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The blurb about Adam Lambert hosting the VH1 Divas in new issue of EW (Entertainment Weekly)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 6, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 06, 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don't like it...come on VHI you can do better then that...what about Adam works his amazing VOCALS

Anonymous said...

Are there any intelligent people out there....get over the gay thing ...he is an singer

Anonymous said...

gee maybe they should hve used Adam's picture, ya think?

Anonymous said...

2:24 I think a EW person wrote this.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a cute blurb. It could have just as easily read Billy Joe Armstrong rocks the eyeliner. Besides, it's not the Adam Lambert show.

Anonymous said...

EW has never given Adam much respect. Ignorant for sure.

Anonymous said...

@2:47 PM
If I remember right, Entertainment Weekly put Adam on the cover when he was doing AI and the issue sold out.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a hell of a lot to do with the Diva show. Who going all over promoting it? Working with producer that followed him to Asia,who putting fashions together? Putting all duets together, fashion and the basic format of the entire show, Adam Lambert has much, much to do with this show! He will host and perform through entire show, he a lovely generous man who gives everybody he works with props! Much of this show has do, do with Adam and he deserved more than that from EW. Not so worried about that but a so called fan, making a remark it could have been billy joe Armstrong wearing eyeliner, anyway it's not the Adam Lambert show, he never said it was, but he has plenty to do with planning this show! And never sign their comments! Well I am not signing either. Very little support from this person,Not only time notice a real lack of support here!

Anonymous said...

I was so angry when I saw the blurb until I read these other comments and then I knew I wasn't alone. Idiots wrote this "blurb"!

Anonymous said...

By the way why would they say Billy joe Armstrong rocks eyeliner, I know that was just a name thrown out there, but no one else is helping plan this entire show, he the host not anybody else!

Anonymous said...

They've been talking about the eyeliner for 3 'straight' years now! Can't they move on...the rest of the globe has. Adam will be fantastic hosting that evening IF they give him camera time.

Anonymous said...

3;43 was that the one. Is America ready for a gay AI? No pressure.

Anonymous said...

I can only talk about what I know, and testify about what I see. Truth is I know nothing about how this article came about. What I see is a very, very, tiny article that says little. However I am grateful for a mention is this magazine. Thanks for the mention EW....Dorothy R.

Anonymous said...

Like most men are no longer to wear some form of earing in one or both ears, the same will be true down the road with eyeliner. Most will wear it in some form or another. Just a question of time. Adam and Billy and a few others are the precursors. They're paving the way for others but taking the heat while doing it.

Anonymous said...

yes on the snarky side for ssure.

Anonymous said...

Well at least they didn't say gay singer with eyeliner so I guess that a small progression. Ewwwwww EW ! The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side
I was just gonna post EWWWWWWW... you beat me to it, thanks!

GGD Gal, p.o.'d

Anonymous said...

What? Adam is the host, not the planner and producer. VH1 has people who do that. Where is your information from saying that Adam is "putting all duets together, fashion and the basic format of the entire show" and "no one else is helping plan this entire show"? That just sounds crazy.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure he will get camera time on this, he introducing all acts plus performing, so looking forward to it! Just saw his ad! Why would they advertise mainly Adam, they have advertised this for over a month and mainly Adam, up to now! Seen couple with others, but Adam there too! The way they talked Adam one of main planners on this show! I think you will see lots of Adam on this show, lots of good fashion to be had for all!! I was so happy for Adam. Pretty sure enough camera time, he had to introduce every single act, and also perform! They have ran lots of ad's with Adam in it!! I was looking so forward to this, and now just trying to down this! It's gonna be s great show be happy, looks to me Adam getting lots of creativeness on this show, I looking forward to it. Why start downing it, Adam getting camersa time, and the show gonna be great, thanks to Adam and other's! They run ads about Adam on show a lot!! Sue

Anonymous said...


Sauli wrote on his blog:

"Finally siippa is at home and life is smiling!"


Anonymous said...

Sue such a positive statement. I loved reading it. Lets try to keep our statements positive. Be happy for our Adam. We are on this train for the long haul, are we not? Wouldn't want to turn into a crabby fan base...Dorothy R. Glambert

Anonymous said...

EW is always snarky. it is what it is, it will always be!

more importantly, this is Adan's chance for exposure with the VERY VERY important older teens to 20's / 30's demographic, it is very important ... Eyes on the prize ... That also simply is what it is , which is VERY IMPORTANT

Adamluv said...

Typical EW snarky rude comments always about Adam. Dont forget this is the magazine with that horrid homophobic critique of TP, the album. We all complained loudly about the review since it wasnt about the music rather his sexual orientation. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much 5.28! My daughter as an operation, a day ahead of this on her neck! I may have to tape it here. Probably have to go help, she had 2 boys, young ones and I have been sick too! I will see it at her house somehow, and tape it here! Really looking forward to Adam at this Diva show so much, also Wendy Williams! Adam knows its important and will do a great job!

Anonymous said...

@ GGD nice to see Sauli's quote..."life is smiling".

Thanks again for B.D. rhyme! :)

Anonymous said...

5.49 was me Sue!

glitzylady said...

Well, I think I'm just going to enjoy the fact that he's going to be on the show..and that he got a mention as host.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the X Factor and Melanie Amaro (last year's winner) performed her new single. Anyway, I decided to look her up and found out that to date she has not released an album yet. I wonder why?
Anyway, Adam may not have received a Grammy nomination today but he has released two terrific albums and he is entertaining his fans in all parts of the world. He truly brings joy to my life and to millions of others. So it's all good and I'm over my disappointment and looking forward to the next chapter...........

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady I agree with you. This is the bad joke but they mentioned Adam as host. So, who cares about stupid comment.
Stop to complain, ladies. Adam has few appearances in US. But after all he has big tour and has recognition from whole entire world. Also, Adam has such a friend as Dr.Brian May.

Anonymous said...

6:43 stop to tell people what to do, ladies.

Anonymous said...

@6:49PM How come you are so aggressive? I wish everybody would in such a good mood like glitzylady. I think the fans as she is help Adam a lot. I just want everybody feel happy, this is a Holiday time. And Adam is gonna be busy for the next few months. Don't worry, be happy!

Anonymous said...

hello am I in Twilight Zone now?

Anonymous said...

OT Don't forget! NCOE was nominated in UK! England loves Adam!

Anonymous said...

7:28 was that some type of MP3 nom?

Anonymous said...

OOOOOH, someone tweeted to Adam "What makes you feel successful and he tweeted back"My Glamberts" Wow how can I keep loving him more and more. I know he truly means it because Adam is so real and honest. I feel all fuzzy inside now,so gonna get to sleep.

Anonymous said...

8:07 awww thanks for sharing that with the non twitter fans.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't wear any eyeliner this time so EW can eat thier snarky remarks. Geez You don't see them saying anything about the divas? they wouldn't dare!

Anonymous said...

Watched XFactor, didn't know that Kesha has sold 3 million albums.

Anonymous said...

Ke$sha really looks different I didn't even know that was her. I don't think she was singing but she had a good routine.

tess4ADAM said...

Is Cyndi L. the only one duet-ing with ADAM? I was hoping that maybe Kelly or Demi or Jordin would sing with him ... you know ... someone with a richer voice ... but that's just my preference ... nothing wrong with Cyndi ... but don't know much about her ... can't wait to watch the show!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

tess I think you are getting your shows mixed up. Demi, Jordin and Kelly are in the VH1DIVAS program.

Anonymous said...

Tess, here is the thing Adam is doing Saturday with Cyndi Lauper. Fingers crossed for some video ninjas in the audience.

Anonymous said...

I live in Idaho and have Direct TV. With 5 month old triplets, I don't have time to see if anyone has posted this info. Here Goes:

Wendy Williams: 11:00 am, Monday,12/10 on CW channel 2

VH1 Divas: 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Sunday12/16 on VH1 Channel 335

(My husband swears my hots for Adam gave us three for one) lol

Mom of trips in Middleton

Anonymous said...

11:12 wow thanks alot for posting all that info.Congrats on your trips,what a blessing. and your husband is

glitzylady said...

@Mom of trips in Middleton
Its amazing you have time to come here to read anything, let alone look back for something! LOL!

And re the Triplets:

#ItsAdamsFAULT ; ))))))))))))

And welcome!!! I'm a neighbor in WA....

Anonymous said...

7:14 how come you so stupid?

Anonymous said...

What was the Grammy nom?????

Anonymous said...

In that EW about the divas,Miley & Demi L weren't even mentioned...worse than the eyeliner thing about Adam.Lots of guys in rock,pop,country,etc.,also wear it..Even Elvis did

Anonymous said...

2.27 stop this crap, these people love Adam stop trying to cause trouble here! Kesha sold 3,000,000 of her first album I believe,she may have had one or two other albums, but her new album is just now out, in next week or so! Keshia I do not believe had been even nimatef once, for Grammy, she was up for best song tic toc, but I believe did not get nomination the year Adam was nominated! Not positive about that! Adam sold over 2 million of his first album, plus all he sold work wide sure Closr to that no. With second! Who cares he working his ass off and is popular world wide! Sue

Anonymous said...

How many of these grammy noms have sang with Queen and have a friend like Dr. Brian May . . .Oh how many could even sing those songs . . .