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"Mr. USA" and Gay Pittsburgh Rapper Troy Michael Smith wants a duet with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 28, 2013

Posted at : Monday, January 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

ok I see a pretty buff bod but how about the vocals Troy? lol nice he thought of our guy.

Anonymous said...

My dream is to get the famous bear hug from Adam and breathe his same air, but there are millions of fans who probably have the same dream, lol! Not cynical, just realistic about this Adam dream happening unless I can be relieved of my caregiving of mom duties. Alas, if Adam were to come to Seattle, we will M&G so we can both quaff this man's physical and spiritual air (Mom says in admiration of Adam's many gifts, "Binuhos lahat ng Dios sa kanya." translation: "God poured everything into him".) Again, the question from this otherwise grounded, level-headed, retiring grandmom, who is as proud of Adam as her own lovely progeny, what is it about Adam Lambert? "Let me count the ways"...atm

Anonymous said...

We would all like that bearhug, love has no orientation. Loving adam is as natural as breathing.

Anonymous said...


I got myself in big trouble last week in bible class at church. The old argument about which version of the bible was the true one came up. I simply said "none of these". I was pounced on by the King James purists so I casually mentioned that King James was a homosexual. That did it! No one likes to hear the truth. James was married for political reasons to produce an heir, but his great loves were men. Many men. I saw his tomb in Westminster abbey, he is buried between his 2great loves, the duke of Richmond and his beloved duke of buckingham, George. There are many letters he wrote addressing George as sweetheart and wife and signin himself as husband. I am now considered a scarlet woman. I am expecting the Westboro picketers on my lawn any day now. Why is it so hard for some Christians to accept science and history along with faith?

Anonymous said...

btw, I think you are right the WBC will be there shortly. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

I was worried for awhile after I sent a donation envelope back with a letter asking for funds to support destitute Catholic nuns.
I suggested that the Pope raid the treasure rooms in the Vatican which are filled with millions probably billions of dollars of treasures and have a yard sale to help those women who have given their lives to an organization where they are second class citizens. They could let them retire to a nice little condo in Palm Springs. My husband said The Inquisition would be after me, but I assume they just thought I was a crackpot, when actually I was dead serious.

Now, I'll admit I won't be pi##ing off any Scientologists, they do scare me!

Anonymous said...

OT - WWFM just came on the radio. YAY !!!

Anonymous said...

Are u a Filipina atm???

Anonymous said...

atm u still have a chance when Adam goes back to your country!!!:)

Don't missed it!!!

Anonymous said...

11.08 that was such a lovely post, the member of your family and yourself who spouted those beautiful things and true things about Adam, deserve that BEAR HUG from our Sweet Birth Day boy Adam, I sure hope it happens for you all some day!! Sue

daydreamin said...

@atm I truly, truly hope you get to fulfill your dream. I LOVE what your mom said about Adam! Now I know where your brilliant use of the English language comes from.

Anonymous said...


You will have your wish come true for GOD shall bless you for giving care for your mom.
My niece gave up everything (job, love life, any socializing) to attend to her mom who was wheelchair bound with MS and she's very prayerful.
After her mom passed away, blessings poured her way she could only dream of.
Lots of answered prayers and miracles in her life.
I was not surprised at all for she deserves everything good from above.
I know it will materialize for you as well.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Troy has a great body and a great voice!!!!!!!!!!!
I know him personally!!!!