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Updated Table of Adam Lambert's 2013 Overseas Non-Tour Tour!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 25, 2012



Anonymous said...

Lucky Japan and others, Merry Christmas to the one that really counts here, to me! Adam Lambert! Sue

Anonymous said...

And, we will keep the precious boy(s) in Helsinki!!! :)

Anonymous said...

9:41 am...indeed we are! So excited!! Love Adam and Sauli:)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to the Lambert family. Sauli also.

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam is enjoying some well-deserved R&R before his hectic early 2013 schedule. I wonder where he's off to after Helinski. Maybe back home to begin working on his 3rd album.

Anonymous said...

wow.... even more countries in Asia, with new ones like Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia.. and 4 dates in Eastern Europe... Hope Adam has time to visit those beautiful winter palaces in St Petersburg.

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly has a very busy schedule for the next several months. Asia seems to really appreciate and love him and so does eastern Europe. Hopefully we will get to see some of the vids from these concerts. We all need our daily dose of Adam Lambert into the new year. Very excited to hear about a third album for 2013. I wonder what the focus, style of music will be on this one. Maybe the third time is the charm and from it will come songs suitable for radio play that will become major hits for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a short tour for around 6 weeks in Febr-March. He has nothing scheduled (apart from Bali/Vietnam) for January until mid February.Can someone tell me why that is called "hectic" or "busy for several months"??

After the non-tour he will be probably back into the studio. I hope durig that time his management will get him some high-profile gigs - he needs to stay in the public eyes especially in the US.

senior fan said...

There are many artists who have become very wealthy from tours in Europe and Asia and not in USA. Thank goodness those countries appreciate Adam's beautiful voice and stage presence, they know talent from auto tune voices. Unfortunately USA audiences especially the youth want only plastic and artificial talent, however, these so called artist do not stay around too long.
Adam will be singing and I believe acting for years to come. Steady and growing from year to year.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, senior fan. Completely.