for who they are a people and for their talent. Johnny is great and a lovely person and the 2 girls do a great job with backing vocals.

Anonymous said...

Over at mjsbigblog, there are now 318 posts re Adam"s Les Miz tweets.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam dearly and unconditionally, but it doesn't blind me from seeing that the reason he isn't more successful is these aspects of his shows.

Anonymous said...

9:36 The background singers and Johnny are not as talented as you'd like us to think.

Anonymous said...

Adam! What are you trying to do? You will not gain fans with your backup singers and dancers behaving as such. If you can call them dancers. That was just awful. I am embarrassed. I would never show any of my friends that...Adults acting like clowns. Can we have real dancers please? Those two are the worst of the worst. And what is this? Dressing those two overweight young ladies sack like dresses. Are you trying to embarrass us as black people? If you are you have succeeded. You have reached the bottom of the barrel to find those four. This makes me sad, because I am a fan since Idol. I am in fact crying as I type these words.

Anonymous said...

Adam's back-up vocalists need replacing. Surely there are other back-up vocalists out there who can sing as well or better than these two. They're definitely not good for Adam's image.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the Glam Nation Tour was so professional and fabulous - adored it - but this is not good at all.

Anonymous said...

There are Glamberts who think Adam walks on water and beyond constructive criticism. Adam needs to know what works and what doesn't work, and this skit didn't work.

Pan said...

The postponed Apocalypse is coming, Adam's back-up singers changed their clothes on an extremely small and crowded scene(possibly no back stage) and now we're talking about ruining careers, self-destruction, embarrassment!!! And I forgot to tell you , we haven't watched, listened yet to Adam singing, performing in Bali.
When your party is over, please, come to have a chat from a "foreigner" to another "foreigner"!

Anonymous said...

Not a five star skit here. I do love Terrance and Johnny and love the camp but as much as I like the girls I reckon they aren't professional enough to back Adam. It turned out like an English pantomine moment which is fun but not to the expectations of an Adam gig. I missed the class here, because Adam is always a classy act and yeah, sure it was a laugh but this was below par.

Anonymous said...

In the words of G-Dragon 'Why so serious'?!

Anonymous said...

@11:00 PM. Perhaps you should be Adams manager seeing as you think you have all the answers. Have you watched the full concert at Bali? You base your opinions on one short clip without seeing the great show itself, this is nothing but sheer and utter ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I too am not a fan of the backups. Loved it when Adam had the two English male backups earlier this year. They looked very professional.

Anonymous said...

11:00 did not need to see the show itself to critique the skit. I also agree with 11:00 that some people here think Adam is above constructive criticism. Btw, 11:00 is entitled to an opinion as much as you.

Anonymous said...

I think the critical comments here are an embarrassment, if your going to judge a show at least judge it in it's entirety and possibly there was no where for the girls to change at the back of the stage so hence the change on stage. The people who attended the show were in absolute awe and loved it, so well done Adam and don't take any notice of any negativity.

Anonymous said...

oh boy the planters of negativity are out in full force.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here go way beyond constructive criticism. The skit was just that a skit, it was fun and appropriate for New Year's Eve which is meant to be fun, a party and people at the venue did just that they had fun and partied, several people have stated that the show was awesome.

funbunn40 said...

Not as polished as I would have expected, but he had a long set list and if the audience was satisfied with the evening, that's what matters. The dancing was too effeminate for my taste, but guess it's a matter of taste. I like the more polished, prepared Adam that I'm used to seeing. In spite of Adam and Monte Pittman's differences, he and Adam had a more polished presence and the GNT dancers didn't flit about so obviously.The ladies sounded good and the costume skit could have been smoother, but here I go, being a critic and it looked like a fun evening.

Anonymous said...

10:30 wow I feel bad, were you still crying when you posted the very same comment on the next thread?

Anonymous said...

I think the people in this ballroom didn't expect to see this sh... for $600. I agreed with Adam comments about Les Mis. However, he needs to review his own shows before critized someone else! This performance was disscussing!

Anonymous said...

funbun40 how did you get to see the whole show. lucky you.

Anonymous said...

12:02 ya done crying now?

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't know what to think- whereas we ONLY got two videos and neither were really Adam's performances! Why are these videos surfacing- I would like to see Adam singing (he sang many songs) I agree with sue though- lighten up everyone- that was a 3 minute thing( no I didn't really like it) only because I just want to see Adam perform and could care less about the rest. If Adam loves them- so be it, It was 1 damn filler song!

Anonymous said...

Make up your minds. Most of the time the complaining is Adam's career is failing because radio won't play him and now it's because his shows are too gay. Ridiculous. Some of you sound like the homophobic people who say they are fine with people being gay as long as they don't see it. Adam said he would rather be himself than have more fans. It's his life and his career. If you don't like it go find somebody less fun, less gay and "classier" to be a fan of.

Anonymous said...

If you think this skit is funny, you have a sick mind. Do not take things so serious you say. Well I take this skit as a serious embarrassment. I hope to never see anything like it ever again....

Anonymous said...

12:20 AM. If you feel so strongly then Adam doesn't need you as a fan, go else where and pick on someone else. This is an Adam Lambert site with the aim of supporting Adam not picking shit out of him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:20 AM: You don't see, if you don't watch! Breathe baby, breathe!

Anon 12:17 AM: Touché!

Anonymous said...

@12:20AM I absolutely agree with you. It is terrible.Adam has to take some things more seriously. This is fun for people in the ball room and they paid for it. But for the band this is their job and they need to respect the crowd.

Anonymous said...

Thank god Adam has a professional management team behind him to steer him in the right direction. If he relied purely on his fans criticism's his career would be doomed for disaster.

Anonymous said...

Why Adam changes his outfits so many times?People want to see hims singing but not changing clothes every 10 min during one hour show.
Also, does Adam plan to finish his singing carrier very soon? It seems like this as far as he doesn't care about his dancers, singers and whole show.

Anonymous said...

12:31 AM. How on earth have Adam's band disrepected the crowd? You make no sense.

Anonymous said...

12:31 what?? Good night and Happy New Year to everybody that truly supports AFL and you know what the rest of you can do.

Anonymous said...

12:42 AM. Have you seen the whole show from Bali? If not then I have trouble understanding your comment it doesn't make sense. As far as Adam changing costumes, he likes to wear certain costumes to fit the songs he performs. Perhaps you would be happier if Adam stood on stage dressed in a suit and simply sang, the only problem with that is a large number of people would find that boring.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations, Adam!You just proved yourself as a tasteless performer.

Anonymous said...

12:51 AM. and you just proved yourself as a disloyal and tasteless fan.

glitzylady said...

Okay, being that it's New Years Eve here in the US..and in fact is now early morning on New Years Day, I've been busy with that :)) (Watched the fireworks and music from the Space Needle in Seattle on TV, a northwest tradition...etc..) But finally had a chance to watch this skit.

I've read these comments more than once, and frankly, I was very nerrrrvoussss, in fact downright SCARED to watch... I couldn't imagine what I was going to see...Sex on stage? A group strip tease...Naughty language and gestures??? Naked bodies?? Well guess what? Nothing. I agree with some that it was kinda silly, but nothing more. Hardly worth the fuss. Yes, I agree it could have been a little more "professional", but what the heck!!! It was New Years Eve, they were having fun, in the "moment" and I cannot imagine that anyone would be particularly offended, but thats just me...I know I certainly would have just laughed along with the singers and the dancers. And the audience..

Personally, and speaking just for myself here, if I was in the audience (and I most certainly wish I had been!) I would have most likely enjoyed the view of the two boys with no shirts. And I like the back up singers. Sorry if you don't agree with me, because everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I cannot for the life of me imagine why some here would think Adam's career would be jeopardized by this little 3 minute goofy skit. Sheesh. I look forward to seeing other vids from the show. And I must say, I reallllllllllly would have LOVED to be there. How lucky are those people who WERE there!

Happy New Year to All! \0/

Anonymous said...

It was a cute and funny act they had with the song. A better judge of the back up singers than some of Adam's fans here would be Grammy winner Jill Scott. Terrance and Johnny (yes, he has a name) had some great hip action going there. Nobody was complaining about Terrance and Johnny on Divas. How can you claim to accept Adam being gay yet say this act was too gay or the dancers are too gay. I'm sure some of you have a problem with the way Adam stirs his coffee too.

glitzylady said...

Nice to see you here again..its not always like this :) Take care and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Just read some wonderful comments on twitter regarding Adams performance in Bali.

John 'Jack' Daniels
@Bali Update Ed
Publisher Award Winning Bali Update.

@adamlambert Adam-Bali will never be the same after your performance tonight! The island of Gods have inducted you into it's pantheon.

Hopefully this proves Adam has not lost his touch, the show was a huge success.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer Taylor and Sasha's dancing to Johnny's but hey, it's not my gig and people round here aren't supposed to express an opinion unless it's all goo goo gaa gaa.

Anonymous said...

2:15, there is a difference between expressing a reasonable opinion in a decent way and nit picking everything Adam does and saying he is ruining his career and he and/or his show are too gay, too opinionated, too hairy, embarrassing, blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

Love the camp which I've missed lately.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pan!
The postponed Apocalypse is still coming? Whoa, I thought it was gone for good, lol! Hmm better stock up some more, lol! I heard someone say about sharing Adam...well, to me it's more like the fierce international fans are banging on their doors and yelling: Hey show more respect and love to Adam...more like demanding than asking for a share! lol! You're one sensible, caring foreigner! lol!


Anonymous said...

I thought it was discussing too.

Anonymous said...

The word is disgusting, not discussing, and it was not disgusting at all, lets get some perspective on this. It was cute, funny and just a brief moment while Adam did his costume change. According to the reviews I have read Adam put on a first class performance and the management at the resort are extremely pleased and I've no doubt they will want him back again for next year.

Anonymous said...

Johnny is too effeminate for my taste, too- not too GAY- too EFFEMINATE. It has nothing to do with his orientation.

Anonymous said...

If Adam wants to be more rock when he's performing live as he often claims, his band could do guitar or drum solos while he's changing and then he could come out and sing his own song instead of letting these four perform the whole song.

Anonymous said...

4:58 AM Tell that somehow straight to Adam. It's useless to make suggestions here. I don't think he reads these sites.

Anonymous said...

I have to say the performance was entertaining in itself. However, I dislike the bandberts, tommyberts and the overuse of the word glamily in this fandom. They have made this happen. If you want to see Adam you probably prefer him front Queen or the VH1 divas type of shows, like I do. Lol, and ain't the truth that most of us just want to see pics of Adam, and Sauli, when he's traveling with Adam?

Anonymous said...

I mean the bandberts can be smarmy and the next moment they turn their backs. Volatility is a risk.

Anonymous said...

5:19 I'm just a longtime fan voicing an observation and some disappointment here. Sorry you don't want to hear it. I write lots of noncritical thoughts here, usually, because I'm a huge fan of the singer, the performer, and the man, that Adam probably never reads either.

Anonymous said...

5:30 AM For me it is also just Adam and Adam's voice and performances that matter. I wouldn't although generalize about the pics but I happen to be one of them who only want to see pics of Adam or Adam and Sauli when they travel together.

Anonymous said...

I think most of the critical observations come from the HEART. All of us know Adam is the BEST and want to see that represented in the show around him as well. Fabulous choreography etc. and I think it gets there sometime and sometimes not. I'm sure budget has a lot to do with it. skit was weird and dancing needs better choreography.

Anonymous said...

6:01 Yes, exactly.

Anonymous said...

All of us who have been fans from the beginning, only want the best for Adam and his career. It seems to flip flop between highs and lows from one performance/concert to another and then the comments on this blog. The silliness with the skit was just that... not very polished or professional. I realize Adam had to make a costume change, so why not just have the band play something during that time, jam a little until Adam returns. I wonder what members of the audience thought of Adam 's show. We haven't really seen any vids or had any comments from the individuals who paid major dollars to see this show. I guess Adam goes where he is booked and gets paid substantially. He does have bills to pay and a certain lifestyle to maintain. Not bad spending New Year's Eve in Bali with friends and Sauli. So 2013 is here; let's see what it brings for Adam and his career. Hoping it is more acceptance and success in his career.

Anonymous said...

@5:52 I don't think it's generalization, but rather a fact. Most fans, who may not be very active on twitter, like to see pics of Adam and Sauli together as a couple every now and then. Also non fans seem to be curious and accepting.

Anonymous said...

I feel very sad when I read some of the comments on this site. The skit was just what it was supposed to be.....silly and funny, why can't people leave it at that.

As for the continued criticism of the size of the back up singers and the effeminate dancers........ I just don't understand it. The girls can both sing and both boys are very good dancers. People come in all shapes and sizes and some boys are effeminate. I can't believe how cruel some people can be. While out celebrating last night the band leader invited people up on the stage
and a very heavy young woman went up along with some others. I remember saying to my
husband.......good for her but unfortunate I heard quite
a few snickers and it really angered me. I worked as
an educator for a very long time and at times it was
heart wrenching how mean teenagers could be towards
anyone who was different. But I had always hoped that
when these kids grew up they would learn to be more accepting but some people never grow up to become
decent human beings. Bullies will remain bullies and I don't think there is such a thing as constructive criticism! Criticism hurts no matter how it is disguised.


Anonymous said...

Honestly that skit is something us kids would come up with in high school and do. Adam's talent keeps people interested, but come on. I'd be mad to pay $600 for this lack of preparation and professionalism even if Adam's talent and potential is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that hurt! So critical of the criticism, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

(The post above was for 6:32.)

Anonymous said...

Haven´t heard any complaints about the skit from the ones who actually were present at the show!!! So the ones who weren´t are only stating their opinion what they saw online, not an absolute truth how it went and how the people there took it. Lighten up folks!

Anonymous said...


The girls are not great singers nor professional, nor was the skit. Johnny is not that good of a dancer. He pots his belly out all the time, and the choreography is not good. I'm not being a bully. Was Adam being a bully when he critiqued the singers on Les Mis?

Anonymous said...

We don't know what the backup ladies think about thin women either. If you can criticize the thin why can't you criticize the overweight too. It's only skin-deep.

Anonymous said...

Didn't care for that! Adam what are you doing to your career? That wasn't art !

Anonymous said...

There is such a thing as constructive is exactly what it spells out; helpful with empathy, kindness, no intention to hurt; has to be done professionally with reasoning and without imposing on the person receiving it; meaning the person must be given freedom of choice regarding the matter. In any field of learning / teaching, you need constructive criticism for instance to improve on something or when a change of direction or mindset is required; but without hurting or degrading the person.


Anonymous said...

Terrance is a good dancer. He's fluid and yet precise with his movements. The choreography doesn't showcase how well he can dance though, imo.

Anonymous said...

Of course I live in a country where severe owerweight is considered a health risk. Say, if you go to a doctor for some illness and you are overweight you will be recommended to lose weight. I have a chronical illness and my BMI is 24 (normal).

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM Did you see the whole concert? Was Adam that bad so that his career is now ruined? I have seen some very good reviews, at least some people have liked the concert. But you know how it is. Adam should not go today to Vietnam and tour in February and March in Asia (Japan, China) and Russia and Finland etc. He just ruins his career. Soo waste of time.

Anonymous said...

I know mostly here loves Adam right???

Worried about his career??? Good???

In my opinion if you based from this skit, I didn't like it at all. We haven't see the whole thing yet but as a whole the people who watched enjoy it!!! So we did our critique in this segment that's it.

Just keep the crap when some of you that Adam is ruined because of one skit!!!! You are so lame indeed!!!


glitzylady said...

A picture of Adam and Sauli together: from Sauli's blog Jan. 1st, 2013

"New Year's Greetings from Bali"

Anonymous said...

You're all right, you're all wrong, you all make good points. IMO, I agree with Boy George on how Adam's music should go down.

Pan said...

You're so right when writing about constructive criticism, but I can't help wondering , is it addressed to the right "addressees", those in charge? I don't want to touch "bleeding wounds"(the law budgets used in making, promoting the album and the MVs) but we all know that everything is about money. The meager budget is still a problem, does Adam have a choreographer, a stage director in his team or do they have to improvise sometimes? In the long run it seems to be a harmful policy.
Now Adam is a more profitable artist than he was a year ago, his shows should become more and more spectacular, what the heck , he's singing pop(whether I like it or not), which is all dance, perfectly choreographed dancers,lights,glittering costumes...smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

This was New Year's Eve, for cryin' out loud. People all over the world, the U.S. included, were celebrating by acting pretty darn ridiculous and over te top. I was at a party with some real goofballs and then we had the TV on for a little while. From NY to LA and everywhere in between, people were acting crazy and embarrassing and having a GOOD TIME. The most embarrassing thing I saw on TV was Justin Bieber performining in NY. Now THAT was REALLY embarrassing but I guess not for him.

This short, time-filling skit while Adam changed his clothes was just plain goofy fun. It was a couple minutes of the whole performance. I haven't seen videos yet, but I'll bet Adam sang beautifully and the audience enjoyed. Do we really think the audience has no sense of humor? That they can't see silliness and enjoy it? Lighten up, please.

This is by favorite Adam site because we do post at length about our feelings, unlike other sites where fans tend to post only a line or two. But sometimes this site is just GBB, Glamberts Behaving Badly. Just grousing and complaining and wringing their hands over Adam's every move. Adam is not a multi-millionaire. His shows are small-scale and simple. The voice always prevails. And he must LIKE the gay aspect to his dancers, and he must LIKE the back-ups singer (who are professionals BTW) or he wouldn't have chosen them. Adam's stage performances will evolve. He'll never be mainstream, so don't wait around for that to happen. I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

Oh Canadian, it's not just one skit. Adam gets accolades, but his Trespassing Show really is I not. I get the sense he really didn't know what to do with the Trespassing concerts and they never really developed. He wanted to make it less pop, so he cut out the theatrics and the lots of choreograhy, but he kept his dancers with not much to do. He's not really rocking it and it's not much of a pop show. The wigs and dancers are not good enough to a pop show make.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the Glamberts that loved Adam even when he did crazy things. Instead of taking him to the top, you guys are dragging him down. I feel so bad for him. He works so hard only to have his fans turn on him

Anonymous said...

"Adam's stage performances will evolve". Didn't Trespassing come out a year ago? I don't see that happening for the Trespassing tour.

Anonymous said...

This wasn't some spur of the moment crazy thing Adam did. This is just not good.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam knew early on that there would not be an official Trespassing tour. He put together a show that he knew would not be performed on a huge, multi-date tour. I've enjoyed all the shows he's done. He's not a standard pop act. I like the quirkiness and spontaneity of his shows. He'll be as successful as he can be by doing things the way he thinks they should be done.


Anonymous said...

I think it would have turned into more of a Trespassing tour had Adam kept the singers off to the side in the background, lost the wigs and the dancers, and just be his spontaneous, rocking self. When I saw how lame his concert was, I knew it would not be successful. Adam, the album, and the band had could have lifted him higher. The fans are not what is keeping him down.

glitzylady said...

I agree 100% with you.

It does get tiring doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

I think the point from everyone who is upset with the skit, dancers etc. is that Adam has the talent and ability to command a stage on his own with Queen. HE needs to be the focus without all the distractions of flailing dancers in "stripper heals". Justin Bieber et al need this kind of visual filler due to a lack of true talent Adam does not. It's probably a budget issue but it would be great to see a bigger band to accompany..again as with Queen. Just look at what he is capable of in that setting!! It's not that we nit pick...he is WORTH more..and those of you who get it know what I mean. Also it's not a dislike "gay" thing...but watching him perform with dancers is like trying to absorb his voice with the audience singing.

Anonymous said...

I have never been a fan of these two backup singers, as I don't think they are very good. I'd rather hear the recorded layers of Adam's own voice against his live voice. I liked the professional routines of GNT and I liked the fact that Adam joined in with some of the routine. However, I think dancing can distract from the singer himself. In this Trespassing show, I find both the singers and the dancers a distraction and clutter on stage. I am sure that Adam himself gave a wonderful performance in Bali, as he always does no matter where he is. But the skit itself was second rate. In GNT, he changed clothes, and while he was gone, the band kept playing. Adam critiqued Les Miz. His fans can critique his show. Some of you need to get over the idea that any criticism of choices is an attack. Maybe his fans just want Adam's show to be everything it can be because they want him to shine.

Anonymous said...

9:49...I get it and I know what you mean! That is it exactly.

Anonymous said...

Okay, granted this is only a short segment, you can see what a distraction these dancers and "background" singers were.

Here is a snippet of "Pop that Lock".

glitzylady said...

@Anons 9:49 AM & 9:52 AM
You are absolutely correct that everyone can have an opinion. We all have our perspectives and points of view. What I DO believe and, perhaps you can agree with me, is that we tend to take this all too seriously at times. My husband's favorite saying is "Life is too short.." and I agree with him. And I need to take his advice too. I would hope that Adam's fans, myself included, will allow Adam to make his own decisions about who he hires as background singers, dancers, what he chooses to do as a time filler while he changes his clothes, etc...... I suspect he knows what works for him and what his vision for himself is in the long run, and "in the moment" for each venue.. I also suspect he has a much grander vision that he would like to present in the future when the budget allows. He knows what his budget is for transporting, feeding, and housing his crew all over the world for those one-off shows. He obviously doesn't have the money that say, Lady Gaga, or Katy Perry, have.

"Let's go it's my show, baby, do what I say..Don't trip off the glitz that I'm gonna display", as Adam himself put it so well in FYE.

I have personally been fortunate to go to two full live "Trespassing Non-Tour" shows, completely different, (Orange County Fair, and Fantasy Springs) in 2012, and my focus was ALWAYS on Adam. I cannot honestly tell you what anyone else did on stage during the show. The back-up singers, and the band, were always just that: background. I only knew what happened elsewhere on stage when I watched the vids afterward. I have no problem with the two back up singers. Live, they are fine IMO and blend well with Adam. On video, the sound balance is usually off. Sometimes the out of tune audience singing along is mistaken for the backup singers. They both have lovely voices and are professionals. Watching/listening to Adam et al on a video on You Tube is a completely different experience and not to be confused with the real thing on stage. I haven't seen the dancers live, as they are here at the Bali concert with Adam, but suspect that would be a similar thing for me live: a blur. When I'm at a live event, my eyes NEVER leave Adam. Absolutely true fact. Try as I might, my eyes are GLUED!! Anything/anyone else is secondary. I suspect that if Adam was alone on stage, by himself, there would be those who would say that his show was too boring..too simple. The man can't win sometimes.

All that said, I absolutely agree, I hope he has a big enough budget in the future to step it up a bit. I eagerly await that day, but for now, I'd be more than happy to have another opportunity to go to a live Trespassing show, with whatever combination of band, singers, dancers, that Adam choses to bring along. Because when it comes down to it, I can't get enough of Live Adam....

Not criticizing or attacking, just giving my point of view. Since everyone else is :))))

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need a bigger budget to makes the changes suggested on this thread. Putting the singers off to the side and cutting the dancers is actually a budget cut.

Anonymous said...

He's not about to cut the dancers this tour.
The girls aren't great singers nor do they have the showmanship to do fillers for Adam. It wouldn't cost a penny for the band to jam while Adam changes.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I'm 9:52, just so you know with whom you are conversing. You're right in that the narrow view one sees in the vids is totally different than the actual show. I've seen Adam live several times, though not with Trespassing. I think Adam had hoped there would be a tour like GNT, but he recently said that it doesn't appear that will happen. So, with that in mind, I don't think he planned his performances with the detail he would have had there been an actual tour. He has already said he will move on to new material in 2013 because apparently radio didn't take to his music this time. I am thinking that he will go the route of producing singles instead of albums perhaps. But I digress. Basically, I am like you in that I would just rather watch Adam alone on stage than have the dancers and singers. In fact, I find a lot of that stuff distracting with any performer, but some HAVE to have them to cover up their own lack of talent. Adam is just too good to need anything extraneous. He could sing a cappella, and I would be mesmerized.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we will get the chance to see any videos of Adam's performance in Bali. It probably wasn't the kind of audience or occasion where people were taking videos of the show. All the comments here are based on one skit and that's it. I,too, am one individual who just wants to focus on Adam's singing. His vocal talent is just amazing. Sometimes dancers, backup singers, lasers,etc. just distract and are used if the performer is lip synching or is just not that great a singer at all. Obviously that is not Adam Lambert. As loyal fans so many of us are passionate about Adam and his career and just want the best for him so in our zeal we sometimes get carried away with comments and criticisms. Maybe he and his management team have to step back and take a look at where he wants his career to be in the future, what his next album will have as its focus and re-evaluate what works and doesnt work for him overall. The entire fanbase will never be totally satisfied no matter what the direction of Adam's career in the future. I just would like to see him be more successful and recognized for his superb talent and continue to enjoy happiness and love in his life.


Anonymous said...

You suspect Adam's fans would say Adam without his singers and dancers and other extraneous props not including a band would be boring? Really?
I think that's unfounded when it comes to Adam Lambert. We all know he's a talent, a natural performer, and anything but boring.

Anonymous said...

@8:48 AM,

Were u at the show??? See the whole thing ha? My Dear????

Hmmmm? Maybe? Maybe not???

Be honest???:)


Anonymous said...

The problem is that Johnny is not a very good dancer. If Adam replaced him, it would help a lot. But, I suspect, Adam is a very good friend. So there we are.

These on-of shows are not a tour. Adam has a bit of time to polish up his show before he hits the road in February and probably will.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, I was not speaking to this show specifically but to the Trespassing show in general. The first time I saw the singers and wigs and dancers in the forefront, I hoped they were just for that concert, but they are a part of every show. While no two shows of any performers are exactly alike, you get a taste of what the concerts are like. I've seen enough from pictures and a few videos to see that this show was no exception.

Anonymous said...

Hi glitzylady...anon 9:49 here... I understand your point of view on his vision etc. I think what happens is we all know Adam Lambert is sensational in every way and we believe in him but when we see him surrounded by less than equal talent and silly stage production we sink just a little because we (I) just hate to see him diminished in any it mediocre dancers and musicians or lack of airplay.. I will show my age here but I have listened to music from the 60's on and the absolute void of his level of talent is unbelievable. When hip hop came on the scene that is what has passed for talent...not Queen, Heart, Chicago, I could go on..pick your genre! You had to be able to sing! Ann Wilson or Peter Cetera didn't need backup dancers etc.. That is one of the reasons a large part of his fanbase is of my generation...starved for singers of that caliber. Thats what brings on the 'taking it too seriously' serious talent deprivation! aahh could be too we are so impatient to see him succeed because we know what we have here :)

Pan said...

From an adoring Glambert's point of view, you're right,2 back-up singers, 2 dancers, no lasers or other props can distract the viewers but only if the back up singers are continually waving their arms, are permanently moving around on a small, crowded stage, or worse as I saw for a few seconds in half a video from Bali, almost hid Adam's view. As for the dancers, let us remember how Terrance and Johnny were asked to do a little dancing.Before South Africa mini tour in an interview Adam was asked whether the show would also have dances. That was the starting point.This is pop, these are people's expectations and we all want Adam to be acknowledged the great singer he is not only by his loyal fans.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:06 said...
"aahh could be too we are so impatient to see him succeed because we know what we have here :)"

So eerily true...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:52 AM
Amen to that!! That Adam alone on a stage would be..and is..mesmerizing.

Yes, I suspect we'll get one-off concerts here and there, but Adam has pretty much said: no Tour. And his band alluded to that as well recently. Sadly. But I'm very excited about his new music and his mysterious "new projects.." :))))

By the way, an oft cited suggestion here: I would love to see you pick a "tag" so we would know when its you. :))

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:35 AM
I wasn't referring to all of Adam's fans when I said he might be criticized for having essentially a one man show. (I should have made that more clear: sorry..) I was suggesting that whatever Adam does, or doesn't do, he is criticized by someone, somewhere for doing the "wrong" thing. No matter what it is. I'm more than sure the majority of his fans, including myself, would be MORE than happy to listen to Adam sing acapella for an entire 20 song set. Or with a single acoustic guitar...or with just the band in the background. It would hark back to his Upright Cabaret days..Just Adam on a stool, and a piano. Or Adam dueting while singing "The Prayer" at the memorial for Yitzhak Rabin. Or singing The "Star Spangled Banner" in San Diego at the Naval Base during his visit home on Idol. Or his operatic song from Brigadoon in Texas way back when. So many fabulous and stunning moments with just his voice. But I also suspect Adam himself would prefer to have back up singers, dancers.... lasers, and as he has wistfully and enthusiastically mentioned in the past, pyrotechnics! Even here, we who appreciate his acoustic sets have been criticized on occasion for liking the unadorned voice. Sigh. That was all I was saying. As I've said elsewhere, and often :)), I'll take Adam anywhere, any time, with big production, or just him and his voice. One of my favorite performances/songs of his ever, was at his GNT's in Hawaii when he sang "Broken Open" with just Monte on guitar. Gorgeous and just Adam and his angelic voice. Brought tears to many an eye, for the sheer beauty of it. I was close enough to see the expressions on his face. Such a magical and unforgettable moment. And then too, the acoustic "Never Close Our Eyes", at the Bing Lounge, live and in public for the first time... It was great on video, and unbelievable in person. So yes, Adam alone: perfect.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:49 AM
I hear you on that! I might perhaps admit to being also a "child" of the 60's, and 70's ; ))))) (my first "real" concert was seeing "Chicago", when they were still called "CTA", back in the day (I was only 2 at the time of course..). (I also recently met and chatted with Roger Fisher, long time guitarist for Seattle-based "Heart at a small, private event, and who now lives a few miles from me: was I impressed and excited or WHAT? LOL! Yes, I was! Really nice guy and he can still play that guitar!!!) Some amazing (and now classic) music from that time. I suppose the "rub" here though is that more recently we.. ie the general public and music fans.. have come to expect more production..and slicker production, ala Lady G, etc..Because its pretty cool! and fun to watch..And not to forget, it matches Adam's theatrical side. And I also agree that we wish Adam to be seen in the best light possible. Every time. Because he deserves to be, and we wish him nothing but the best. And we wish him to be the best that he can be. I look forward to the day when that is completely possible for him. It'll happen. And IS happening...Era 3 coming up!

Anonymous said...

I think it is so true as someone said that we are so impatient to see Adam succeed because we know what we have here(anon 12:06pm). When I listen to all the garbage played on the radio ad nauseum or watch any of the music video countdown shows, or any reality show where current singers perform, I just cringe and think there is something wrong here. Untalenated, crass performers(not even singing live) often surrounded by half dressed dancers seem to be the norm visually. I watch some of the reality talent shows(The Voice, Idol, etc.) and again speculate as to how successful the winner/s will be. And then I do the comparison to Adam who is the best vocal talent in music today. He just set the bar so high for me, that I can't but help comparing others to him. They get the sales, radio play, the concert tours, etc. while Adam seems to have to fight every step of the way and appears to be more of an international star rather than accepted here at home. All I want, as do all of his devoted fans, is for him to be recognized, accepted, and supported for his amazing vocal talent and achieve the success and accolades he so rightfully deserves. Maybe 2013 and a new album will finally see that happen.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some of you bring down other current artists. That damages Adam's career as the radios think that his fans don't listen to radio so why should they play his music. I listen to my area Top 40 and HAC radios and I love most of the current artists. I buy their music and I go to their concerts as well. If you don't like them fine but don't bring them down cause they are great artists as well.

Please don't think by bringing down other artists you help Adam with his career cause you don't. Adam doesn't do that maybe you can learn from him if you call yourself his fans.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so far I've not actually said anything about the filler-skit. I think it's quite okay as a fill-in just so Adam could make a dash for an attire change. What happened was, I wasn't aware it was just a filler; and instead anticipated Adam would appear and make an unexpected grand entrance, wailing etc. because it was Kickin In, one of the main songs and a favourite of mine. So I waited right through for him to come in, but it didn't happen, so kind of left me a little 'confused'. Since the skit was also about a change of attire, my suggestion is Adam could have tied it in with his change. He could have 'reappeared' instead of letting the skit 'dangle', drift off. Then the skit might become more relevant and at the same time he gets his change done. Something like killing 2 birds with one stone. Perhaps many here might not feel so let down too. A smoother flow might have eased the transition of items. I also think people who pay this kind of money to be at a function, probably would have seen much, and may not view this skit with that much importance knowing it to be a filler. They knew what they came for...a top grade singer, Adam. But Kickin In being a favourite of mine...that was a kind of let down because when Adam sings it I always feel the kick a lot. lol! As a filler for this occasion, a popular Bali song might have been a better choice...hmm how about Bali Hai...that's a classic, so I think only Adam can pull that off convincingly, definitely not the group. :)


Anonymous said...

I also have followed Adam since before Idol been to several concerts love to hear & watch him.I do not like to watch Johnny dance gay straight black or white does not matter I have seen terrance in person dance he is excellent.I agree Adam does not need many on stage especially if it is small.The band & him are plenty.

Anonymous said...

It's a misconception that because this is "pop" or because Adam has a small budget that this is how it must be done. :(

Have you seen any of the following in concert?

The Script
Adam Levine

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my, Kickin' In is my favorite song too. I was really disappointed that it was sang by the background singers and not Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yea and when he sings...Can you feel it...Can you feel it kickin in, and honey, are you up there...his communication skills are right on the! As opposed to just singing it as a song. But Adam is quite liberal as far as art expression I'm not sure if he just allowed his group express it as they wanted it, thinking it's just a filler. It would be better though if it was more linked up to the concert. But in the end it still boils down to Adam's singing; so the several-minute skit wouldn't be significant. :)


Anonymous said...

2013 haiku

New Year has just begun
Ebb tide just to rise again
Ride the wave, stay safe


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