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Another Picture from Last Night at the Club

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 25, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 25, 2013

VIA zephiandanielle: The things my brother sends me! #brother #adamlambert #myfamily #latetxt


Anonymous said...

Thats not his brother.

Anonymous said...


No, that other guy is the brother of the person who tweeted. Tweeter is showing the text he sent.

Anonymous said...

You guys, if you haven't yet tuned in to UK's ENERGY radio, do it. They are playing Adam's songs and I am loving it!! Heard MAP, RUNNIN, KICKIN IN and UNDERNEATH at different times today. Their other music is also excellent. Love, love this radio station in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Adam has such big, beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

Can we stop with the pushing Energy radio in every single post?

HK fan said...

You know you do have the option of scrolling past comments you don't want to read.

Anonymous said...

I haven't tuned in yet ....thanks for reminding me was gonna listen on my day off but forgot....rose petal

Anonymous said...

When you meet Adam he looks you straight in the eye and he really makes an effort to listen to you, his eyes are truly beautiful, but he is also such a lovely person from within, there's nothing put on about him. I was literally shaking after meeting him it was an experience I'll never forget.

Anonymous said...

how come the dad is never to be seen ???

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with pushing this radio station, they are playing Adam a lot so bless them! energy Radio you rock, any one who wants to keep remaining everybody! When my contract comes up for renewal getting another phone with flash and whatever it takes to get this station in! That is I think any one who wants to remind us here should! Correction from above quote! Sue

Anonymous said...

It's great Energy is playing Adam but we don't need to know every single time they play one of his songs.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:48 pm

If you mean Adam's dad Eber, he does not live in LA so paps aren't chasing him. Leila is only seen when she is with Adam.