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Because of Adam Lambert....

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

what a passionate fan.

glitzylady said...

I can pretty much say "Check" and "Yep.." to all of those statements.

Anonymous said...

We need more like you!

Magiclady said...

I am sitting here watching the Rose parade and looking at Adam websites (as I usually do while watching tv)and this pops up. It is amazing to me how passionate we all are regarding Adam, he truly has the power to bring people together and has made such a difference in my life. He makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

That's some heavy stuff. I thought I was bad. Hope Adam feels all the love. Your a great fan.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are not only passionate but loyal. Wonderful thoughts that are shared by all of Adams fans. The Dark Side.

Anonymous said...

This is just really beautiful. When I feel down I always turn to Adam's music and news of him. I criticize when I don't like something in act but I remain steadfastly loyal to a really beautiful hardworking

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year !!

Anonymous said...

Celebrated New years Eve at home holding a dinner party for my Galmbert friends! Not as OTT as the one we spent two years ago but wonderful, all the same.

Because of Adam I have met so many people. Some of them have become road trip buddies and very good friends. A shared passion and a common agreement to be a little bit OTT and out-there.

Without Adam, I would not have met and made so many friends.

Thank-you Adam.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of these statements. My life has changed completely since Adam Lambert graced the A.I. stage. He makes me smile and laugh and I love his music and his fabulous voice, it lifts me up when I am down. I have never before followed a singer so intently. I love him and wish him great success in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

@10:29 AM,

You are just bitter and hopeless human being for saying things that you maybe experienced from Cult Leaders somewhere??? I pity you!!!!


tess4ADAM said...

THANX! I really needed this after seeing/reading all the flak on the internet about that STUPID movie that I wouldn't even cross the street to see ... Les Miserables!! ADAM is worth 100x more to me ... THANX again!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I started my 1st day of the New 2013 Year with prayers for the world, for all mankind and all sinners, for family, relatives and loved ones, for ADAM and for all the Glamberts.
A blessed day everyday of 2013 to all here!

Anonymous said...

10.28 must have been removed did not see what it said, but if it was negative good bye, thank goodness! Have not heard about damn Clift thing no went over it, so taxes go up, think heard other day of they get settled in couple days they can go back, fix it or something I do not know, they had a year just crazy! Such nonsense to get up set about that stupid movie, me vet gave it a thought before this, thanks to Adam I am sure will help it he did nothing wrong, there all voicing there opinions because Adam famous he not allowed any , bull s--t, he did them a favor and said to go watch it for Ann H. It HJ, fans and RC, fans because it was obvious he was not Cushing about them but did not single anyone out except for praise, did not praise them because they were the main problem! He has his right and he qualified whether they like it or not! It will go away, may be a mention on tv maybe not, publicity, is good! This time next week ba a memory! So much to do over so little, don't tell me Adam not a power in this business, who actually has guts! Sue

Anonymous said...

That list can't be taken seriously. Otherwise it's scary.

Anonymous said...

@2:16PM Yes, I was referring to cult leader, because I doubt Adam wants to be one. They are usually marionettes.

Anonymous said...

I agree with list but I don't spend all my savings on Adam,
so I guess I'm scary

Anonymous said...


funbunn40 said...

I'm guessing that this list was what was given to Adam at the airport and if so, he must have been very touched.I certainly can identify with much on that list. Adam has a diverse fan base, each of us with our individual obsessions to varying degrees, all coming from a good place and not everything literally, some with wishful thinking and some having harmless fun fantasising, all making being a fan of Adam great fun.

funbunn40 said...

Oops! Forgot how to spell, above.