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The media is picking up on the 'Adam Lambert slams Les Miserables' story

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012


Adam Lambert has taken to his Twitter account to talk about his opinions on the film Les Miserables and has slammed director Tom Hooper‘s cast for “pretending to be singers”.


Les Miserables is doing big business at the box office, but Adam Lambert is one moviegoer who left the theater far from satisfied.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Media responses very fast on all Adam's critics! Always! Also, I think Adam likes put himself in trouble at the end of the year:) It's becoming some sort of tradition for him:D

Anonymous said...

Adam's right though. I watched the movie and Anne was the only good singer in it.

Anonymous said...

Adam did not slam the story or acting, he said and rightly so, that since it's a musical the singer's ability is of paramount studios used to know that!........JAK

Anonymous said...

he is not slamming the story.

Anonymous said...

Well, I love all the beautiful Les Miserables songs and if Adam thinks these songs are not being done justice to as they should be, due to "pretending" less qualified singers and the singing is "distracting" to him...I fully support what he feels and says. It stems from his perfectionist ideal in delivery and expression of songs and singing, which by any standard Adam is definitely in the top league. He is always true to his art and cannot but critique exactly he sees it...nothing wrong with that at all. In any case, he pointed out a lot of strong points in the film and good acting. He did not simply "slam" the film.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Media is exploding! They mentioned Adam's comment even in Indonesian web. Adam, what did you do with yourself?

funbunn40 said...

Adam is his usual honest self, giving his honest opinion with media picking it up and sensationalizing it. I don't totally agree with him, as there is no comparison between live theatre and a Hollywood musical. They're different mediums. The focus in live theatre always has to be the vocals and the exageration that accompanies every facet to powerfully connect to the theatre audience. I think that's where his professional training and experience lies supporting his opinion. Adam isn't wrong, but movies are geared to the general public with many more interested in special effects,acting,familiar actors and storyline, rather than vocal perfection. I think Anne Hathaway did a superb job, Russell Crowe not as powerful vocally as those I've seen in theatre performances. I've always seen Adam in the part of Marius, the handsome young officer and wish he had been given the part. He would have been ideal. I've seen Tom Jonas in that part and it was very forgettable. Adam would have lit up the screen! Just my opinion. Happy New Year everyone!! :)

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, what would we say if JLo danced in Nutcracker or Swan Lake? She is great dancer but deff can't do ballet! So, why somebody got excuse to produce opera whiteout real opera singers?

Anonymous said...

December 30 anonymous 7.05 pm...yeah, I guess it is downtime for journalists as this is holiday season... the tempo link (indonesian)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam gave a very honest personal opinion about a business we all know little about and this was his career. He has every right to his opinion. If some people don't like it, oh well. He is a perfectionist and it must have been very difficult to sit through the entire movie. Bravo for your honest critiques! Very few have balls as big as yours. Too afraid to hurt people's egos. ADAM RULES!!!

Anonymous said...

Why invite haters when you need more to connect?????

Anonymous said...

Just checked adam's twitter page- oh boy - here we go again Les mis is #1 in movies - have not seen it ( I would agree with Adam probalbly, but he doesn't need to vocalize on a major movie going on right now IMO BAD PR

Anonymous said...

Love this guys honesty. So real. Why can't there be more like him? Adam Lambert is a breath of fresh air in the midst of audio pollution...LB

Anonymous said...

Now we are talking about how many people really interested with our Rock God!!!!

Millions of people out there knows who Adam is and there's no denying about it..

When Adam praise other celebrities they ignore the positive but when it's negative, they are like Piranha ready to attack him in a split seconds indeed!!!

When Adam gives his strong opinion America is paying attention in a negative way specially the media!!!

What a crap journalism you have in your country!!!.....

I'm so glad that Adam s fierce and intelligent....:)

No one can deny now, how powerful Adam is in this business. He has the voice......


Anonymous said...

Don't know if this link has been offered yet, but I like it better than 3 others I came across.

Anonymous said...

Adam you right on track. Everyone is intitled to there own opinion. And also feedback. This is called Freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me? I don't understand! He is in paradise with his lover and they are watching movies and doing twitter parties. Get out on that beach and enjoy the moonlight. Take a walk, hold hands and just breathe in the beauty of Bali.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to post fast after seeing all the comment on just jared- (lots not good guys) OMG I love Adam ( so exciting) but this is a huge money musical (probably notthe smartest thing at this point)for him to voice tht opinion! i love it- and defended all the horrible comments on just jared. What I'm trying to say is adam if your lurking- we all love you you - but that probably wasn't the smartest thing you've evr done. Huge movie- huge producers ect- don't piss people off.

Anonymous said...

I love Matt Carter article

Anonymous said...

Has the director of Les Miserables ever made a musical...I don't think so. I only know of two films he directed, John Adams and The King's Speech. Very dramatic......JAK

Anonymous said...

I think what I find the most amazing through my 3 years of adam and everything he does is HOW the media picks up on every negative thing he does and runs with it!!!! Mind boggling_ They must think (hey this is a target and we will get him (it's new worthy) but when Adam touring around the world with no antics it's not worth coverig. So ad- Adam - I know you don't come to this blog buit if you do - we do love you!

Anonymous said...

9:00 the comments about Adam on JJ are never nice. Usually the same people changing their name many times. They have been caught in so many lies.

donnaw said...

Anonymous 9:00 i totally agree with you! This is a HUGE movie with HUGE stars and it isn't too smart to rock the boat and make enemy's in such a big business. We love your honesty but there's a time and a place for it! Sorry!!

Anonymous said...

There goes that being honest again. Everyone has an opinion but sometimes you need to keep things to yourself or aleast not air it out. You are in Bali with your love and have nothing better to do than this? Geez.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how the tweet conversation came about but knowing Adam, he is diplomatic and wouldn't have done it on purpose to aggravate people concerned. But if in the course of a conversation where he needed to express his views, then he either steps back and says, no comments or in this case he cannot; because he knows within himself, say if he had directed the vocal score, he'd probably focus a great deal more on making sure that it takes high priority, due to the fact it is fundamentally a musical, whether it be staged or as a movie. Also, by speaking up, he hopes to encourage future musical movies to bear that in mind. He did praise the "impressive" visual aspect of the film which however did not accredit enough weight / importance to the vocal score. I think Adam gave a wise and fair review of the film.


Anonymous said...

No matter how wise, how true and has his right to say so his opinion, it is obviously NOT THE RIGHT TIME. Let critics do it but it looks like trying hard to get attention to himself with a hidden agenda, a role for himself next time. Doesn't look good at all. Leaves a bad taste.

HK fan said...

Adam hasn't said anything that the critics haven't said, here's 2 as an example...


Anonymous said...

Whether Adam is making these critiques as an altruistic theatre geek or just to draw attention to himself, only Adam himself knows...or perhaps a little of both; but I'd strongly contend it's a lot more of the former. Bottom-line is he has definitely weighed the pros and cons carefully before critiquing on a big film and an established director. But no, it did not just pop out of his brain; he's a lot more seasoned now after having gone through much of the being downplayed / sidelined due to his straight-at-the-core directness. Also Adam is a risk taker.


HK fan said...

Eden Espinosa doesn't have a problem with him saying it


RT @EdenEspinosa: @adamlambert you weren't being negative. You were being honest

Anonymous said...

I cant beieve this. There are movies that i dont like. Does that make me a bad person? Adam must be the only person in the world that comments on a movie and gets in trouble for it. Thats just sad and wrong. And the fact that the media has made it worse than it sounds is ridiculous. But the worst and most disgraceful thing ive noticed is some of Adams fans are turning on him.

daydreamin said...

I think Adam is a force to be reconned with. He is entitled to his opinion and even though its a big movie I too wondered how the heck Russell Crow for one was going to pull off the singing and more importantly I did wonder what they were thinking when they cast some of these people.

I saw the play in London many years ago. Its hard to disagree with Adam. I think he will be even more respected in the long run and by those that matter.

glitzylady said...

I commented earlier about Adam's tweets re Les Miserables and since then of course, the media is apparently having a field day with what he said. Of course. And many of the comments on the articles are not kind to Adam. And others support him. Having had a little more time to digest and consider everything he said, I have a little more to add.

I have a son, very close in age to Adam, who also grew up with Les Miserables, the musical. We are theater fans, and that apparently rubbed off on our son, who was involved in Theater in High School, and retains a deep love of it today. (He's also an Adam Lambert fan BTW: He loves theatrical Adam). His favorite musical is Les Mis, and has been since he was in his early teens. We've seen it several times over the years. He knows the songs by heart and when he was still home with us, he loved to sing the parts if we were driving in the car (with me singing the female parts: thankfully Adam didn't have to listen to US!! EEK!!). He now has 2 daughters and they also sing along. Les Mis and its music AND vocals are rather "sacred" to him, as they are also apparently to Adam. My son has been eagerly looking forward to this movie version, and I have no doubt that Adam has as well. We haven't had the chance to see it yet, but are all looking forward to it. I'm sure its visually and emotionally stunning. I strongly suspect he will have some of the same things to say that Adam said. The only difference is that Adam is famous, my son is not, so what he might say will not be splashed all over the tabloids.

What I'm trying to say here is that Adam was attempting to share his feelings about something he holds very dear and has more than a bit of knowledge about. And he quite obviously would have done some things differently if he was casting the roles. There really is no right or wrong here, it's one man's honest opinion. We're all armchair critics from time to time...and as we've noted earlier here and there, the "official" movie critics have had similar things to say regarding the singing. The director has said he was going for a "realistic" feel with some of the vocals. That was his right as a director to make that decision, to focus on the acting, the emotion..and less emphasis on quality vocals. I do feel Adam has the right to say how he feels about that decision...

I truly do NOT believe he was #1 Trying to draw attention to himself #2 Suggesting that he should have been cast in the movie #3 Hoping that someone will take notice of his commentary and cast him in a future musical [although I would LOVE to see him in one..or more..of course!]. I have a little more faith in Adam's honesty and motives than that. I also do NOT believe that this is going to be a major problem for Adam in the future, for instance hurting his chances to get movie roles, as a few have said. Its not that deep..

I am of course somewhat dismayed, as some others are, that the media chooses to pick up only what they think will draw the headlines and stir up controversy, and not some of Adam's amazing and fabulous accomplishments, ie Queen, his Trespassing album, etc....but this is America, so what else is new...Controversy sells. Adam is Adam: what we see is what we get, there is no ulterior motive here, just honest critique....I wouldn't wish him to be any other way, than the honest and open man that he is. I'm also NOT saying he's perfect by any stretch: who is? This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

He has a perfect right to his opinion, people not even listening to what he actually said! He vigorously complemented A Hathaway, and they slammed him saying how they loved her, all he did was sing her praises. He had a right to his opinion there were plenty that agreed with him! Someone here said they took up for him, but then said he should have said anything! People always say it is not right time for him to express his opinion, when is it then the right time, he has the right like everyone else, why should he be on the chopping block for it. Just an excuse to slam him, that is all. Most people not even listening to what he saying! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't saying anything that hasn't already been said by the movie critics. The comments I've read in the movie reviews pretty much say the same thing.

It's ridiculous to say it's not the right time for Adam to express an opinion. Walking on eggshells isn't going to change anyone's opinion of him. And we all know he has said he would rather be himself than pretend to be something else just to get more fans.

Canadian, your media and jounalism in Canada is as crappy as it is in the US.

Anonymous said...

People seem to be reacting to the title and not the reality. It's not "all over the media," it's just on a couple of Hollywood and Idol sites so far. The Hollywood Reporter story calls Adam a stage veteran, mentioned everyone Adam praised in his tweets, and mentions he is fresh off of hosting VH1 Divas. It doesn't say anything negative about Adam at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam gives his honest no BS opinion
and I support him to the max because what he says is correct. it or not.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Adam makes a brilliant adopted Aussie. Says it as it is right down the line. Admirable trait!

Anonymous said...

Andy Cohen‏@BravoAndy
@adamlambert you are allowed to have a critical opinion of this or any movie don't hedge! People are too sensitive

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam..but, I must exercise my freedom of speech and say that it was just stupid of him to slam the singing in Les Mis..his remarks cannot possibly help his career..I belive he just thinks out loud sometimes and suffers a bit from "foot in mouth" disease..that said, even tho I have not seen the film, did find it curious that the actors chosen were not necessarily noted for their singing other words, I do agree with him..we'll see how this plays out for him..

glitzylady said...

Adam tweeted these not too long ago:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
So amped for tonight's show! #bali

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
OPINIONS!!! We all got em! Keep Calm and Discuss! :)

And THIS one!!! just now:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Im so thankful for my Glamberts this year! Without your Support, Energy and Joy, my endeavors would not have meant anything! 2013-MORE!!!

Anonymous said...

The producer of this movie obviously wanted the most suitable actors to be in this movie and he got it right, whether these actors are the best singers in the world or not. Of course, Adam is entitled to his opinion but a little filtering on his part would go a long way to helping him avoid harsh criticism, whether the criticism is warranted or not.

Anonymous said...

Singers don't necessarily make the best actors.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Les Mis. I bet it's epic!

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe is one of my favorite movie actors. Sure, he hasn't got the greatest singing voice but I'm interested in his acting ability, not his singing prowess. This is a film, not a theatre production and I'm glad the voices weren't tweaked. It makes the story seem more real. Adam is entitled to his opinion and everyone else is entitled to his/her opinion too.

Anonymous said...

The day Adam Lambert has an opinion and does express it truthfully is the day I become Miss America ..... Adam is always honest like it or not..... There are about a million things I love about Adam... his willingness to be honest .... and not give a crap what others think
Is one of my favorite qualities ....if more people were IIke him there would be a lot less BS in the world the way I agree with him... goning to musical where the actors aren't the best singers is like going to see a bunch if 80 year
old Chipendales ....what's the point.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

AS a singer who has trained for many years, I think Adam has a right to express himself. I will wait to see Les Miz when it comes out on DVD. I, personally,do not like musicals sung by non singers, Why shouldn't Adam express himself? Will it hurt his career? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that Adam is the best singer around these days.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was younger, if you hear America it means freedom!!!!!

Whatttttttttttttttttt????? I almost puke!!!! I just wanna visit but I'm not going to live there..........

It's full of BS that's why America is still in the dark.........

America is hopeless and it won't change at all... I don't care what u think of me but I'm not like u just suck it up and just follow the flow!!!

Adam is different from these other people in the business and he will stay longer because he speaks the truth and America is afraid of him...

Anonymous said...

@ 1:41 AM,

I disagree my dear and that's the truth!!:)

This is how we handle the conversation let's talk right???

Oops don't forget your name tag so that I know that you are talking with sense.:))))


Anonymous said...

Give me a break! I am a theatre freak, saw the play many years ago and just saw the film on Sunday. Russell Crowe was so bad that it ruined the film. His death scene is am embarrassment.

Adam gave praise where it was due: Ann Hathaway was great. Helena BC and Sacha BC were terrific, partly because their storyline is the only comic relief and partly because many of the other principles weren't that good.

I differ with him on one point: Amanda Seyfried was quite good as Cosette. Otherwise Adam was on the nose in his comments.

Yes, great actors can't always sing but I kept wishing that they had "sweetened" the singing by pre-recording (exactly what Adam asked.) That's what a good director does when he chooses actors over singers for one of the all-time "Big Singing" musicals.

MAYBE THAT'S WHY THE DIRECTOR DIDN'T GET A GG NOMINATION. In the end he failed the story and some of his actors big time.

BTW, Hugh Jackson was OK but after you have heard Colm Wilkinson sing that role?

Adam told the truth, maybe because he knows a lot of Broadway singer- actors who could actually have delivered that movie big time. No part in there for him so he is, disinterestedly, asking why, since the play had pre-sold this movie to so many people, did they choos so names over talent.

A fair question.

Anonymous said...

Adam has experience in stage musicals, so he does not something about theatrical singing even though he hasn't been in a movie. I think he makes valid points and has a right to his opinion, just like everyone else. Michael Phillips, film reviewer for the Chicago Tribune, put Les Miz on his "worst of 2012" list. I haven't seen it yet, but most likely will soon. Adam was clear in his opinion, but also gave praise for performances also. Of course, this whole hoopla is making a mountain out of a molehill. At least Adam has theater experience and has some cred to go with his opinion. I see no reason why he has to "keep it to himself."


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting the way some of the comments posted here are criticising Adam for giving his opinion which he has every right to do, yet some people here have been so quick to state their opinion while criticising Adam for exercising his right to do the same. Talk about double standards. At least Adam has the credentials and knowledge to know what he is talking about. These actors can't sing it's that simple, it's a musical, natural voices? Rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Some people are just looking for an excuse to slam Adam. Well, it won't work because Adam isn't afraid of them, he never shy's away from being honest and speaking the truth and that's what I admire so much about him.

Anonymous said...

Adam has every right to voice his opinion especially because he knows where of he speaks. This is not just someone mouthing off people - it is Adam Lambert the VOICE! I believe he said what he did because he truly cares about music and is definitely a perfectionist! Let's face it - music is his life's work and he built an entire career in musicals. How I would love to see Adam in such a part right now! Be brave producers and directors - Adam would never let you down! Adam Lambert I respect and love you so much!
Forever Fan,

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie, yet so I can't express an opinion about Adam's comments. However, I would like to know what performers he would have cast in those key roles. To me, Hugh Jackman is the consummate musical stage performer having had a one man show and also starred in the The Boy from OZ. I did not know that Anne Hathaway sang either. I saw the Broadway production years ago and to this day it is my favorite musical. Adam is entitled to his opinion since he has been musical stage performer and knows about the delivery of a song. And yes, why is it when Adam does something well, is praised for his performance with Queen, there is little or no publicity about it, but let him do or say something negative or critical, and the media jumps all over it? Adam seems to be one of the most honest individuals in the entertainment field today and I give me so much credit for expressing his opinion . I don't believe he is trying to grab attention for himself or that he wanted a role in the movie. 2013 is supposed to be the year of peace and harmony so let's try to keep it on that note rather than starting it with ridiculous arguments and comments about one person's views on a movie.

Anonymous said...

Loving the audacity of ADAM to express himself about something where he has the expertise.
Looking forward for anyone to say who does he think he is and dare him if he CAN sing every song from Les Miz! LOL!
That will be the day the ADAM LAMBERT phenomenon cannot be denied! Hahaha!
Wish someone stupid would ask . . .
Oh, GOD, let it happen!!!!


HK fan said...

@anon 4.20am
I don't really agree with your comment about the director wanted the best actors for the job....he wanted the biggest names for the roles for box office success (big names aren't always the best actors), but the name Les Miserables was a big enough draw by itself, so he could have used lesser known people with much better voices...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam, how I wish you had a filter (which you have stated many times that you lack). So many people in the US who don't know you will think you couldn't possibly know what you're talking about. "Who's this Lambert guy? Why is he saying Les Mis is bad?" When they do discover who you are, you'll be the gay laughing stock of American Idol losers. If you had a hard time selling yourself in America before this, it's gonna be really tough now. Adam, my favorite singer in all the world, Adam, sometimes it's best to roll with the punches until you have the props to pull off a critique. 2013 is gonna be a long hard year I'm afraid.

I have such a lump in my throat and an ache in the pit of my stomach and wonder why have I felt this way for you before? Sweet Adam, you're almost 31 and so talented. I hope for your sake it's not too late for you to look before you leap.GGPASS