New Picture of Adam Lambert Last Night
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, August 18, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, August 18, 2013
VIA sparklep4nts:
Adam Lambert ha Saturday night post @weareescort @midnightmagicny show @cartercoyote @iamjarhead @chrnobyl
Adam Lambert ha Saturday night post @weareescort @midnightmagicny show @cartercoyote @iamjarhead @chrnobyl

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Hahah, I clicked on "show" and it's an AARP advertisement.
love the featured picture to the right. not so much the look we have had for a looong while, Bored. Yes I know my opinion is worthless to Adam.
wether you agree or not his glam self is not so glam now. I miss that and I feel he is not as individualistic as before. More bar fly less show pony. I'm sure I will eat these words someday.. I hope
I'm surprised to see Adam smoking.......
Yuk. Me too.
From all I hear, not a real cigarette. "Electronic". I'd be really surprised if it was real.
Perhaps Adam being a little "contrary" after all the comments about the vaporene pic. :)))))
Surely he is smoking only pure steam... yeah sure...
He's not smoking, it's vapor not nicotine and it's perfectly harmless, they come in different flavours with no smell at all or risk to people around him either, and good luck to him. Far better to see Adam using one of these than smoking harmful cigarettes, he's being sensible this way he protects his voice too.
The electronic cigs are very popular and as Adam said he's not using nicotine but even if he was, it's not the nicotine that causes harm it's the tar and all the other harmful chemicals in smoke that cause cancer. These electronic cigs are a great idea for anyone having trouble giving up in fact I'm very tempted to give them a try myself, I've heard many success stories.
Vaporene or not, my only concern is if he is insured. If he is not insured, then it's his call. I'm a fan of his until I die.
Vaporene is not smoke it's vapor so why does he need insurance? Adam's too sensible to take up smoking again, he tried when he was younger and said it was making him feel unwell, I think he's pretty smart and I really wish people would give him a bit more credit rather than automatically assuming the worst.
any kind of smoke- real or not real vaporenbe its affect your voice-lung- and etc. just be ehalthy adam bec. we want you for a a logn time-pls look after urself pls.
any kind of smoke goes into ur body-it affect your LUNGS ND WEAKEN UR BONES- BE HEALTHY ADAM LAMBERT DONT DO ANY TYPE OF SMOKING -
Adam is no dummy. He's won't do anything to compromise his voice.
my stomach dropped looking at this can we be sure exactly what he is smoking??? I know he said it was vaporene..I hope he isn't smoking cigarettes..I know first hand the damage they cause..Adam's voice is his money maker..don't fuck it up Adam!!!!
But why does someone need this harmless vaporene? Is it b/c it is "cool"? What are the good effects of it? Does it make the throat humid? Then it is good for a singer, is it? I know nothing.
11:14 AM
I don't like the pic either. Even if it is only some healthy electronic cigarette. They are usually used when someone tries to quit smoking. But Adam does not need it b/c of that. There must be some other reason. But I don't like the pic...
The vapour in these electronic cigs is exactly the same as as vapour used for people with asthma, my doctor suggested a vapouriser for my room at night and he also recommended electronic cigs for me to give up smoking because all you inhale is vapour nothing else, if anything it would be good for Adam's voice helping to prevent it from drying out. I suggest for anyone not sure try looking them up on google and you will see then how they work and understand that they are perfectly harmless.
You guys will justify ANYTHING Adam does.
11:14 AM I really think you should realise that Adam is 31 and if he is using these it's really none of our business, telling him not to fuck it up is really quiet insulting to Adam's intelligence.
You all seem to jump to conclusions without finding out the facts. Yes I justify what Adam does because I respect the fact that it's his life to live how he chooses and it's not up to anyone to insult him just because he dares to be different and not go along with the norm. Adam's not one for convention and I find that very refreshing. If you don't like his behaviour then go and follow someone more to you liking.
Adam is always surrounded by wannabe boyfriends waiting for their turn to get a bite of our precious boy.
I have 2 adult sons, I love them dearly but they are adults, I may not agree with every thing they do, but I respect them enough not to tell them how to live their lives, and if I did try to they would soon be quick to tell me not to. There are many things about me that they don't approve of either but again they do love me and respect my right to live my life my way and it's the same with Adam.
thank you 12:27 PM - some of these posters here are, to quote Adam.."just nuts"...
Why don't you ask him if you are so damn desperate to know. Just another thing to complain about. Everything Adam does these days gets him in trouble. Do you really think he is fucking stupid?
Why don't you ask him if you are so damn desperate to know. Just another thing to complain about. Everything Adam does these days gets him in trouble. Do you really think he is fucking stupid?
at 12:30 PM
Well it is true, isn't it?
As soon as the wannabes get some sort of connection with Adam, they start posting their Adam pics on their IG and like everything Adam posts.
Answer these questions for me. Would you stop a stranger in a street and tell him how to live his life. Would you want someone to tell you what and what not to do?
for anyone who wishes to believe that e-cigarettes are totally harmless, Google them, and you will find out differently...
11.48am. This might come as a shock but not every guy likes Adam or wants to be his boyfriend. He drinks like a fish, he smokes, he parties too much, he wastes his money on clothes, he screws up his relationships. Who would want that? The guy can't do anything right there days.
These days, you mean. Yup, total screw up.
@12:42 PM.. there you go - another idiotic post..Adam is not someone on the street (at least not to his fans)..we only show concern due to the fact that his amazing voice has thrilled us for over 4 yrs now and we want to keep the good times coming..and, yes, if I saw someone in the street that I felt was headed for disaster, I would warn them..and as for me, I appreciate constructive criticism
whoa 11:48 - tell us how you really feel..
Bullshit!! Concern? You guys act like you own him. Fans? What fans?
for you people who think it is okay to justify bad behaviour..I guess you agree that it was cool for Justin B. to pee into a mop bucket...and yes, if I had the chance I would tell him that that type of behaviour can only lead to the end of his career..
Why ANYONE thinks they have the right to make accusatory comments about Adam (or anyone besides themselves) is beyond me. Just because he is a celebrity, and in the public eye does not give you license to censure his behavior. He's an adult for christ-sake. Either enjoy ALL that is Adam or go the fuck away.
Life is about living, not bitching, whining and moaning over something/someone you have absolutely NO actual real-life connection to. JFC, wake up people and BE HAPPY, for Adam and for yourselves!!
hey, anon. at 1:03 PM..are you his fan??????
anyone with half a brain realizes that what is written here will never reach Adam, unless he chooses to read this blog - and if he is as smart as we know he his, he won't...we are just on here talking and commenting about him, sorta like an Adam social circle..People IT'S NOT THAT DEEP!!
Well said. I wish everyone could think like you.
those guys look like: oh Adam, pick me up, pleeez! LOL
Are you???
I am a smoker. I know it's bad for me but it does not mean I behave badly.
Shit. I'm glad I don't know any of you. I would be in serious trouble all the time. Lol
Life has it's challenges. I'm a realist too and I think realists are able to have fun. The delusional who live in a perfect fantasy world may not be so capable of having fun or it's fake fun.
@1:16 - my sainted mother smoked for 50 yrs before is not a slam to someone's character..but no one should is the leading cause of preventative death..I am fortunate that when I tried it at 16, it turned me off, and I never became addicted..
sometimes you have to indulge in a little fantasy to get away from the reality of life and all its' problems..I think of my love of Adam as my little fantasy..thinking of him brings me joy..
I was not in anyway trying to say that smoking is good. I am merely trying to state that it doesn't make someone a bad person.
@1:27 - sweetie, no one said you were..some of my favorite people are, or were smokers, including my two sons (one has quit and the other cut down alot)..
I don't smoke, but some of my friends do and they are healthier than me.
I mean it sounds like some of you live the life of the Stepford Wives. Good movie though.
Smoking does not make you a bad person, it makes you an idiot. Everyone knows that if you smoke you have a good chance to get lung cancer or emphysema I am not saying Adam is smoking anything other than what people are saying is harmless. But commenters on here are talking about cigarettes.
Thank you for putting my mind at ease.....i'm glad its not a real cigarette....i'd hate to see him destroy his voice...thanks for filling me in!!!
The Fox has really rattled the chicken coop.
Carry on chickies.
The crazy train is ready to roll..
This vapor smoking thing is a fad right now that will probably fade out in time. I don't think Adam will do anything to really adversely affect his voice. He's just doing this because it's the hot thing to do right now.
12:50. thanks for the report. As Adam's best friend, you have given us all the facts. Getting major gigs with big stars and getting a TV show gig sounds like "doing something right" to me. But then, I don't know him as well as you do.
My family went to the petting zoo at the state fair last night. While they were there one of the goats laid down and gave birth to 2 kids.
Even if you are not a smoker, secondhand smoke can cause lung and other cancers also. Personally I can't stand to be near anyone who smokes. Recently I left my aunt's house; she is a smoker still at 83. In my car on the way home, I reeked of clothes, my hair, everything. I vowed I wouldn't go back to visit her again unless we could sit outside. I was also surprised to see Adam smoking esp. because of his voice. But as most have said, he is an adult, it is his life and he will do what he wants. I don't like the stories about him being drunk or hungover that we read at times. If he's trying to establish his career in tv or other ventures, this kind of story doesn't bode well for him. And just because we express concern over the smoking or drinking does NOT mean we are crazy. Concerned might be a better word.
I wonder how much worrying shortens your life.
It never ceases to amaze me how so many immediately assume the worst about Adam.
How about moving to the thread above this one and leaving a nice comment about the Adam mention about "Shady" in the Nile Rogers Newsday article.. Only 7 comments on THAT one so far :(
No, no, let this all stay here in one place
@2:08 - LOVE IT!!!
@2:21 - I am an inveterate worrier myself..its just in the genes, I guess..knew a woman who worried over every little thing and lived to be 99!
@2:17 - I HATE to be around smoke myself..I warned my 2 granddaughters about smoking..and now they both smoke..not around me..cause anyone who knows me, knows that I will not tolerate it.. I wonder if Adam's mom has said anything to him about the smoking??? regardless of what he is smoking, it does not look classy (as it did in the 30's, 40's and 50's)
They are not telling the truth if they convinced Adam that these e-cigarettes are harmless. They do have nicotine in them , which you can be addicted to. They don't have the tar that other cigarettes have. But they are not just vapors, they do have some chemicals in them, the FDA has not approved them. Don't believe me, google e-cigarettes. Adam is taking a chance , which is not very smart. His insurance won't pay for any damages done to his voice, if they know he has been smoking these. I think when he has had a couple of drinks, he will try almost anything, if it looks like fun. He hates being teased about anything, which is why, in his own words he bought another car. The paps teased him for still driving the car he got from AI.
@2:33 Ok, thanks. It seems that worriers and also many smokers live a fairly long life.
Oh boy. If you want the truth people smoke weed in vaporizers and it is healthier than just smoking a joint. That's probably why he got one. It also eliminates that tell tale smell
Check out the gray tee shirt he was wearing the other day
It says how to roll a joint and the graphics are of that
I guess Adam has weed in his vaporizer. Bob Marley smoked weed and died of cancer at the age of 36. I don't believe that weed is any healthier than tobacco.
@2:38 - thanks for telling it like it is..and sorry for those who disagree, but as a fan, I do not wish to see Adam jeopardize his health or career..and as his fan, I am totally allowed to feel this way..
@2:54 - you prob just hit the nail on the head, cause he does like weed..he has made no bones about it..
I don't know what weed smells like. I have never seen any drugs and I have no interest in them. As a nonsmoker I sometimes like the smell of tobacco tbh. None of my smoker friends smell bad and they smoke only outside.
If that's not clingy as hell then I don't know what is.
"2:55" You hit the nail on the head and told it exactly like it is....thanks!
@3:17 - sorry, I just don't like the look of this fellow...nothing concrete, just a feeling..he just does not look "good enough" for Adam..
The reason why cannabis is not legalized is because researches show that cannabis users often move on to harder drugs. I don't think that is the case with tobacco smoking.
The clinging guy looks like he needs someone to take care of him and Adam is not a babysitter.
the precious pie is waiting ADAM. go get a bite!
Adam has come so far from what he started out after Idol and before that. it is a tribute to his fans to have stayed the course for his beautiful voice and his kindness. The hangers on and the distinct change in how he presents himself is annoying as a fan. He doesen't seem to get what got him noticed in the first place beside his was his look and sexy stage presence. ..Sutan, Tommy, Danielle seem like true friends the new crop of besties not so much(and not my business). I believe his Trespassing album was totally mismarketed by Adam and his label. The top 40 song was "Map". the rest was out of the range of what the radio plays again and again. No I am not an expert,but feel sad that half those songs we never heard. Glamnation may be over but he is still capable of that level of performance.
the band without Monte and Longineau and Isaac took a real hit
I believe his concerts would be packed always if he himself looked at his throwback Thursday photos. Frustrated but still here and probably always will be despite this rant.
Oh! Dear!:)
The Piranhas are back and making accusations again!!!!
Just give him a break and go away!!!:)
It's his problem not ours anyways!!
He is not an idiot to jeopardize his voice!!!
His mouth is the money maker!!!:)
The first @3:31 and 3:56, I agree with both of you. He looks a bit "shady" to me.
It is not just the voice that makes him money. It is his physical charisma. Gaga sells pure crap as does Katy Perry,but people like to look at what they will come up with physically. It is the whole package not just the voice.
Unbelievable. The story about Adam and Nile having dinner and music to work on has 12 comments and this one has 77. Adam is an adult and gets to do what he wants. I believe him when he said it was non-nicotine. I did google it to learn more and e cigs do come in varying levels of nicotine including zero. That is not smoke coming out of it, it is a vapor, like water vapor, from the liquid in the e cig. The liquid is what is flavored and what may contain the nicotine if you order that kind. There is a huge range of flavors from different fruit flavors to chocolate, mint, etc. The FDA only regulates them as a tobacco product even though there is no actual tobacco in them. Current testing is showing nicotine e cigs to be less harmful than traditional cigs. But every adult gets to make their own decisions in life, including Adam. I'm moving on to other things now and letting Adam do what he wants.
LOL, no comparison.
@ 4:57 PM,
Give it a rest will you!!:)????
It his problem not yours....
If u don't like what u see, go somewhere else please....:)
My guess is that Adam doesn't do vapor very often anyway, and he wouldn't do anything to hurt himself or his throat. Adam and his friends, old and new, are not like kids on the playground. They are grown-ups who choose to do many things with their lives, some together and some not. They make their own way, make their own money, have their own social lives. Adam has a lot of friends in many circles. BTW, I think Adam still has a great look and a sexy stage presence.
Seems like they are grown ups playing like kids. Yes, the e-cigarettes can have weed in them, it's popular because there is no odor of the tell tale smell of weed. Mixing drinking and weed cannot be good for a person.
Adam still wants to be part of the fun crowd, that he often talks about , that he missed in high school. He even complained that he wasn't having sex in high school, don't be surprised Adam, a lot of other kids didn't either. He sure is trying to make up for it now. Hope this is a phase, that he will out grow, and start acting his age. Nothing wrong with a bit of clubbing, everyone needs an outlet, but he goes overboard trying to make up for those lost years of his teens.
STFU you old hags and stop being so judgemental. Adam knows how to take care of his voice, without your help. Leave the guy alone and stop dissecting everything he does.
Oh really, how do some of you seem to know so much about weed in e cigs? Yet mix that comment with something else that shows how out of touch you are.
It's legal in my state.
Help! I think I rolled my eyes so hard they are stuck that way! I can barely see to type cyycxyzztrxxtycvuivyvtxrx
How many of you have grown children.......and do you tell them constantly what they should they listen and respect you for it? My children are 32 and 30 and I let them live their own lives, if they ask me for my opinion I will answer truthfully but avoid saying anything in a hurtful way.
So it always amazes me that some fans feel they can tell Adam what he should or shouldn't do!
What 5:49 PM said.
If that's you Uri, I hope you got a little relief putting in your two cents. People just don't know when to shut up. If it's not Uri, I apologize and transfer my support to whoever you are.
@6:21 PM It's not only amazing it's outrageous.
I'm 5:49 and I'm allysa and of course Adam's biggest fan. I have a daughter 31 years old and I never tell her what to do. Adam might not always be perfect, but I think he's pretty close. As fans we should give him our unconditional support. He may make some mistakes along the way, but that's the way you grow as a person.. Just don't judge !!!!!!!
2:54 I believe Bon Marley died from melanoma with metastasis to the brain. A cancer usually caused by sun damage to the skin.
OT, but thank god Adam never collaborated with Gaga. Her fans are monsters, to say the least.
@6:40 I know. Weed didn't cure him though.
6:42 you make a lot of sense.
Lol you ole ladies confusing fans talking on the Internet with your relationship to your child. Omg this is both hilarious and pathetic.
7:22 glad we could bring some emotion into your dull world of trolling lol
This isn't fans talking on the internet, this is judgemental people telling Adam what he should and shouldn't do again. And they probably do it to everybody in their lives and pass judgment on strangers they see.
Are you aware that adam isn't here granny? No one is telling him anything
For those loving fans here posting concerns about pot and cigs, just my two cents on the supject:
1) Watch WEED, Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports on CNN. Very informative, with new info on health benefits, and how it helps artists open up their creativity. SO interesting! Dr. Gupta has changed his mind about weed for those over 20-24 yrs old.
2} Adam used to smoke. Okay. If it's true he has insured his voice for millions (50?) he will take care of it, plus smoking causes insurance rates to skyrocket. I don't know if it applies to these special policies, but I'm sure Adam is aware of all things pertaining to the care of his voice.
I loved smoking and then I quit. But, if I feel like having a cigarette every five years at a party with old friends who still smoke, I will. I never think about it otherwise. Who cares aboutabout a smoke once in a blue moon? Life is to enjoy, and, keeping EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, we are adults that can make these decisions for ourselves.
Adam has told us these "smokes" are vapor related. Let's not sweat the small stuff. I trust he knows what he's doing with regards to night's out and WHATEVER he is smoking.
xo laura
8:46 oh duh he's not here? It doesn't sound like you are all here either.
Didn't Adam tweet that he wasn't smoking cig. rather a vaporene which is nicotine free vapor ecigarettes. They come in different flavors: chocolate, vanilla, peach, mocha, etc. maybe the vapor helps to condition and moisten his vocal chords.
The haters idiots are rampant on this website.
11:41 Right on! Exactly!
Granny 8:46, are you aware people are tweeting this to Adam and those who can't figure out how to tweet him use these comments to tell him what to do. If they didn't have a judgmental opinion they wouldn't bother commenting on it.
Granny 8:46, are you aware people are tweeting this to Adam and those who can't figure out how to tweet him use these comments to tell him what to do. If they didn't have a judgmental opinion they wouldn't bother commenting on it.
That pic of Adam with the "clinger" - Adam definitely goes for the same type of guy.
Smoking - I gave up after 42 years of smoking and I've been hungry ever since. The withdrawal symptoms are more acute than those from giving up alcohol - I know because I used to be a heavy drinker. I would never ever tell people to give up cigarettes and/or alcohol. Reformed addicts are the worst "preachers". It's entirely their business. Adam has said he gave up cigarettes years ago and whatever he's doing in this pic, it's his life - he's not a child.
People treat smokers like lepers, and the worst people are ex smokers themselves, their attitudes are disgusting to say the least. Anyone with any common sense knows that smoking is an addiction, the longer you smoke for and the number of cigarettes you smoke make it all that much harder to give them up, some people who have smoked for many years have tried everything from going cold turkey to the patches, lozenges and gum, without any success. From all reports I have read Electronic cigarettes have the highest success rate and in many cases have finally helped smokers to get over their addiction. I'd much prefer to see people using Electronic cigarettes rather than deadly tobacco. Adam is being very sensible, maybe he still gets the occasional urge to smoke but doesn't want to take any risks with his voice or health in general so it's great to see him using Electronic cigarettes. I do believe him when he say's he's not using nicotine, as they come both with or without, so the smoke you see Adam breathing out is nothing more than harmless water vapour. These Electronic cigarettes are a great way to overcome not just the physical addiction but also the phsycological addiction which can be far harder to deal with taking many years to overcome so next time you see someone using them at least have the decency to see that they are doing their very best to try and kick their addiction rather than handing out cruel, ignorant, hateful comments.
Why bother posting here as Anon about your Anon state?! LOL
1:00 AM
Who are you to talk, your comment is ignorant to say the least.
1:00 AM
Who are you to talk, your comment is ignorant to say the least.
Adan said not a cigarette, but vapor, most likely from E -cigarette, no tobacco.
The person who took the photo (you know the one that was actually there) confirmed in a comment under the photo that it was an e cigarette not a real one.
Everyone should post as if Adam and his parents ARE here.
I saw the comment from the person who took this pic. saying no nicotine only vapor ecig. Maybe the vapor helps to moisten his throat. He can't carry vaporizer all the time and this vapor ecig. is the closest thing to having vaporizer plus it comes in different flavors.
I saw the comment from the person who took this pic. saying no nicotine only vapor ecig. Maybe the vapor helps to moisten his throat. He can't carry vaporizer all the time and this vapor ecig. is the closest thing to having vaporizer plus it comes in different flavors.
The only flavor I get from my vaporizer is medicated Vicks.....JAK
@JAK Hahaha...they have the Vicks type vaporine too.
Just met Adam Lambert at our hotel while walking out to the pool. He is one nice guy
Please ignore my face but Adam lambert just walked into the hotel I'm staying at!
The girl that got her pic w A went up to him and said ARE U ADAM LAMBERT? He said YEAH! She said WHAT R U DOING HERE?
@12:49 PM
Wow! Thanx for posting here.
@12:49 PM
I'm thinking you're new here because you posted on the second screen. Please consider taking your post to the first screen at either the 1st or 2nd comment (so more people will see it). Many of us appreciate this kind of sharing but not many go beyond the first screen. I could copy and paste for you, but then you wouldn't know where to find it.
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