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New (old) picture of Adam Lambert with a fan from Bali

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Lucky Fan!

Anonymous said...

Furry face is international...JAK

Anonymous said...

What a resort.!!

Anonymous said...

That resort is beautiful, I wouldn't mind taking a holiday in Bali, I've never been but it looks like a perfect place for it. Pity I couldn't be there to see Adam perform though. I'm so glad he received rave reviews, I'm sure they'll want to book him again.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's furry face, he looks so cute, the interview I read from Vietnam kept referring to him as being cute, their very excited to have him there.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous furry face here.