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Another Video: Warm welcome from Vietnamese Glamberts to Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM as WMA BEST MALE ARTIST (Click on the photo)!worlds-best-male-artist/c24k4

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM as WMA BEST ENTERTAINER (Click on the photo)!worlds-best-entertainer-of-the-year/c17uc

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

Anonymous said...

This welcome gladdens my heart. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is so respected and loved in Asia and the cities are only a few hours away from one another, by plane, making this very fertile / lucrative ground for Adam to gain a certain amount of monopoly of the music business in this Adam-embracing region. Yes Vietnam, Time for Miracles! :)


Anonymous said...

This will be a full-blown concert show, not the little private show in Bali. Should be great! The Vietnam fans are so excited! We should get some good videos from this one.


Anonymous said...

Adam might have hit the jackpot but doesn't know it yet! lol!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! See what I mean Adam about...hit the jackpot! 838 ! Happy New Year Timeslot! lol!


Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Vietnamese. I'm related to one, she's an absolute gem AND she's an Adam fan!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. Why can't we, US fans, do something like this in front of radio stations or parks or malls maybe people will pay attention.

Adam's international fans are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Back to Bali for just a minute. This is a wonderful review of his performance!

The Jakarta Post (Bali concert review):

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:35 PM
I posted the entire article/review earlier tonight on the next thread, in case someone cannot open the link :)) I hope EVERYONE reads it because its fabulous, and may ease a few minds here. Sound like a wonderful time was had by all!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic welcome from adorable fans in Vietnam. Adam truly has touched the hearts of so many throughout the whole world. I reckon many times we underestimate
what incredible strides Adam has made over the last year. He IS an international star. So glad Tommy gets to tour the world too.