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Great Review of Adam Lambert's Bali Concert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Head over to The Jakarta Post HERE to read an awesome review of Adam Lambert's Live in Bali concert!

Adam's concert there was well received by the audience in Bali and the critics!


Anonymous said...

This is a really nice picture. Such a entertainer. Needed a biger stage. The drummer has such a nice smile. What is his name, anyone, can yoyu please tell me.

Anonymous said...

I eat humble pie.......for my earlier critique. sometimes you just have to be there

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic review of the Bali concert. I wish I could have been there. Adam is a great singer and entertainer and I'm glad the reviewer recognized that. Now if the US would only see his amazing talent right in front of their eyes!

Anonymous said...

9:28, the drummer is Rick Jordan. He is an accomplished musician and has worked with people such as Bebe and Cece Winans and Roberta Flack. I agree, he has a great smile.

9:30, thanks for admitting that.

tea said...

YES!!! Awesome Review!!!! Many Thank, Chris O’Connor. I hope all of us get to see more and more of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Always embrassing his theatrical side. Luv him for that

choons said...

Bringing back a hint of Glamnation - yay!

Anonymous said...

His theatrical side Is what makes him the killer performer he is! I absolutelyove that! I looked at that drummer he got a mick out of the huge reception Adam got, they got! Get used to it because much work in Asia in Febuary, you all are gonna get this kind of reception all over Asia! I really do like that drummer, he fits in well in that band, and a really good drummer! It takes more than good drummer you have to lightened up and enter act with the band, and Adam, he does that just right! I do. Or believe even GaGa or JB, or one bit bigger than Adam in Asia and he is by far the biggest idol there! Asia is a big market to be loved in!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Goes to show we cannot judge a book by its cover.
Unless we are there to experience a show in person, we don't know the reality is, only our perception from the photos or videos.
I'm glad our perception is proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

I love drummer Rick too. Engaging even in the background, smiley, happy, clearly gets the groove, accomplished musician part shows quite obviously, seems like a cool dude

Anonymous said...

I love drummer Rick too. Engaging even in the background, smiley, happy, clearly gets the groove, accomplished musician part shows quite obviously, seems like a cool dude

Anonymous said...

I so glad we can read a positive review from someone who was actuall there and felt the excitement and the incredible vibe that Adam created. His vocals were spot on, and he got the crowd really into it despite the rules of the venue. Good for him! He knows what a NYE show should be like. That little silly skit was just a brief moment in this whole show. It certainly didn't ruin anymore, at least according to the reviewer. Wish I could have been there! Love the reception Adam got at the airport in Vietnam. That show should be great. It's a big venue with a big crowd!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about typos. I just got SO excited!

Anonymous said...

What song was adam singing in that awesome picture?

Anonymous said...

There are many posters on this blog who should be very, very ashamed of the belittling, scorn and namme-calling that was thrown at Adam and his band, dancers and singers yesterday. You have no place calling yourselves Adam's fans, in my opinion. I am so disgusted, I will never read this blog again, and I think these non-fans should leave too. Adam works so frigging hard to enterain, and he does no deserve "fans" like you. Just FO.

Anonymous said...

Well I have to say I was not one of those, I knew that was nothing to compare the show to that little skit, which I thought was funny! The video's will never ever do his live performances any justice at all, ever as much as I love getting them, no comparison at all! Sue

Adamluv said...

Sending a plea to the universe that this pose be made into a poster I can buy and put up over my bed! YUMMY! YUMMY! YUMMY! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


You don't think it looks a little Liza Minnelli-ish?

Anonymous said...

Great shot and yes, I think 't looks a little Liza Minnelli-ish'.

Adamluv said...

Well, I have always liked Liza but dont think it looks like her in the least. As I said, have admired her talents for a long time but a picture of her over my bed? Let me think a moment. ............ NO! LOL. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping Adam is not planning on taking The Trespassing Tour featuring Johnny Rice to the US.
The US is not the climate for it and would fan the flames that flicker around Adam already. He could easily cook his chances to win over his own country. -o-

Anonymous said...

Yup Johnny would burst into flames in the US and there would be burnt rice all over the place. Not a good idea at all.